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Neutron activation analysis after preconcentration of nickel sulfide fire assay was used in measurement of Ru, Ph, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt (i.e. PGE elements) and Au concentrations for basalt, mantle and granulite xenoliths in Hannuoba. The chondrite- and primitive mantle-normalized PGE patterns generally exhibit flat (for Iherzolite), negative slope (for harzburgite), and positive slope (for basic granulite and basalt). In addition, strong Ir negative anomaly occurs in basalt and granulite xenolith, and little negative anomaly also exists in Iherzolite xenolith in Hannuoba.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of CO-2, CO and CH-4 extracted by pyrolysis from spinel lherzolite and black pyroxenolite xenoliths in alkali basalt from Damaping has been measured with GC_MS. The results show that, at heating temperatures from 400 to 1 140℃, the δ 13C of CO-2 and CO is -22‰--27‰, and that of CH-4 -30‰--50‰. The data imply that the magma which was generated in the upper mantle by partial melting in the area has experienced the multistage degassing process, and the δ 13C values represent the carbon isotopic composition of CO-2, CO and CH-4 remaining in it, respectively.  相似文献   

安徽女山幔源橄榄岩捕虏体Re-Os 同位素地球化学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Re-Os同位素体系可以为研究大陆岩石圈地幔形成和演化提供重要制约.女山12个地幔橄榄岩全岩样品测得Re含量为19×10-12~306×10-12,Os含量为0.81×10-9~2.42×10-9,187Os/188Os比值为0.114 90~0.131 02,187Re/188Os比值为0.037~1.517.两个石榴子石-尖晶石二辉橄榄岩的Os同位素组成与原始上地幔(PUM)的现代值0.129 6相似,其余的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩、方辉橄榄岩,和角闪石、金云母-尖晶石二辉橄榄岩等的Os同位素组成都低于PUM现代值,Os同位素模式年龄为早元古代.实性和隐性地幔交代作用对女山幔源橄榄岩捕虏体的Os同位素组成没有明显影响.橄榄岩捕虏体代表的女山地区岩石圈地幔是元古代岩石圈地幔经过减薄作用后的残留部分.橄榄岩中Re-Os体系扰动是近期事件.  相似文献   

Fluid and melt inclusions in mantle xenoliths are thought as direct samples to study mantle liquids. Here we apply Raman mi- crospectroscopy and microthermometry to fluid/melt inclusions in lherzolite xenoliths in Qiaoshan basalts, a Miocene volcano in Linqu, Shandong Province, eastern China. These inclusions include (1) early CO2 fluid inclusions, (2) early carbonate melt inclu-sions, (3) late CO2 fluid inclusions, and (4) late silicate melt inclusions. Among the early CO2 fluid inclusions, most consist of...  相似文献   

In Tuoyun area of southwestern Tianshan, mantle and lower crust xenoliths are present in the volcanic rocks with ages of 101–123 Ma. Mantle xenoliths include mineral megacrysts such as kaersutite and pargasite, feldspar, biotite, and rare pyroxene and rock fragments such as perodotite, pyroxenite, amphibolite, and rare glimmerite. Lower crust xeno-liths are mainly banded and massive granulite. The volcanic rocks were produced by within-plate magmatism. Occurrence of hydrous and volatile mineral megacrysts, amphibolite, and some pyroxenite containing hydrous and volatile minerals indicates that mantle metasomatism was intense. Undoubtedly, this discovery is very important to understanding of the crust-mantle structure and geodynamic background in depth in southwestern Tianshan and geological correlation with adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Following the researches of helium isotopic compositions in mantle-derived xenoliths in eastern China,this study reported noble gas abundances and isotopic compositions of mantle-derived xenoliths from Kuandian of Liaoning Province, Huinan of Jilin Province and Hannuoba of Hebei Province. Compared with the middle ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and other continental areas, mantle-derived xenoliths in NE China are characterized by slightly low noble gas abundances, 3He/4He equivalent to or lower than that of MORB, 40Ar/36Ar lower than that of MORB, 38Ar/36Ar and Ne-Kr-Xe isotopic ratios equivalent to those of atmosphere. These results indicate the heterogeneity of subcontinentai lithospheric mantle beneath northeastern China, that is, a MORB reservoir-like mantle beneath Kuandian and an enriched/metasomatized mantle beneath Huinan. Low 40Ar/36Ar ratios in the three studied areas may imply that a subducted atmospheric component has been preserved in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle.``  相似文献   

