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Population density affects sex ratio variation in red deer.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Many mammal populations show significant deviations from an equal sex ratio at birth, but these effects are notoriously inconsistent. This may be because more than one mechanism affects the sex ratio and the action of these mechanisms depends on environmental conditions. Here we show that the adaptive relationship between maternal dominance and offspring sex ratio previously demonstrated in red deer (Cervus elaphus), where dominant females produced more males, disappeared at high population density. The proportion of males born each year declined with increasing population density and with winter rainfall, both of which are environmental variables associated with nutritional stress during pregnancy. These changes in the sex ratio corresponded to reductions in fecundity, suggesting that they were caused by differential fetal loss. In contrast, the earlier association with maternal dominance is presumed to have been generated pre-implantation. The effects of one source of variation superseded the other within about two generations. Comparison with other ungulate studies indicates that positive associations between maternal quality and the proportion of male offspring born have only been documented in populations below carrying capacity.  相似文献   

A new non-monotone fitness scaling for genetic algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The properties of selection operators in the genetic algorithm (GA) are studied in detail. It is indicated that the selection of operations is significant for both improving the general fitness of a population and leading to the schema deceptiveness. The stochastic searching characteristics of GA are compared with those of heuristic methods. The influence of selection operators on the GA' s exploration and exploitation is discussed, and the performance of selection operators is evaluated with the premature convergence of the GA taken as an example based on One-Max function. In order to overcome the schema deceptiveness of the GA, a new type of fitness scaling, non monotone scaling, is advanced to enhance the evolutionary ability of a population. The effectiveness of the new scaling method is tested by a trap function and a needle-in-haystack (NiH) function.  相似文献   

Rapid dwarfing of red deer on Jersey in the last interglacial   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A M Lister 《Nature》1989,342(6249):539-542
The dwarfing of large mammals on islands occurred repeatedly in the Pleistocene. Elephants, deer, hippopotami and other species became dwarfed on islands in Indonesia, the Mediterranean, the east Pacific and elsewhere. In most cases, the full-sized ancestral form can be recognized among the adjacent mainland fauna, but evolutionary rates cannot be estimated because the entry of the ancestor onto the island, and appearance of the dwarf form, are poorly dated. Here I give the first example in which the island dwarf is well dated, the full-sized ancestor is found in demonstrably older deposits on the island, and a good estimate can be made for the duration of the isolation leading to dwarfing. In the Last Interglacial, red deer on Jersey, Channel Islands, became reduced to one sixth of their body weight in less than six thousand years.  相似文献   

Roaring by red deer stags advances the date of oestrus in hinds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K McComb 《Nature》1987,330(6149):648-649
Some male mammals call loudly and repeatedly during the breeding season. Although the song of male birds is known to have effects on male-male competition, mate selection and ovulation, until now the loud calls of male mammals have been shown to affect only competition between males. Although it has been suggested that loud calling could also serve to attract females, the possibility that it has a direct effect on reproduction in females has not previously been investigated for any mammal. Here I report that roaring in red deer (Cervus elaphus) advances ovulation and that harem-holding males can improve their mating success by regular calling.  相似文献   

It is necessary to enhance the performance of interactive genetic algorithms in order to apply them to complicated optimization problems successfully. An adaptive interactive genetic algorithm with individual interval fitness is proposed in this paper in which an individual fitness is expressed by an interval. Through analyzing the fitness, information reflecting the distribution of an evolutionary population is picked up, namely, the difference of evaluating superior individuals and the difference of evaluating a population. Based on these, the adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation operators of an individual are presented. The algorithm proposed in this paper is applied to a fashion evolutionary design system, and the results show that it can find many satisfactory solutions per generation. The achievement of the paper provides a new approach to enhance the performance of interactive genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

