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Despite experimental evidence that sulforaphane can exert chemopreventive effects, whether these effects are specific for neoplastic cells is not known. Following our previous demonstration that sulforaphane induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human T lymphoblastoid Jurkat leukemia cells and increases p53 and bax protein expression, we tested sulforaphane on non-transformed phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes. Here, we demonstrate that sulforaphane arrested cell cycle progression in G, phase, through a decrease in the protein expression of cyclin D3. Moreover, sulforaphane induced apoptosis (and also necrosis), mediated by an increase in the expression of p53. These findings suggest that sulforaphane is a growth modulator for T cells. Our in vitro evidence that sulforaphane is active and even cytotoxic in normal as well as transformed lymphocytes raises important questions regarding its suitability for cancer chemoprevention.  相似文献   

Drug resistance continues to be a stumbling block in achieving better cure rates in several cancers. Doxorubicin is commonly used in treatment of a wide range of cancers. The aim of this study was to look into the mechanisms of how low ambient pH may contribute to down-regulation of apoptotic pathways in a gastric tumour cell line. Low pH culture conditions were found to dramatically prolong cell survival after doxorubicin treatment, an effect that was in part reversed by co-incubation with the specific p38 mitoge-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) inhibitor SB203580, only mildly inhibited by blockade of the multi-drug resistance 1 (MDR1) transporter, but completely abolished by siRNA-mediated knockdown of the heat shock protein 27 (HSP27). In conclusion, acidic pH causes less accumulation of cytotoxic drug in the nucleus of adeno gastric carcinoma (AGS) cells and HSP27-dependent decrease in FasR-mediated gastric epithelial tumour cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

p27BBP/eIF6 is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of ribosomal function. It is necessary for 60S biogenesis and impedes improper joining of 40S and 60S subunits, regulated by protein kinase C or Efl1p. No data on p27BBP/eIF6 during early development of Metazoa are available. We studied the distribution, post-translational changes and association with the cytoskeleton of p27BBP/ eIF6 during Xenopus oogenesis and early development. Results indicate that p27BBP/eIF6 is present throughout oogenesis, partly associated with 60S subunits, partly free and with little cytoskeleton bound. During prophase I, p27BBP/eIF6 is detected as a single band of 27-kDa. Upon maturation induced by progesterone or protein kinase C, a serine-phosphorylated 29 kDa isoform appears and is kept throughout development to the neurula stage. Confocal microscopy showed that the distribution of p27BBP/eIF6 and its association with the cytoskeleton varies according to oogenesis stages. Briefly, in stage 6 oocytes, p27BBP/eIF6 has a limited dot-like distribution, and does not co-localize with cytokeratin, whereas upon maturation it spreads throughout the cytoplasm. After fertilization, a large fraction coalesces around cytomembranes and a cytochalasin B-sensitive co-localization with cytokeratin occurs. RNAse removes p27BBP/eIF6 from the cytokeratin fibres. Developmental data suggest a role of p27BBP/eIF6 in controlling ribosomal availability or regulating cross-talk between ribosomes and the cytoskeleton.Received 7 April 2005; received after revision 11 May 2005; accepted 25 May 2005R. Carotenuto and N. De Marco contributed equally to the paper  相似文献   

Summary It was shown that adrenergic drugs, which increase the intracellular levels of cAMP, inhibit the rosette formation by T-lymphocytes, but stimulate the rosettes produced by B-lymphocytes. Cholinergic drugs, which increase the levels of cGMP, on the contrary, stimulate the formation of rosettes by T-lymphocytes but inhibit those produced by B-lymphocytes.Acknowledgments. This investigation was supported by Grant from National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  相似文献   

Ras proteins in the control of the cell cycle and cell differentiation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The Ras family of small GTPases includes three closely related proteins: H-, K-, and N-Ras. Ras proteins are involved in the transduction of signals elicited by activated surface receptors, acting as key components by relaying signals downstream through diverse pathways. Mutant, constitutively activated forms of Ras proteins are frequently found in cancer. While constitutive Ras activation induces oncogenic-like transformation in immortalized fibroblasts, it causes growth arrest in primary vertebrate cells. Induction of p53 and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors such as p15INK4b, p16INK4a, p19ARF, and p21WAF1 accounts for this response. Interestingly, while ras has usually been regarded as a transforming oncogene, the analysis of Ras function in most of the cellular systems studied so far indicates that the promotion of differentiation is the most prominent effect of Ras. While in some cell types, particularly muscle, Ras inhibits differentiation, in others such as neuronal, adipocytic, or myeloid cells, Ras induces differentiation, in some cases accompanied by growth arrest. Several possible mechanisms for the pleiotropic effects of Ras in animal cells are discussed. Received 8 March 2000; received after revision 24 May 2000; accepted 24 May 2000  相似文献   

