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Ichthyosis vulgaris (OMIM 146700) is the most common inherited disorder of keratinization and one of the most frequent single-gene disorders in humans. The most widely cited incidence figure is 1 in 250 based on a survey of 6,051 healthy English schoolchildren. We have identified homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations R501X and 2282del4 in the gene encoding filaggrin (FLG) as the cause of moderate or severe ichthyosis vulgaris in 15 kindreds. In addition, these mutations are semidominant; heterozygotes show a very mild phenotype with incomplete penetrance. The mutations show a combined allele frequency of approximately 4% in populations of European ancestry, explaining the high incidence of ichthyosis vulgaris. Profilaggrin is the major protein of keratohyalin granules in the epidermis. During terminal differentiation, it is cleaved into multiple filaggrin peptides that aggregate keratin filaments. The resultant matrix is cross-linked to form a major component of the cornified cell envelope. We find that loss or reduction of this major structural protein leads to varying degrees of impaired keratinization.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive osteopetrosis is usually associated with normal or elevated numbers of nonfunctional osteoclasts. Here we report mutations in the gene encoding RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor-KB ligand) in six individuals with autosomal recessive osteopetrosis whose bone biopsy specimens lacked osteoclasts. These individuals did not show any obvious defects in immunological parameters and could not be cured by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; however, exogenous RANKL induced formation of functional osteoclasts from their monocytes, suggesting that they could, theoretically, benefit from exogenous RANKL administration.  相似文献   

The secreted polypeptide noggin (encoded by the Nog gene) binds and inactivates members of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily of signalling proteins (TGFbeta-FMs), such as BMP4 (ref. 1). By diffusing through extracellular matrices more efficiently than TGFbeta-FMs, noggin may have a principal role in creating morphogenic gradients. During mouse embryogenesis, Nog is expressed at multiple sites, including developing bones. Nog-/- mice die at birth from multiple defects that include bony fusion of the appendicular skeleton. We have identified five dominant human NOG mutations in unrelated families segregating proximal symphalangism (SYM1; OMIM 185800) and a de novo mutation in a patient with unaffected parents. We also found a dominant NOG mutation in a family segregating multiple synostoses syndrome (SYNS1; OMIM 186500); both SYM1 and SYNS1 have multiple joint fusion as their principal feature. All seven NOG mutations alter evolutionarily conserved amino acid residues. The findings reported here confirm that NOG is essential for joint formation and suggest that NOG requirements during skeletogenesis differ between species and between specific skeletal elements within species.  相似文献   

Juvenile polyposis (JP; OMIM 174900) is an autosomal dominant gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyposis syndrome in which patients are at risk for developing gastrointestinal cancers. Previous studies have demonstrated a locus for JP mapping to 18q21.1 (ref. 3) and germline mutations in the homolog of the gene for mothers against decapentaplegic, Drosophila, (MADH4, also known as SMAD4) in several JP families. However, mutations in MADH4 are only present in a subset of JP cases, and although mutations in the gene for phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) have been described in a few families, undefined genetic heterogeneity remains. Using a genome-wide screen in four JP kindreds without germline mutations in MADH4 or PTEN, we identified linkage with markers from chromosome 10q22-23 (maximum lod score of 4.74, straight theta=0.00). We found no recombinants using markers developed from the vicinity of the gene for bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1A (BMPR1A), a serine-threonine kinase type I receptor involved in bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. Genomic sequencing of BMPR1A in each of these JP kindreds disclosed germline nonsense mutations in all affected kindred members but not in normal control individuals. These findings indicate involvement of an additional gene in the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily in the genesis of JP, and document an unanticipated function for BMP in colonic epithelial growth control.  相似文献   

