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Kondo effect is a very important many-body phenomenon in condensed mailer physics, which explains why the resistance increases as the temperature is lowered (usually 〈10 K) in dilute magnetic alloy, and why the conductance increases as temperature is decreased in quantum dots. This paper simply introduces equilihrium and nonequilibrium Kondo effects in quantum dots together with the Kondo effect in quantum dots with even number of electrons (when the singlet and triplet states are degenerate). Furthermore, Kondn effect in single aton/molecular transistorss is introduced, which indicates a new way in study Kondo effect.  相似文献   

2012年5月21日上午8点30,我校第六届"文化·科学·教育"大师论坛在大分子研究中心四层报告厅举行,中国科学院院士、中国物理学会磁学专业委员会主任沈保根应我校邀请作了题为《新型磁热效应材料、物理和应用》的报告,化学与材料科学学院部分师生参加了此次报告会.  相似文献   

马莉 《科技资讯》2012,(18):188-188
我校开设了《数控车床》、《数控铣床》和《CAXA制造工程师》等多门课程,为提高学生学习兴趣,我利用学校的毛坯,设计了制作象棋子的课题。将理论与实践充分结合,综合运用各科知识,本课题收入我校精品课程,得到了广大师生的认可。  相似文献   

陕西师范大学物理化学专业教授、博士生导师房喻教授多年来工作在教学科研第一线,先后主持科技部、国家自然科学基金委员会、总装备部、教育部、原国家中医药管理局和陕西省科技厅等部门资助项目,在国内外重点学术期刊上发表学术论文120余篇,是我国化学研究方向的资深教授,先后荣获全国优秀教师、陕西省教学名师、全国劳动模范等称号。2006年11月11日,房喻教授在科学会堂二层报告厅为我校广大师生作了题为《化学学科发展和学科交叉与融合》的学术报告报告。房喻先生从四个方面就化学学科发展与学科交叉与融合这一主题进行了阐述。第一,化学…  相似文献   

4月24日晚,南京大学程镕时院士学术报告会在我校田家炳教育书院举行,来自生物学系、化学化工系和资源与环境学系的师生300多人聆听了报告.  相似文献   

自1999年我校《河北科技大学学报》和《河北工业科技》两科技期刊通过美国《化学文摘》服务社的评估,被接收为收录刊源以来,从1998年9月到1999年底,我校学报编辑部共向美国《化学文摘》服务社寄送样刊12期(其中《河北科技大学学报》6期;《河北工业科技》6期),在所寄送的12期样刊中,应我校两科技期刊主编及学报编辑部的要求,最近美国《化学文摘》服务社给我校学报编辑部回函,我校两科技期刊所刊载论文中,已被美国《化学文摘》收录43篇,其中《河北科技大学学报》被收录26篇,《河北工业科技》被收录17篇…  相似文献   

我校是全国教育科学“十五”规划国家重点德育课题的实验学校,《德育》读本和《成长册》是学校自编的德育校本教材,该读本以其“贴近生活,联系实际,启发引导主体参与”的特色,深受广大师生的欢迎,为我们教师的德育工作提供了可操作的具体方案。[第一段]  相似文献   

应我校研究生处和数学与计算机科学系的邀请,我国著名学者、云南大学理学院院长、博师生导师郭聿琦教授及该校数学系主任、硕士生导师杨华康教授于2001年4月22日至25日对我校进行了友好访问和学术交流。在延期间,两位学者分别为我校师生做了题为《代数学中的几个有趣问题》和《细菌基因组的计数问题》等精彩而生动的学术报告,搏得了师生的阵阵掌声。他们还与数学与计算机科学系的部分教师及基础数学专业的硕士生导师和研究生举行了座谈,并就两校的学术交流、人才培养、报考研究生等问题达成了共识。两位专家特邀请数学与计算机科学系主任马保国教授和研究生处处长郭金保教授在方便的时候访问云南大学并进行学术交流。      (徐文梅)     相似文献   

