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Summary Decreased activities of both the inhibitory modulator of adenosine 35-monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (A-PK) as well as the stimulatory modulator of guanosine 35-monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent protein kinase (G-PK) from the mouse cerebellum were noted due to the administration of excessive doses of ethanol, caffeine, and phenobarbital for up to 28 days. The dose-dependence of the inhibition of A-PK or the stimulation of G-PK was observed as a function of the amount of protein kinase modulators in the cerebellum of mice receiving different doses of ethanol.Acknowledgments. This work was supported by a grant (RR 08119-06-PK modulator project) from NIH, USA. J.L. Williams, T. Floyd-Jones, C.F. Duggans, D.L. Boone, and S.O. Smith were prebaccalaureate trainees of MBS program. Authors thank Dr J.F. Kuo of Emory University for encouragement in this project.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the activity of protein kinase C (PKC) and muscle innervation was explored in the rat sternomastoid muscle (SM) from day 18 of gestation (E18) to adult age. Between E18 and birth, PKC activity rose 5-fold, and during the day after birth, diminished to a level characteristic of the mature muscle. The rise chiefly occurred in the neural part of the muscle, in both the membrane and the cytosol fractions. Between E18 and day 5 after birth, the ratios of membrane to cytosol PKC activity rose from 0.5 to 10 and 3 respectively in the neural and aneural parts of the muscle. Denervation of adult SM reduced PKC activity by half in the membrane fraction of the neural part but did not significantly change it in the membrane or cytosol fractions of the aneural parts. These results suggest that innervation plays an important part in determining the level of PKC activity in muscle.  相似文献   

The relationship between the activity of protein kinase C (PKC) and muscle innervation was explored in the rat sternomastoid muscle (SM) from day 18 of gestation (E18) to adult age. Between E18 and birth, PKC activity rose 5-fold, and during the day after birth, diminished to a level characteristic of the mature muscle. The rise chiefly occurred in the neural part of the muscle, in both the membrane and the cytosol fractions. Between E18 and day 5 after birth, the ratios of membrane to cytosol PKC activity rose from 0.5 to 10 and 3 respectively in the neural and aneural parts of the muscle. Denervation of adult SM reduced PKC activity by half in the membrane fraction of the neural part but did not significantly change it in the membrane or cytosol fractions of the aneural parts. These results suggest that innervation plays an important part in determining the level of PKC activity in muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Triiodothyronine injected daily to pregnant rats for the last week of gestation (50 g/100 g b.wt) increased the specific activities of 5 acid glycosidases in the fetal forebrain and cerebellum. Cortisone (50 mg/100 g b.wt) administered in the same period had no effect on cerebellum acid hydrolases, but decreased their activity in the forebrain.Supported by grant No. HD 08536 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.  相似文献   

Triiodothyronine injected daily to pregnant rats for the last week of gestation (50 microgram/100 g b.wt) increased the specific activities of 5 acid glycosidases in the fetal forebrain and cerebellum. Cortisone (50 mg/100 g b.wt) administered in the same period had no effect on cerebellum acid hydrolases, but decreased their activity in the forebrain.  相似文献   

Injection of glucose in the portal vein, as well as in the left carotid artery, brought a transient decrease in efferent discharges of the gastric vagus nerve, whereas venous injection of regular insulin brought a gradual increase in the discharges.  相似文献   

Resumen La sección y extirpación bilateral de los bulbos olfactorios, en ratas de ambos sexos, producen disminución de las proteínas séricas totales, albumina y globulinas y, sin modificaciones de la globulina. Esa disminución se hace significativa 21 días después de las operaciones.  相似文献   

Riassunto Mediante elettroforesi in fase libera è stato studiato il protiogramma epatico durante l'intossicazione con dietilamide dell'acido lisergico (LSD) nel ratto albino.Si sono osservate profonde modificazioni del quadro le quali sonto completamente reversibili.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis, dass durch langdauernde Äthanol-Zufuhr die Adenyl-Zyklase-Aktivität in der Grosshirnrinde von Mäusen vermehrt wird, während die fermentative Aktivität bei der akuten Zufuhr sich nicht verändert. Die Empfindlichkeit der Adenyl-Zyklase-Aktivität auf Norepinephrin im Mäusegehrin ist nach dieser Äthanol-Zufuhr deutlich herabgesetzt.

Supported in part by grants No. MH-18663 and MH-16477 from USPHS, to whom reprint requests have to be sent.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Koffein in Dosen von 25 und 50 mg/kg s.c. führte bei weissen Mäusen als Folge einer gesteigerten Lipolyse im Depotfett zur Abnahme des Fettgehalts des Fettgewebes, zur Zunahme der unveresterten Fettsäuren im Serum und zur Einlagerung von veresterten Fettsäuren in die Leber. Die Hauptwirkung fand sich nach 2 h. Der Gehalt des Serums an veresterten Fettsäuren und Gesamtcholesterin blieb unverändert.  相似文献   

Summary Injection of glucose in the portal vein, as well as in the left carotid artery, brought a transient decrease in efferent discharges of the gastric vagus nerve, whereas venous injection of regular insulin brought a gradual increase in the discharges.Acknowledgment. The authors thank Prof. A. Niijima for his helpful advice.  相似文献   

Riassunto Si è osservato che il metabolismo del meprobamato è tanto più rapido quanto più giovani sono i ratti usati ed anche che l'induzione dell'aumento del metabolismoin vivo è tanto più intensa quanto più giovani sono i ratti usati.  相似文献   

Summary The administration of dexamethasone (DXM, 2.00 mg/kg) 1 h prior to the injection of lethal doses of ethanol was found to offer complete protection against ethanol toxicity at doses up to 5.25 g/kg and partial protection using higher doses. It is suggested that DXM central action might be involved in the protection against ethanol toxicity.Supported by a grant from U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass in der Leber die Aktivität der PEP-Kinase und der Glycerolkinase nachgeburtlich ansteigt. Im braunen Fettgewebe fällt die PEP-Kinaseaktivität nach dem 40. Tag ab. Sie fehlt im weissen Fettgewebe. Die Pyruvatkinaseaktivität fällt in der Leber nach der Geburt ab, während sie im braunen Fettgewebe ansteigt.  相似文献   

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