Adaptive interactive genetic algorithms with individual interval fitness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is necessary to enhance the performance of interactive genetic algorithms in order to apply them to complicated optimization problems successfully. An adaptive interactive genetic algorithm with individual interval fitness is proposed in this paper in which an indi-vidual fitness is expressed by an interval. Through analyzing the fitness, information reflecting the distribution of an evolutionary population is picked up, namely, the difference of evaluating superior individuals and the difference of evaluating a population. Based on these, the adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation operators of an individual are presented. The algorithm proposed in this paper is applied to a fashion evolutionary design system, and the results show that it can find many satisfactory solutions per generation. The achievement of the paper provides a new approach to enhance the t~erformance of interactive genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of human senses within the normal range probably exists but usually cannot be investigated in detail for lack of appropriate methods. The study of subtle perceptual differences in red-green colour vision is feasible since both photopigment genotypes and psychophysical phenotypes can be assessed by sophisticated techniques. Red-green colour vision in humans is mediated by two different visual pigments: red (long-wavelength sensitive) and green (middle-wavelength sensitive). The apoproteins of these highly homologous photopigments are encoded by genes on the X chromosome. Colour matches of males with normal colour vision fall into two main groups that appear to be transmitted by X-linked inheritance. This difference in colour matching is likely to reflect small variations in the absorption maxima of visual pigments, suggesting the presence of two common variants of the red and/or green visual pigments that differ in spectral positioning. We report that a common single amino-acid polymorphism (62% Ser, 38% Ala) at residue 180 of the X-linked red visual pigment explains the finding of two major groups in the distribution of colour matching among males with normal colour vision.  相似文献   

Condition-dependent signalling of genetic variation in stalk-eyed flies   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
David P  Bjorksten T  Fowler K  Pomiankowski A 《Nature》2000,406(6792):186-188
Handicap models of sexual selection predict that male sexual ornaments have strong condition-dependent expression and this allows females to evaluate male genetic quality. A number of previous experiments have demonstrated heightened condition-dependence of sexual ornaments in response to environmental stress. Here we show that genetic variation underlies the response to environmental stress (variable food quality) of a sexual ornament (male eye span) in the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. Some male genotypes develop large eye span under all conditions, whereas other genotypes progressively reduce eye span as conditions deteriorate. Several non-sexual traits (female eye span, male and female wing length) also show genetic variation in condition-dependent expression, but their genetic response is entirely explained by scaling with body size. In contrast, the male sexual ornament still reveals genetic variation in the response to environmental stress after accounting for differences in body size. These results strongly support the hypothesis that female mate choice yields genetic benefits for offspring.  相似文献   

Wong GK  Liu B  Wang J  Zhang Y  Yang X  Zhang Z  Meng Q  Zhou J  Li D  Zhang J  Ni P  Li S  Ran L  Li H  Zhang J  Li R  Li S  Zheng H  Lin W  Li G  Wang X  Zhao W  Li J  Ye C  Dai M  Ruan J  Zhou Y  Li Y  He X  Zhang Y  Wang J  Huang X  Tong W  Chen J  Ye J  Chen C  Wei N  Li G  Dong L  Lan F  Sun Y  Zhang Z  Yang Z  Yu Y  Huang Y  He D  Xi Y  Wei D  Qi Q  Li W  Shi J  Wang M  Xie F  Wang J  Zhang X  Wang P  Zhao Y  Li N  Yang N  Dong W  Hu S  Zeng C  Zheng W  Hao B  Hillier LW  Yang SP  Warren WC  Wilson RK  Brandström M  Ellegren H  Crooijmans RP 《Nature》2004,432(7018):717-722
We describe a genetic variation map for the chicken genome containing 2.8 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This map is based on a comparison of the sequences of three domestic chicken breeds (a broiler, a layer and a Chinese silkie) with that of their wild ancestor, red jungle fowl. Subsequent experiments indicate that at least 90% of the variant sites are true SNPs, and at least 70% are common SNPs that segregate in many domestic breeds. Mean nucleotide diversity is about five SNPs per kilobase for almost every possible comparison between red jungle fowl and domestic lines, between two different domestic lines, and within domestic lines--in contrast to the notion that domestic animals are highly inbred relative to their wild ancestors. In fact, most of the SNPs originated before domestication, and there is little evidence of selective sweeps for adaptive alleles on length scales greater than 100 kilobases.  相似文献   

True HL  Lindquist SL 《Nature》2000,407(6803):477-483
A major enigma in evolutionary biology is that new forms or functions often require the concerted effects of several independent genetic changes. It is unclear how such changes might accumulate when they are likely to be deleterious individually and be lost by selective pressure. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae prion [PSI+] is an epigenetic modifier of the fidelity of translation termination, but its impact on yeast biology has been unclear. Here we show that [PSI+] provides the means to uncover hidden genetic variation and produce new heritable phenotypes. Moreover, in each of the seven genetic backgrounds tested, the constellation of phenotypes produced was unique. We propose that the epigenetic and metastable nature of [PSI+] inheritance allows yeast cells to exploit pre-existing genetic variation to thrive in fluctuating environments. Further, the capacity of [PSI+] to convert previously neutral genetic variation to a non-neutral state may facilitate the evolution of new traits.  相似文献   