Remodeling of the cytoskeleton is central to the modulation of cell shape and migration. Filamin A, encoded by the gene FLNA, is a widely expressed protein that regulates re-organization of the actin cytoskeleton by interacting with integrins, transmembrane receptor complexes and second messengers. We identified localized mutations in FLNA that conserve the reading frame and lead to a broad range of congenital malformations, affecting craniofacial structures, skeleton, brain, viscera and urogenital tract, in four X-linked human disorders: otopalatodigital syndrome types 1 (OPD1; OMIM 311300) and 2 (OPD2; OMIM 304120), frontometaphyseal dysplasia (FMD; OMIM 305620) and Melnick-Needles syndrome (MNS; OMIM 309350). Several mutations are recurrent, and all are clustered into four regions of the gene: the actin-binding domain and rod domain repeats 3, 10 and 14/15. Our findings contrast with previous observations that loss of function of FLNA is embryonic lethal in males but manifests in females as a localized neuronal migration disorder, called periventricular nodular heterotopia (PVNH; refs. 3-6). The patterns of mutation, X-chromosome inactivation and phenotypic manifestations in the newly described mutations indicate that they have gain-of-function effects, implicating filamin A in signaling pathways that mediate organogenesis in multiple systems during embryonic development.  相似文献   

A gene mutated in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B (CMT4B), an autosomal recessive demyelinating neuropathy with myelin outfoldings, has been mapped on chromosome 11q22. Using a positional-cloning strategy, we identified in unrelated CMT4B patients mutations occurring in the gene MTMR2, encoding myotubularin-related protein-2, a dual specificity phosphatase (DSP).  相似文献   

Tangier disease (TD) was first discovered nearly 40 years ago in two siblings living on Tangier Island. This autosomal co-dominant condition is characterized in the homozygous state by the absence of HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) from plasma, hepatosplenomegaly, peripheral neuropathy and frequently premature coronary artery disease (CAD). In heterozygotes, HDL-C levels are about one-half those of normal individuals. Impaired cholesterol efflux from macrophages leads to the presence of foam cells throughout the body, which may explain the increased risk of coronary heart disease in some TD families. We report here refining of our previous linkage of the TD gene to a 1-cM region between markers D9S271 and D9S1866 on chromosome 9q31, in which we found the gene encoding human ATP cassette-binding transporter 1 (ABC1). We also found a change in ABC1 expression level on cholesterol loading of phorbol ester-treated THP1 macrophages, substantiating the role of ABC1 in cholesterol efflux. We cloned the full-length cDNA and sequenced the gene in two unrelated families with four TD homozygotes. In the first pedigree, a 1-bp deletion in exon 13, resulting in truncation of the predicted protein to approximately one-fourth of its normal size, co-segregated with the disease phenotype. An in-frame insertion-deletion in exon 12 was found in the second family. Our findings indicate that defects in ABC1, encoding a member of the ABC transporter superfamily, are the cause of TD.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (AR LGMDs) are a genetically heterogeneous group of disorders that affect mainly the proximal musculature. There are eight genetically distinct forms of AR LGMD, LGMD 2A-H (refs 2-10), and the genetic lesions underlying these forms, except for LGMD 2G and 2H, have been identified. LGMD 2A and LGMD 2B are caused by mutations in the genes encoding calpain 3 (ref. 11) and dysferlin, respectively, and are usually associated with a mild phenotype. Mutations in the genes encoding gamma-(ref. 14), alpha-(ref. 5), beta-(refs 6,7) and delta (ref. 15)-sarcoglycans are responsible for LGMD 2C to 2F, respectively. Sarcoglycans, together with sarcospan, dystroglycans, syntrophins and dystrobrevin, constitute the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC). Patients with LGMD 2C-F predominantly have a severe clinical course. The LGMD 2G locus maps to a 3-cM interval in 17q11-12 in two Brazilian families with a relatively mild form of AR LGMD (ref. 9). To positionally clone the LGMD 2G gene, we constructed a physical map of the 17q11-12 region and refined its localization to an interval of 1.2 Mb. The gene encoding telethonin, a sarcomeric protein, lies within this candidate region. We have found that mutations in the telethonin gene cause LGMD 2G, identifying a new molecular mechanism for AR LGMD.  相似文献   

