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Secondary sexual characteristics are features that appear at sexual maturity and distinguish the two sexes of a species. They are readily observed and studied in living animals, but the phenomenon is rather more difficult to identify in fossil taxa. Here we report a new sexually dimorphic stem-neopterygian fish, Venusichthys comptus gen. et sp. nov., based on 30 exceptionally well-preserved specimens from the Middle Triassic(Pelsonian, Anisian)Luoping Lagersta¨tte of eastern Yunnan, China. The discovery represents the oldest known secondary sexual characteristics in Neopterygii. These characteristics,including pointed tubercles on cranial bones, scales and fins, and hook-like contact organ anterior to the anal fin,have three inferred primary functions: maintenance of body contact between the sexes during prespawning behavior or spawning; stimulation of the females during breeding; and defense of nests and territories. Lacking a specialized anal fin in the presumed males, Venusichthys would likely have a different reproductive strategy from peltopleurids and other potentially viviparous stem-neopterygians. Moreover,Venusichthys shows a unique character combination distinguished from any other stem-neopterygian families and consequently represents a new family of this clade. Assuch, the new finding provides an important addition for understanding the behavior, reproduction, and early diversification of Neopterygii.  相似文献   

The Ginglymodi are a group of ray-finned fishes that make up one of three major subdivisions of the infraclass Neopterygii.Ex- tant ginglymodians are represented by gars,which inhabit freshwater environments of North and Central America and Cuba.Here, we report the discovery of well-preserved fossils of a new ginglymodian,Kyphosichthys grandei gen.et sp.nov.,from the Middle Triassic(Anisian)marine deposits(Guanling Formation)in Luoping,eastern Yunnan Province,China.The discovery documents the first known fossil record of highly deep-bodied ginglymodians,adding new information on the early morphological diversity of this group.The studies of functional morphology of extant deep-bodied fishes indicate that Kyphosichthys is not a fast swim- mer but has a good performance in precise maneuvering,representing a morphological adaptation to structurally complex habitats (e.g.thick macrophyte beds,rocky areas,or coral reefs),which differs from the other members of this group.A cladistic analysis with the new fish taxon included supports the hypothesis that the Ginglymodi are more closely related to the Halecomorphi than to the Teleostei.Represented by Felberia,Kyphosichthys,and Dapedium,a highly deep and short fish body type has inde- pendently evolved at least three times in the stem-group neopterygians,ginglymodians,and basal teleosts within the lower neop- terygians of the Triassic.  相似文献   

Long JA  Young GC  Holland T  Senden TJ  Fitzgerald EM 《Nature》2006,444(7116):199-202
The transition from fishes to tetrapods was one of the most dramatic events in the evolution of vertebrates, but many pivotal fossils are incomplete, resulting in gaps in the data that are used for phylogenetic reconstruction. Here we present new observations from the most complete, acid-prepared Devonian tetrapodomorph fish yet discovered, Gogonasus, which was previously placed just crownward of Kenichthys and rhizodontids, the most primitive taxa on the tetrapod lineage. Unexpectedly, Gogonasus shows a mosaic of plesiomorphic and derived tetrapod-like features. Whereas the braincase and dermal cranial skeleton exhibit generalized morphologies with respect to Eusthenopteron or Panderichthys, taxa that are traditionally considered to be phyletically close to tetrapods, the presence of a deeply invaginated, wide spiracle, advanced internal spiracular architecture and near-horizontal hyomandibula are specialized features that are absent from Eusthenopteron. Furthermore, the pectoral fin skeleton of Gogonasus shares several features with that of Tiktaalik, the most tetrapod-like fish. A new phylogenetic analysis places Gogonasus crownward of Eusthenopteron as the sister taxon to the Elpistostegalia. Aspects of the basic tetrapod limb skeleton and middle ear architecture can now be traced further back within the tetrapodomorph radiation.  相似文献   

A new cyamodontoid placodont is named (Psephochelys polyosteoderma gen. et. sp. nov.) and described based on a three-dimensionally preserved specimen. The material comes from the Wayao Member of the Falang Formation (Carnian, Late Triassic) in Guizhou Province, southwestern China. The skull of Psephochelys shows a unique combination of characteristics observed in Psephoderma and Placochelys, and the carapace is diagnostic of a new taxon as well. The ventral dermal armor of Psephochelys differs from all other known cyamodontoids in that it comprises irregular marginal osteoderms in loose contact with each other, and gastralia between them. The cranial suture pattern is in part difficult to analyze due to apparent co-ossification of elements, or poor delimitation of sutures.This affects primarily the demarcation of the nasal from the prefrontal, and the relation between the anterior part of the parietal, posterior ends of the frontals, and postfrontals.However, the postfrontal appears to enter the anteromedial margin of the upper temporal fenestra, a characteristic otherwise known from Placodus, but not from other cyamodontoids. However, given the difficulties of interpretation of this skull, additional material is required to unequivocally assess some details of the pattern of cranial sutures.  相似文献   