Pawlowska TE  Taylor JW 《Nature》2004,427(6976):733-737
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Glomeromycota) are thought to be the oldest group of asexual multicellular organisms. They colonize the roots of most land plants, where they facilitate mineral uptake from the soil in exchange for plant-assimilated carbon. Cells of AM fungi contain hundreds of nuclei. Unusual polymorphism of ribosomal DNA observed in individual spores of AM fungi inspired a hypothesis that heterokaryosis--that is, the coexistence of many dissimilar nuclei in cells--occurs throughout the AM fungal life history. Here we report a genetic approach to test the hypothesis of heterokaryosis in AM fungi. Our study of the transmission of polymorphic genetic markers in natural isolates of Glomus etunicatum, coupled with direct amplification of rDNA from microdissected nuclei by polymerase chain reaction, supports the alternative hypothesis of homokaryosis, in which nuclei populating AM fungal individuals are genetically uniform. Intrasporal rDNA polymorphism contained in each nucleus signals a relaxation of concerted evolution, a recombination-driven process that is responsible for homogenizing rDNA repeats. Polyploid organization of glomeromycotan genomes could accommodate intranuclear rDNA polymorphism and buffer these apparently asexual organisms against the effects of accumulating mutations.  相似文献   

In order to determine the natural diet and food habitat use of Tarim red deer (Cervus elaphus yarkandensis), a study was carried out in Qiemo, Xinjiang , China from October 2000 to June 2001. Direct observation combined with faecal analysis method was used to determine the natural diet of red deer. 15 different species of plant were identified as food items. Among them, 13 species of plants were identified in winter diet and 9 species in summer. Red deer consumed a wider range of species in winter because of their nutrient requirement as well as the shortage of food and the scarcity of high-quality forage in the study area. Phragmites communis, Glycyrrhiza inflata and populus diversifolia were frequently present in the deer's diet whenever in winter and summer. Among them, Phragmites communis was the most abundant plant in the area and was included in the deer's diet. Observation on food selection frequency of captive Tarim red deer showed that Populus diversifolia was the first preferred species. However, this food was limited in the study area. Five food habitat types were found in the study area according to plant association: (1) Phragmites communis-Tamarix ramosissima association, (2) Tamarix ramosissima-Halostachys caspica association, (3) Tamarix ramosissima-Phragmites communis association, (4) Populus diversifoliaPhragmites communis association, (5) Burned area. Among them, Phragmites communis-Tamarix ramosissima association (reed meadow and reed marsh) was preferred to other types within the study area whenever in summer and winter. Dense reed cover could reduce the chance of detection from predator and obstruct attack from predator. Furthermore, under the cover of the reed, Tarim red deer was protected from direct solar radiation during the hours of hot day in summer. The reed meadow and marsh was preferred, presumably because the red deer could minimize their movements while searching for food, water and cover.  相似文献   

In order to determine the natural diet and food habitat use of Tarim red deer (Cervus elaphus yarkandensis), a study was carried out in Qiemo, Xinjiang , China from October 2000 to June 2001. Direct observation combined with faecal analysis method was used to determine the natural diet of red deer. 15 different species of plant were identified as food items. Among them, 13 species of plants were identified in winter diet and 9 species in summer. Red deer consumed a wider range of species in winter because of their nutrient requirement as well as the shortage of food and the scarcity of high-quality forage in the study area. Phragmites communis, Glycyrrhiza inflata and populus diversifo-lia were frequently present in the deer's diet whenever in winter and summer. Among them, Phragmites communis was the most abundant plant in the area and was included in the deer's diet. Observation on food selection frequency of captive Tarim red deer showed that Populus diversifolia was the first preferred species. However, this food was limited in the study area. Five food habitat types were found in the study area according to plant association: (1) Phragmites communis-Tamarix ramosissima association, (2) Tamarix ramosissima-Halostachys cas-pica association, (3) Tamarix ramosissima-Phragmites communis association, (4) Populus diversifolia-Phragmites communis association, (5) Burned area. Among them, Phragmites communis-Tamarix ramosissima association (reed meadow and reed marsh) was preferred to other types within the study area whenever in summer and winter. Dense reed cover could reduce the chance of detection from predator and obstruct attack from predator. Furthermore, under the cover of the reed, Tarim red deer was protected from direct solar radiation during the hours of hot day in summer. The reed meadow and marsh was preferred, presumably because the red deer could minimize their movements while searching for food, water and cover.  相似文献   

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