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 “蛟龙号”载人潜水器的成功研制使中国的载人深潜技术实现了跨越式发展,进入了世界载人深潜“高技术俱乐部”。“蛟龙号”的应用使中国的深海科学研究也取得了高速的发展,对促进中国深海高新技术产业形成和发展也具有重要的带动、辐射和示范作用。介绍了“蛟龙号”载人潜水器的研制情况以及它对海洋科技的推动作用,展望了中国海洋领域的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

汪品先 《科技潮》2005,(1):24-27
深海大洋到底有何奥秘?人类面临能源危机,为何要走向深海大洋?同济大学海洋地质系教授、中科院院士汪品先在2004科协年会上做了题为《走向深海大洋》的报告,初步揭开了深海大洋的神秘面纱。汪品先院士从地球演变历史及海洋板块说切入,探究深海大洋神奇海底的世界。  相似文献   

2020年,国内外在深海装备研发领域取得显著的进展.围绕载人/无人潜水器的研发,重点介绍了2020年国际和国内的研究热点和亮点工作,分析了中国海洋技术所处的国际地位,并对中国深海潜水器领域未来的发展方向提出了建议.  相似文献   

张臻 《华东科技》2013,(6):73-75
本期科普大讲坛,特邀来自中船重工第七O二研究所,分别是"蛟龙"号总设计师、副总设计师和海事任务的三位权威专家,以我国自主研发的"蛟龙"号载人深潜器为切入,介绍我国深海开发战略,普及载人深潜器最新科研成果,揭示深海奥秘,弘扬中国载人深潜精神。海洋既是重要的战略空间,又蕴含了丰富的未知资源,探测开发深海资源,已经成为抢占国际科技制高点的重要途径之一。"蛟龙"载人深潜器是我国首台自主设计、自主继承研制的作业型深海载人深潜器,也是目前世界上下潜能力最深的作业型载人深潜器。2012年6月27日,中国载人深潜器"蛟龙"号7000米级海试最大下潜深度达7062米,标志着我国深海载人技术达到了国际领先水平,  相似文献   

长达六七厘米、由一个细胞构成的原生动物,尾巴细长如老鼠的鼠尾鱼,浑身晶莹剔透的龙虾,含30多种金属元素的锰结核……比1956年在戛纳电影节引起轰动的深海题材纪录片《静谧的世界》更逼真独特的画面让世界为之惊叹——2011年8月18日,中国首个自主设计的深海载人潜水器"蛟龙号"凯旋,再现了5000米海底的神奇。  相似文献   

张臻 《华东科技》2013,(7):72-74
海洋既是重要的战略空间,又蕴含了丰富的未知资源,探测开发深海资源,已经成为抢占国际科技制高点的重要途径之一。"蛟龙"载人深潜器是我国首台自主设计、自主继承研制的作业型深海载人深潜器,也是目前世界上下潜能力最深的作业型载人深潜器。2012年6月27日,中国载人深潜器"蛟龙"号7000米级海试最大下潜深度达7062米,标志着我国深海载人技术达到了国际领先水平,使我国具备了全球99.8%以上的海洋深处开展科学研究、资源勘探的能力。  相似文献   

简述深海鱼油   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要地介绍了深海鱼油的性质、组成以及深海鱼油的药用价值和保健功能.  相似文献   

奇云 《科技潮》2011,(9):56-63
太空与深海,是人类长久以来一直梦想征服的秘境。在"嫦娥一号"开启中国人探月之门之后,黑暗寒冷的深海海底,也出现了中国人的身影。会婵娟、探龙宫,世代相传的神话变成了现实。  相似文献   

随着人类对海洋的开发利用,深海资源成为了各国研究者极力探索的一块宝地。文章系统介绍了当今国内外针对深海生物的捕获技术,以及捕获技术的现状和收获,提出一些深海生物捕获待解决的难点,并对未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

以国内外深海发光二极管(LED)照明灯的研究为主要对象,试图理清现有的国内外深海LED照明灯研究的发展过程和成果.整理出现有深海LED照明的关键技术,总结深海LED照明技术研究的热点和难点,以及该技术将来的发展趋势,并对现有的国内外技术做出初步的定位和分析,为进一步研究提供参考依据.  相似文献   