详细描述产自贵州省盘县新民乡羊圈村中三叠统关岭组上段的一件近于完整的羊圈幻龙新标本,并补充完善该种头后骨骼学信息。厘定后的羊圈幻龙的鉴定特征为:4个前颌骨獠齿后面跟着一个小的前颌骨齿;5~6个小的上颌骨齿后面跟着一对上颌骨獠齿;腕骨4块;间锁骨没有后突;荐椎4块;存在多指(趾)式。新标本的头后骨骼首次呈现一些原认为仅出现在幻龙属姊妹群——鸥龙属的一些特征,如间锁骨没有后突,腕骨4块,荐椎4块及存在多指(趾)式。这些特征的发现为深入认识和区分幻龙属和鸥龙属之间性状的异同提供了重要的信息。另外,新标本与羊圈幻龙模式标本,以及相同地点、相同地层层位产出的小吻幻龙模式标本IVPP V 14294在体型、齿式和头骨骨骼模式等高度一致,且与幻龙属其他种明显不同,因此认为它们系同物异名。鉴于N.rostellatus后出,应予弃用。  相似文献   

Zhu M  Yu X  Wang W  Zhao W  Jia L 《Nature》2006,441(7089):77-80
Osteichthyans, or bony vertebrates, include actinopterygians (teleosts and their relatives) and sarcopterygians (coelacanths, lungfishes and tetrapods). Despite features found in basal actinopterygians (for example, Dialipina and Ligulalepis) and basal sarcopterygians (for example, Psarolepis and Achoania), the morphological gap between the two lineages remains wide and how sarcopterygians developed a dermal surface covering known as cosmine (composed of a pore-canal network and a single layer of odontodes and enamel) is still poorly known. Here we describe a primitive fossil fish, Meemannia eos gen. et sp. nov., that possesses an actinopterygian-like skull roof and a cosmine-like dermal surface combining a pore-canal network (found in various fossil sarcopterygians) with superimposed layers of odontodes and enamel (previously known in actinopterygians and some acanthodians). This 405-million-year-old fish from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan (China) demonstrates that cosmine in many fossil sarcopterygians arose step by step through the acquisition of a pore-canal network followed by the subsequently developed ability to resorb previous generations of odontodes and enamel. Meemannia provides key characters for studying deep osteichthyan phylogeny and indicates a possible morphotype for the common ancestor of actinopterygians and sarcopterygians.  相似文献   

A new primitive ichthyopterygian Xinminosaurus catactes gen. et. sp. nov. is erected based on a complete skeleton from the Middle Triassic Upper Member of the Guanling Formation at Panxian, Guizhou, southwestern China. It has a suite of uniquely derived char- acters in its dentition, ulna, carpals and tarsals. It is similar to primitive ichthyopterygians in retaining elongated limb bones. The new taxon and a diversity of marine reptiles in Panxian Fauna are the physical markers of the Middle Triassic Biotic radiation. Detailed studies of this fauna will supply essential knowledge on the diversity, migration and paleobiogeographic affinity of Middle Triassic ichthyopterygians.  相似文献   

记述采集自贵州省盘县中三叠统安尼阶关岭组上段盘县动物群的一件仅残存尾部的比耶鱼标本。这是比耶鱼在该动物群的首次报道, 也是目前比耶鱼在中国地质时代最早的化石记录。依据标本个体大、仅尾上叶及尾柄后缘背侧覆盖有狭长条状且缺失硬鳞质的鳞片、尾部发育单个愈合的神经棘和脉棘、尾鳍背缘棘鳞发育等特征, 将其归入比耶鱼属。同时, 该标本以个体更大(推测身长超过2 m)、尾下骨更多(9 根)、尾下叶棘鳞发育以及上、下叶外缘交角超过 70°等特征, 不同于已报道的其他比耶鱼物种。但是, 考虑到标本信息有限, 暂定为比耶鱼未定种Birgeria sp.。比耶鱼是仅见于三叠纪海洋中的全球性分布的大型肉食鱼类, 其在盘县动物群中的首次发现丰富了该动物群鱼类多样性, 增加了其群落生态结构的复杂性。基于当前化石发现的情况, 认为比耶鱼在东特提斯生物区(中国)较西特提斯生物区的出现可能更晚, 前者最早的化石记录见于中三叠世安尼期, 而后者最早见于早三叠世史密斯亚期。  相似文献   

