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Recent study revealed that the so-called Neogene Gansu System in the western Loess Plateau contains loess-soil sequences of Miocene age[1]. A most com- plete sequence (QA-I) covers a time interval from ~22 to ~6.2 Ma BP, consisting of more than 230 visual…  相似文献   

Qiao  YanSong  Zhao  ZhiZhong  Wang  Yan  Fu  JianLi  Wang  ShuBing  Jiang  FuChu 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(24):4697-4703
The West Sichuan Plateau is located in the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau, where the climate is mainly influenced by the Indian southwest summer monsoon and the Tibetan Plateau monsoon. In this study, detailed geochemical analysis has been carried out on Ganzisi loess-paleosol sequence in Ganzê County of western Sichuan Province. The results indicate that Ganzê loess and paleosol have experienced the incipient stage of chemical weathering in dust source regions, characterized by the decomposition of plagioclase which caused the depletion of mobile elements Na and Ca. The post-depositional chemical weathering is characterized by carbonate dissolution and oxidation of Fe2+. The variations of some geochemical indexes (such as CIA values, Na/K and Fe2+/ Fe3+ ratios) in Ganzisi loess-paleosol sequence indicate a gradually decreased chemical weathering intensity in the dust source regions and deposition areas since 1.15 Ma BP consistent with the general increase of global ice volume, reflecting that the arid trend since 1.15 Ma BP in the southeast Tibetan Plateau is a regional response to the global climate change. The geochemical indexes in this section also reveal an obvious drying step occurred at about 250 ka BP in this region. We interpret this drying step as a result of decreased influence of the Indian southwest summer monsoon. This decrease in monsoon moisture is probably attributable to the uplift of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau at about 250 ka BP.  相似文献   

This study, based on environmental archaeological studies focused on Qin’an County and Li County in Gansu Province, China, shows that during 8–7.3 ka BP few cultivated crop seeds were found. After 6.4 ka BP, during the Banpo period, many crop seeds appeared, indicating the development of agriculture. Millet agriculture in this area appeared and flourished a little later than in the Central Plain of China. Climate change is an important factor that influenced the development of agriculture in this area. The rapid expansion of agriculture during late Yangshao and Changshan benefited from the humid and warm climate in the mid-Holocene, especially the emergence of rice. After 4 ka BP, climate became drier, and agriculture began to decline. So Siwa Culture is char-acterized by pastoral economy, until the Eastern Zhou period, agriculture began to recover, when wheat and barley appeared in Li County, indicating diversification of agriculture of this time.  相似文献   

There is much debate on biological affinities of the phosphatized globular fossils from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo phosphorites at Weng’an, Guizhou Province. Here we report for the first time the budding structures of some of these globular fossils, which have previously been interpreted as the resting eggs and early cleavage embryos of metazoans. The budding structures are similar to the germinating tubes of the spore and zygote of living algae, suggesting that some globular fossils from the Doushantuo phosphorites bear affinity with algae. The present new information indicated various biological affinity of the phosphatized globular fossils from the Doushantuo phosphorites.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic ratios of carbonate in the two profiles of the Dali area were analyzed and some new understandings on the influencing factors of the δ^13Csc value of the Iocss-paleosol sequence and its paleoenvironmental implications were discussed preliminarily in this report. The δ^13Csc value of the Dali Ioess-paleasol sequence is synchronizing with the variance of magnetic susceptibility basically and the negative peaks of the δ^13Csc curves are corresponding to the different developmental periods of the paleosol. It is believed that the intervention of the CO2 produced by plants will cause the decrease of the δ^13Csc value, the amplitude of which may be relevant to the paleovegetation density and the ancient humidity. The relative biomass of C4 plants in the vegetation will affect the sublevel change of the δ^13Csc. Low δ^13Csc value by and large indicates the environmental conditions of the relatively abundant vegetation and humid climate. During the last 250000 years, the period with the sparsest vegetation and the most arid climate is the phase of the loess in L2 depositing and the period with the most abundant vegetation and the most humid climate is the last interglacial period. The δ^13Csc curves of Dali also show that the High Temperature and Large Precipitation Event of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during 40-30 kaBP had affected the Central Shaanxi Plain with relatively humid climate, and had apparent influence on the local vegetation and humidity.  相似文献   

Aerosol radionuclides (131I, 134Cs, 137Cs) and gaseous radioactive xenon (133Xe) were monitored at Xi’an, China following the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in March 2011. The additional annual effective dose attributable to the Fukushima emissions was much lower than the public annual effective dose from natural radiation, according to Chinese national standards. The monitoring results were compared with data from other countries as well as with the radionuclide concentrations observed in Xi’an after the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986. Possible transport pathways of the released radionuclides from Fukushima to Xi’an were investigated. The occurrence of an anticyclone in the Pacific Ocean region and the extended period over which the radionuclides were released made the determination transport pathways complex, but divergence in the plume and easterly flow evidently brought the initial suite of radionuclides to Xi’an.  相似文献   