长白山地区幔源捕虏体的硫化物相及其演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
长白山地区新生代玄武岩的一些层位广布地幔岩捕虏体,在其橄榄石、辉石等矿物内发现有较多的硫化物相,按产出特征可鉴别出3种类型,即早期硫化物颗粒、硫化物包裹体和裂隙中硫化物。硫化物包裹体可以单相硫化物、硫化物-硅酸盐熔体、CO2-硫化物-硅酸盐熔体形式存在。早期硫化物颗粒以磁黄铁矿为主,并发现有方黄铜矿;硫化物包裹体以镍黄铁矿为主,并有黄铜矿、硫铜铁矿出现;裂隙中硫化物均为镍黄铁矿,并具有比硫化物包裹体高的Ni/Fe和(Fe Ni)/S值。地幔岩中存在自早期硫化物颗粒、硫化物包裹体至裂隙硫化物,Ni/Fe和(Fe Ni)/S比值逐渐增加的规律。这种演化不仅受温度和压力制约,而且受Ni,Fe,Cu的地球化学特性和硫逸度的控制。  相似文献   

Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic characteristics of granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Han-nuoba Basalts in five-dimensional space are studied. Combined with the distribution of xenoliths, it is suggested that the isotopic relationship between various xenoliths can be well explained by the processes of delamination.  相似文献   

Granulite xenoliths are important samples for understanding the forming and evolution of the crust. The granulite xenoliths enclosed in Cenozoic basalt of Hannuoba, Hebei Province, China, contain four types of sulfide assemblages: isolate rotundity enclosed sulfides, intergranular sulfides between minerals, secondary sulfide inclusions ranging in linear, and fissure-filling sulfides. Electron microprobe analysis shows that the components of sulfides are Ni-poor pyrrhotite with the molar ratios of (Ni+Co+Cu)/Fe less than 0.2. The molar ratios of (Fe+Cu+Co+Ni)/S are less than 0.875 of normal pyrrhotite, and are less than those of mantle xenoliths, reflecting a sulfur-saturated environment. Pyrrhotite in various occurrences contains some Au and Ag, with the averages of 0.19wt%-0.22wt% Au and 0.01wt%-0.02wt% Ag, showing the gold mineralization related to the granulitization of low crust. Ni, Co and Cu have a normal correlation with S in pyrrhotite, indicating that heavy metal elements have a same source similar to sulfur because of the degasification of upper mantle.  相似文献   

The extremely low Ti content (160–245 μg/g) in clinopyroxene in some spinel peridotites from Qilin, South China is indicative of high degree of partial melting, inconsistent with their relatively high clinopyroxene modes (7.4%–12.4%). These clinopyroxenes show fractionated HREE patterns ((Gd/Yb)n<0.2), suggesting the involvement of garnet in the melting regime. These REE patterns can be modeled as residues of 22%–23% fractional melting from a primitive mantle, first in garnet stability field (12%) then continuing in spinel stability field (10%–11%) after breakdown of garnet to pyroxenes and spinel. Such a polybaric melting suggests the lithospheric thinning and rapid mantle upwelling in south China during the Cenozoic. This is consistent with the dominant MORB-OIB isotopic signature and high thermal gradient of the lithospheric mantle in this region, and supports the contention that the formation of South China Sea basin is related to southward migration of continental lithosphere extension, rather than passive back-arc basin.  相似文献   

