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A new linear polyketide, Annonacin (I), has been isolated from active extracts of the stembark of Annona densicoma Mart. Annonacin (I) is highly cytotoxic and is active in an assay designed to detect antimitotic agents. The structure of (I) was determined by analysis of spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

Summary 2-Amino-6-[(1'R,2'S)-1',2'-dihydroxypropyl]-3-methyl-pterin-4-one (1) has been isolated from the marine anthozoanAstroides calycularis; its structure was illustrated by spectral analyses including 2D-NMR and by partial synthesis.1 appears to possess cell-growth inhibiting activity.29 December 1986Work supported by C.N.R. (Progetto Finalizzato Chimica Fine e Secondaria) and by Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Italy. — Acknowledgments. Mass spectral data were provided by Servizio di Spettrometria di massa del C.N.R. e dell'Università di Napoli. The assistance of the staff is gratefully appreciated. Finally we would like to thank Prof. C. Pietropaolo for supplying chick embryo fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Summary Gigantecin (I), a novel tetrahydroxy-di-tetrahydrofuran fatty acid -lactone (acetogenin), was isolated from an ethanolic extract of the stem bark ofGoniothalamus giganteus Hook. f., Thomas (Annonaceae), by means of activity-directed fractionation (brine shrimp lethality test). This new compound is extremely cytotoxic to human tumor cells, inhibits crown gall tumors on potato discs, and is active in an assay designed to detect antimitotic agents (9 ASK).  相似文献   

Summary The isolation and structure determination of (Z)-1,17-diaminooctadec-9-ene from several species of Coccinellidae is reported.Maître de Recherches du Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique.We gratefully acknowledge the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique for financial support. We express our sincere thanks to Professor K. S. Hagen for a generous gift ofH. leis conformis.  相似文献   

Summary Luffolide (4) is a minor metabolite of the spongeLuffariella sp. from Palau. The structure of luffolide was determined by single crystal X-ray analysis. Luffolide is relatively unstable and undergoes a complex cyclization reaction to give the hexacyclic products5 and6. Luffolide (4) has some of the anti-inflammatory properties of manoalide (1): this may help to define the chemical reaction between manoalide (1) and phospholipase A2.All crystallographic calculations were done on a PRIME 9950 computer operated by the Cornell Chemistry Computing Facility. Principal programs employed were: FOBS, a data reduction program by G.D. Van Duyne, Cornell University, 1987; MULTAN 80, and RANTAN 80, systems of computer programs for the automatic solution of crystal structures from X-ray diffraction data (locally modified to perform all Fourier calculations including Patterson syntheses) written by P. Main, S. E. Hull, L. Lessinger, G. Germain, J. P. Declercq and M. M. Woolfson, University of York, England, 1980 BDLS, an, anisotropic block diagonal least squares refinement written by K. Hirotsu, E. Arnold, and G. D. Van Duyne, Cornell University, 1987; PLUTO 78, a locally modified crystallographic illustration program by W. D. S. Motherwell, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 1978; and BOND, a program to calculate molecular parameters and prepare tables written by K. Hirotsu and G. Van Duyne, Cornell University, 1985.Acknowledgment. We thank the Government of the Republic of Palau for a scientific research permit. We thank Dr Klaus Rützler, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. for identifying the sponge and Mary Kay Harper for performing additional bioassays. This research was supported by grants from the Sea Grant College Programs of California [Projects R/MP-30 to DJF) and R/MP-31 (to RSJ)] and New York (to JC) and the National Institutes of Health (CA 24487 to JC).  相似文献   

In a survey of antifungal stress compounds induced by cupric chloride we found that leaves ofChenopodium album exuded a highly fungitoxic metabolite mucondialdehyde (trans-2,trans-4-hexadienedial), which was associated with 13-oxo-9,11-tridecadienoic acids (cis-9,trans-11 andtrans-9,trans-11 isomers) presumably resulting from -scission of 13-hydroperoxy-octadecadi(tri)enoic acid. The biogenesis and role as a general defensive agent in plants are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

