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Why Axiomatize?     
Axiomatization is uncommon outside mathematics, partly for being often viewed as embalming, partly because the best-known axiomatizations have serious shortcomings, and partly because it has had only one eminent champion, namely David Hilbert (Math Ann 78:405–415, 1918). The aims of this paper are (a) to describe what will be called dual axiomatics, for it concerns not just the formalism, but also the meaning (reference and sense) of the key concepts; and (b) to suggest that every instance of dual axiomatics presupposes some philosophical view or other. To illustrate these points, a theory of solidarity will be crafted and axiomatized, and certain controversies in both classical and quantum physics, as well as in the philosophy of mind, will be briefly discussed. The upshot of this paper is that dual axiomatics, unlike the purely formal axiomatics favored by the structuralists school, is not a luxury but a tool helping resolve some scientific controversies.  相似文献   

In some sense, both ontological and epistemological problems related to individuation have been the focal issues in the philosophy of mathematics ever since Frege. However, such an interest becomes manifest in the rise of structuralism as one of the most promising positions in recent philosophy of mathematics. The most recent controversy between Keränen and Shapiro seems to be the culmination of this phenomenon. Rather than taking sides, in this paper, I propose to critically examine some common assumptions shared by both parties. In particular, I shall focus on their assumptions on (1) haecceity as an individual essence, (2) haecceity as a property, (3) the classification of properties, and thereby (4) the search for the principle of individuation in terms of properties. I shall argue that all these assumptions are mistaken and ungrounded from Scotus’ point of view. Further, I will fathom what consequences would follow, if we reject each of these assumptions.  相似文献   

The pessimistic induction over scientific theories (Poincaré in Science and hypothesis, Dover, New York, 1905/1952) holds that present theories will be overthrown as were past theories. The pessimistic induction over scientists (Stanford in Exceeding our grasp: science, history, and the problem of unconceived alternatives, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006) holds that present scientists cannot conceive of future theories just as past scientists could not conceive of present theories. The pessimistic induction over realists (Wray in Synthese 190(18):4321–4330, 2013) holds that present realists are wrong about present theories just as past realists were wrong about past theories. The pessimistic induction over antirealist theories (Park in Organon F 21(1):3–21, 2014) holds that the latest antirealist explanation of the success of science (Lyons in Philos Sci 70(5):891–901, 2003) has hidden problems just as its eight predecessors did. In this paper, I (1) criticize the pessimistic inductions over scientific theories, scientists, and realists, (2) introduce a pessimistic induction over antirealist theories, and then (3) construct two new pessimistic inductions. One is a pessimistic induction over antirealists according to which the author of the latest antirealist proposal cannot see hidden problems with his proposal just as his antirealist predecessors could not see hidden problems with their proposals. The other is the pessimistic induction over pessimists according to which since past pessimists have been wrong about their present scientific theories from the early twentieth century to the early twenty-first century, future pessimists will also be wrong about their present scientific theories from the early twenty-first century to the early twenty-second century.  相似文献   

今年2月4日,约旦国王侯赛因在美国病危回国。次日约旦政府宣布他已处于“脑死亡”(braindeath)状态,依靠医疗器械维持生命;国外有传媒称他已“临床死亡”(clinicaldeath)。两天后,约旦政府正式宣布侯赛因于当天上午逝世。读了这些报道,...  相似文献   

Translationese:翻译体?翻译症?翻译腔?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对译名混乱一直是学术界普遍关注和长期争论的问题,回顾了西方和国内学者对translationese的研究状况,通过概念对比的方式对translationese的三个通用汉语译名进行了综合分析,并在此基础上就规范translationese的汉语译名提出了看法。  相似文献   

近两年来,自然辩证法理论研究和教学工作在迅速发展。我们已经制定了规划,开展了一系列学术活动,创办了刊物,扩大了队伍,编写了一部教学参考资料;但同时,我们的工作也存在不少问题,必需切实地加以解决,否则,我们的工作就不能继续前进,就不能在实现四化中起积极作用。我们工作中最主要的问题是,对实现四个现代化所起的作用不大,对科学技术工作者的吸引力不大。原因何在呢?我认为,主要原因在于,我们的工作没有切实  相似文献   

