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PAX6 is widely expressed in the central nervous system. Heterozygous PAX6 mutations in human aniridia cause defects that would seem to be confined to the eye. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and smell testing reveal the absence or hypoplasia of the anterior commissure and reduced olfaction in a large proportion of aniridia cases, which shows that PAX6 haploinsuffiency causes more widespread human neuro developmental anomalies.  相似文献   

More than a billion humans worldwide are predicted to be completely deficient in the fast skeletal muscle fiber protein alpha-actinin-3 owing to homozygosity for a premature stop codon polymorphism, R577X, in the ACTN3 gene. The R577X polymorphism is associated with elite athlete status and human muscle performance, suggesting that alpha-actinin-3 deficiency influences the function of fast muscle fibers. Here we show that loss of alpha-actinin-3 expression in a knockout mouse model results in a shift in muscle metabolism toward the more efficient aerobic pathway and an increase in intrinsic endurance performance. In addition, we demonstrate that the genomic region surrounding the 577X null allele shows low levels of genetic variation and recombination in individuals of European and East Asian descent, consistent with strong, recent positive selection. We propose that the 577X allele has been positively selected in some human populations owing to its effect on skeletal muscle metabolism.  相似文献   

Initially identified in high-grade gliomas, mutations in the PTEN tumor-suppressor are also found in many sporadic cancers and a few related autosomal dominant hamartoma syndromes. PTEN is a 3'-specific phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3) phosphatase and functions as a negative regulator of PI3K signaling. We generated a tissue-specific deletion of the mouse homolog Pten to address its role in brain function. Mice homozygous for this deletion (PtenloxP/loxP;Gfap-cre), developed seizures and ataxia by 9 wk and died by 29 wk. Histological analysis showed brain enlargement in PtenloxP/loxP;Gfap-cre mice as a consequence of primary granule-cell dysplasia in the cerebellum and dentate gyrus. Pten mutant cells showed a cell-autonomous increase in soma size and elevated phosphorylation of Akt. These data represent the first evidence for the role of Pten and Akt in cell size regulation in mammals and provide an animal model for a human phakomatosis condition, Lhermitte-Duclos disease (LDD).  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS, MIM 209900) is a heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorder characterized by obesity, pigmentary retinopathy, polydactyly, renal malformations, mental retardation, and hypogenitalism. The disorder is also associated with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and congenital heart disease. Six distinct BBS loci map to 11q13 (BBS1), 16q21 (BBS2), 3p13-p12 (BBS3), 15q22.3-q23 (BBS4), 2q31 (BBS5), and 20p12 (BBS6). Although BBS is rare in the general population (<1/100,000), there is considerable interest in identifying the genes causing BBS because components of the phenotype, such as obesity and diabetes, are common. We and others have demonstrated that BBS6 is caused by mutations in the gene MKKS (refs. 12,13), mutation of which also causes McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (hydrometrocolpos, post-axial polydactyly, and congenital heart defects). MKKS has sequence homology to the alpha subunit of a prokaryotic chaperonin in the thermosome Thermoplasma acidophilum. We recently identified a novel gene that causes BBS2. The BBS2 protein has no significant similarity to other chaperonins or known proteins. Here we report the positional cloning and identification of mutations in BBS patients in a novel gene designated BBS4.  相似文献   

Characterization of previously described intraflagellar transport (IFT) mouse mutants has led to the proposition that normal primary cilia are required for mammalian cells to respond to the sonic hedgehog (SHH) signal. Here we describe an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mutant mouse, alien (aln), which has abnormal primary cilia and shows overactivation of the SHH pathway. The aln locus encodes a novel protein, THM1 (tetratricopeptide repeat-containing hedgehog modulator-1), which localizes to cilia. aln-mutant cilia have bulb-like structures at their tips in which IFT proteins (such as IFT88) are sequestered, characteristic of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Caenorhabditis elegans retrograde IFT mutants. RNA-interference knockdown of Ttc21b (which we call Thm1 and which encodes THM1) in mouse inner medullary collecting duct cells expressing an IFT88-enhanced yellow fluorescent protein fusion recapitulated the aln-mutant cilial phenotype, and live imaging of these cells revealed impaired retrograde IFT. In contrast to previously described IFT mutants, Smoothened and full-length glioblastoma (GLI) proteins localize to aln-mutant cilia. We hypothesize that the aln retrograde IFT defect causes sequestration of IFT proteins in aln-mutant cilia and leads to the overactivated SHH signaling phenotype. Specifically, the aln mutation uncouples the roles of anterograde and retrograde transport in SHH signaling, suggesting that anterograde IFT is required for GLI activation and that retrograde IFT modulates this event.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of congenital skull malformations provides insight into normal mechanisms of calvarial osteogenesis. Enlarged parietal foramina (PFM) are oval defects of the parietal bones caused by deficient ossification around the parietal notch, which is normally obliterated during the fifth fetal month. PFM are usually asymptomatic, but may be associated with headache, scalp defects and structural or vascular malformations of the brain. Inheritance is frequently autosomal dominant, but no causative mutations have been identified in non-syndromic cases. We describe here heterozygous mutations of the homeobox gene MSX2 (located on 5q34-q35) in three unrelated families with PFM. One is a deletion of approximately 206 kb including the entire gene and the others are intragenic mutations of the DNA-binding homeodomain (RK159-160del and R172H) that predict disruption of critical intramolecular and DNA contacts. Mouse Msx2 protein with either of the homeodomain mutations exhibited more than 85% reduction in binding to an optimal Msx2 DNA-binding site. Our findings contrast with the only described MSX2 homeodomain mutation (P148H), associated with craniosynostosis, that binds with enhanced affinity to the same target. This demonstrates that MSX2 dosage is critical for human skull development and suggests that PFM and craniosynostosis result, respectively, from loss and gain of activity in an MSX2-mediated pathway of calvarial osteogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation of mammalian DNA is essential for the proper epigenetic regulation of gene expression and maintenance of genomic integrity. To define the mechanism through which demethylated cells die, and to establish a paradigm for identifying genes regulated by DNA methylation, we have generated mice with a conditional allele for the maintenance DNA methyltransferase gene Dnmt1. Cre-mediated deletion of Dnmt1 causes demethylation of cultured fibroblasts and a uniform p53-dependent cell death. Mutational inactivation of Trp53 partially rescues the demethylated fibroblasts for up to five population doublings in culture. Oligonucleotide microarray analysis showed that up to 10% of genes are aberrantly expressed in demethylated fibroblasts. Our results demonstrate that loss of Dnmt1 causes cell-type-specific changes in gene expression that impinge on several pathways, including expression of imprinted genes, cell-cycle control, growth factor/receptor signal transduction and mobilization of retroelements.  相似文献   