The Major Research Program "Deep Sea Processes and Evolution of the South China Sea", or "The South China Sea Deep", launched in January 2011 by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, is the first large-scale basic-research program in ocean science in the country aiming to reconstruct the life history of a marginal sea. The overall scientific objective of the program is to dissect this typical marginal sea by studying its history of evolution and its modern processes, including the following three major components:(1) Development of the deep basin:utilizing new techniques to re-measure magnetic anomaly lineations, to explore the deep tectonic features, to drill the oceanic crust, and to study volcanic seamount chains; (2) deep-water sediments: observing the modern processes to reveal the patterns of deep-water circulations and sedimentation, analyzing deep-sea sediments to recognize paleoceanographic response to basin evolution, and subsequently to bridge the modern and paleo-studies of the deep-sea processes; and (3) biogeochemical processes:using a variety of techniques including deploying submarine observation and deep-water diving device to investigate the distribution patterns and environmental impacts of deepwater seepages and sub-bottom circulation, and to reveal the role of microbes in deep-sea carbon cycling. As compared with the open ocean and other marginal seas, the South China Sea enjoys many more advantages as a marine basin for reconstructing the life history. Meanwhile, the South China Sea Deep Program provides unique opportunities in studying the evolution and variations of the sea-land interactions between the Pacific and Asia.  相似文献   

郝增亮  王影 《河南科学》2013,(11):2019-2023
发展深海石油装备产业,提升深海油气资源开发能力有助于缓解我国不断攀升的原油对外依存度。深海石油装备产业链涉及面广、产品技术含量高,产业发展需要跨产业的多方主体通力合作。当前松散的、垄断的、低水平重复的产业生态环境严重阻碍了我国深海石油装备的技术开发和产业素质提升。强化产业发展的政策扶持、培育产业发展的市场环境、促进专业人才的培养开发、提升科研深度强化合作以及构建信息共享平台是促进我国深海石油装备产业链发展的有力举措。  相似文献   

This paper briefly presents the progress of deep-sea pollen research in China since the beginning of ninetieths of the last Century. All the deep-sea pollen contri-butions mainly come from the South China Sea (SCS) and the East China Sea (ECS). The German-Chinese joint cruise (Sonne 95) and ODP 184 cruise initiated by Chinese scientists in the SCS provided excellent material for the deep-sea pollen research. So far a number of pollen results of 20-30 ka and million years from the SCS have been published. A couple of deep-sea pollen records from Okinawa Through of the ECS also came out. The high resolution pollen records obtained from the continuous deposits with high sedimentation rates and reliable age control of the deep-sea sediments provided a high time resolution history (hundred to millennial scales) of vegetation, environment and monsoon evolution of the pollen source areas (southern China and Japan). Spectral analysis of deep-sea pollen records from the SCS discovered orbital (100, 41, 23, 10 ka) and suborbital cyclicities(Heinrich and Dansgaard/Oscheger-O/D events) in the vegetation changes. Moreover, cross spectral analysis showed that the trend of vegetation changes in northern SCS was regulated mainly by changes of the ice volume in the Northern Hemisphere. The pollen record of the last 20 ka from the Okinawa Through of the ECS indicates that the marine environmental change lagged that on the terrestrail by about 1000 year. The asynchronous environmental changes between land and sea were probably caused by the time difference in thermohaline circulation. This study underscored the role of the deep-sea plant fossils as a bridge across the land and sea.  相似文献   

 深海风暴是高悬浮颗粒浓度水体在深海近海底的快速运动,能够损坏甚至摧毁一切障碍物,改变海底地形,影响深海底栖生态环境,但对其发生过程和沉积记录的认识尚缺乏原位观测研究。选择南海东北部台湾岸外高屏海底峡谷堤岸,通过布放锚系原位观测了2016年9月一次由浊流活动引发深海风暴的沉积物弥散发生过程,发现其表现为近海底悬浮颗粒浓度快速增加,并伴随温度升高和盐度降低。研究认为,深海风暴的沉积物弥散是海底峡谷沉积纹层形成的主要动力过程。  相似文献   

