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随着信息技术的飞速发展,信息技术与线性代数课程的整合已经逐步开展,但是在课程整合的实践中,信息技术的广泛应用在线性代数中并没有得到充分体现。针对目前信息技术与线性代数课程整合的现状,在考虑线性代数学科特点的基础上,充分利用信息技术的优势,从效果性、效率性和效益性3个方面对其整合的有效性进行细致分析,其最终目标应是促进学生的发展。提出了信息技术与线性代数课程有效整合的策略,即应树立正确的整合观;建立科学合理的评价体系,这其中包括信息技术的恰当使用、课程目标的充分实现和学生主体地位的充分体现;加强教师的技术水平和知识素养。期待通过分析,促进课程整合的发展,使得信息技术真正有效地整合进线性代数课程。  相似文献   

通过一个应用实例来阐述信息系统综合计算模式的设计思想和技术 .它涉及数据库设计 (用C语言 )方面的主库、参数库、字典库、变更库的设计及存储压缩技术 ,功能模块方面的增、删、改、查算法或自动生成器等 .期望由此给出一个由综合计算模式设计的系统的完整概貌 .  相似文献   

随着通信用户数量的逐渐增加,当前多维信任数据协同推荐算法无法有效满足用户对资源多样性、准确性和发掘能力的要求。为此,提出一种新的定向信息推荐下多维信任数据协同推荐算法。通过矢量空间模型对用户兴趣进行描述,将具有代表性的用户看作该类用户的聚类中心,建立用户对资源的偏好矩阵,求出依据综合信任值的用户相似度;重复选择聚类中心,直至符合既定阈值。获取用户聚类结果后,选择待推荐用户所处聚类中和该用户相似的若干用户,依据上述近邻对目标资源的评分值实现目标用户对目标项目的预测。给出定向信息推荐下多维信任数据协同推荐算法的实现过程,输出Top-N多维信任数据推荐集合。实验结果表明,所提算法预测精度和资源多样性高,发掘能力强,推荐效果好。  相似文献   

The microstructure and the grain orientations of one shroud prepared by directional solidification process have been investigated using metallographic method and electronic backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The results indicate that the solidification process of the tested shroud is composed of three steps: dendritic branching, the break-up and drift of the dendrite arms and the solidification of the residual liquid. Misoriented grains were formed between the primarily solidified dendrite stems during the process of recalescence which was caused by the accumulation of the solidification latent heat. A low angle grain boundary of 61 was produced across the impinging dendrite fronts.  相似文献   

There are high preclinical attrition rates in current drug discovery. The efficient assessment approach in the high throughout candidate drugs screening still needs great improvement. We propose two hypotheses. First, both drug action process and biological process can be converted to a common space of gene or gene product profiling. Second, the strength of drug action on biological process can be realized in the context of biological network. Based on the above hypotheses, we establish an algorithm termed Network-based Assessment for Drug Action (NADA) to assess the action strength of candidate drugs on certain biological processes. Then NADA is used to prioritize the effects of six compounds from traditional Chinese medicine on endothelial cell migration, a simple process defined by Gene Ontology, in the biological network specific for a given pathological process, angiogenesis. The computational results are subsequently tested by the experiment on the migration of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells in vitro. The experimental ranks for six compounds generally agree with the predicted output of NADA. NADA also outperforms the DAVID and meet/min methods in terms of the experimental orders, suggesting that the network topological features may have a key role in catching the mechanistic relationship between drug action and biological process. Hopefully, the progress of network biology approaches for deciphering complex diseases will further expedite the preclinical screening and accelerate the development of treatment modalities.  相似文献   

地理信息系统城市地下水管理模型研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
许多城市不同程度地存在区域性的地下水水位下降、水质恶化等问题,因此应用先进的理论和方法,确切评价及管理地下水资源,是当前城市供水中亟待解决的问题。地理信息系统(GIS)作为一种新兴的空间信息技术系统,广泛应用于资源管理、环境监测、市政规划等许多方面,被越来越多的国家地区部门所重视,并得到了人们的认可。所以,为了更好地研究管理城市地下水资源问题,本文使用GIS与数值模型相结合的方法,建立了GIS城市地下水管理模型,并应用于某市的实际工作,取到较好的效果。建立的模型有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

基于Java的动画速率精确控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对使用Java语言制作网页动画时,关于动画速率的精确控制技术进行了讨论,  相似文献   

以建构主义学习理论、教育目标分类法、JiTT教学模式的相关理论为指导,以Blackboard网络教学平台为支撑,探索构建信息技术与课程融合的教学模式.教学模式包括学习导航、课前任务、学生反馈、教学调整、课堂教学、学习评价六个部分,体现了以学生为中心、注重课外学习、注重交流反馈等特点.  相似文献   

在整合第三方物流业务流程的基础上,以整车物流为研究背景,依据全面集成化思想,从系统模型、系统结构、系统流程、功能模块4个方面,完成对整车第三方物流信息系统的集成化设计,并且详细阐明了集成化物流系统的工作流程及系统中各模块所实现的物流职能。  相似文献   

多媒体视频信息服务在远程教育环境中越来越重要。文章论述了目前基于IP V4的数据网络和有线电视网络两种传榆多。媒体视频信息方式的不足和缺陷,提出了基于IP V6实现视频信息传输的方式。  相似文献   