Angle-closure glaucoma (ACG) is a subset of glaucoma affecting 16 million people. Although 4 million people are bilaterally blind from ACG, the causative molecular mechanisms of ACG remain to be defined. High intraocular pressure induces glaucoma in ACG. High intraocular pressure traditionally was suggested to result from the iris blocking or closing the angle of the eye, thereby limiting aqueous humor drainage. Eyes from individuals with ACG often have a modestly decreased axial length, shallow anterior chamber and relatively large lens, features that predispose to angle closure. Here we show that genetic alteration of a previously unidentified serine protease (PRSS56) alters axial length and causes a mouse phenotype resembling ACG. Mutations affecting this protease also cause a severe decrease of axial length in individuals with posterior microphthalmia. Together, these data suggest that alterations of this serine protease may contribute to a spectrum of human ocular conditions including reduced ocular size and ACG.  相似文献   

Vacuolar-vesicular protein sorting (Vps) factors are involved in vesicular trafficking in eukaryotic cells. We identified the missense mutation L967Q in Vps54 in the wobbler mouse, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and also characterized a lethal allele, Vps54(beta-geo). Motoneuron survival and spermiogenesis are severely compromised in the wobbler mouse, indicating that Vps54 has an essential role in these processes.  相似文献   

The composite structure of the mammalian skull, which forms predominantly via intramembranous ossification, requires precise pre- and post-natal growth regulation of individual calvarial elements. Disturbances of this process frequently cause severe clinical manifestations in humans. Enhanced DNA binding by a mutant MSX2 homeodomain results in a gain of function and produces craniosynostosis in humans. Here we show that Msx2-deficient mice have defects of skull ossification and persistent calvarial foramen. This phenotype results from defective proliferation of osteoprogenitors at the osteogenic front during calvarial morphogenesis, and closely resembles that associated with human MSX2 haploinsufficiency in parietal foramina (PFM). Msx2-/- mice also have defects in endochondral bone formation. In the axial and appendicular skeleton, post-natal deficits in Pth/Pthrp receptor (Pthr) signalling and in expression of marker genes for bone differentiation indicate that Msx2 is required for both chondrogenesis and osteogenesis. Consistent with phenotypes associated with PFM, Msx2-mutant mice also display defective tooth, hair follicle and mammary gland development, and seizures, the latter accompanied by abnormal development of the cerebellum. Most Msx2-mutant phenotypes, including calvarial defects, are enhanced by genetic combination with Msx1 loss of function, indicating that Msx gene dosage can modify expression of the PFM phenotype. Our results provide a developmental basis for PFM and demonstrate that Msx2 is essential at multiple sites during organogenesis.  相似文献   

The osteocyte, a terminally differentiated cell comprising 90%-95% of all bone cells, may have multiple functions, including acting as a mechanosensor in bone (re)modeling. Dentin matrix protein 1 (encoded by DMP1) is highly expressed in osteocytes and, when deleted in mice, results in a hypomineralized bone phenotype. We investigated the potential for this gene not only to direct skeletal mineralization but also to regulate phosphate (P(i)) homeostasis. Both Dmp1-null mice and individuals with a newly identified disorder, autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets, manifest rickets and osteomalacia with isolated renal phosphate-wasting associated with elevated fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) levels and normocalciuria. Mutational analyses showed that autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets family carried a mutation affecting the DMP1 start codon, and a second family carried a 7-bp deletion disrupting the highly conserved DMP1 C terminus. Mechanistic studies using Dmp1-null mice demonstrated that absence of DMP1 results in defective osteocyte maturation and increased FGF23 expression, leading to pathological changes in bone mineralization. Our findings suggest a bone-renal axis that is central to guiding proper mineral metabolism.  相似文献   