Inherited mutations of specific genes have elucidated the normal roles of the proteins they encode by relating specific mutations to particular phenotypes. But many potentially informative mutations in such genes are lethal early in development. Consequently, inherited mutations may not reflect all the functional roles of such proteins. Acquired, somatic defects should reflect a wider spectrum of mutations because they are not prone to negative selection in development. It has been difficult to identify such mutations so far, but microarray analysis provides a new opportunity to do so. Using this approach, we have shown that in individuals with myelodysplasia associated with alpha-thalassemia (ATMDS), somatic mutations of the gene encoding the chromatin remodeling factor ATRX cause an unexpectedly severe hematological phenotype compared with the wide spectrum of inherited mutations affecting this gene. These findings cast new light on this pleiotropic cofactor, which appears to be an essential component rather than a mere facilitator of globin gene expression.  相似文献   

Hartnup disorder (OMIM 234500) is an autosomal recessive abnormality of renal and gastrointestinal neutral amino acid transport noted for its clinical variability. We localized a gene causing Hartnup disorder to chromosome 5p15.33 and cloned a new gene, SLC6A19, in this region. SLC6A19 is a sodium-dependent and chloride-independent neutral amino acid transporter, expressed predominately in kidney and intestine, with properties of system B(0). We identified six mutations in SLC6A19 that cosegregated with disease in the predicted recessive manner, with most affected individuals being compound heterozygotes. The disease-causing mutations that we tested reduced neutral amino acid transport function in vitro. Population frequencies for the most common mutated SLC6A19 alleles are 0.007 for 517G --> A and 0.001 for 718C --> T. Our findings indicate that SLC6A19 is the long-sought gene that is mutated in Hartnup disorder; its identification provides the opportunity to examine the inconsistent multisystemic features of this disorder.  相似文献   

The gene products involved in mammalian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance and organization remain largely unknown. We report here a novel mitochondrial protein, Twinkle, with structural similarity to phage T7 gene 4 primase/helicase and other hexameric ring helicases. Twinkle colocalizes with mtDNA in mitochondrial nucleoids. Screening of the gene encoding Twinkle in individuals with autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (adPEO), associated with multiple mtDNA deletions, identified 11 different coding-region mutations co-segregating with the disorder in 12 adPEO pedigrees of various ethnic origins. The mutations cluster in a region of the protein proposed to be involved in subunit interactions. The function of Twinkle is inferred to be critical for lifetime maintenance of human mtDNA integrity.  相似文献   

Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with suppression-burst (EIEE), also known as Ohtahara syndrome, is one of the most severe and earliest forms of epilepsy. Using array-based comparative genomic hybridization, we found a de novo 2.0-Mb microdeletion at 9q33.3-q34.11 in a girl with EIEE. Mutation analysis of candidate genes mapped to the deletion revealed that four unrelated individuals with EIEE had heterozygous missense mutations in the gene encoding syntaxin binding protein 1 (STXBP1). STXBP1 (also known as MUNC18-1) is an evolutionally conserved neuronal Sec1/Munc-18 (SM) protein that is essential in synaptic vesicle release in several species. Circular dichroism melting experiments revealed that a mutant form of the protein was significantly thermolabile compared to wild type. Furthermore, binding of the mutant protein to syntaxin was impaired. These findings suggest that haploinsufficiency of STXBP1 causes EIEE.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) regulate cyclic nucleotide levels. Increased cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling has been associated with PRKAR1A or GNAS mutations and leads to adrenocortical tumors and Cushing syndrome. We investigated the genetic source of Cushing syndrome in individuals with adrenocortical hyperplasia that was not caused by known defects. We performed genome-wide SNP genotyping, including the adrenocortical tumor DNA. The region with the highest probability to harbor a susceptibility gene by loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and other analyses was 2q31-2q35. We identified mutations disrupting the expression of the PDE11A isoform-4 gene (PDE11A) in three kindreds. Tumor tissues showed 2q31-2q35 LOH, decreased protein expression and high cyclic nucleotide levels and cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation. PDE11A codes for a dual-specificity PDE that is expressed in adrenal cortex and is partially inhibited by tadalafil and other PDE inhibitors; its germline inactivation is associated with adrenocortical hyperplasia, suggesting another means by which dysregulation of cAMP signaling causes endocrine tumors.  相似文献   

