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暗花丝织物是中国古代丝绸的一个重要品种。本文试将其分类和发展情况,作为中国织物品种发展史的一个章节来加以讨论。上述织物可以分成五大类——平纹类、斜纹类、缎纹类、绞经类和起绒类。每大类中又各有几种不同的类型。平纹类的典型品种是商式绮、第一种汉式绮和第二种汉式绮,而商式绮是世界上最古老的提花织物。斜纹类丝织物有两个重要的典型品种——同单位异向绫和异单位同向绫。暗花缎(即缎纹类暗花丝织物)的产生年代可以上溯至宋、元时期;明代以前大多为五枚缎和六枚缎,清代八枚缎较多。五大类暗花丝织物中,绞经类的变化形式最多,其变化表现于各种纱罗织物的组织、纹样和风格之中。起绒类仅两种:一为单色漳缎,于缎地上起绒花;一为花漳绒,其花纹由手工“雕”成。  相似文献   

单针床氨纶弹力经编毛圈织物的编织,至少要使用三把梳栉。机后两把流栉为地梳栉,机前一把梳栉为毛圈梳栉,并且氨纶弹性纱线应穿在后梳栉上。地组织必须采用针后移针与毛圈沉降片横移同向的经平组织,毛圈组织应采用编链组织。  相似文献   

毛圈组织是针织物组织中最常见的一种花色组织,其独有的毛圈特征,可形成具有良好舒适性能的针织物。实验以常规毛圈织物为对象,通过分析毛圈大小和毛圈密度这两个参数,研究其对毛圈织物服用舒适性能产生的影响。服用舒适性能测试,包括基本力学、耐磨性、透湿性、透气性和保暖性5个方面。实验结果表明,毛圈织物密度和大小对织物拉伸断裂强力、透湿性、耐磨性和保暖性有重要影响。  相似文献   

双梳部分穿纱经编织物可分为凹凸效应和网眼效应两种类型。通过几个典型实例来说明此类织物的分析和设计方法。  相似文献   

根据羊毛衫衣片的花型设计要求和编织绞花组织的工艺条件,分析了各种绞花组织的结构特征及其在电脑横机上的实现方法。并在横机花型准备系统中建立了绞花组织的花型数据库,用实例介绍了电脑横机移圈绞花组织的设计方法和编织技术。  相似文献   

在织物结构相与织物的紧度关系理论中增加了八枚缎纹组织,完善了常用组织的结构相参数.织物结构相变化与织物紧度的变化存在至相效应迟钝,在织物设计中应选择合适的组织和紧度,以便于实际生产.织物结构相与织物织造缩率的变化接近线性变化,无至相效应迟钝.所有组织织物的织编率都在以平纹组织织物的织编率为科边的直角三角形区域内,提供了织物织编率与织物组织在织物设计中选择的依据,也是联合组织各组织部分密度设计的依据.  相似文献   

森林生态系统经营是个复杂的系统工程,森林生态系统经营的边界包括森林植物系统、社会 经济系统和其他非生物环境系统。在景观生态学和可持续发展理论指导下提出了功能主导原则等5 个森林生态系统经营区划的原则,并根据自然因子、社会因子和经营因子,提出了以“林种+林型 ”为基础的“功能+景观”的森林生态系统经营区划方法,把研究区内的森林生态系统划分为16种 经营区划类型,在此基础应用主成分分析法和系统聚类方法,对经营区划类型进行组织,建立成2 大类5个亚类的组织经营类型(区)。在森林生态系统经营的总原则下,根据各组织经营类型(区)的 特点,提出了相应的场级森林生态系统经营措施。  相似文献   

汽车用内饰针织品包括:座椅用针织材料的座垫、背垫、面料和椅套、车顶篷、车门护壁材料、地毯、门窗密封材料、安全带、安全气囊、行李箱内衬及汽车过滤材料等。 座椅用针织材料 对中、高档轿车、豪华客车,座椅是重要的装饰品,其材质要以人体触感良好,柔软、透气,又要有良好的吸湿性,外观、花型、图案、色泽要求美观大方与车型衬托,质地耐用、耐磨、防污、阻燃、防静电,使乘客坐着舒适,有一定弹性。织物主要有:特里科毛圈径编绒、拉舍尔双针床径编割绒、圆型纬编织物。经纬编针织物质地厚实、组织柔软、绒面具有仿真皮风格,易于紧包在座椅上,价格较机织物便宜。 车顶篷、车门护壁材料 要求阻燃、防污、隔音、隔热,有延伸性能,满足模塑成型的要求。花型、色泽赏心悦目,给人以舒适感受。织  相似文献   

本文根据大量精纺毛织物规格,借鉴集合概念,运用统计方法定出了各类精纺毛织物的结构区域;对同类产品而组织不同的织物,提出了织物结构参数之间的换算关系;并提出了根据精纺毛织物的结构区域、重量要求,运用流线图以确定毛织物上机规格的方法。  相似文献   

根据功能性运动服装对织物的导湿快干和抵抗紫外线要求,选用不同细度、具有沟槽结构的新型聚酯纤维,利用点、线接触,差动效应的原理,设计出单面菠萝花织物、双面鱼眼组织织物和三层法式罗纹组织织物等3种新型结构的针织织物.可分别用于制作不同类型的体育运动服装,供人们在不同运动量和不同运动项目中穿着.  相似文献   

