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本文阐述化工品储罐加热系统的方案设计,降低系统运行的成本,到达节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

原油储罐的腐蚀与防护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对原油储罐腐蚀的现状,为提高油罐的使用寿命,减少油罐事故发生率,分析了造成油罐腐蚀的原因。并提出了具体的防腐措施,同时对油罐防护施工中应注意的几个问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

设计了油水界面动态检测系统.利用数控执行机构带动微波探头在原油储罐内作垂直匀速运动,通过对原油储罐含水率的动态检测,准确地反映出油水乳化带的状态和位置信息,测量出储罐内油水界面的位置,从而确定储罐内原油、水和乳化液层的位置和体积.采用400 MHz激励信号的微波探头,可实现0~100%原油含水率的动态测定,含水率测量误差≤±2%.在20 m范围内,油水界面的位置测量误差小于±10 mm.  相似文献   

借助CFD仿真手段,模拟蓄热式加热炉内钢坯加热的实际状况,研究了钢坯长度、宽度方向上下表面和中心温度的温度分布,提出钢坯存在上下温差、四角边缘温度高和靠近出钢口钢坯温度低等问题。同时,研究了炉内不同厚度钢坯与加热时间的基本关系,比较了仿真计算结果与实际炉内加热时间,通过数值拟合,得出钢坯厚度与加热时间的拟合公式,可在生产实际中使用。上述研究结果可为加热炉钢坯加热制度的制定和优化提供依据。  相似文献   

研究了各种因素对现场原油储罐排出气体扩散浓度的影响。分析了这种扩散与空气污染扩散和高压纯烃气体扩散的区别,计算对比发现空气污染扩散和高纯烃气体扩散的有关计算公式不宜用于原油储罐排出了气体扩散的计算。理论分析简化了高斯扩散公式,根据现场实测数据回蚂昨到了公式的经验参数,考虑到现场风流的不稳定性和紊流脉动,利用风洞模拟实修正了公式,最终得到的公式能较准确地预测固定顶的原油储罐排出气体的扩散浓度。  相似文献   

实验研究槽式太阳能系统中导热油储罐的散热特性.储罐散热量随导热油降温而逐渐减小,储罐外壁面温度受储罐结构和环境温度影响很大,由此提出以储罐外壁表面平均温度为基础的热损失计算方法.储罐总热阻包括罐内保温层和罐外热阻,罐外热阻主要由辐射和自然对流组成.结合实验结果与表面平均温度计算法,提出罐内保温层传热关联式、储罐外壁辐射热损失关联式、罐外大空间自然对流散热关联式,为槽式太阳能储热系统的研究提供基础数据.  相似文献   

太阳能技术已经逐渐地应用到供热系统之中,太阳能供热系统的工作机理之一就是水循环系统的流动吸热和散热过程,如何提高该过程产生的热效率是推广太阳能供热系统应用的关键.建立了强制循环闭式太阳能供热系统的三维数值模型,然后用CFD软件对其进行分析.研究结果表明:1) 在模拟强制循环闭式太阳能供热系统中,雷诺数和光照时间对系统影响较大;2) 在雷诺数为1 500、1 000、500时,经过实际1.5 h的模拟后系统内的最高温度分别为310 k、312 k、317 k;3) 强制循环系统中水温分层分布,且系统的得热量随雷诺数的减小而增大.  相似文献   

郭磊 《科技资讯》2013,(3):165-166
大型原油储罐承载着甲B类易燃液体,是炼化企业防火防爆重点要害设施。因设计、施工及客观原因,存在发生着火、泄漏、浮盘下沉等隐患。为杜绝重大安全事故,通过进行安全检查、风险评估、可消减或消除存在的安全隐患,应用规范严谨的操作程序、实际的应急处置方法,使存在风险得到有效控制。  相似文献   

本文阐述了大型原油钢制立式储罐基础设计的具体做法,总结了技术要点,探讨基础设计在立式原油储罐建设过程中的作用。就基础的选型设计进行了讨论。在基础设计中,基础的选型、上部结构的荷载、地基土体的承载力各方面的情况进行方案优选。  相似文献   

研究了各种因素对现场原油储罐排出气体扩散浓度的影响.分析了这种扩散与空气污染扩散和高压纯烃气体扩散的区别,计算对比发现空气污染扩散和高纯烃气体扩散的有关计算公式不宜用于原油储罐排出气体扩散的计算.理论分析简化了高斯扩散公式,根据现场实测数据回归得到了公式的经验参数,考虑到现场风流的不稳定性和紊流脉动,利用风洞模拟实验修正了公式,最终得到的公式能较准确地预测固定顶原油储罐排出气体的扩散浓度.  相似文献   

This paper presented a preliminary research on the central solar heating system with seasonal stor-age(CSHSSS)used in cold climate in China.A mathematical model of the solar energy seasonal storage water tank used in the central solar heating system was firstly developed based on energy conservation.This was fol-lowed by the simulation of the CSHSSS used in a two-floor villa in Harbin,and analysis of the impacts on storage water temperature of tank volume,solar collector area,tank burial depth,insulation thickness around the tank,etc.The results show there is a relatively economical tank volume to optimize the system efficiency,which de-creases with increasing tank volume at the constant collector area,and increases with increasing collector area at the constant tank volume.Furthermore,the insulation thickness has obvious effect on avoiding heat loss,while the tank burial depth doesn't.In addition-the relationship between the solar collector efficiency and storage wa-ter temperature is also obtained,it decreases quickly with increasing storing water temperature,and then in-creases slowly after starting space heating system.These may be helpful for relevant design and optimization in cold climates in China and all over the world.  相似文献   

