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Conformational flexibility conferred though regions of intrinsic structural disorder allows proteins to behave as dynamic molecules. While it is well-known that intrinsically disordered regions can undergo disorder-to-order transitions in real-time as part of their function, we also are beginning to learn more about the dynamics of disorder-to-order transitions along evolutionary time-scales. Intrinsically disordered regions endow proteins with functional promiscuity, which is further enhanced by the ability of some of these regions to undergo real-time disorder-to-order transitions. Disorder content affects gene retention after whole genome duplication, but it is not necessarily conserved. Altered patterns of disorder resulting from evolutionary disorder-to-order transitions indicate that disorder evolves to modify function through refining stability, regulation, and interactions. Here, we review the evolution of intrinsically disordered regions in eukaryotic proteins. We discuss the interplay between secondary structure and disorder on evolutionary time-scales, the importance of disorder for eukaryotic proteome expansion and functional divergence, and the evolutionary dynamics of disorder.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance results, principally from 2H-nuclear magnetic resonance, indicate that the mean lipid-chain ordering at the surface of transmembrane proteins is comparable to that in fluid lipid bilayers. Principally, it is the requirement for matching the hydrophobic lengths of lipid and protein that modulates the degree of chain ordering at the lipid-protein interface. The distribution of chain order parameters is, nonetheless, broader in the presence of integral proteins than in fluid lipid bilayers. The chain configurations of the phospholipids that are resolved in crystals of integral membrane proteins display considerable conformational heterogeneity. Chain C–C dihedral angles are, however, not restricted to the energetically allowable trans and gauche rotamers. This indicates that the chains of a given lipid do not have a unique configuration in protein crystals.  相似文献   

Functions of fatty acid binding proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cytosolic fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) belong to a gene family of which eight members have been conclusively identified. These 14-15 kDa proteins are abundantly expressed in a highly tissue-specific manner. Although the functions of the cytosolic FABP are not clearly established, they appear to enhance the transfer of long-chain fatty acids between artificial and native lipid membranes, and also to have a stimulatory effect on a number of enzymes of fatty acid metabolism in vitro. These findings, as well as the tissue expression, ligand binding properties, ontogeny and regulation of these proteins provide a considerable body of indirect evidence supporting a broad role for the FABP in the intracellular transport and metabolism of long-chain fatty acids. The available data also support the existence of structure- and tissue-specific specialization of function among different members of the FABP gene family. Moreover, FABP may also have a possible role in the modulation of cell growth and proliferation, possibly by virtue of their affinity for ligands such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes and fatty acids, which are known to influence cell growth activity. FABP structurally unrelated to the cytosolic gene family have also been identified in the plasma membranes of several tissues (FABPpm). These proteins have not been fully characterized to date, but strong evidence suggest that they function in the transport of long-chain fatty acids across the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Functions of fatty acid binding proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Cytosolic fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) belong to a gene family of which eight members have been conclusively identified. These 14–15 kDa proteins are abundantly expressed in a highly tissue-specific manner. Although the functions of the cytosolic FABP are not clearly established, they appear to enhance the transfer of long-chain fatty acids between artificial and native lipid membranes, and also to have a stimulatory effect on a number of enzymes of fatty acid metabolism in vitro. These findings, as well as the tissue expression, ligand binding properties, ontogeny and regulation of these proteins provide a considerable body of indirect evidence supporting a broad role for the FABP in the intracellular transport and metabolism of long-chain fatty acids. The available data also support the existence of structure- and tissue-specific specialization of function among different members of the FABP gene family. Moreover, FABP may also have a possible role in the modulation of cell growth and proliferation, possibly by virtue of their affinity for ligands such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes and fatty acids, which are known to influence cell growth activity. FABP structurally unrelated to the cytosolic gene family have also been identified in the plasma membranes of several tissues (FABPpm). These proteins have not been fully characterized to date, but strong evidence suggests that they function in the transport of long-chain fatty acids across the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Tight junctions seal intercellular clefts via membrane-related strands, hence, maintaining important organ functions. We investigated the self-association of strand-forming transmembrane tight junction proteins. The regulatory tight junction protein occludin was differently tagged and cotransfected in eucaryotic cells. These occludins colocalized within the plasma membrane of the same cell, coprecipitated and exhibited fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Differently tagged strand-forming claudin-5 also colocalized in the plasma membrane of the same cell and showed fluorescence resonance energy transfer. This demonstrates self-association in intact cells both of occludin and claudin-5 in one plasma membrane. In search of dimerizing regions of occludin, dimerization of its cytosolic C-terminal coiledcoil domain was identified. In claudin-5, the second extracellular loop was detected as a dimer. Since the transmembrane junctional adhesion molecule also is known to dimerize, the assumption that homodimerization of transmembrane tight junction proteins may serve as a common structural feature in tight junction assembly is supported. Received 6 October 2005; received after revision 14 December 2005; accepted 27 December 2005 †These authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Nuclear envelope complexity is expanding with respect to identification of protein components. Here we test the validity of proteomics results that identified 67 novel predicted nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins (NETs) from liver by directly comparing 30 as tagged fusions using targeting assays. This confirmed 21 as NETs, but 4 only targeted in certain cell types, underscoring the complexity of interactions that tether NETs to the nuclear envelope. Four NETs accumulated at the nuclear rim in normal fibroblasts but not in fibroblasts lacking lamin A, suggesting involvement of lamin A in tethering them in the nucleus. However, intriguingly, for the NETs tested alternative mechanisms for nuclear envelope retention could be found in Jurkat cells that normally lack lamin A. This study expands by a factor of three the number of liver NETs analyzed, bringing the total confirmed to 31, and shows that several have multiple mechanisms for nuclear envelope retention.  相似文献   