Lithospheric thinning in East China attracts much attention of geologists. In many cases where a lithospheric thinning is inferred, the trigger for instability is a preced-ing episode of crustal thickening by the continental colli-sion[1]. Lithospheric processes (e.g. lithospheric thinning) could be recorded by the thermal history of the lower crustal and upper mantle xenoliths. Xu et al.[2] suggested that the cooling (from >1200 to 850℃) recorded by spinel harzburgite from Northeast China …  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that the Mesozoic litho- spheric thinning in North China was diachronous with that in west to the Taihangshan gravity lineament being later than in the eastern part of the North China Cra- ton[1―3]. During the Cenozoic, lithospher…  相似文献   

In situ Re-Os isotopes of sulfides in peridotitic xenoliths from Cenozoic Hannuoba basalts were analyzed by LAM-MC-ICPMS. The suifides developed two types of occurrences including silicate-enclosed and interstitial. In the enclosed sulfides, 187Os/188Os vary from 0.1124 to 0.1362 and 187Re/188Os from 0.0026 to 1.8027. In the interstitial ones, 187Os/188Os have a range from 0.1174 to 0.1354 and 187Re/188Os from 0.0365 to 1.4469. The oldest age, calculated by TRD for the enclosed sulfides, is 2.1 Ga. An isochron age of 2.3±1.2 Ga is obtained by five grains of enclosed sulfides and primitive mantle. The sulfides used have lower Re-Os isotopic ratio than primitive mantle. Meanwhile, an isochron age of 645±225 Ma is given by all in- terstitial sulfides and the enclosed sulfides with higher Re-Os isotopic ratio due to Re addition after man- tle formation. In addition, the model age of 1.3 Ga recorded by one interstitial sulfide, having similar TDM and TRD, should be meaningful to deep thermal event. The coexistence of different ages, revealed by in situ Re-Os isotope, indicates frequently-occurring mantle events beneath Hannuoba area.  相似文献   

Studies of mantle xenoliths hosted in both the Cenozoic alkali basalt and the Early Paleozoic kimberlite suggest that part of the subcontinental lithosphere as thick as more than 100 km has been lost from the Early Paleozoic to Cenozoic[1—8]. Neither the scale and mechanism nor the accurate timing of the lithospheric thinning has been precisely constrained[7-12]. One of the reasons for this is that there are only a few Mesozoic basalts cropped out, especially, few containing mantle-derived …  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the early phase of fluid inclusions which occur in residual olivines in harzburgite from the Yushigou ophiolitic mantle peridotite, the North Qilian Mountains. Components of these inclusions, analyzed by micro laser Raman spectroscopy, are dominantly CH, (70%–95%) with minor H2, N2, H2S, CO2,C2H4, C2H6, and C3H6 but there are no H2O,CO and SO2. The highly CH4-rich fluid was probably derived from an ancient deep mantle. This discovery plays an important role in all-round understanding of the fluid property of the upper mantle, especially the ancient oceanic upper mantle.  相似文献   

A few texturally-zoned garnets were found in a polymict peridotite (JJG1414) from the Cretaceous kimberlite, Kimberley, South Africa. The systematic analyses of electron and ion microprobe as well as laser fluorination technique reveal the existencal of marked elemental and oxygen isotopic zonation in these garnets, corresponding to the textural zonation. The rims are normally enriched in Ca, Ti, Cr, LREE, Sr, Nb, and depleted in Mg, Al and18O. It is demonstrated that these garnets were infiltrated by melts/fluids, probably representing the disequilibrated products of fluid-assisted mantle deformation.  相似文献   

Zircon chronology and REE geochemistry of granulite xenolith at Hannuoba   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The lower crustal xenolith of mafic two-pyroxene granulite (the majority) and hypersthene granulite in the Cenozoic basalt at Hannuoba have the characteristics of igneous blastic structure and granulite facies metamorphic recrystallization. Study on the zircon chronology and REE geochemistry of granulite xenolith shows that the underplating of basic magma into the lower crust during late Mesozoic led to the formation of mafic accumulate, which further through metamorphism of granulite facies formed the high-density and high-velocity crustal bottom layer at the lower crust. This suggests that the underplating of mantle magma is the important way for the vertical overgrowth of continental crust since the Phanerozoic and provides new evidence for crust-mantle interaction.  相似文献   

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