To study the origins of biologically active substances in marine sponges, a carotenoid produced by a marine bacterium,Pseudomonas sp. strain number KK10206C, which was associated with a marine sponge,Halichondra okadai, was investigated. A visible absorption spectrum-guided isolation procedure led to the isolation of a novel C50-carotenoid, okadaxanthin. Its structure, 2,2-bis(4-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-butenyl)-,-carotene, was elucidated mainly by spectroscopic methods. Okadaxanthin turned out to be a potent singlet oxygen quencher, approximately 10 times as strong as -tocopherol.  相似文献   

Flucycloxuron, a novel benzoylphenylurea (BPU) derivative, exhibited insecticidal activity when injected into newly ecdysed pupae ofTenebrio molitor. Mortality occurs because of defective adult ecdysis. Treatment caused a reduction in both cuticle thickness and incorporation of14C-labelled precursor into chitin, although it had no significant effect on the protein synthesis. The potencies of other BPU compounds as inhibitors of chitin biosynthesis have been examined and results showed that diflubenzuron was less effective than either flucycloxuron or triflumuron.  相似文献   

Summary A novel sphingosine derivative, symbioramide, has been isolated from the laboratory-cultured dinoflagellateSymbiodinium sp. as a sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-ATPase activator, and its structure elucidated to be1 on the basis of spectral and chemical means.Acknowledgments. We thank Ms M. Hamashima and Ms A. Muroyama for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary The host-selective phytotoxin victorin, produced by the fungusCochliobolus victoriae, was found to be at least partially peptidic in nature, and did not contain victoxinine. The exact mass of the M-H ion was measured by FABMS as 795.1877. Derivatives of three major acid hydrolysis products were isolated. The structures of the corresponding amino acids were assigned as 2S,3R-3-hydroxyleucine, 5,5-dichloroleucine, and 3-hydroxylysine. A into victorin by the fungus in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Guided by cytotoxicity, ansamitocin P-3, a maytansinoid, was isolated in very low yield from two members of the moss family Thuidiaceae,Claopodium crispifolium (Hook.) Ren & Card. andAnomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Hueb. Ansamitocin P-3 showed potent cytotoxicity against the human solid tumor cell lines A-549, HT-29. A possible basis for the occurrence of this compound in mosses is discussed.Presented at the XV International Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry, Monterrey (Mexico) April 28–30, 1988 and at the International Research Congress on Natural Products, Park City (Utah, USA) in July 1988.Acknowledgments. This work was supported by grant No. CA 33326 from the NCI, NIH, USA. K.S. is the recipient of support from the Anandha-Mahidol Foundation, Thailand. The 470 MHz NMR instrument was available through the Purdue University Biochemical Magnetic Resonance Laboratory supported by NIH grant No. RR1077 from the Biotechnology Resources Program of the Division of Research Resources. Special thanks are due to the Purdue Cell Culture Laboratory for in vitro testing data and to Dr M. Antoun forC. crispifolium extraction. The animal testing data are the results of screening performed under the auspices of the Developmental Therapeutics Program, Division of Cancer Treatment, the NCI.  相似文献   

Summary Using brine shrimp lethality for activity-directed fractionation, goniothalamicin (I), a new tetrahydroxy-mono-tetrahydrofuran fatty acid -lactone (acetogenin), has been isolated from ethanolic extracts of the stem bark ofGoniothalamus giganteus Hook. f., Thomas (Annonaceae). This novel compound was found to be cytotoxic and insecticidal and inhibited the formation of crown gall tumors on potato discs. Annonacin (II), the only other reported mono-tetrahydrofuran acetogenin, was also isolated; the previously reported 9ASK (astrocytoma reversal) activity ofII was confirmed, andII is now also found to be weakly active against 3PS murine leukemia.  相似文献   

Summary From the unripe fruits ofSapium indicum, an irritant compound, sapintoxin, was isolated. Spectroscopic data together with selective hydrolysis and partial synthesis confirmed sapintoxin as 12-O-[N-methylaminobenzoyl]-13-O-acetyl-4-deoxyphorbol.  相似文献   