The conventional solar heating floor system contains a big water tank to store energy in the day time for heating at night,which takes much building space and is very heavy.In order to reduce the water tank velume even to cancel the tank,a novel structure of integrated water pipe floor heating system using shape-stabi-lized phase change materials (SSPCM) for thermal energy storage was developed.A numerical model was devel-oped to analyze the performance of SSPCM floor heating system under the intermittent heating condition,which was verified by our experimental data.The thermal performance of the heating system and the effects of various factors on it were analyzed numerically.The factors including phase transition temperature,heat of fusion,ther-real conductivity of SSPCM and thermal conductivity of the decoration material were analyzed.The results show that tm and kd are the most import influencing factors on the thermal performance of SSPCM floor heating sys-tem,since they determine the heat source temperature and thermal resistance between SSPCM plates and indoor air,respectively.Hm should be large to store enough thermal energy in the day time for nighttimes heating.The effects of KP can be ignored in this system.The SSPCM floor heating system has potential of making use of the daytime solar energy for heating at night efficiently in various climates when its structure is properly designed.  相似文献   

对对象建筑及太阳能集蓄热系统进行TRNSYS模拟,分别得出房间逐时冷负荷及5,15,25 ℃等3种设计蒸发温度下,不同水箱容积与集热面积比(S)时,系统的发生温度、制冷量及系统性能系数(COP)的变化规律.结果表明:在太原市的夏季气象条件下,对以R141b型制冷剂为工质的小型太阳能喷射制冷系统,当蒸发温度在5~25 ℃时,S值的最佳设计范围为0.015~0.030,且设计蒸发温度越高,S值应越高.  相似文献   

大型非锚固原油储罐地基材料选用与应力分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了大型非锚固原油储罐三维空间非线性有限元模型,采用罐底和地基材料接触单元的方法替代罐底和地基材料弹性杆单元的方法模拟罐底和地基材料的接触力。以一台新建15×104m3储罐为分析对象,分析了储罐采用不同地基材料以及采用不同地基材料不同分布的情况下,壁板、开孔边缘和大角焊缝应力分布规律。为大型原油储罐应力分布最优化,地基材料的排布和选用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

设计一套以 作为蓄热介质的相变蓄热式太阳能低温地板辐射采暖系统,该系统在阳光充足时直接利用太阳能供暖,同时将多余的太阳能储存,用于夜间和阴雨天供暖,使太阳能可作为地板采暖系统的稳定热源;在太阳能较弱的条件下对供水进行预热,配合使用电加热器,从而降低地板采暖系统的能耗。通过对实验供暖房间进行性能测试,结果表明该系统能使室内平均温度保持在18℃左右,并且在没有太阳辐射的情况下也能维持室温12h。  相似文献   

太阳能在游泳馆供热中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太阳能资源是可再生资源,对此的合理利用是解决世界常规能源日趋的有效途径。但是太阳能的利用有一定的局限性,必须结合当地的具体情况,采用合理的系统形式,并需要和传统资源有机结合方可达到比较满意的结果,以太阳能在游泳馆供热的应用实例,指出合理地布置集热器,采用储热水箱、辅助热源及可靠的自控是设计中应该特别注意的地方。太阳能在一定程度上完全可以替代常规能源,其节能效果显著,日常运行经济,也有效地保护了环境。  相似文献   

提出了太阳能发电与市电互补的空气源热泵供热系,结合某处办公建筑,给出了其空气源热泵供热系的设计方案,搭建了实际的空气源热泵供热系统。对太阳能发电与市电互补的空气源热泵供热系统进行了实验研究,结果表明当光伏电源与市电切换时,负载电压与电流波形畸变率较小,系统能够平稳运行。对整个冬季的蓄水箱水温、供暖房间空气温度、系统耗电量等参数进行测试,与传统供热方式比较,系统的经济性显著提高。  相似文献   

Solar heating system is widely used recently.Heat storage equipment is the guarantee for steady performance of solar heating system.A design of latent heat storage exchanger with submerged coil was introduced with the structure,working principle,and the main advantages.This heat exchanger was integrated into solar heating system as the heat storage equipment.Advantage comparison of the designed heat exchanger in solar heating system with hot water tank was carried out.The analysis results show that the latent heat storage exchanger is superior to hot water tank obviously.The heat exchanger performance parameters and variations of these parameters are got:(1)with the increase of phase change material(PCM)volume ratio,heat storage equipment volume ratio decreases;(2)heat storage efficiency has the same varying tendency with outdoor and air temperature;while the bigger PCM volume ratio is,the weaker the effect of outdoor air temperature on heat storage efficiency is;(3)heat storage capacity and heat storage efficiency increase together;when PCM volume ratio is big,heat storage efficiency is high and the system can begin operating efficiently and quickly;(4)with the increase of heat storage capacity,life cycle operation cost(LCOC)of system increases gradually in high speed;but with the increase of PCM volume ratio,the difference between the two systems LCOCs becomes smaller and smaller;(5)the reasonable range of PCM volume ratio is 0.5-0.7.Temperature characteristic analysis shows that,with the filled PCM,heat storage medium temperature presents several segments at different time,under conditions of different heat storage capacity and different PCM state.  相似文献   

介绍了太阳能燃气集成供热系统的特点,详细阐述了太阳能燃气集成生活热水系统和太阳能燃气集成洗浴采暖系统的原理和结构,通过对这两种供热系统的经济性和环境效益进行了分析,提出了设计太阳能燃气集成供热系统应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

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