The Zhongba site has been demonstrated to be a location of salt production based on multi-disciplinary research including salt archaeology,environmental archaeology,zooarchaeology,paleobotany,and other natural science examinations.The continuity of salt production from the Han Dynasty to the present day as understood primarily from ancient texts can now be traced back to even earlier times. Based on the characteristics of cultural layer deposits,features,and artifacts,Zhongba can be clearly distinguished from known settlements,and from bronze,iron,pottery and porcelain workshops.According to various natural science examinations,the major impurities in local salt brine are also found in floor features,brine troughs,and rounded bottom pots at the site even though NaCl itself was not preserved.These traces were left over from the salt production process rather than being naturally deposited.Zhongba and its constituent features and artifacts share many common characters with other salt production sites around the world.Consequently,the Zhongba site can be confidently identified as a salt production site where activity continued for several thousand years.The formation of the site cannot be separated from salt production,and it is also highly related to its natural environment.  相似文献   

The origin and sedimentary environment of theLate Tertiary (Neogene) Red Clay Formation in northernChina had long been controversial. A new mollusk recordfrom the Xifeng red clay (red-earth) sequence in the centralLoess Plateau provides the biological evidence for addressingquestions of its origin and environmental implication. Thestudy of composition and preservation condition of seventymollusk fossil assemblages reveals the initial ecological con-dition of the red clay formation, avoiding the effect ofpost-deposited alteration. The result shows that all of identi-fiable mollusk species are composed of terrestrial taxa, mostof them are the common species found in the overlying Qua-ternary Ioess-paleosol sequence. Most of fossil individualspreserved in the red clay strata are in living conditions basedon the investigation of fieldwork, indicating the originalpopulation. Thus, the mollusk fossil assemblages can be usedas an indicator of primary environment of the red clay for-mation. The mollusk record from the Xifeng red clay se-quence supports the view that the red clay is an aeolian ori-gin, similar to the overlying Quaternary loess deposits. Ourdata also reveal the history of environmental changes atXifeng from 6.2--2.4 Ma, which is coupled in phase with theformation and development of the Arctic ice sheets and theprocess of the Tibetan Plateau uplift. Both may be the majorcause and forcing mechanisms of the late Tertiaryenvironmental changes in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Wu  Yi  Zhu  ZhaoYu  Rao  ZhiGuo  Qiu  ShiFan  Yang  Tian 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(26):2989-3000
The application of rock magnetism methods to investigating the variations of magnetic minerals in the sediments is an important approach to the reestablishment of paleoclimate evolution. Thus we performed fine magnetic measurements on the loess-paleosol sequence (from L15 upwards to S5, in which L is short for Loess, S is short for Paleosol, the same hereinafter) of Yushan stratigraphic section, which is on the southeastern margin of Chinese Loess Plateau, in Lantian County of China’s Shaanxi Province, and the thickness of which is ca. 40 m. Our study shows that the primary magnetic carriers of loess and paleosol in this section are magnetite, maghemite, hematite and goethite. Thermomagnetic analyses on the samples of representative horizons show that the higher pedogenesis degree of the sediments, the smaller variations of magnetization there will be before and after heating, probably related to the pedogenic alteration of loess sediments. Analyses of several magnetic parameters show a significant discrepancy between the paleoclimatic conditions recorded in the strata from the loess unit L15 upward to the paleosol unit S5 in the study area and those recorded in the relative strata of other sections on the Chinese Loess Plateau, and those recorded in marine sediments, indicating the great impact of regional geological background. Similarly, the rapid and intensive change recorded in the segment from L15 to S9-1, and the significant difference between the paleoclimate evolutions of the two periods before and after the change (from L15 to S9-1, and from L9 to the base of S6) indicate the strong alteration of magnetic carriers in the study area as a result of the alternations of summer and winter monsoons in East Asia.  相似文献   

Green coverage has pronounced influences on urban heat island (UHI) effect, while the impacts of seasonal variation and Land-Use/Land-Cover (LULC) types on this effect has not been implemented. This paper investigated the spatio-seasonal characteristics of urban thermal environment and the vegetation-soil mixed area, and then explored the effects of vegetation status on UHI intensity from the perspectives of seasons and regions in Xi’an using four Landsat 8 images. UHI intensity index was implemented to extract UHI intensity based on thermal infrared imagery, and difference vegetation index (DVI) was used to represent vegetation-soil mixed area. Results indicated that DVI has impacts on UHI intensity, and their relations vary with season and region. In the whole Xi’an, if UHI intensity is smaller than -0.1, DVI increases with the increase of UHI intensity; whereas for UHI intensity is greater than -0.1, DVI decreases with increases of the UHI intensity from early spring to autumn. The highest correlation level was discovered in the autumn map (R2=0.713). Results of correlation analysis further displayed that DVI positively correlated with UHI intensity at impervious surface, and that the main urban area possessed the best correlation with R2=0.564 5.  相似文献   