应山西师范大学的邀请,中国科学院山西煤化所博士郭向云研究员前来我校进行讲学。郭向云研究员主要从事材料与催化过程的计算机模拟以及纳米结构材料的合成与组装研究。2006年4月13日上午,在材料化学研究所报告厅郭向云研究员作了题为《低维碳化硅和氮化硅的控制合成》的学术报告。郭向云研究员从低维纳米材料的制备出发,详细阐述了低维碳化硅和氮化硅的合成方法、工艺和控制手段,并全面介绍了该领域的研究现状和发展前景。参会的广大师生对郭研究员的精彩报告致以热烈的掌声。会后,郭向云博士还详细回答了部分师生提出的一些学术问题。中国…  相似文献   

就我校历年来的科技论文被《SCI》收录及引证情况进行统计分析,反映内蒙古大学科技发展和学科建设的趋势,使人们了解我校科学研究的现状、实力和水平,并提出几点看法和建议,为我校的教学、科研起到推动和指导作用,调动广大师生撰写高质量学术论文的积极性.  相似文献   

应我校外事处及数学系的邀请  英国剑桥大学依泽雷斯教授于月~日访问了我校.  访问期间  依泽雷斯博士作了题为《泛函微分方程数值解》的专场报告  并与在座的数学系师生开展了热烈的讨论.他还与数学系张诚坚博士带领的延迟系统仿真算法课题组进行了深入的学术交流.他表示  将与我校计算数学学科继续学术合作和联系  提供最新的学术信息.月日  樊明武校长代表我校聘请依泽雷斯教授为客座教授.  依泽雷斯博士是英国剑桥大学应用数学与理论物理教授  是《数值学报》等家著名国际科技期刊与出版社的主编与编委.他在微分方程数值 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》2001,29(5):73
应我校外事处及数学系的邀请,英国剑桥大学依泽雷斯教授于4月1~4日访问了我校. 访问期间,依泽雷斯博士作了题为《泛函微分方程数值解》的专场报告,并与在座的数学系师生开展了热烈的讨论.他还与数学系张诚坚博士带领的延迟系统仿真算法课题组进行了深入的学术交流.他表示,将与我校计算数学学科继续学术合作和联系,提供最新的学术信息.4月2日,樊明武校长代表我校聘请依泽雷斯教 授为客座教授. 依泽雷斯博士是英国剑桥大学应用数学与理论物理教授,是《数值学报》等8家著名国际科技期刊与出版社的主编与编委.他在微分方程数值计算与分析的研究方面享有盛名.  相似文献   

Zinc oxide, a wide band-gap semiconductor, has shown extensive potential applications in high-efficiency semiconductor photoelectronic devices, semiconductor photocatalysis, and diluted magnetic semiconductors. Due to the undisputed lattice integrity, ZnO single crystals are essential for the fabrication of high-quality ZnO-based photoelectronic devices, and also believed to be ideal research subjects for understanding the underlying mechanisms of semiconductor photocatalysis and diluted magnetic semiconductors. This review, which is organized in two main parts, introduces the recent progress in growth, basic characterization, and device development of ZnO single crystals, and some related works in our group. The first part begins from the growth of ZnO single crystal, and summarizes the fundamental and applied investigations based on ZnO single crystals. These works are composed of the fabrication of homoepitaxial ZnO-based photoelectronic devices, the research on the photocatalysis mechanism, and dilute magnetic mechanism. The second part describes the fabrication of highly thermostable n-type ZnO with high mobility and high electron concentration through intentional doping. More importantly, in this part, a conceptual approach for fabricating highly thermostable p-type ZnO materials with high mobility through an integrated three-step treatment is proposed on the basis of the preliminary research.  相似文献   

<正>2015年6月12日下午16:30,在山西师范大学实验楼四层报告厅,华东师范大学段纯刚教授应邀来我校进行了学术交流.本次学术交流也是我校"莳英讲堂"系列学术活动的一部分.段纯刚教授围绕最新研究成果,为广大师生奉献了一场精彩的学术报告.本次学术报告由山西师范大学科技处处长、材料化学研究所所长许小红教授主持.材料化学研  相似文献   

