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系统思维作为一种哲学思维方法,是为审视和解决现实问题而出场。相对以前,新时代坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度呈现很多新特点,其中最为突出的是制度体系的系统构建和整体优化,对各领域体制机制改革的全局性、系统性、协同性要求较高,而系统思维正是有力回应了这一现实诉求。现实诉求推动实践落实,在坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度过程中发挥系统思维的指引和助推作用,就要突出它的特性及其功能,具体体现为:在整体性维度上,凸显制度体系构建的系统集成;在结构性维度上,保持制度体系构建的稳定有序;在协同性维度上,强化各领域制度改革的协调联动;在动态性维度上,凸显制度更加成熟定型的动态过程。  相似文献   

作为维护我国社会稳定的一项基本民生制度,社会保障制度的构建和完善是一项复杂的系统工程,必须以系统论为指导,坚持整体协调,构建完备社会保障体系;坚持结构优化,形成效率高、功能好的运行系统;坚持层次分明,构建不同保障水平的多层次、多支柱社会保障项目;坚持动态发展,使得社会保障不断调整与完善,适应经济社会发展需要。  相似文献   

任何理论体系本质上都是一个系统构成,本质上看,社会主义核心价值体系也具有系统特性。因此,系统性思考应该成为我们构建社会主义核心价值体系的重要思维范式。  相似文献   

系统方法论由于适应了复杂、多样、变化的认知情境,被誉为“解决当代复杂问题的钥匙”。高校学生党员底线思维培育是一项涉及面广、内容复杂、影响因素多的复杂巨系统工程。我们要树牢系统观念,全面理解底线思维的科学内涵及其核心特征;坚持系统导向,统筹把握新形势下学生党员底线思维能力培育的内容体系;善用系统方法,创新建构学生党员底线思维培育的路径体系。  相似文献   

社会作为一种复杂的高级系统,有着与自然系统所不同的性质与特性。社会主义和谐社会系统也不例外,并具有自己特定的时代内涵与特征。构建社会主义和谐社会必须树立科学的系统思维发展观,在实践中坚持改革开放原则、以人为本的发展原则、整体协调发展原则、民主与法制构建原则和自觉的有序调控原则。  相似文献   

促进多民族地区的企业发展必须坚持以系统思维方式为指导。要系统坚持系统开放性原则,把多民族地区企业发展置于开放性视域,不断吸取企业外部环境的积极因素、以增强多民族地区企业发展的活力与生机;要坚持系统主体性原则,形成具有自身民族特色和资源优势的创新型企业,培育人才资源、构建多民族地区区域经济创新发展的主体力量;要坚持系统整体协调性原则,统筹兼顾多民族地区各企业发展关系、以促进多民族地区企业的全面协调发展;要坚持系统复杂性原则,保护和开发多民族地区丰富多样的经济资源、培育新的经济增长点、推进企业升级与转型,以促进多民族地区多种企业形式多样性和谐发展;要坚持系统有序调控性原则,加强政府驾驭经济活动的执政能力建设,对多民族地区企业进行积极引导、全力服务、以促进其企业战略发展。  相似文献   

军事测量体系是一个复杂系统,需要用系统思维来指导体系结构的设计。通过对系统思维整体性、全面性、动态性特点进行分析,以及对“结构影响行为”的解读,论述了其对体系结构设计的指导意义。基于系统思维理论,提出从物理层、连接层、文化层三方面构建我军军事测量体系结构的思考建议,以期形成结构完善,机制灵活,长效运行的测量体系。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会,已成为当代社会共识。社会主义和谐社会不仅是我们所追求的社会价值目标、同时也是一种现实的社会构建运动,因而也具有社会实践的本体论意义。社会主义和谐社会具有自身社会运动的系统特征,它本质上是一种系统思维的社会实践诠释。构建社会主义和谐社会,需要系统思维方式的指导,即在构建社会主义和谐社会活动过程中必须贯彻系统思维的开放性原则、整体性原则、复杂性原则和能动调控的实践性原则。  相似文献   

在明、清两朝传统商业文化蓬勃发展的四百余年,它造就了一批最有影响的商界精英;倡导了一种独具特色的商业道德;创造了一套完整系统的和谐范式.商帮的产生和发展深受儒学思想的熏陶,对中华"和"的思想智慧作了出色的承传和弘扬.在今天我们努力构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大征程中,需要社会的各个层面,坚持用和谐的思维认识事物,用和谐的态度对待问题,用和谐的方式处理矛盾,崇尚和谐、维护和谐、促进和谐应成为各方面的自觉行动和价值追求.因此有必要从传统的商业文化中,透视以义为利,坚守诚信商德的内在的形成因素.挖掘系统和谐的信仰力、感召力和凝聚力,弘扬和更新我国优秀的传统文化,为构建和谐社会注入新的血液和蓬勃生机.  相似文献   

系统思维是当代系统辩证法在思维领域的表征,而国际金融危机是金融理性系统思维的缺位或者破缺的直接显现,要尽快克服全球金融危机的影响,必须运用系统思维对金融投资主体的理性精神进行重构,必须对金融的预期理性、价值理性和整体理性进行有机统一的整合与构建。  相似文献   

盛昭瀚 《系统管理学报》2022,31(6):1031-1034
系统性是一切管理活动、理论与问题的基本属性。这样,“系统管理”就是以“系统性”为思维原则的管理范式;当今,我们正面临着人类深刻的时代性变革,这是当今时代最现实的管理复杂性的渊源,这一重大现象被人们称为复杂系统管理时代的到来。复杂系统管理是对复杂系统中一类还原论不可逆性问题的管理范式,钱学森的复杂性思维与复杂系统观是这一复杂系统管理思想的内核与底蕴。人类管理活动正出现从系统管理到复杂系统管理的转移;复杂系统管理已经以其新的内涵成为当今具有学术引领性、前沿性与厚重感的管理新领域。  相似文献   