Functions and malfunctions of the tau proteins   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
The tau proteins belong to the family of microtubule-associated proteins. They are mainly expressed in neurons where they play major regulatory roles in the organization and integrity of the cytoskeleton network. Neurofibrillary changes of abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau are a key lesion in Alzheimer's disease and a number of other tauopathies. However, despite an ever-increasing body of data on the changes which tau undergoes in disease, its role regarding the fundamental disease process is still unclear. Moreover, conceptions of tau functions continue to evolve, which complicates an understanding of its role in the disease process. This review attempts to summarize data on the role of tau proteins in the context of both normal cellular function and dysfunction. Furthermore, we try to develop a mechanistic framework for the involvement of tau during the disease process. The review closes with a look towards various approaches to elucidate the functions and malfunctions of tau. Received 21 June 2002; received after revision 24 July 2002; accepted 29 July 2002 RID="*" ID="*"Corresponding author.  相似文献   

Five structurally and functionally different proteins, an enzyme superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), a TAR-DNA binding protein-43 (TDP-43), an RNA-binding protein FUS, a cofilin-binding protein C9orf72, and polypeptides generated as a result of its intronic hexanucleotide expansions, and to lesser degree actin-binding profilin-1 (PFN1), are considered to be the major drivers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. One of the features common to these proteins is the presence of significant levels of intrinsic disorder. The goal of this study is to consider these neurodegeneration-related proteins from the intrinsic disorder perspective. To this end, we employed a broad set of computational tools for intrinsic disorder analysis and conducted intensive literature search to gain information on the structural peculiarities of SOD1, TDP-43, FUS, C9orf72, and PFN1 and their intrinsic disorder predispositions, and the roles of intrinsic disorder in their normal and pathological functions.  相似文献   

Computational prediction of intrinsic disorder in protein sequences dates back to late 1970 and has flourished in the last two decades. We provide a brief historical overview, and we review over 30 recent predictors of disorder. We are the first to also cover predictors of molecular functions of disorder, including 13 methods that focus on disordered linkers and disordered protein–protein, protein–RNA, and protein–DNA binding regions. We overview their predictive models, usability, and predictive performance. We highlight newest methods and predictors that offer strong predictive performance measured based on recent comparative assessments. We conclude that the modern predictors are relatively accurate, enjoy widespread use, and many of them are fast. Their predictions are conveniently accessible to the end users, via web servers and databases that store pre-computed predictions for millions of proteins. However, research into methods that predict many not yet addressed functions of intrinsic disorder remains an outstanding challenge.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species, generated endogenously and induced as a toxic response, produce several dozen oxidized or modified bases and/or single-strand breaks in mammalian and other genomes. These lesions are predominantly repaired via the conserved base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER is initiated with excision of oxidized or modified bases by DNA glycosylases leading to formation of abasic (AP) site or strand break at the lesion site. Structural analysis by experimental and modeling approaches shows the presence of a disordered segment commonly localized at the N- or C-terminus as a characteristic signature of mammalian DNA glycosylases which is absent in their bacterial prototypes. Recent studies on unstructured regions in DNA metabolizing proteins have indicated their essential role in interaction with other proteins and target DNA recognition. In this review, we have discussed the unique presence of disordered segments in human DNA glycosylases, and AP endonuclease involved in the processing of glycosylase products, and their critical role in regulating repair functions. These disordered segments also include sites for posttranslational modifications and nuclear localization signal. The teleological basis for their structural flexibility is discussed.  相似文献   

Protein intrinsic disorder as a flexible armor and a weapon of HIV-1   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Many proteins and protein regions are disordered in their native, biologically active states. These proteins/regions are abundant in different organisms and carry out important biological functions that complement the functional repertoire of ordered proteins. Viruses, with their highly compact genomes, small proteomes, and high adaptability for fast change in their biological and physical environment utilize many of the advantages of intrinsic disorder. In fact, viral proteins are generally rich in intrinsic disorder, and intrinsically disordered regions are commonly used by viruses to invade the host organisms, to hijack various host systems, and to help viruses in accommodation to their hostile habitats and to manage their economic usage of genetic material. In this review, we focus on the structural peculiarities of HIV-1 proteins, on the abundance of intrinsic disorder in viral proteins, and on the role of intrinsic disorder in their functions.  相似文献   

