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Summary Administration of ascorbic acid in toad during breeding season results an increase in melanin pigments in skin, liver and vocal sac.Acknowledgment. The authors' thanks are due to Prof.C. Deb, Head of the Department of Physiology, Calcutta University, for encouragements.  相似文献   

Administration of ascorbic acid in toad during breeding season results an increase in melanin pigments in skin, liver and vocal sac.  相似文献   

Summary Injection of cadmium chloride in a toad increases both the 5-3-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase and 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities in Bidder's organ.  相似文献   

Injection of cadmium chloride in a toad increases both the delta 5-3 beta-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities in Bidder's organ.  相似文献   

Résumé On a trouvé que la fonction du testicule et la concentration de l'acide ascorbique dans cette glande ont été augmentées chez les crapauds exposés à la chaleur.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis kompensatorischen Wachstums des nach einseitiger Kastration verbleibenden Hodens bei indischer Krötenart (Bufo melanostictus (Schn)). Zunahme von Gewicht, Grösse und Spermienzahl.  相似文献   

Résumé L'électroencephalogramme des grenouilles qui ont été exposées à 48°C pendant 8 jours durant la nonhibernation révéla une extrême «low voltage fast activity» avec une absence complète de la «high voltage slow activity» (HVSA). L'hibernation (à 58°C pendant 8 jours) montra un HVSA irrégulier à régulier avec 100% d'augmentation en longuer et quelques méchanismes corticaut et subcorticaux restent actifs même lors d'une prolongation de la chaleur.  相似文献   

Summary Glycosidases like sialidase,-galactosidase, -L-fucosidase, N-acetyl hexosaminidase and proteases were detected in toad testis. Neuraminic acid aldolase activity was also detected. The enzyme activities were found to vary as production of spermatozoa varied. All enzymes, except N-acetyl glucosaminidase, were shown to decrease after injection of toad pituitary extract and they were also found to be absent from testis containing no spermatozoa. The glycosidases were found to act on toad oviduct jelly and they may therefore be involved in the degradation of the jelly after fertilization, into smaller bits, which may be utilized as nutrients by the fertilized zygote.Acknowledgment. We thank Prof. T.R. Ramaiah, Head of the Department of Biochemistry, University of Mysore, for his help. We also acknowledge the financial assistance of University Grants Commission to one of us (MS) and CSIR through a grant No. 9 (165)83/EMR-II to HSS. Please address all correspondence to H.S. Seshadri.  相似文献   

Riassunto Un prolungato trattamento con tetracloruro di carbonio, tale da indurre una grave cirrosi epatica, determina una diminuzione degli acidi grassi più insaturi (acido arachidonico ed acido docosaexenoico) dei fosfolipidi dei microsomi di fegato di ratto. L'ipotesi che tale diminuzione sia dovuta ad una parziale distruzione di questi acidi grassi attraverso un processo di perossidazione lipidica indotto dal CCl4, è avvalorata dalla presenza, nei lipidi microsomiali, di una banda di assorbimento caratteristica dei «dieni coniugati».  相似文献   

Summary A simple and modified dorsal approach method has been made in the toad's (Bufo melanostictus) sciatic gastrocnemius nerve-musle preparation. This method incurs less blood loss, time consumption, nerve damage and visceral spoil compared to conventional ventral approach method.  相似文献   

Summary Specimens of the green toad,Bufo viridis, from Morocco to Kirgizistan, have identical DNA amounts per erythrocyte nucleus. 1 specimen from Kirgizistan is a tetraploid. Of 3 closely related species,B. calamita andB. brongersmai have about the same DNA amount asB. viridis, whileB. latastii from Afghanistan has 36% more DNA per nucleus.  相似文献   

Riassunto Dopo avvelenamento acuto di ratti con CCl4 somministrato con dose singola per via orale l'incorporazione in vivo di P32 nei fosfolipidi del fegato è alterata precocemente. A 80 min dalla somministrazione del tossico si osserva un forte aumento delle P32-lisolecitine, mentre risulta bloccata la sintesi di acido fosfatidico.  相似文献   

A simple and modified dorsal approach method has been made in the toad's (Bufo melanostictus) sciatic gastrocnemius nerve-muscle preparation. This method incurs less blood loss, time consumption, nerve damage and visceral spoil compared to conventional ventral approach method.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass CCl4 (Carbontetrachloride) nicht nur eine hepatotoxische Wirkung besitzt, sondern offenbar auch eine endokrine Komponente, die wahrscheinlich an der Hypophyse angreift.  相似文献   

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