职场是人的江湖,有多少精明能干的高手没有输在刺刀见红的沙场,而是输在了暗流汹涌的内部关系上。我们每个职场人都需要了解心理学规律,掌握职场读心术,知己知彼才能百战百胜。写给所有潜伏在职场的人们为什么脾气越来越焦躁,有时候无故发火;  相似文献   

<正>英国食品标准局8月3日证实,一头由美国籍克隆父母所"生"奶牛的奶制品,在没有任何标识情况下进入英国市场,不仅让很多英国人震惊、担心,也引发了全球对食品安全的关注。从"多利"开始,不断有克隆猪、牛、羊、马等动物出现,且克隆动物的肉制品和奶制品逐渐被推上人们的餐桌。对此,争议一直不断。  相似文献   

鸦片、海洛因等毒品有很强的成瘾性,一旦成瘾就形成生理上和心理上的依赖性。心理依赖性就是连续寻觅来满足快感的渴求与癖瘾;生理上的依赖就是一旦断了毒品,就产生身体上的一系列的反常性反应,包括全身无  相似文献   

神秘动物出现在非洲沼泽地恐龙的故事一直是人们最热衷的话题。这些曾经独步地球的怪物,几乎一夜之间全部变成了冰冷的石头和亘古的神话。然而,多年以来,却总是有人在探索和寻找,他们坚信还有一些恐龙的遗种,仍残留在大地的某些角落。在非洲刚果共和国北部的热带雨林区,有一片叫“利夸拉”的沼泽地,外人鲜有进入。许多世纪以来,生活在那里的土著居民一直坚信沼泽中生活着一种怪兽。  相似文献   

首先,我想谈一谈对自然界进行哲学探讨的一个特别重要的例子,这就是关于物理学真理问题的哲学探讨。我首先要问:有没有物理学的规律?  相似文献   

哲学是什么?哲学家应该做些什么?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
什么是哲学?我国的哲学教科书、辞书和辅导读物,无一例外地下了这样一个定义:“哲学是关于自然知识、社会知识和思维知识的概括和总结。”这个定义全面涉及了哲学的研究对象、任务和方法。值得我们思考的是,这样界定哲学是否恰当?笔者的意见如下:1.20世纪知识的增长,使得哲学的“概括和总结”既无必要,也不可能。一、关于“不必要”。任何一项知识活动,各自有各自的概括和总结。具体知识的专家比非专业化的哲学家更熟悉也更善于总结自己知识领域的学术成果。在这方面,哲学家们未见得有特别高明之处。事实上,那些缺乏专门知识…  相似文献   

1.1969年,在阿波罗11号探月过程中,当两名宇航员回到指令舱后3小时,"无畏号"登月舱突然失控,附毁在月球表面.离坠毁点72公里处的早先放置的地震仪,记录到了持续15分钟的震荡声.如果月球是实心的,这种震波只能持续3~5分钟.这一现象证明月球是空心的.1969年11月20日4点15分由"阿波罗"12号制造了一次人工月震,其结果充分说明月球是中空的.  相似文献   

科学家预计,从2002年起将有可能出现厄尔尼诺现象。厄尔尼诺为什么会“卷土重来”?1月30日,在厄尔尼诺现象研究中做了不少工作的我国科学家根据科学资料和发现做出了解释。  相似文献   

俄裔美籍科幻大师阿西莫夫在半个多世纪前,曾对人类科技的未来远景做出许多预测,其中有不少都已应验。阿西莫夫曾预言机器人会获得长足的发展,甚至有可能反过来控制和伤害人类,因此他在20世纪40年代对人类开发机器人订下“三个铁律”:第一,机器人不能伤害人类;第二,机器人必须听命于人类,但不能违反第一律;第三,机器人必须在不违反前述两律的情况下才能存在。  相似文献   

This commentary addresses the question of the meaning of critique in relation to objectivism or dogmatism. Inspired by Kant’s critical philosophy and Husserl’s phenomenology, it defines the first in terms of conditionality, the second in terms of oppositionality. It works out an application on the basis of Salthe’s (Found Sci 15 4(6):357–367, 2010a) paper on development and evolution, where competition is criticized in oppositional, more than in conditional terms.  相似文献   

狄更斯小说《荒凉山庄》中有一个 名叫克鲁克的邪恶酒徒最后自燃而 死,作家认为恶人自燃是“上帝的惩 罚”,然而自燃到底是什么呢?  相似文献   

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