Plants are sessile organisms. This intriguing nature provokes the question of how they survive despite the continual perturbations caused by their constantly changing environment. The large amount of knowledge accumulated to date demonstrates the fascinating dynamic and plastic mechanisms, which underpin the diverse strategies selected in plants in response to the fluctuating environment. This phenotypic plasticity requires an efficient integration of external cues to their growth and developmental programs that can only be achieved through the dynamic and interactive coordination of various signaling networks. Given the versatility of intrinsic structural disorder within proteins, this feature appears as one of the leading characters of such complex functional circuits, critical for plant adaptation and survival in their wild habitats. In this review, we present information of those intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) from plants for which their high level of predicted structural disorder has been correlated with a particular function, or where there is experimental evidence linking this structural feature with its protein function. Using examples of plant IDPs involved in the control of cell cycle, metabolism, hormonal signaling and regulation of gene expression, development and responses to stress, we demonstrate the critical importance of IDPs throughout the life of the plant.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) have been implicated in the control of a wide variety of cellular processes, such as cell adhesion, polarization, survival, movement, and proliferation. Nectins have emerged as immunoglobulin-like CAMs that participate in calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion by homophilic and heterophilic trans-interactions with nectins and nectin-like molecules. Nectin-based cell-cell adhesion exerts its function independently or in cooperation with other CAMs including cadherins and is essential for the formation of intercellular junctions, including adherens junctions, tight junctions, and puncta adherentia junctions. Nectins cis-interact with integrin αvβ3 and platelet-derived growth factor receptor and facilitate their signals to regulate the formation and integrity of intercellular junctions and cell survival. Nectins intracellularly associate with peripheral membrane proteins, including afadin and Par-3. This review focuses on recent progress in understanding the interactions of nectins with other transmembrane and peripheral membrane proteins to exert pleiotropic functions. Received 27 June 2007; received after revision 14 August 2007; accepted 12 September 2007  相似文献   

Mechanisms of receptor-mediated transmembrane signalling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M D Hollenberg 《Experientia》1986,42(7):718-727

Biological membrane fusion is driven by different types of molecular fusion machines. Most of these proteins are membrane-anchored by single transmembrane domains. SNARE proteins are essential for intracellular membrane fusion along the secretory and endocytic pathway, while various viral fusogens mediate infection of eukaryotic cells by enveloped viruses. Although both types of fusion proteins are evolutionarily quite distant from each other, they do share a number of structural and functional features. Their transmembrane domains are now known to be critical for the fusion reaction. We discuss at which stages they might contribute to bilayer mixing. Received 5 October 2006; received after revision 14 November 2006; accepted 8 January 2007  相似文献   

Intrinsic topologically ordered (ITO) condensed matter systems are claimed to exhibit two types of non-locality. The first is associated with topological properties and the second is associated with a particular type of quantum entanglement. These characteristics are supposed to allow ITO systems to encode information in the form of quantum entangled states in a topologically non-local way that protects it against local errors. This essay first clarifies the sense in which these two notions of non-locality are distinct, and then considers the extent to which they are exhibited by ITO systems. I will argue that while the claim that ITO systems exhibit topological non-locality is unproblematic, the claim that they also exhibit quantum entanglement non-locality is less clear, and this is due in part to ambiguities associated with the notion of quantum entanglement. Moreover, any argument that claims some form of "long-range" entanglement is necessary to explain topological properties is incomplete if it fails to provide a convincing reason why mechanistic explanations should be favored over structural explanations of topological phenomena.  相似文献   

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been a valuable model to investigate the genetic mechanisms of innate immunity. Initially focused on the resistance to bacteria and fungi, these studies have been extended to include antiviral immunity over the last decade. Like all living organisms, insects are continually exposed to viruses and have developed efficient defense mechanisms. We review here our current understanding on antiviral host defense in fruit flies. A major antiviral defense in Drosophila is RNA interference, in particular the small interfering (si) RNA pathway. In addition, complex inducible responses and restriction factors contribute to the control of infections. Some of the genes involved in these pathways have been conserved through evolution, highlighting loci that may account for susceptibility to viral infections in humans. Other genes are not conserved and represent species-specific innovations.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is a fundamental eukaryotic process required for remodelling plasma-membrane lipids and protein to ensure appropriate membrane composition. Increasing evidence from a number of cell types reveals that actin plays an active, and often essential, role at key endocytic stages. Much of our current mechanistic understanding of the endocytic process has come from studies in budding yeast and has been facilitated by yeast’s genetic amenability and by technological advances in live cell imaging. While endocytosis in metazoans is likely to be subject to a greater array of regulatory signals, recent reports indicate that spatiotemporal aspects of vesicle formation requiring actin are likely to be conserved across eukaryotic evolution. In this review we focus on the ‘modular’ model of endocytosis in yeast before highlighting comparisons with other cell types. Our discussion is limited to endocytosis involving clathrin as other types of endocytosis have not been demonstrated in yeast.  相似文献   

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