Summary Biological activity of enantiomerically pure juvenile hormones was assayed by topical application on allatectomizedBombyx fourth instar larvae. JHs tested were (10R)-JH I [methyl (2E,6E,10R,11S)-10,11-epoxy-3,11-dimethyl-7-ethyl-2,6-tridecadienoate], (10S)-JH I [methyl (2E, 6E, 10S, 11R)-10,11-epoxy-3,11-dimethyl-7-ethyl-2,6-tridecadienoate], (10R)-JH III [methyl (2E,6E,10R)-10,11-epoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6-dodecadienoate] and (10S)-JH III [methyl (2E,6E,10S)-10,11-epoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6-dodecadienoate]. Among these compounds, natural (10R)-JH I was most active and the dose needed to induce 50% larval molting was 0.04 g/larva; it was approximately 12,000 times more active than unnatural (10S)-JH I. Though natural (10R)-JH III showed slight biological activity, it was only one three-thousandth of that of (10R)-JH I. Unnatural (10S)-JH III exhibited no biological activity at the levels assayed.  相似文献   

Summary Tingenone and horminone, two natural quinonoid substances, inhibited the in vitro growth ofTrypanosoma cruzi, 30 M drug concentration producing total inhibition of growth. Tingenone inhibited total uptake and incorporation of [3H]thymidine, [3H]uridine, L-[3H]leucine into parasite macromolecules. Other quinonoids assayed were either less effective (abruquinone A) or even quite inactive (visminone B and ferruginin B). Investigation of several mechanisms for the cytotoxic action of tingenone pointed to the interaction with DNA as the most likely factor involved. Tingenone also inhibited the growth ofCrithidia fasciculata, but the drug was significantly less active on this organism than onT. cruzi.This work was supported by grants of UNDP/World Bank/World Health Organization Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Organization of American States (Multinational Programme of Biochemistry) and Programa Nacional de Enfermedades Endémicas (SECYT), República Argentina. A preliminary account was given at the Workshop on Oxidative Damage and Related Enzymes, Frascatti (Italy), 1983.  相似文献   

Allozyme frequencies of 15 enzyme loci, 14 of which were polymorphic, were used to characterize sevenTerellia virens populations originating from three allopatrically distributedCentaurea species. The two populations whose origins were geographically furthest apart, from Israel (onC. iberica) and from Switzerland (onC. vallesiaca), showed relatively high values of genetic distance from the 5 populations sampled in Austria and Hungary (onC. maculosa) (Nei's D>0.07). The latter five displayed a high degree of genetic similarity. No diagnostic (fixed) allelic differences were observed between these three groups ofT. virens populations, but they could be well characterized by significant differences in allelic frequencies at 9 enzyme loci. Independently of this study, the populations from Switzerland (C. vallesiaca) and eastern Austria (C. maculosa) were selected as potential source populations for future introductions into North America for the biological control of introducedC. maculosa andC. diffusa. Based on the observed genetic differences and results from field experiments on the host specificity of these two potential source populations, it is argued that host specificity screening tests should be conducted separately for local (host plant) populations, as such populations might accept a different set of hosts. Biotype mismatch and the risk of spill-overs to native species could thus possibly be reduced.  相似文献   

Summary Brianolide (1), a new antiinflammatory diterpenoid of the briarein class, possessing a substituent at C-12 (R), has been isolated from the Okinawan gorgonianBriareum sp. Its structure has been established from spectral data in conjunction with a single crystal X-ray analysis.  相似文献   

Summary The circadian clock in the unicellular algaGonyaulax polyedra is accelerated by a substance in extracts from the cells themselves. The extracts have been fractionated using the circadian rhythm of bioluminescence as bioassay. The active substance, termed gonyauline, has been isolated and characterized as a novel low molecular weight cyclopropanecarboxylic acid (S-methyl-cis-2-(methylthio) cyclopropanecarboxylic acid). Synthetic gonyauline has a similar shortening effect on the period of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

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