RAB, ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) and ARF-like (ARL) proteins belong to the Ras superfamily of small GTP-binding proteins and are essential for various membrane-associated intracellular trafficking processes. None of the approximately 50 known members of this family are linked to human disease. Using a bioinformatic screen for ciliary genes in combination with mutational analyses, we identified ARL6 as the gene underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome type 3, a multisystemic disorder characterized by obesity, blindness, polydactyly, renal abnormalities and cognitive impairment. We uncovered four different homozygous substitutions in ARL6 in four unrelated families affected with Bardet-Biedl syndrome, two of which disrupt a threonine residue important for GTP binding and function of several related small GTP-binding proteins. Analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans ARL6 homolog indicates that it is specifically expressed in ciliated cells, and that, in addition to the postulated cytoplasmic functions of ARL proteins, it undergoes intraflagellar transport. These findings implicate a small GTP-binding protein in ciliary transport and the pathogenesis of a pleiotropic disorder.  相似文献   

Male embryonic mice with mutations in the X-linked aristaless-related homeobox gene (Arx) developed with small brains due to suppressed proliferation and regional deficiencies in the forebrain. These mice also showed aberrant migration and differentiation of interneurons containing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAergic interneurons) in the ganglionic eminence and neocortex as well as abnormal testicular differentiation. These characteristics recapitulate some of the clinical features of X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia (XLAG) in humans. We found multiple loss-of-function mutations in ARX in individuals affected with XLAG and in some female relatives, and conclude that mutation of ARX causes XLAG. The present report is, to our knowledge, the first to use phenotypic analysis of a knockout mouse to identify a gene associated with an X-linked human brain malformation.  相似文献   

To ascertain the role of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) in vivo, we have targeted the mouse Cdk4 locus by homologous recombination to generate two strains of mice, one that lacks Cdk4 expression and one that expresses a Cdk4 molecule with an activating mutation. Embryonic fibroblasts proliferate normally in the absence of Cdk4 but have a delayed S phase on re-entry into the cell cycle. Moreover, mice devoid of Cdk4 are viable, but small in size and infertile. These mice also develop insulin-deficient diabetes due to a reduction in beta-islet pancreatic cells. In contrast, mice expressing a mutant Cdk4 that cannot bind the cell-cycle inhibitor P16INK4a display pancreatic hyperplasia due to abnormal proliferation of beta-islet cells. These results establish Cdk4 as an essential regulator of specific cell types.  相似文献   

Individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis suffer from systemic iron overload due to duodenal hyperabsorption. Most cases arise from a founder mutation in HFE (845G-->A; ref. 2) that results in the amino-acid substitution C282Y and prevents the association of HFE with beta2-microglobulin. Mice homozygous with respect to a null allele of Hfe (Hfe-/-) or homozygous with respect to the orthologous 882G-->A mutation (Hfe(845A/845A)) develop iron overload that recapitulates hereditary hemochromatosis in humans, confirming that hereditary hemochromatosis arises from loss of HFE function. Much work has focused on an exclusive role for the intestine in hereditary hemochromatosis. HFE deficiency in intestinal crypt cells is thought to cause intestinal iron deficiency and greater expression of iron transporters such as SLC11A2 (also called DMT1, DCT1 and NRAMP2) and SLC11A3 (also called IREG1, ferroportin and MTP1; ref. 3). Published data on the expression of these transporters in the duodenum of HFE-deficient mice and humans are contradictory. In this report, we used a custom microarray to assay changes in duodenal and hepatic gene expression in Hfe-deficient mice. We found unexpected alterations in the expression of Slc39a1 (mouse ortholog of SLC11A3) and Cybrd1, which encode key iron transport proteins, and Hamp (hepcidin antimicrobial peptide), a hepatic regulator of iron transport. We propose that inappropriate regulatory cues from the liver underlie greater duodenal iron absorption, possibly involving the ferric reductase Cybrd1.  相似文献   

Nephronophthisis (NPHP), an autosomal recessive cystic kidney disease, leads to chronic renal failure in children. The genes mutated in NPHP1 and NPHP4 have been identified, and a gene locus associated with infantile nephronophthisis (NPHP2) was mapped. The kidney phenotype of NPHP2 combines clinical features of NPHP and polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Here, we identify inversin (INVS) as the gene mutated in NPHP2 with and without situs inversus. We show molecular interaction of inversin with nephrocystin, the product of the gene mutated in NPHP1 and interaction of nephrocystin with beta-tubulin, a main component of primary cilia. We show that nephrocystin, inversin and beta-tubulin colocalize to primary cilia of renal tubular cells. Furthermore, we produce a PKD-like renal cystic phenotype and randomization of heart looping by knockdown of invs expression in zebrafish. The interaction and colocalization in cilia of inversin, nephrocystin and beta-tubulin connect pathogenetic aspects of NPHP to PKD, to primary cilia function and to left-right axis determination.  相似文献   

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