The influences of a 0.2 T static magnetic field on the microstructure of 7075 aluminum alloys sheets produced with a twin-roll continuous caster at 675°C were investigated in this paper. Under a uniform magnetic field, the primary dendrites were refined and tended to be equiaxed. The microstructure consisted of an intermediate case between dendritic and equiaxed grains. Moreover, the use of an external static field in the twin-roll casting process can reduce heat discharge, resulting in a decrease in undercooling, and may also account for the abatement of segregation bands. In addition, the static magnetic field effectively improved the solute mixing capacity, and the added atoms more easily diffused from precipitates to the α-Al matrix, which resulted in an increase in the mechanical properties of the rolled sheets. Specimens prepared both in the presence of a static magnetic field and in the absence of a static magnetic field exhibited brittle-fracture characteristics.  相似文献   

Using an ultra-sensitive differential scanning calorimetry (US-DSC), we have investigated the folding and aggregation behaviors of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) chains in dilute and semidilute solutions. In the heating process, the intrachain folding and interchain aggregation simultaneously occur in the dilute solutions, and the ratio of intrachain folding increases with decreasing concentra- tion. In the semidilute solutions, PNIPAM chains show limited interchain aggregation with elevated temperature, because most of the PNIPAM chains have been collapsed at lower temperature. In an ex- tremely dilute solution, PNIPAM chains undergo a single folding transition in the heating process. By extrapolating heating rate and concentration to zero, we have obtained the phase transition tempera- ture (Ts) and enthalpy change (Arts) of the single chain folding. AHs is higher than that for a phase transition involving intrachain collapse and interchain aggregation, indicating that a single chain fold- ing can not be taken to be a macroscopic phase transition.  相似文献   

2012年5月21日下午4时,我校"文化·科学·教育"大师论坛报告会在大分子研究中心四层报告厅举行.中科院院士、磁学与磁性材料学家都有为先生应我校邀请作了题为《创新是科学的灵魂》的报告,全校百余名师生聆听了此次报告.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are performed on the gas fluidization of the secondary agglomerates of SiO2 and SiC nanoparticles. An Eulerian two-fluid approach is used, which models the solids stress modulus with an empirical Jung-Gidaspow relationship and the drag force based on the secondary agglomerates. The results show the behaviour of particulate fluidisation of the secondary agglomerates of nanoparticles. The fluidised bed has a very high expansion ratio but without distinct bubbles. A three-zone distribution of time-averaged particle concentration is observed along the bed height. These are a dense zone in the lower part of the bed, a dilute zone at the top part, and a transitional zone lies in between. The radial distribution of particle concentration is found to be nearly homogeneous in both the dilute and transitional zones. The modelling results are compared with experimental results reported in the literature and reasonably good agreement has been achieved.  相似文献   

Urban environmental problems are of increasing concern. Lanzhou is a large industrial city in Northwest China. Street dust samples representing different temporal and spatial scales were collected for magnetic properties study. Magnetic measurements indicate a high concentration of magnetic minerals in Lanzhou street dust, dominated by pseudo-single domain (PSD) magnetite. The concentration of magnetic materials is distinctly high in winter and spring, low in autumn. Similarly, higher concentrations associated with heavy industry, concentrated residential development, and vehicular traffic suggest mixed contributions of magnetic material from both anthropogenic and natural sources. XIf and SOFT% are effective magnetic parameters that denote seasonal differences among magnetic properties in street dust, convenient and economical methods for monitoring street dust pollution.  相似文献   

根据《云南省教育厅关于公布2008年度云南省精品课程名单的通知》,我校孙成科教授申报的《结构化学》和巴春生教授申报的《政治经济学》两门课程被评为2008年度云南省精品课程。至此,我校省级精品课程已达到5门,居全省同类院校前列,我校课程建设又上了一个新台阶。  相似文献   

2008年9月14日上午9时,在化材学院一层学术报告厅,我校校友、知名学者焦海军教授作了题为《芳香性的研究与发展——一个跨越百年时空的化学史》的学术报告。  相似文献   

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