Extremely abundant trace fossils are associated with the deep-sea deposits, especially in turbidite measure and flysch fades. And these trace groups then become the effective indicators to reconstruct the ancient depositional environment and the palaeogeography. This paper focuses on ( i ) the formational features of deep-sea fossil and its assemblage feature, and further recongnizes that the coexistence of the shallow and deep water trace group in a depositional sequences is the identification mark of turbidite sequence; ( ii ) thought and methods using the trace fossil to restore their environmental parameters such as the ancient sea depth, oxygen-bearing condition and sedimentation rate, etc.; (Ⅲ) the application and significance of deep-sea ichnofacies in environment interpretation.  相似文献   

采运设备沉陷深度和深海沉积物承载能力是大洋资源采运设备设计的重要依据.首先从研究深海沉积物物理力学性质特点及其沉陷与承载机理入手,针对深海沉积物抗剪强度随深度变化的特征,利用极限平衡理论建立了采运设备沉陷深度分析模型;其次,考虑到深海沉积物承载能力与采运设备沉陷深度的相关性,在采运设备沉陷深度分析模型研究基础上,采用按...  相似文献   

深海是人类未来的资源宝库,蕴含着丰富的资源,主要包括多金属结核、富钴结壳、天然气水合物、油气等。我国人口众多,矿产资源的人均占有量远低于世界平均水平,资源瓶颈将在未来几十年成为制约我国经济发展的最大瓶颈,所以发展深海采矿产业对我国有着格外重大的意义。但是深海采矿行业技术要求高,资金投入大,风险性也较高,因此为了保障该行业的良性发展,保障国家的能源安全,对深海采矿行业建立起一套完善有效的主体资格管理制度是非常有必要的。通过对确立合理的深海采矿主体资格制度必要性的论述,及对我国深海采矿行业市场准入制度现状及所存在问题的分析,在借鉴外国先进立法经验和制度的基础上,可以对我国深海采矿主体资格制度的建构提出一些设想和建议。  相似文献   

The Salawusu Formation in the Salawusu River basin of Inner Mongolia is a typical sequence of the Upper Pleistocene in northern China. However, there have been some different views about the division and age of stratigraphic facies since the establishment of the Salawusu Formation. According to the stratigraphic subdivision and dating of the Dishaogouwan section, it is thought that the fluviolacustrine-aeolian sand sequence from the Dishaogouwan section can be compared with loess, deep-sea deposit records and climatic fluctuations of glacial period. The Salawusu Formation of fluviolacustrine facies was formed in the last interglacial period from 140 to 70 ka BP, roughly corresponding to the fifth stage of deep-sea oxygen isotope, and developed in the same period as the palaeosol S1 on the Loess Plateau; the aeolian sand of the Chengchuan Formation was formed in the last glacial period from 70 to 10 ka BP, constituting the heteropic geological body along with the Malan Loess on the Loess Plateau; the fluviolacustrine deposit and black soil of the Dagouwan Formation and the Dishaogouwan Formation was formed in the Holocene warm period from 9 700 to 3 000 a BP, or developed in the same period as the plaeosol B1 on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

不同倾角深潜器观察窗应力分析计算方法与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深海装备的耐压开口结构设计,是深海探测装备研制过程中的关键技术之一。开口结构观察窗的受力与变形是设计开口结构的基础。文中研究推导了观察窗应力理论公式,作不同倾角情况下的比较,并进行了相关数值计算。  相似文献   

Manysignificantprogressesofearthscienceinthemidtolate20thcenturywerecloselyrelatedtotheinternationalDeepSeaDrillingProgram(DSDP).ThesedimentaryrecordobtainedfromunderneathseveralthousandsofseawateropenedanewwindowformankindtounderstandtheEarthanditsevolution.TheChineseearthsciencecommunitylearnedtheDSDPthroughtheintroductionoftheplatetectonictheoryinthe1970s,butdeep-seastudyremainedremoteandunrealisticforthethenChina.TheonsetoftheOceanDrillingProgram(ODP)in1985triggeredthehopeforChina…  相似文献   

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