Hydrogen isotopic compositions of four amphibole grains from three pieces of lherzolite xenoliths in Cenozoic basanites of Nushan, eastern China have been analyzed by ion microprobe. δD values of all analyzed points range from −94‰ to +46‰, some of which are much higher than the highest δD (+8‰) reported previously for mantle materials. The heterogeneities of D/H ratios within single grains have been observed, the variation of δD is up to 80‰ on the scale of less than 400 μm. No correlation between hydrogen isotopic ratios and hydrogen contents can be found, implying that the scatter of δD values could not result from a late shallow process such as hydrogen loss or hydrothermal alterations and should be considered as inherited from the source at depth. Chemical compositions of Nushan amphiboles are very homogeneous, excluding the fact that the scatter of δD values could arise from variable fractionation factors between a single fluid source and minerals. Therefore, metasomatic fluids responsible for the formation of Nushan amphiboles should be heterogeneous and result in the observed large variable and anomalously high δD values of amphiboles. We suggested that such metasomatic fluids could be related to magma degassing in the mantle source. Based on the D-H diffusion data and the scale of hydrogen isotope heterogeneities, it was inferred that the mantle metasomatism took place soon before the eruption of host magma.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U-Pb zircon analyses for a gabbro sample from the Garzê ophiolite block yielded a mean206Pb/238U age of 292 ±4 Ma, which indicated that the spreading time of the Garzê-Litang Tethys was most likely at the earliest Permian. Combined with previous studies, we suggest that the opening of the Tethys in southwest China was derived from breakup of the East Gondwanaland in the late Paleozoic.  相似文献   

The orogeny in the Sanjiang area in southwest Chinahas traditionally been considered as the product of theevolution of the Tethys in the late Paleozoic to the earlyMesozoic, and strongly affected by India-Asia collision inthe Cenozoic. Geological mappings showed that the San-jiang area contains four tectonic mélanges, named theGarzê-Litang, Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan, Lancangjiang-Men-glian-Changning and Dingqing-Basu ophiolite mélanges,associated with the Yidun, Jomda-Weixi, Suiba-Nanzu…  相似文献   

The poorly studied Douling Complex is a crystalline basement that developed in the Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic weakly metamorphosed to non-metamorphosed strata at the South Qinling tectonic belt. Five banded dioritic-granitic gneiss samples from the Douling Complex were chosen for LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb zircon dating, which yielded protolith emplacement ages of 2469 ± 22 Ma, 2479 ± 12 Ma, 2497 ± 21 Ma, 2501 ± 17 Ma and 2509 ± 14 Ma, respectively. An important peak age of ~2.48 Ga was also obtained for a metasedimentary rock in the same region. These discoveries suggest the occurrence of magmatic activity of 2.51–2.47 Ga at the northern margin of the Yangtze craton. The age-corrected ? Hf(t) values obtained from in situ zircon Hf isotopic analysis are mainly between ?5.5 and +0.3, and the two-stage zircon Hf model ages range from 3.30 to 2.95 Ga. Considering two important periods of ~3.3–3.2 Ga and ~2.95–2.90 Ga for the continental crustal growth in the Yangtze craton, we infer that the dioritic-granitic gneisses from the Douling Complex are the products of reworking of Paleo- to Mesoarchean crust at the northern margin of the Yangtze craton at ~2.5 Ga. In addition, metamorphic ages of 837 ± 8 Ma and 818 ± 10 Ma were obtained for zircon overgrowth rims from a dioritic gneiss and a metasedimentary rock, indicating that the main phase amphibolite facies metamorphism of the Doulng Complex occurred during the Neoproterozoic, although its geological meaning remains ambiguous.  相似文献   

A great amount of alkali-feldspar and alkaline granites have been found around Nenjiang, Northwest Lesser Xing’an Ranges, but their forming ages have been a controversial subject due to the lack of reliable geological and isotopic geochronological evidence. The zircon U-Pb isotopic dating results conducted in this note indicate that these granites emplaced at 260—290 Ma, coeval with the late stage of Late Paleozoic. Studies of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry show that they are post-orogenic A-type granites, and consist of the northeastern extension of huge belt of Late Paleozoic A-type granite along North Xinjiang- Southeast Mongolia-Central Inner Mongolia. Therefore, we can determine that the Suolunshan-Hegenshan-Zhalaite collisional suture zone extends northeastward to Heihe with the collision age of Carboniferous.  相似文献   