An aquatic fern leaf, Flabellariopteris mii Sun gen. et sp. nov. from the Late Triassic of Western Liaoning, China, is described and proposed as the type species of the new morphortaxon of the Marsileaceae. The fossil leaves are preserved as impression. No fertile and rhizomatic materials are found. The leaves attached at a common point on the top of the petiole are composed of two leaflets joined basally in an opposite arrangement. The petiole is slender. The leaflet is fan-shaped or semi-circular, and commonly divided into four wedge-shaped lobes. Terminal margin of lobes is usually incised, incisions shallow or deep, with bluntly rounded or notched apex. The veins are conspicu- ously dichotomous, but anastomoses and marginal vein are absent. The unique morphological features, including two- parted thin leaflets, size, shape, veins and slender petiole, indicate that the present specimen represents an aquatic fern, which is the oldest fossil record and the first megafossil evidence assignable to Marsileaceae from the Triassic floras.  相似文献   

Clark JM  Xu X  Forster CA  Wang Y 《Nature》2004,430(7003):1021-1024
The skull of living crocodylians is highly solidified and the jaw closing muscles are enlarged, allowing for prey capture by prolonged crushing between the jaws. Living species are all semi-aquatic, with sprawling limbs and a broad body that moves mainly from side-to-side; however, fossils indicate that they evolved from terrestrial forms. The most cursorial of these fossils are small, gracile forms often grouped together as the Sphenosuchia, with fully erect, slender limbs; their relationships, however, are poorly understood. A new crocodylomorph from deposits in northwestern China of the poorly known Middle Jurassic epoch possesses a skull with several adaptations typical of living crocodylians. Postcranially it is similar to sphenosuchians but with even greater adaptations for cursoriality in the forelimb. Here we show, through phylogenetic analysis, that it is the closest relative of the large group Crocodyliformes, including living crocodylians. Thus, important features of the modern crocodylian skull evolved during a phase when the postcranial skeleton was evolving towards greater cursoriality, rather than towards their current semi-aquatic habitus.  相似文献   

 针对川西地区中二叠统-下三叠统碳酸盐岩,通过分析3 个剖面的碳氧同位素数据,计算Z 值及古温度,并结合沉积相、古生物等,对该区域碳酸盐岩碳氧同位素演化特征及古环境进行了系统研究。结果表明,川西地区中二叠统-下三叠统碳酸盐岩的δ13C 值为-3.90‰~2.80‰,主要值域为-2.80‰~2.80‰,均值为-0.04‰;δ18O 值为-9.70‰~-1.80‰,主要值域为-8‰~-4‰,均值为-6.60‰。研究区古环境基本处于海相环境,东北边缘水体相对较深,西南边缘水体相对较浅,海水温度为8.8~68.4℃,主要值域为16~33℃,属于温暖或炎热的亚热带气候,经历了栖霞期-茅口期、吴家坪期-长兴期、飞仙关期-嘉陵江期3 次大的海平面变化旋回,且其间各有若干次次级旋回。  相似文献   

A new genus within the family Mesosciophilidae,Jurasciophila gen.nov.,with two new species,J.curvula gen.et sp.nov.and J.lepida gen.et sp.nov.,are described and illustrated.They are established based on fossil specimens with bodies and complete wings.All of them were collected from the late Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou in southeastern Inner Mongolia,China.Comparing with two known genera,Mesosciophilina (Kovalev,1985) and Mesosciophilopsis (Blagoderov,1994),the new genus has transitional characters.The distribution pattern of Mesosciophilidae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A preliminary study on the ultrastructure of Middle Permian AcritarchMicrhystridium from western Yunnan has been made using laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM). Some quite new features about the texture and ultrastructure of this kind of Acritarch has been detected for the first time, which opens up a new application of this advanced technique to microfossil study.  相似文献   

川南地区中、下三叠统层序地层研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
川南地区中、下三叠统主要包括雷口坡组、嘉陵江组、铜街子组及飞仙关组,根据岩石薄片、钻井和地震等资料,以岩石和钻井层序地层研究为主要依据,把川南地区中、下三叠统划分5个三级层序,主要发育有局部暴露层序不整合界面和岩性岩相转换界面2种层序界面.  相似文献   

