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A new concept of characteristic scanning radial (CSR) is proposed for the segmented image on the basis of two shape-speciiic points oi its shape-objects. Subsequently, two characteristic attribute sequences (CAS) of relative distance and relative direction are derived to represent the spatial orientation relationships among objects of the image. A novel image retrieval algorithm is presented using these two CASs. The proposed retrieval approach not only satisfies the transformational invariance, but also attains the quantitative comparison of matching. Experiments identify the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm adequately.  相似文献   

IntroductionGenerally,traditionalsearchsystemsoftextileindustrialaccessoryareallbasedondetailedinformationofaccessoriesprovidedmanually.Inthesesystems,thesearchwithkeywords,includingaccessoryserialnumber,OEMnumber,machinemodeletc.,isperformedusingtextsearchtechnique.However,whenanaccessoryoritsscratchisgivenwithoutdetailedinformation,suchsearchsystemcanfindnowayout.Inaddition,asitisverydifficulttoperformthesimilaritycomparisonbetweenthequeryandthetargetmanually,aretrievalsystem,usingsomevisi…  相似文献   

0 IntroductionItisbecomingwellknownthatsignalandimageprocessingaregettinggreatimprovementsinperfor mancebyusingwaveletbasedmethods.Wavelettheoryhasbeenfoundtobeausefulapproachinsignalandimageprocessing .Theresultsofwavelet basedimageanalysismethodsaresuperiortothoseobtainedbyusingtraditionalapproaches[1 ,2 ] .But 2 bandwaveletanaly sisisnotaveryeffectivemethodforfeatureextractionorpatternrecognition ,forthepartitionofhighfre quentbandsisquitecoarserin 2 bandwaveletdecom position ,whichisnot…  相似文献   

IntroductionArtificial neural networks can be dividedintotwo classes :rate code neural networks and pulse-based neural networks .Inrate code neural networks the outputs of the neurons arecontinuous , whereas in pulse-based neural networks theneurons emit pulses . Although rate code neural models havebeen well studied, researchers continue to find the evidencerecently that in many cases the brain may accomplishcomputations on pulses(action potential) . Great effort hasbeen devoted towards the a…  相似文献   

Plants have complex structures. The shape of a plant component is vital for capturing the characteristics of a species. One of the challenges in computer graphics is to create geometry of objects in an intuitive and direct way while allowing interactive manipulation of the resulting shapes. In this paper,an interactive method for modeling leaves based on real image is proposed using biological data for individual plants. The modeling process begins with a one-dimensional analogue of implicit surfaces,from which a 2D silhouette of a leaf is generated based on image segmentation. The silhouette skeleton is thus obtained. Feature parameters of the leaf are extracted based on biologically experimental data, and the obtained leaf structure is then modified by comparing the synthetic result with the real leaf so as to make the leaf structure more realistic. Finally, the leaf mesh is constructed by sweeps.  相似文献   

Information Audit Based on Image Content Filtering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
0 IntroductionAlaomnogun wti tohf I tnhteer nneett uwsoerrkin tcore aesxetse nqdui cckolnyti,ntuhoeuIsnlyfo,r mtha-etion Foundation Facilities has become an i mportant degree ofthe national economy.By way of ani mportant composing partof Information Foundation Facilities ,the information securityrelates to the national alive or dead,economic development ,social stability.Every kind of badnessinformation,retroactiveinformation and the information referred to national securityand secret recur…  相似文献   

A technique for restoring the blurred image resulted from defocusing of the lens is proposed in this paper, which is based on fractional Fourier transform (FRFT).The FRFT, as a powerful tool for the analysis of time-varying signals, is closely connected with the optical imaging system. FRFT also can describe optical imaging process just like Fresnel diffractions, so a defocused imaging model based on FRFT is established to explain the blur phenomena of defocusing image. The defocused imaging model is greatly different from the traditional point spread function (PSF) model, and enables to uncover the blur nature of non-focus image. Then, an image restoration method using the novel model is proposed to handle the blurred defocused image. The method adopted a new iterative phase retrieval approach which can approximately estimate phase signals from intensity signals of a single defocused image by means of FRFT. Restoring image may acquire sharp image by implementing inverse FRFT on complex image signal made from the estimated phase signals and intensity signals. Experimental results demonstrate that the method is effective in restoring blurred defocused image.  相似文献   

A color image enhancement approach based on maximum fuzzy entropy and genetic algorithm is proposed in this paper. It enhances color images by stretching the contrast of S and I components respectively in the HSI color representation. The image is transformed from the property domain to the fuzzy domain with S-function. To preserve as much information as possible in the fuzzy the domain, the fuzzy entropy function is used as objective function in a genetic algorithm to optimize three parameters of the S-function. The Sigmoid function is applied to intensify the membership values and the results are transformed back to the property domain to produce the enhanced image. Experiments show the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

A color image enhancement approach based on maximum fuzzy entropy and genetic algorithm is proposed in this paper. It enhances color images by stretching the contrast of S and I components respectively in the HSI color representation. The image is transformed from the property domain to the fuzzy domain with S-function. To preserve as much information as possible in the fuzzy the domain, the fuzzy entropy function is used as objective function in a genetic algorithm to optimize three parameters of the S-function. The Sigmoid function is applied to intensify the membership values and the results are transformed back to the property domain to produce the enhanced image. Experiments show the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