We have identified nonsense mutations in the gene CDSN (encoding corneodesmosin) in three families suffering from hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp (HSS; OMIM 146520). CDSN, a glycoprotein expressed in the epidermis and inner root sheath (IRS) of hair follicles, is a keratinocyte adhesion molecule. Truncated CDSN aggregates were detected in the superficial dermis and at the periphery of hair follicles. Our findings suggest that CDSN is important in normal scalp hair physiology.  相似文献   

X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (XLCSNB) is characterized by impaired scotopic vision with associated ocular symptoms such as myopia, hyperopia, nystagmus and reduced visual acuity. Genetic mapping in families with XLCSNB revealed two different loci on the proximal short arm of the X chromosome. These two genetic subtypes can be distinguished on the basis of electroretinogram (ERG) responses and psychophysical testing as a complete (CSNB1) and an incomplete (CSNB2) form. The CSNB1 locus has been mapped to a 5-cM linkage interval in Xp11.4 (refs 2,5-7). Here we construct and analyse a contig between the markers DXS993 and DXS228, leading to the identification of a new gene mutated in CSNB1 patients. It is partially deleted in 3 families and mutation analysis in a further 21 families detected another 13 different mutations. This gene, designated NYX, encodes a protein of 481 amino acids (nyctalopin) and is expressed at low levels in tissues including retina, brain, testis and muscle. The predicted polypeptide is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored extracellular protein with 11 typical and 2 cysteine-rich, leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). This motif is important for protein-protein interactions and members of the LRR superfamily are involved in cell adhesion and axon guidance. Future functional analysis of nyctalopin might therefore give insight into the fine-regulation of cell-cell contacts in the retina.  相似文献   

Hajdu-Cheney syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant skeletal disorder with facial anomalies, osteoporosis and acro-osteolysis. We sequenced the exomes of six unrelated individuals with this syndrome and identified heterozygous nonsense and frameshift mutations in NOTCH2 in five of them. All mutations cluster to the last coding exon of the gene, suggesting that the mutant mRNA products escape nonsense-mediated decay and that the resulting truncated NOTCH2 proteins act in a gain-of-function manner.  相似文献   

Camurati-Engelmann disease (CED; MIM 131300), or progressive diaphyseal dysplasia, is a rare, sclerosing bone dysplasia inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Recently, the gene causing CED has been assigned to the chromosomal region 19q13 (refs 1-3). Because this region contains the gene encoding transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGFB1), an important mediator of bone remodelling, we evaluated TGFB1 as a candidate gene for causing CED.  相似文献   

Through exomic sequencing of ten hepatitis C virus (HCV)-associated hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) and subsequent evaluation of additional affected individuals, we discovered novel inactivating mutations of ARID2 in four major subtypes of HCC (HCV-associated HCC, hepatitis B virus (HBV)-associated HCC, alcohol-associated HCC and HCC with no known etiology). Notably, 18.2% of individuals with HCV-associated HCC in the United States and Europe harbored ARID2 inactivation mutations, suggesting that ARID2 is a tumor suppressor gene that is relatively commonly mutated in this tumor subtype.  相似文献   

Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome, or keratosis palmoplantaris with periodontopathia (PLS, MIM 245000), is an autosomal recessive disorder that is mainly ascertained by dentists because of the severe periodontitis that afflicts patients. Both the deciduous and permanent dentitions are affected, resulting in premature tooth loss. Palmoplantar keratosis, varying from mild psoriasiform scaly skin to overt hyperkeratosis, typically develops within the first three years of life. Keratosis also affects other sites such as elbows and knees. Most PLS patients display both periodontitis and hyperkeratosis. Some patients have only palmoplantar keratosis or periodontitis, and in rare individuals the periodontitis is mild and of late onset. The PLS locus has been mapped to chromosome 11q14-q21 (refs 7, 8, 9). Using homozygosity mapping in eight small consanguineous families, we have narrowed the candidate region to a 1.2-cM interval between D11S4082 and D11S931. The gene (CTSC) encoding the lysosomal protease cathepsin C (or dipeptidyl aminopeptidase I) lies within this interval. We defined the genomic structure of CTSC and found mutations in all eight families. In two of these families we used a functional assay to demonstrate an almost total loss of cathepsin C activity in PLS patients and reduced activity in obligate carriers.  相似文献   

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