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Chemokines have a central role in regulating processes essential to the immune function of T cells, such as their migration within lymphoid tissues and targeting of pathogens in sites of inflammation. Here we track T cells using multi-photon microscopy to demonstrate that the chemokine CXCL10 enhances the ability of CD8+ T cells to control the pathogen Toxoplasma gondii in the brains of chronically infected mice. This chemokine boosts T-cell function in two different ways: it maintains the effector T-cell population in the brain and speeds up the average migration speed without changing the nature of the walk statistics. Notably, these statistics are not Brownian; rather, CD8+ T-cell motility in the brain is well described by a generalized Lévy walk. According to our model, this unexpected feature enables T cells to find rare targets with more than an order of magnitude more efficiency than Brownian random walkers. Thus, CD8+ T-cell behaviour is similar to Lévy strategies reported in organisms ranging from mussels to marine predators and monkeys, and CXCL10 aids T cells in shortening the average time taken to find rare targets.  相似文献   

利用泊松过程在某一时间区域没有到达的概率可以表示为这一区域的Lebesgue测度的指数函数的性质,将谱负Lévy过程占位时的Laplace变换问题转化为该过程在独立的泊松过程到达时的观测值的一个事件的概率。得到联合占位时的Laplace变换可用谱负Lévy过程的尺度函数和其Laplace指数的右逆函数表示的结论。  相似文献   

考虑一类由时变的Lévy噪声驱动的平均场倒向随机微分方程,在系数满足Lips-chitz条件的假设下,给出了方程解的存在唯一性定理,最后给出了方程解的一个比较定理.  相似文献   

谱正Lévy过程向上首次到达或超出某个水平x的时刻的的平均值可视为x的函数.本文对该类函数的整体存在性、连续性、可导性、有界性、渐进性进行了探讨.  相似文献   

在双曲L啨vy模型下考虑对股票的交易有交易费要求的最优投资问题.假定投资者按既定的投资方式进行投资(他有一银行账户),可以无限制地存借款以买卖股票.其投资目的是使自己的期望效用最大化.  相似文献   

该文主要研究Lévy过程驱动的金融混沌模型的稳定性.通过利用概率测度、转移概率性质、非高斯理论、鞅不等式等相关知识,证明了解的存在唯一性、解的P阶有界性、解的一致H9lder连续性,从而进一步证明了Lévy过程驱动的金融混沌模型的渐近稳定性.  相似文献   

考虑一类由Teugels鞅和2个相互独立的布朗运动共同驱动的倒向重随机Volterra积分方程,在系数满足Lipschitz假设条件下,利用不动点定理证明了适应解的存在唯一性.  相似文献   

In order to determine the natural diet and food habitat use of Tarim red deer (Cervus elaphus yarkandensis), a study was carried out in Qiemo, Xinjiang , China from October 2000 to June 2001. Direct observation combined with faecal analysis method was used to determine the natural diet of red deer. 15 different species of plant were identified as food items. Among them, 13 species of plants were identified in winter diet and 9 species in summer. Red deer consumed a wider range of species in winter because of their nutrient requirement as well as the shortage of food and the scarcity of high-quality forage in the study area. Phragmites communis, Glycyrrhiza inflata and populus diversifolia were frequently present in the deer's diet whenever in winter and summer. Among them, Phragmites communis was the most abundant plant in the area and was included in the deer's diet. Observation on food selection frequency of captive Tarim red deer showed that Populus diversifolia was the first preferred species. However, this food was limited in the study area. Five food habitat types were found in the study area according to plant association: (1) Phragmites communis-Tamarix ramosissima association, (2) Tamarix ramosissima-Halostachys caspica association, (3) Tamarix ramosissima-Phragmites communis association, (4) Populus diversifoliaPhragmites communis association, (5) Burned area. Among them, Phragmites communis-Tamarix ramosissima association (reed meadow and reed marsh) was preferred to other types within the study area whenever in summer and winter. Dense reed cover could reduce the chance of detection from predator and obstruct attack from predator. Furthermore, under the cover of the reed, Tarim red deer was protected from direct solar radiation during the hours of hot day in summer. The reed meadow and marsh was preferred, presumably because the red deer could minimize their movements while searching for food, water and cover.  相似文献   

In order to determine the natural diet and food habitat use of Tarim red deer (Cervus elaphus yarkandensis), a study was carried out in Qiemo, Xinjiang , China from October 2000 to June 2001. Direct observation combined with faecal analysis method was used to determine the natural diet of red deer. 15 different species of plant were identified as food items. Among them, 13 species of plants were identified in winter diet and 9 species in summer. Red deer consumed a wider range of species in winter because of their nutrient requirement as well as the shortage of food and the scarcity of high-quality forage in the study area. Phragmites communis, Glycyrrhiza inflata and populus diversifo-lia were frequently present in the deer's diet whenever in winter and summer. Among them, Phragmites communis was the most abundant plant in the area and was included in the deer's diet. Observation on food selection frequency of captive Tarim red deer showed that Populus diversifolia was the first preferred species. However, this food was limited in the study area. Five food habitat types were found in the study area according to plant association: (1) Phragmites communis-Tamarix ramosissima association, (2) Tamarix ramosissima-Halostachys cas-pica association, (3) Tamarix ramosissima-Phragmites communis association, (4) Populus diversifolia-Phragmites communis association, (5) Burned area. Among them, Phragmites communis-Tamarix ramosissima association (reed meadow and reed marsh) was preferred to other types within the study area whenever in summer and winter. Dense reed cover could reduce the chance of detection from predator and obstruct attack from predator. Furthermore, under the cover of the reed, Tarim red deer was protected from direct solar radiation during the hours of hot day in summer. The reed meadow and marsh was preferred, presumably because the red deer could minimize their movements while searching for food, water and cover.  相似文献   