针织服装上衣结构特点及其变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立适应针织服装结构设计的方法体系,以科学、准确地设计针织服装样板.用立体裁剪方法进行了针织面料与机织面料在上衣结构中的对比研究,探索出了针织服装上衣结构特点及其变化规律.在同样贴体款式造型下,针织物的弹性对大多数部位的尺寸变化都有显著影响,只有腰围等少部位的尺寸面料弹性对其变化无显著影响.该结论对揭示针织服装上衣结构特点有重要的理论价值,为科学、准确设计针织服装样板提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Recent developments in endovascular surgery (EVAR) have opened new avenues to successfully treat aneurysms with percutaneous deployment of stent-grafts.Manufacturers have preferred to use woven fabrics or micro-porous tubes which are supported by metallic frames or stents.Woven fabrics are much thinner than knits and this permits the use of a smaller delivery catheter.However,since woven constructions are stiffer and have little porosity,the tissue ingrowth is poor or absent.On the other hand,knitted constructions can be considered as a scaffold for tissue ingrowth,and hence they represent an attractive alternative because of their open structure and better conformability in the case of balloon deployment.The present study was undertaken to analyze the properties of two knitted and crimped polyester arterial prototype prostheses,one with and the other without a gelatin coating as sealant.Two commercial controls were also included in the study,namely the uncoated knitted polyester vascular prosthesis VP1200K,and its sealed version,the gelatin coated polyester knitted Gelsoft device,manufactured by Vascutek Ltd.,Scotland,UK.In vitro testing consisted of analyzing the geometry and morphology of the yarn and fabric structures,and measuring the physical and mechanical properties of the grafts,including the water permeability,the longitudinal and radial compliance,and the suture retention strength.In order to compare the different properties of the four samples,tests were also performed on the gelatin coated or sealed devices before and after gelatin removal.The results provided a useful comparison between the prototypes and the commercial control devices.The latter used ten times the amount of gelatin which had been applied as a coating in order to achieve the same low level of impermeability to water.The different amounts of gelatin also explained the different mechanical performance,such as compliance,for these prototype and control prostheses.  相似文献   

In terms of the structural characteristics, knitted fabrics are described as plane orthotropic body with two symmetric axes, and the stress in different direction is approximately linear with strain before the yield point. The punching yield strength can be predicted theoretically by developing a mathematical equation from anisotropic effect of knitted fabrics. The experimental results demonstrate the applicability of theoretical formula. Analyses also reveal that the factors influencing three-dimensional deforming performance can be divided into two categories: fiber-yarn-fabric structural features and deforming condition.  相似文献   

织编物是把机织与针织的原理相结合所生产出的一种带条纹的织物。为了深入研究织编物的特性、用以指导在设计这一类织编物时所遇到的种种问题,我们有必要对织编物的组织结构进行研究。本文就织编物的厚度与经纬纱的细度,经纬纱的密度与用纱量之间的关系,织编物的几种基本组织结构及其经纬密度的配置,以及经纬向的强力与伸长,纱线复盖度与透光及透气性的问题一一作了研究,虽然这一工作仅仅是开始,但它有助于对这类新型织物的生产研究工作,以供这方面工作的同志参考。  相似文献   

LI  Shou-song XU  Gang YANG  Qing-bin 《科技信息》2013,(5):225-225,266
The basic properties of the 3 knitted fabrics are measured with different instruments.Testing standards are tensile,break drape,wear resistance,pilling property and bending properties.By the analysis of the results,the following conclusions can be deduced: Among the 3 fabrics,the mechanical properties of the blended knitted fabrics Newdal /Polyester is the best.  相似文献   

Introduction Rabbithair,asakindofvaluableanimalfibers,has manygoodpropertiessuchasbulk,whiteness,lightness,smoothandgoodwarmthretentionandsoon.Withthe developmentoftextileindustry,theapplicationofrabbit hairscontinuestoexpandandgainmoreandmoreattentions.Productsofhighpercentrabbithairsseemmoreluxurious.However,thereisalayerofscalesonthesurfaceasother animalfibers,fabricsmadeofrabbithairsoftenshrink afterwashing,whichdecreasesthedimensionalstabilityof fabrics,andmakesdailycaredifficult.Inaddit…  相似文献   

The warp knitted bi- axial directionally oriented structure (D.O. S.) reinforcement substrates applied to building construction are discussed in comparison to woven fabrics. One of usage barriers of reinforced cement with glass-grid is its sensitivity to alkali existed in the cement which will lead to the reduction of its service-life. The tests show that the treatment by sol-gel method to protect the composite from alkali corrosion is effective. Then two formulae of sol-gel solution are also recommended here for application.  相似文献   

本文根据离散率的定义,讨论了离散率的意义,由所假设的随机纱条的条件,推导了随机纱条的离散率公式和近似的计算式.并用18.2 tex(32°)普梳纯棉纱做了纱线均匀度与针织物和机织物外观质量之间的对照试验,且对实验结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

The tensile property of bi-axial warp knitted fabrics is tested and compared with that of the plain weave fabric. The results show that there are obvious differences between the tensile property of a bi-axial warp knitted fabric and that of a plain weave fabric. The former can give fuller play to the property of a high modulus yarn than the latter. The tensile strength of a bi-axial warp knitted fabric is linear with the number of yarns in the direction of force.  相似文献   

In the previous studies, the optimum technological combination has been obtained for producing coarse pure ramie noil yarns on rotor spinning system currently. Because of no yarn properties standard available at present for suchlike yarns, it is considered necessary to analyse the acceptability of coarse pure ramie noil rotor-spun yarns in terms of yarn properties before their products being developed. By the aid of a hypothetical concept "pure ramie noil ring-spun yarn", this paper draws the conclusion that the coarse pure ramie noil rotor-spun yarns are condsidered acceptable to a great extent; furthermore, it introduces 5 kinds of woven fabrics and 3 kinds of knitted fabrics successfully designed and developed from those yarns.  相似文献   

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