It was shown that adrenergic drugs, which increase the intracellular levels of cAMP, inhibit the rosette formation by T-lymphocytes, but stimulate the rosettes produced by B-lymphocytes. Cholinergic drugs, which increase the levels of cGMP, on the contrary, stimulate the formation of rosettes by T-lymphocytes but inhibit those produced by B-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Summary In biotin-deficient guinea-pigs the number of circulating neutrophils is increased; lymphocytes carrying B and T markers are decreased. Incubation with biotin increases significantly the number of lymphocytes carrying B and T markers, from biotin-deficient guinea-pigs; no increase was observed when the lymphocytes from normal guinea-pigs were incubated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Autoradiographische Untersuchungen an menschlichen, diploiden, synchronisierten Zellen, in der S-Phase mit Tritium markiertem SV40 infiziert, zeigten intranukleären Einbau von markierter DNS (in Metaphase vor allem Chromosomenmarkierung). Keinerlei Kernmarkierung wurde beobachtet, wenn die Zellen in anderen Phasen ihres Zyklus infiziert wurden.

This work was supported, in part, by a grant from the James W. McLaughlin Fund. Our thanks are due to Dr.K. G. Weiss for the valuable help in preparing the German summary.  相似文献   

Summary Self-stimulatory growth factors, produced by a human Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive lymphoblastoid B cell line, named BA-D10-4, have been tested for the capacity to induce DNA synthesis in various human and animal cell lines, including lymphoid, either EBV-positive or EBV-negative, and non-lymphoid cell lines. It has been found that BA-D10-4 cells produce growth factors which seem to be essential for their sustained proliferation in vitro, and which increase DNA synthesis in different primate lymphoid cells, independently of the presence of the EBV genome and of the lymphocyte lineage.  相似文献   

Regulation of B and T cell development by anterior pituitary hormones   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hormones produced by the anterior pituitary gland have been implicated in the regulation of primary lymphocyte development. In order to identify endocrine factors involved in that process, several strains of mice with genetic defects resulting in a selective impairment in the production of one or more anterior pituitary-derived hormones have been analysed. This study has resulted in the classification of endocrine hormones into the following four categories (i) hormones such as prolactin with no apparent effects on primary lymphopoiesis; (ii) anabolic hormones such as growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I whose stimulatory effects on primary lymphopoiesis are non-lineage-specific and related to their actions as systemic mediators of growth and/or differentiation; (iii) hormones such as thyroid hormones that have an obligate role in primary B lymphopoiesis; and (iv) hormones such as oestrogens that act as negative regulators of lymphopoiesis.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Zellwanderung sowie die Zellvermehrung in den Krypten und auf den Zotten der Dünndarmwandung werden bei säugenden Mäusen mit dem Adulttier verglichen. Die scheinbar herabgesetzte Zellmigration ist auf das bei jungen Mäusen stattfindende Wachstum der Krypten und Zotten zurückzuführen, ist also nicht geringer als bei adulten Tieren.  相似文献   

It is now well demonstrated that the repertoire of T cells includes not only cells that recognize specific MHC-presented peptide antigens, but also cells that recognize specific self and foreign lipid antigens. This T cell recognition of lipid antigens is mediated by a family of conserved MHC class I-like cell surface glycoproteins known as CD1 molecules. These are specialized antigen-presenting molecules that directly bind a wide variety of lipids and present them for T cell recognition at the surface of antigen-presenting cells. Distinct populations of T cells exist that recognize CD1-presented lipids of microbial, environmental or self origin, and these T cells participate in immune responses associated with infectious, neoplastic, autoimmune and allergic diseases. Here we review the current knowledge of the biology of the CD1 system, including the structure, biosynthesis and trafficking of CD1 molecules, the structures of defined lipid antigens and the types of functional responses mediated by T cells specific for CD1-presented lipids.  相似文献   

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