中偏差原理是统计推断中构建渐近置信区间的重要依据之一. 本文旨在研究带乘性 Lévy 噪声的随机 Cahn-Hilliard 方程的中偏差原理. 在该方程中, 带跳噪声和高阶非线性项的耦合导致随机积分的计算较为复杂, 不易获得指数型概率估计. 本文运用经典的弱收敛方法逐一验证了两个中偏差条件, 进而建立了方程的中偏差原理.  相似文献   

研究了一类多指标随机过程在增道路0(t)下的表现定理.引入了多指标局部鞅的概念,并基于一个多指标过程成鞅的充要条件,得到了此局部鞅在增道路下的表现定理.作为一个特例,得到了过程是多指标Wiener过程的判定准则.  相似文献   

设X={X(t),t∈RN }为以d×d可逆矩阵B为指数的N指标Rd值算子稳定Lévy过程,讨论了X在R N的子区域上的像集Hausdorff维数问题,证明了dim X([1,2]N)=min{d,αkN sum from j=1 to k dj(1-αk/αj),k=1,…,p},a.s.,其中α1>α2>…>αp为B的p个不同的特征值实部的倒数,d1,…,dp分别为它们所对应子空间的维数.该结论表明X在R N的子区域上像集Hausdorff维数完全由B的特征值的实部来确定.  相似文献   

研究了一个带有食饵庇护的随机似然竞争模型,采用Gauss白噪声和Lévy噪声来模拟环境的随机扰动.通过利用比较定理和伊藤公式,得到了随机模型存在全局正解的结论以及种群灭绝、均值稳定、均值强持续生存的阈值条件.研究结果表明无论是Gauss白噪声还是Lévy噪声对于种群的持续生长都是不利的,因此建模时很有必要考虑环境的随机变化.  相似文献   

The economic importance of silkworm has moved biologists to explore various intricate mechanisms of the action of vertebrate hormones. The dietary administration of several vertebrate hormones and prostaglandins enhanced both developmental and metabolic processes of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. The main objective of sericulture research is to apply the results to achieve superior quality silk and greater output, to apply lab findings to achieve desirable ecenomic results.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论了Lévy过程驱动的随机微分方程解的存在唯一性.当驱动随机微分方程的Lévy过程的跳的跳率不为常数,而是一个与系统相关的函数时,方程在一个可分Banach空间即2次M型空间中,系数在一定条件下解的存在性和唯一性.  相似文献   

Preserving many kinds of rice resources and rich variations, Guizhou Province is one of the districts with the highest genetic diversity of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) in China. In the current research, genetic diversity and structure of 537 accessions of cultivated rice from Guizhou were studied using 36 microsetellite markers and 39 phenotypic characters. The results showed that the model-based genetic structure was the same as genetic-distance-based one using SSRs but somewhat different from the documented classification (mainly based on phenotype) of two subspecies. The accessions being classified into indica by phenotype but japonica by genetic structure were much more than that being classified into japonica by phenotype but indica by genetic structure. Like Ding Ying's taxonomic system of cultivated rice, the subspecific differentiation was the most distinct differentiation within cultivated rice. But the differentiation within indica or japonica population was different: japonica presented clearer differentiation between soil-watery ecotypes than indica, and indica presented clearer differentiation between seasonal ecotypes than japonica. Cultivated rices in Guizhou revealed high genetic diversity at both DNA and phenotypic levels. Possessing the highest genetic diversity and all the necessary conditions as a center of genetic diversity, region Southwestern of Guizhou was suggested as the center of genetic diversity of O. sativa L. from Guizhou.  相似文献   

研究一类具Markov切换与Lévy噪声的中立型随机泛函微分方程p阶矩指数稳定性.通过使用Razumikhin方法以及随机分析理论,建立该系统解p阶矩指数稳定的充分条件,进而获得具Markov切换与Lévy噪声的中立型随机时滞微分系统解的p阶矩指数稳定性判别定理.  相似文献   

运用Esscher测度变换的方法,研究谱负Lévy过程关于首达时τ_0~-、过程在τ_0~-时的状态Xτ_0~-以及过程在[0,τ_0~-)上的有限个区间的占位时的联合分布。得到的联合占位时的Laplace变换表达式可用谱负Lévy过程广义的尺度函数表示。  相似文献   

Microsatellite genotyping and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) techniques are often utilized in studies of conservation genetics of endangered animals. To select a more effective marker system for conserving the endangered forest musk deer, we used microsatellite and AFLP markers to estimate levels of genetic diversity of two populations, the pure mother Jinfengshan (JFS) group and the offspring Baisha (BS) group with introduction of new blood. It was expected that JFS would pos- sess significa...  相似文献   

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