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To determine the impact of damming on the geochemical behavior of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the Wujiang River basin, field measurements and samples were collected semimonthly for a year. The surface waters of the reservoirs contained concentrations of chlo- rophyll a up to 5.6 times higher than the upstream river. Compared with the entering waters, the contributions of HCO3- and dissolved CO2 to DIC decreased, and the contribution of CO32- to DIC and the carbon isotopic composition of DIC (δ13CDIc) increased in the surface waters of the reservoirs, while in the waters released, the DIC species showed reverse geochemical behaviors. The δ13CDIc ranged from -10.2 %o to 2.5 %0, indicating that significant contributions were from carbonate weathering, photosynthesis, and respiration. After the damming of a river, the bioactivity of phytoplankton was enhanced, and this affected the geochemistry of DIC compared to an unimpacted river and δ13CDIC can be used to discern these changes. High-frequency monitoring of river-reservoir systems is necessary to evaluate the efflux of CO2 and provide a better understanding of the carbon sinks and sources in the impounded river.  相似文献   

Gedney N  Cox PM  Betts RA  Boucher O  Huntingford C  Stott PA 《Nature》2006,439(7078):835-838
Continental runoff has increased through the twentieth century despite more intensive human water consumption. Possible reasons for the increase include: climate change and variability, deforestation, solar dimming, and direct atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) effects on plant transpiration. All of these mechanisms have the potential to affect precipitation and/or evaporation and thereby modify runoff. Here we use a mechanistic land-surface model and optimal fingerprinting statistical techniques to attribute observational runoff changes into contributions due to these factors. The model successfully captures the climate-driven inter-annual runoff variability, but twentieth-century climate alone is insufficient to explain the runoff trends. Instead we find that the trends are consistent with a suppression of plant transpiration due to CO2-induced stomatal closure. This result will affect projections of freshwater availability, and also represents the detection of a direct CO2 effect on the functioning of the terrestrial biosphere.  相似文献   

在充分调研分析国内外河流健康研究的基础上,建立了由15个评价指标构成的广水河河流健康评价指标体系,确定了河流健康状况的评价标准,将其健康水平划分为"很健康、健康、亚健康、不健康、病态"5个等级,运用AHP-综合指数法对广水河健康状况进行评价.结果表明:广水河健康综合指数为3.1963,健康状况总体处于亚健康水平.广水河的河流健康状况主要存在以下问题:水量和水资源承载力不足;部分河岸坍塌;水体污染,部分河段呈轻度富营养化状态;水土流失加剧而导致河床淤积;水生生物减少.根据评价结果及问题分析,提出了相应的保护及修复措施,为广水河流域的保护提供了可借鉴的决策依据,也对同类型的河流保护具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

The age of cancer   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
DePinho RA 《Nature》2000,408(6809):248-254
A striking link exists between advanced age and increased incidence of cancer. Here I review how several of the age-related molecular and physiological changes might act in concert to promote cancer, and in particular epithelial carcinogenesis. Experimental data indicate that the aged, cancer-prone phenotype might represent the combined pathogenetic effects of mutation load, epigenetic regulation, telomere dysfunction and altered stromal milieu. Further verification of the role of these effects should in turn lead to the design of effective therapeutics for the treatment and prevention of cancer in the aged.  相似文献   

河流水-气界面碳交换研究进展及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
河流水-气界面碳交换是区域和全球碳循环的重要环节, 对陆地碳平衡核算和碳循环模型优化具有重要意义. 介绍了全球河流水-气界面碳交换研究的相关进展, 以及现有研究存在的问题, 并在此基础上提出今后相关的研究应关注不同地质-生态和人类活动干扰背景下河流及中小河流水-气界面碳交换, 要综合利用双碳同位素示踪、化学计量学、生物标志物等方法辨识河流系统中CO2, CH4 及其他形态碳的来源和迁移转化过程, 同时还要利用野外原位观测、传统采样分析和室内培养的方法开展“水-土/沉积物-气”多界面碳交换的系统综合研究,揭示控制河流系统水-气界面碳交换的关键因子, 为相关预测模型的建立以及流域的科学管理提供依据.  相似文献   

COMFORT A 《Nature》1956,178(4528):291-294

Sneden C 《Nature》2001,409(6821):673, 675

【目的】探明河流植物群落下的底泥中碳氮磷和重金属的积累机制。【方法】在淮河上游地区索河流域不同生境类型(浅滩区和浅水区)下分别选取3处当地优势植物扁秆藨草(Scirpus planiculmis)和黑三棱(Sparganium stoloniferum)单优势群落,采集植物群落下和对照(植物盖度<5%)0~10 cm(表层)、≥10~20 cm(中层)和≥20~30 cm(下层)处的底泥,用独立样本t检验分析植物群落下3个层次的底泥中OC(有机碳)、TN(全氮)、TP(全磷)、As、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn是否有显著富集效应,计算底泥中各元素的相对富集指数E(relative enrichment index, E),并用偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)法分析相对富集指数的影响因素。【结果】扁秆藨草和黑三棱群落下的底泥中OC、TN、As、Cd、Cr、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn有显著富集作用,且富集作用主要发生在表层底泥。整体上,植物群落下0~30 cm深的底泥中OC、TN和各重金属的E值主要受到各元素在底泥中本底值的影响,其次为植物种类,再次为生境类型,而底泥质地对其影响相对较小。【结论】在污染河流中种植当地优势挺水植物种可以使河流中的营养元素和重金属定向转移到植物群落下的底泥中,尤其是表层底泥中。这其中的主要驱动力表现为植物对水体中颗粒物和营养物质的拦截,以及植物枯落物和死亡根系的分解及矿化。扁秆藨草可能对Cd、Cr、Hg、Pb和Zn有吸收富集作用。  相似文献   