By comparison of volumes and ^137Cs Contents of the deposited sediments before and after 1993,changes of specific sediment yields and relative sediment contributions from the gully area and from the inter gully area after closing cultivation on the later area on a small catchment of Zhaojia Gully,in the Rolling Loess Plateau,are analyzed in this paper.Closing cultivation in a large scale has not resulted in decrease but increase of specific sediment yield and the relative sediment contribution of the inter-gully area,and in increase of the sediment yield and the contribution of the gully area,for a short term.The mean specific sediment yield of 29650 t km^-2a^-1 of 1994-1996 in the catchment was 2.2 times the average value of 13413 t km^-2 a^-1 for a long term.The specific sediment yield of the inter-gully area decreased from the 14335t km^-2a^-1 in 1994 to 7034 t km^-2 a^-1 in 1995 and 3517 t km^-1a^-1 in 1996 which was much greater than the value of 21118 t km^-2 a^-1 before 1993.The relative sediment contribution from the inter-gully area decreased form 23% in 1994 to 15% in 1995 and 6% in 1996,while the contribution from the gully area increased form 77% in 1994 to 85% in 1995 and 94% in 1996.It is suggested that compacting of ploughed soils resulted in increasing of the erosion resistance but in decreasing of the precipitation infiltration,therefore,the soil erosion reduced but the runoff amount increased on the inter-gully area.Increase of delivering runoff from the inter-gully area to the gully area should result in activeness of gully erosion and mass movements,consequently,in increase of the total sediment yield from the catchment.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation at Weng'an in Guizhou Province of South China consists of phosphorites and dolomites.Three types of samples are recongnized for the phosphate-bearing rocks.In Type I samples, interstitial phosphates occur within the dolomite rocks, whereas in Type III samples, interstitial dolomites occur within the phosphorites; both of them may have diagenetic origin.The Type II samples are interbedded phosphorites and dolomites.Oxygen isotopic compositions of phosphate and coeval carbonate were analyzed.Phosphates of Type I and II samples show similar low δ18Ophos (SMOW) values of 10.9‰~12.1‰ and 10.7‰~12.8‰, respectively, whereas Type III phosphates show higher δ18Ophos (SMOW) values of 13.2‰~15.0‰.Dolomites from Type I and II samples have δ18Ocarb (PDB) and δ13Ccarb (PDB) values of -6.2‰~-3.4‰ and -2.2‰~-0.7‰, respectively, whereas interstitial dolomites from Type III samples show lower δ18Ocarb (PDB) and δ13Ccarb (PDB) values of -12.9‰~-8.6‰ and -4.4‰~-2.6‰.Petrology and oxygen isotope data suggest that diagenetic alteration may have partially affected the studied rocks, but the dolomites from Type I and phosphates from Type III samples represent the most pristine isotopic compositions of primary carbonates and phosphates precipitated from seawater.Calculations of palaeocean temperatures from the most 18O enriched dolomite and phosphate indicate a temperature range of 32.2 ℃ to 34.0 ℃ for the seawater of the Doushantuo Formation period.Ce anomaly also suggests more oxic conditions and possibly shallower water depth in the upper strata of the Doushantuo Formation at Weng'an, Guizhou Province.  相似文献   

A trilobite biostratigraphic study of a new section of the Kaili Formation at Jianshan, Chuandong Village, Jianhe County, Guizhou is reported. Additional occurrences of key species associated with the Ovatoryctocara granulata-Bathynotus holopygus Zone and the overlying Oryctocephalus indicus Zone that were originally defined from the trilobite assemblages at the WuliuZengjiayan section of the Kaili are reported from this new section. The first appearance datum (FAD) of Oryctocephalus indicus occurs at the 44.52 m above the base of the unit. Based on study of abundant specimens (n = 800) from the Kaili Formation, we argue that Oryctocephalus indicus is a widespread taxon with a global distribution. O. reticulatus (Lermontova, 1940) from the middle part of the Kounamkites Zone of the Amganian Stage in the Molodo River region of Siberia and O. americanus (Sundberg and McCollum, 2003) from Nevada, North America are similar to representatives of O. indicus which occur in the O. indicus Zone of the Kaili Formation. O. reticulatus and O. americanus are here synonymized with O. indicus (Reed, 1910). This study strengthens the Wuliu-Zengjiayan section of the Kaili Formation as a candidate section for a Global Stratotype for the base of the unnamed Cambrian Series 3.  相似文献   

0Introduction Thereisaconflictrootedinfarmers’behaviorsintheprocessoflandusepracticesandtheconstitutionofmany sustainablelandusepolicieswhiletheproblemsoflanddegeneration,soilpollution,etc.are moreandmoreseverely.Itisgenerallybelievedthatoriginoftheconfl…  相似文献   

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