As a new image analysis technique, Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) has been drawn more attention in recent years. In this paper, we proposed a fast EMD method for the edge detection of medical images. We implemented the method in the following steps: a) Decompose the original medical image with the image pyramid technique; b) Implement the EMD at the low resolution level image; c) Map the Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) into the original image; d) Use the edge detector in a coarse IMF at the beginning of the procedure; e) Trace the detected result to the finest IMF to obtain the final image edge. Experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel real time image processing technique based on digital singnal processor (DSP). At the aspect of wavelet transform(WT) algorithm, the technique uses algorithm of second generation wavelet transform lifting scheme WT that has low calculation complexity property for the 2 D image data processing. Since the processing effect of lifting scheme WT for I D data is better than the effect of it for 2 D data obviously, this paper proposes a reformative processing method: Transform 2-D image data to 1 D data sequence by linearization method, then process the 1 D data sequence by algorithm of lifting scheme WT. The method changes the image convolution mode, which based on the cross filtering of rows and columns. At the aspect of hardware realization, the technique optimizes the program structure of DSP to exert the operation power with the iwchip memorizer of DSP. The experiment results show that the real time image processing techniquc proposed in this paper can meet the real-time requirement of videoimage transmitting in the video surveillance system of electric power. So the technique is a feasible and efficient DSP solution.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn these years , with the quick development ofmulti media and computer networks ,the increased numberof digital i mages is astonishing .In many application fieldssuch as biomedicine , military , education, commerce ,entertainment , manufacturing , cri me prevention andWorld Wide Web searing ,large volume of data appear ini mage for m. This envisages the need for fast and effectivei mage retrieval mechanis ms in an efficient manner . Thetraditional text-based technique annotates t…  相似文献   

0 IntroductionThe useful texts information in the Web is analyzed bythe method of Web information retrieval according tothe requirement of the user . To get the information of citingtexts and relative key words fromthe Web,we can searchforlots of correlativeinformation data storedinthe Web databaseby Webinformationretrieval .This paper appliedthe method-ology of data mining to Web information retrieval since thepurpose of data miningisto discover thefrequent patternfromthe Web.Alot of studi…  相似文献   

A new method for image segmentation based on pulse neural network is proposed. Every neuron in the network represents one pixel in the image and the network is locally connected. Each group of the neurons that correspond to each object synchronizes while different groups of the neurons oscillate at different period. Applying this period difference, different objects are divided. In addition to simulation, an analysis of the mechanism of the method is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Image Analysis of Fabric Pilling Based on Light Projection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective assessment of fabric pilling based on light projection and image analysis has been exploited recently. The device for capturing the cross-sectional images of the pilled fabrics with light projection is elaborated. The detection of the profile line and integration of the sequential cross-sectional pilled image are discussed. The threshold based on Gaussian model is recommended for pill segmentation. The results show that the installed system is capable of eliminating the interference with pill information from the fabric color and pattern.  相似文献   

Human dresses are different in thousands way. Human body image signals have big noise, a poor light and shade contrast and a narrow range of gray gradation distribution. The application of a traditional grads method or gray method to detect human body image edges can't obtain satisfactory results because of false detections and missed detections. According to the peculiarity of human body image, dyadic wavelet transform of cubic spline is successfully applied to detect the face and profile edges of human body image and Mallat algorithm is used in the wavelet decomposition in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper presented an online quality inspection system based on artificial neural networks. Chromatism classification and edge detection are two difficult problems in glass steel surface quality inspection. Two artificial neural networks were made and the two problems were solved. The one solved chromatism classification. Hue, saturation and their probability of three colors, whose appearing probabilities were maximum in color histogram, were selected as input parameters, and the number of output node could be adjusted with the change of requirement. The other solved edge detection. In this neutral network, edge detection of gray scale image was able to be tested with trained neural networks for a binary image. It prevent the difficulty that the number of needed training samples was too large if gray scale images were directly regarded as training samples. This system is able to be applied to not only glass steel fault inspection but also other product online quality inspection and classification.  相似文献   

A novel image hiding method based on the correlation analysis of bit plane is described in this paper. Firstly, based on the correlation analysis, different bit plane of a secret image is hided in different bit plane of several different open images. And then a new hiding image is acquired by a nesting "Exclusive-OR" operation on those images obtained from the first step. At last, by employing image fusion technique, the final hiding result is achieved. The experimental result shows that the method proposed in this paper is effec rive.  相似文献   

The proposed method inserts a watermark into the spectral components of the data using techniques analogous to spread spectrum communications,hiding a narrow band signal in a wideband channel.The watermark is difficult for an attacker to remove.It is also robust to common signal and geometric distortion such as JPEG compression,cropping and scaling.In addition,the watermark can be extracted accurately without source host image at the receiver.  相似文献   

Introduction Color,fabric ssurfacelusterarethebasicelements intheformationoffashionvisualimage.Beforethe startofeveryseason,fashion forecastingcompanies predictupcomingfashioncolorsandfabricstyle.Itisdifferenttoidentifycompoundfactorsthataffectonthe clothingseasonalapplication.Visualelementmustbe analyzedaccordingtothechangingseasonstosatisfyfashiondesignandmarketingplan.[1]Forthesame season,fabric svisualimagehasalikeproperty.Itissignificanttofindthesecolorattributesandfabric s visualimage…  相似文献   

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