贵州兴义中三叠世胡氏贵州龙形态特征及生殖方式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对两件胡氏贵州龙标本进行详细的形态学描述和解剖学对比, 确认标本中所有个体均具有颞孔小、眼孔大、肋骨粗肿、尺骨异常宽阔等典型特征, 并对胡氏贵州龙的形态特征进行了补充。通过骨块测量数据, 可鉴定出3个成年个体的性别和1个幼体的个体发育阶段。结合古地理和胚胎保存信息, 认为胡氏贵州龙的生殖方式可能是胎生, 但尚不能完全排除卵胎生的可能性。  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate that many avialan features evolved incrementally prior to the origin of the group,but the presence of some of these features,such as ...  相似文献   

四川盆地中南部雷口坡组碳酸盐岩成岩作用与孔隙演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中三叠统雷口坡组是川中地区的主要产气层段.通过薄片鉴定,对T2l4和T2l3-3及底部T2l1-1亚段碳酸盐岩的成岩作用类型、序列与孔隙类型及其演化模式进行了研究,认为沉积环境、成岩作用、成岩环境共同影响了储集物性.建设性成岩作用有溶蚀作用、混合水白云石化作用;主要的孔隙类型有晶间孔、粒内溶孔(铸模孔)、粒间溶孔.  相似文献   

Deuterostomes comprise vertebrates, the related invertebrate chordates (tunicates and cephalochordates) and three other invertebrate taxa: hemichordates, echinoderms and Xenoturbella. The relationships between invertebrate and vertebrate deuterostomes are clearly important for understanding our own distant origins. Recent phylogenetic studies of chordate classes and a sea urchin have indicated that urochordates might be the closest invertebrate sister group of vertebrates, rather than cephalochordates, as traditionally believed. More remarkable is the suggestion that cephalochordates are closer to echinoderms than to vertebrates and urochordates, meaning that chordates are paraphyletic. To study the relationships among all deuterostome groups, we have assembled an alignment of more than 35,000 homologous amino acids, including new data from a hemichordate, starfish and Xenoturbella. We have also sequenced the mitochondrial genome of Xenoturbella. We support the clades Olfactores (urochordates and vertebrates) and Ambulacraria (hemichordates and echinoderms). Analyses using our new data, however, do not support a cephalochordate and echinoderm grouping and we conclude that chordates are monophyletic. Finally, nuclear and mitochondrial data place Xenoturbella as the sister group of the two ambulacrarian phyla. As such, Xenoturbella is shown to be an independent phylum, Xenoturbellida, bringing the number of living deuterostome phyla to four.  相似文献   

A new species of Qianichthyosaurus Li, 1999 from the Zhuganpo Member of the Falang Formation (Ladinian, Middle Triassic), Wusha Town, Xingyi City of Guizhou is described here, namely Qianichthyosaurus xingyiensis sp. nov. The recognition of the new species revises the diagnosis of the genus: tooth size relative to the skull width slightly below 0.1; ulna peripheral “shaft” notched or largely reduced; hindlimb nearly equal or longer than forelimb; tibia peripheral “shaft” notched or largely reduced. Qianichthyosaurus xingyiensis sp. nov. differs from the type species in having relatively longer snout (snout length/skull length over 60%); humerus radial facet being prominently larger than ulnar facet; unenclosed obturator foramen on pubis; fibula posterior process on the posterior margin and the ischium sub-triangular lacking shaft. The new species is stratigraphically older than Q. zhoui, the specimens of which were exclusively known from the Wayao Member of the Falang Formation (Carnian, Late Triassic). Along with askeptosaurid thalattosaur Anshunsaurus and shastasaurid ichthyosaur Guizhouich- thyosaurus, the occurrence of Q. xingyiensis sp. nov. in Xingyi Fauna suggests a closer relationship between Xingyi Fauna (late Ladinian, Middle Triassic) and Guanling Biota (Carnian, Late Triassic).  相似文献   

对采自羌塘块体腹地中—晚三叠世图地层的87块样品(9个采点)进行了系统的岩石磁学与退磁实验,以探究羌塘地块的运动学过程与古—新特提斯洋转换等重大地质事件的相关性。结果表明,湖组火山岩样品中,主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿,而菊花山组灰岩样品中含有一定量的赤铁矿。大部分样品的退磁曲线具有双分量特征,除低温(场)分量之外,还获得了一中—高温(场)分量,通过与北羌塘块体已有的古地磁数据对比,推测该分量可能为早白垩世时期的重磁化结果。  相似文献   

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