Several streams of cybernetic thinking lead to the notion that there may exist systems of a higher logical order than that of manmade organisation. Such systems would be autopoietic and, in principle, beyond human control. Man and his institutions would be but components of such systems. The accelerated growth of institutions and the connections between them facilitated by the IT revolution makes the realization of such systems more probable at this time. The implications for systems practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Critical systems thinking is a relative newcomer in the systems tradition of thought. Nevertheless, it has already made a number of significant contributions to the field and is now developing more quickly than any other part of systems thinking. The paper charts the origins and nature of this evolving, critical systems, body of work. The author's own impressions of its development are first set out. This helps establish that critical systems thinking has come to rest upon five commitments which define its essential character. These commitments are then used to classify the published literature associated with critical systems thinking. The result is a review of the origins and nature of critical systems thinking up to 1990.  相似文献   

This short paper revisits Bertalanffy??s open systems theory and Luhmann??s theory of autopoietic social systems in order to highlight the linkage between systemic complexity and the carrying capacity of the environment. Being paradigmatically focused on biological complexity, Bertalanffy??s work shows this linkage to be relatively unproblematic. In contrast, Luhmann argued that autopoietic social systems are likely to develop excessive complexity which overstrains the environment??s carrying capacity. The paper synthesizes these conceptions into a framework of discretionary social decision-making aimed at preventing systemic complexity from becoming excessive. Rooted in the idea of balancing the system and the environment, this framework determines the optimal level of systemic complexity as that level which systems can maximally attain without incurring the risk of self-destruction. The system?Cenvironment balance is shown to be the general systems theory core of Ulrich??s critical systems heuristics and critical systems thinking more generally.  相似文献   

Existence of supporting entities and their cohesive operations are important elements in industry development policy undertaken in emerging economies, which are characterized by heavy government interventions and involved many agencies and institutions. One of the models that emphasizes on cohesiveness as a precondition for viability is the viable system model (VSM). In this study, we adopt the VSM in combination with theories of innovation and innovation system as our conceptual framework to describe and explain the functions and relational structure that exist among agencies/institutions and that of the agencies with their environment elements within one policy level system implementation. We select a biotechnology industry development policy for our analysis, the implementation of which has been designated as a strategic vehicle to support the economic development goals of an emerging economy. The findings, which generate a model of the policy-level system implementation, explain the operating agencies’ functions and their inter-relationships. The emergent model provides policy makers and implementers recommendations for improvements, as well as offers future researchers potential for comparison between existing performance of a policy implementation against its expected performance targets. The study concludes that the biotechnology industry development is an effort by the Malaysian government to institutionalize biotechnology businesses and industry. The perspective of systems thinking, in combination with theories of institutionalization, innovation and innovation system, provide important foundations in explaining technology-based industry development. All these findings highlight that the knowledge gain in explaining and interpreting the problem in focus is worthwhile, although the use of VSM as a research tool demands considerable efforts.  相似文献   

二次创新竞争模型与企业竞争战略分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文用二次创新竞争模型描述了技术输出方和技术引进方的二次创新竞争情形。分析了技术引进方的二次创新在市场竞争中“后发优势”的成因。指出必须摒弃传统的对引进一消化、吸收-创新的单纯技术和封闭系统观,而立足于引进技术与市场的结合,用开放系统中的二次创新竞争制定正确的竞争战略,在赢得市场竞争优势的同时,培养自言创新能力。  相似文献   

当前道德教育存在的实效性不强的问题,其症结就在于我们以简单性思维方式指导德育灌输。社会的遽变、价值多元时代和人自身的复杂性为德育灌输从简单性走向复杂性提供了前提条件。用复杂性重构德育灌输,需要我们至少做到以下几点:坚持德育灌输与发挥受教育者的自组织作用相结合;重视和关注德育事件;在坚持整体性的基础上注重各个因素的作用,形成全方位的灌输网络系统;借鉴混沌论,在有序与无序之间进行德育灌输。  相似文献   

Paralleling with the contribution of Western systems thinking to the development of modern Chinese system theory, the authors notice that the concept of yin-yang is scattered in many social science researches in the West. However, those researches were still not rich enough to yield insights into the core value of yin-yang and, in turn, there is seemly no one unified guiding law or principle which governs both its theoretical and empirical applications. In this study, axiom system of the Yin-Yang-based system has been proposed and elaborated through the comparisons of systematic thinking between East and West. After incorporating the concept of causal chains, it can also be used to work as quantitative tool for business decision analysis in management practices. The aim of this study is to bridge the contemporary systematic thinking gap between East and West and to provide a complement to aid in further development of system theory.  相似文献   

"复制"是一种普遍存在的现象,其表现为重复、拷贝或再造某种事物、结构或关系。这种现象在生命系统中尤为明显。通过把系统表征为由点(属性)和线(关系)所组成的网络,网络思维可以作为考察各种系统的认知工具。这种思维除了可以进行诸如还原、切出、背景化和层级化等多种表层操作以外,还具有更深层的点和线的复制。以对部分与整体、系统和环境的辨析为引导,本文首先简要回顾了鲁曼系统理论中的系统观发展史,然后以现有系统观的生命系统模式作为框架,提出把复制性作为网络思维的图式(基于点线符号的网络)及其考察的对象(系统)的基本特性,从而为利用网络思维考察各种系统提供新的理论依据和分析视角。  相似文献   

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