小型三角洲沉积储层厚度薄,砂体的规模小,侧向变化快,主要以砂泥岩间互的形式出现.利用三维地震资料具有覆盖面广和采集密度大的优点,以沃尔索相律和沉积微相与地震波阻抗之间的概率关系作为约束,应用序贯指示模拟结合同位协同克里金的方法融合地震和测井信息,建立了三角洲沉积微相的地质模型.实践结果证实,该方法能够对相变较快的三角洲沉积井间沉积微相的不确定性进行表征,提高了模型预测的可靠性.  相似文献   

Supercooling directional solidification (SDS) is put fotward by combination of melt supercooling and conventional solidification by application of supercooling inheritance. On the self-designed SDS equipment, SDS of Cu-Ni alloy was achieved successfully The results are as follows f (i) The primary arm spacing is about 30 μm, the growth of secondary arms are strongly suppressed. The primary arm spacing is nearly the same as LMC method (GL=25 K/mm, V=500 pm/s), the primary stems are straight, fine and completed. with an inclination angle of about 5.8° (ii) A semi-quantitative T-T model is brought fotward to describe the dendrite growth rate V vs. undercooling AT The prediction of T-T model agrees well with experimental results. The formation of fine equiaxed dendrites, transition region and dendrite region can be explained successfully by △T-V-x relation of T-T model.  相似文献   

Spatial distance has a remarkable effect on the attended mode of a network embedded in a certain space. First, we investigate how spatial restriction leads to information-information correlation that is strong, linear and positive in real networks. We then construct a two-dimensional space, define the action radius R for nodes of networks, and propose a class of models that depend on spatial distance. Information correlation of the models is consistent with that of real networks. The spatial distance plays a leading role in generating assortative mixing by degree, while the generation of disassortative mixing relies on both the degree of preferential attachment and spatial restriction.  相似文献   

互联网信息传输的特殊性,使网站信息流的距离衰减特征比传统的距离衰减概念更具复杂性。研究以重力模型为基础,建立网站信息流距离衰减模型,以25个旅游网站为例,对旅游网站信息源吸引系数进行评价,并据此划分了网站的信息流距离衰减类型,从而为今后网站信息流"模糊距离衰减"研究奠定了理论与实证基础。研究表明:1)根据旅游网站的吸引强度系数值的大小,可将旅游网站的信息流距离衰减形态划分为4类,即α<800的距离衰减显著型、800<α<1600距离衰减较显著型、1 600<α<2 400不衰减型和α>2 400逆衰减型。2)在不同的吸引系数区段内,旅游网站表现为经济发达地区、旅游资源丰富或特色鲜明地区集中性。  相似文献   

Spatial distance has a remarkable effect on the attended mode of a network embedded in a certain space. First, we investigate how spatial restriction leads to information-information correlation that is strong, linear and positive in real networks. We then construct a two-dimensional space, define the action radius R for nodes of networks, and propose a class of models that depend on spatial distance. Information correlation of the models is consistent with that of real networks. The spatial distance plays ...  相似文献   

在电子信息系统机房的接地系统中,为了保证系统的安全可靠运行,必须尽量设法降低或消除各种零地电位差。本文分析了信息系统机房防雷、设备接地系统中电位差形成的原因,并提出了减小或消除电位差的办法。  相似文献   

地源热泵中U型埋管传热过程的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以钻孔壁为界将U型埋管的换热区域划分为钻孔内外两部分,并分别采用稳态与非稳态传热来分析求解,两区域模型间通过钻孔壁温耦合连接,以构成完整的埋管传热模型.对于钻孔以外部分,采用变热流圆柱源模型来求解钻孔瞬时壁温.钻孔以内部分,在考虑埋管流体温度的沿程变化及U型管2支间热干扰的基础上,基于能量平衡建立了钻孔内U型埋管的稳态传热模型.用所建U型埋管传热模型对地源热泵系统的运行特性进行了动态模拟,得出了埋管出口流体温度、钻孔瞬时壁温、单位埋管吸热量及热泵COP随运行时间的变化规律.所建埋管模型可为地源热泵系统的动态模拟、优化设计及其改进提供参考.  相似文献   

为解决过站航班地面保障过程中各环节资源分配失衡的问题,在系统性分析环节业务特点和均衡影响要素的基础上提出保障过程均衡优化模型.该模型利用环节开始时间和资源使用量对其优先顺序和运行模态进行约束,以保证良好的适用性;以最小化环节运行有效偏差、运行总时间和资源综合消耗量为优化目标,建立模型目标函数衡量保障过程中各环节资源均衡程度.采用改进混沌与差分进化的NSGA-Ⅱ算法对所构建的模型进行求解,并通过国内中部某枢纽机场实际运行数据设计优化方案.为验证模型有效性,基于均衡评价指标对优化方案展开评估.结果表明:使用均衡优化模型得到的方案在时间利用和资源配置上效果良好,将运行总时间缩短了10.6%,在资源闲置总量上节约了30.3%;通过评估可知模型均衡率提高10.7%,且时间损失系数和资源平滑系数分别降低65.7%和54.7%.  相似文献   

Gene regulation by proteins acting nearby and at a distance   总被引:187,自引:0,他引:187  
M Ptashne 《Nature》1986,322(6081):697-701

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