目前,国内外都掀起了一股滨河改造的热潮,但是在这股热潮中,有些因为对项目所带来的效益没有进行过一个前瞻性的分析,使项目在完工后所带来的负面影响远远大于它所产生的有利一面。因此,本文通过对乌鲁木齐河的效益分析,宏观上确定改造的可行性。  相似文献   

申艳阳  王春 《工程与建设》2008,22(2):210-211
桥梁形态与景区环境的协调是景区桥梁建筑美学的重要因素之一.文章在充分考虑武岭门桥作为景区桥梁的特殊性,以协调呼应为设计总理念,构思三种不同造型的桥梁设计方案.桥梁建筑与景区环境相协调的设计理念可供参考.  相似文献   

Basu P 《Nature》2007,449(7162):522-523

讨论起终点一定的最短时间渡江问题,分析离散和连续情况下速度选择方案,且对连续流速情况得出一个非线性规划模型,推出其最优性条件.  相似文献   

用生物膜方法修复受污染河道水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用蜂窝陶瓷载体,形成生物膜反应器.分别用原位和异位方法对受污染的城市河道水进行生物修复.实验中比较了不同循环时间对水体中氨氮去除的影响,认为原位修复具有较好的效果,并确定了最佳的循环曝气时间.在循环曝气时间为2h/d条件下,原位修复对NH4-N平均日去除率为42%-53%,3d后可达100%,对COD,TN,TP的去除分别为59.4%,48.2%,31.5%,可使河道水中氨氮和总磷的指标达到Ⅱ类水的标准.  相似文献   

钢质T型角接结构构成船舶主体的强力构件,分别承受着来自上下左右的内外力,故在强力构件上元论开口或开孔、是否在开口或开孔处需要加强,在钢质船舶制造规范均有明确规定.这些条文、规定及说明,目的主要是确保开孔后钢质T型角接结构梁的作用和强度,使船舶使用年限延长,经济效益增长.  相似文献   

当前,人类社会正由工业时代迈向信息时代。多元化的思潮相互交织和碰撞,不以人的意志为转移地影响着现代人的思维活动、价值取向、精神追求等。军人这一特殊群体也受到了时代思潮的影响和冲击,需要我们从教育、道德、职业、管理等方面入手,建立长效培育机制。  相似文献   

地下水年龄的确定是水循环研究的重要内容,也是估计地下水水循环速度和定量评价地下水可更新能力的重要依据。以挠力河流域以北地区为例,利用反向水文地球化学模拟技术,识别出影响研究区内深层地下水地球化学演化的主要作用,并进行深层地下水~(14)C年龄的校正。研究认为,控制挠力河流域南部湿地区深层地下水化学演化的主要反应为方解石、黑云母、二氧化碳的溶解反应、高岭土的沉淀反应以及Ca-Na阳离子的交换反应;北部农业区主要发生了黑云母、二氧化碳的溶解及高岭土、方解石的沉淀和Ca-Na阳离子的交换反应。地下水~(14)C年龄校正结果表明,北部农业区深层地下水~(14)C年龄(9176a)明显老于南部湿地区(6097a),年龄校正结果与Vogel统计模型~(14)C年龄校正结果较接近。南部湿地区地下水循环速率为11.16 m/a,北部农业区地下水循环速率为2.19 m/a。研究结果对研究区地下水资源评价和制定农业区和湿地区地下水合理开发利用模式具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

获水是流经今河南省商丘市、安徽淮北市萧县和江苏徐州市境内的一条古代河流。《汉书·地理志》中对获水的记载主要涉及其过郡数目和流向上,同时又涉及获水与汲水的关系。经推论知获水乃汲水之支津,获水是否独立为一条河流致使其过郡数目有“五”和“三”之别,获水的流向整体上是先东南后东北的流向,其转折点出现在萧县。  相似文献   

The mean residence time of river water in the Canada Basin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seawater was collected from the western Arctic Ocean for measurements of 18О, ^226Ra and ^228Ra. The fractions of river runoff and sea ice melt-water in water samples were estimated by using δ^18О-S-PО^* tracer system. The mean residence time of river water in the Canada Basin was calculated based on the relationship between ^228Ra/^226Ra)A.R. and the fractions of river runoff in the shelf and deep ocean. Our results showed that the river runoff fractions in the Canada Basin were significantly higher than those in the shelf regions, suggesting that the Canada Basin is a major storage region for Arctic river water. ^228Ra activity concentrations in the Chukchi shelf and the Beaufort shelf ranged from 0.16 to 1.22 Bq/m^3, lower than those reported for shelves in the low and middle latitudes, indicating the effect of sea ice melt-water. A good positive linear relationship was observed between ^228Ra/^226Ra)A.R. and the fraction of river runoff for shelf waters, while the ^228Ra/^226Ra)A.R. in the Canada Basin was located below this re-gressive line. The low ^228Ra/^226Ra)A.R. in the Canada Basin was ascribed to ^228Ra decay during shelf wa-ters transporting to the deep ocean. The residence time of 5.0-11.0 a was estimated for the river water in the Canada Basin, which determined the time response of surface freshening in the North Atlantic to the river runoff into the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

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