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中枢神经系统接受全身各处的传入信息,经中枢神经系统整合加工后成为协调的运动传出,或者储存在中枢神经系统内成为学习、记忆的神经基础.中枢神经系统易受到致病因素影响而发生以精神活动障碍为主要表现的疾病,同时亦可出现中枢神经系统退行性病变.而血脑屏障能够使脑组织少受甚至不受循环血液中有害物质的损害,从而保持脑组织内环境的基本稳定,对维持中枢神经系统正常生理状态具有重要的生物学意义.对血脑屏障与中枢神经系统疾病相关性的研究进展进行总结与综述,以期为中枢神经系统疾病的预防与治疗提供更新与更全面的理论基础.  相似文献   

目的:研究益肾骨康方对骨转移癌疼痛大鼠脊髓背角GFAP、c-fos、P物质蛋白表达的调控作用。方法:在裸鼠肺腺癌溶骨性骨转移模型的基础上,采用免疫组织化学染色的方法,分别观察各组裸鼠脊髓背角GFAP、c-fos、P物质等蛋白的表达。并使用MIA4.0图像分析软件进行图像分析,每张切片取五个视野,显微镜放大倍数为400倍,统计每个高倍镜视野中表达的阳性物质的光密度值。结果:模型组裸鼠发生了100%的骨转移,免疫组织化学结果显示模型组脊髓背角GFAP、c-fos、P物质蛋白过表达;而“益肾骨康方”低剂量组与中 西药组裸鼠未发生骨转移,免疫组织化学结果显示GFAP、c-fos、P物质蛋白的表达处于较低的水平(P<0.01);“益肾骨康方”中、高剂量组裸鼠也发生了骨转移,但是这两组裸鼠脊髓背角GFAP、c-fos、P物质蛋白等与疼痛相关的蛋白表达明显低于模型组(P<0.05)。结论:“益肾骨康方”可能通过抑制裸鼠脊髓背角GFAP、c-fos、P物质等蛋白的表达,从而抑制肺腺癌细胞的骨侵袭与转移所引起的疼痛,即“益肾骨康方”通过抑制裸鼠脊髓背角GFAP、c-fos、P物质蛋白的表达而起到一定的镇痛作用。  相似文献   

目的:通过观察爆裂性胸腰椎胸腰段骨折并神经损伤的临床资料,评价椎管狭窄程度、后凸畸形对神经损伤的影响及恢复的临床意义.方法:收集144例爆裂性胸腰椎骨折的病例,经过随访半年到6年(平均2.6年),回顾性评价ASIA评分、椎管狭窄率、后突角与神经损伤、功能恢复之间的关系.结果:144例病例中有47例有神经损伤及其伤后ASIA评分平均为32(0-50分),随诊结束时平均为44.2(24~50分),除2例死亡外,总恢复率达68.6%.A组(无神经损伤)、B组(不全瘫)、C组(全瘫)3组之间的椎管狭窄率、后突角无显著差异性(P>0.05);椎管狭窄率、后突角与伤后ASIA评分、最后ASIA评分和恢复率三者之间无显著的相关性(P>0.05).结论:椎管狭窄率和后突角不能完全作为评价爆裂性胸腰椎骨折后神经损伤及恢复程度的依据.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemical method and double staining technique, the localization of growth hormone (GH) and somatostatin receptors in the nervous system and Hatschek's pit of amphioxus has been investigated. The results showed that the growth hormone-like nerve cells and endocrine cells as well as three subtypes of somatostatin receptors exist in the nervous system and Hatschek s pit, and GH-like nerve cells and endocrine cells co-exist with three subtypes of somatostatin receptors in the brain vesicle and Hatschek s pit. It is suggested that a primitive control system of inhibitory growth hormone secretion in Hatschek s pit could have been developed in amphioxus, as in vertebrates. The present study provides new evidence for the endocrinology and the evolution of Hatschek's pit.  相似文献   

 通过对Si-1基因6,14和15号外显子区段的PCR扩增,分析了Si-1基因在116例恶性肿瘤组织、1例良性肿瘤和21例非肿瘤组织的缺失和突变.发现恶性肿瘤中有7例缺失,8例有内含子突变;良性肿瘤中没有缺失和突变;非肿瘤组织中没有缺失,1例有内含子突变.脑肿瘤的缺失率最高,达到57.1%,内含子突变率42.9%;肝癌的缺失率达15%,内含子突变率26.7%.上述结果表明,Si-1基因在脑肿瘤和肝癌组织中有较高的缺失和内含子突变,显示该基因有可能是这2种肿瘤的易感基因.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemical method and double staining technique, the localization of growth hormone (GH) and somatostatin receptors in the nervous system and Hatschek's pit of amphioxus has been investigated. The results showed that the growth hormone-like nerve cells and endocrine cells as well as three subtypes of somatostatin receptors exist in the nervous system and Hatschek's pit, and GH-like nerve cells and endocrine cells co-exist with three subtypes of somatostatin receptors in the brain vesicle and Hatschek's pit. It is suggested that a primitive control system of inhibitory growth hormone secretion in Hatschek's pit could have been developed in amphioxus, as in vertebrates. The present study provides new evidence for the endocrinology and the evolution of Hatschek's pit.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemical method and double staining technique, the localization of growth hormone (GH) and somatostatin receptors in the nervous system and Hatschek's pit of amphioxus has been investigated. The results showed that the growth hormone-like nerve cells and endocrine cells as well as three subtypes of somatostatin receptors exist in the nervous system and Hatschek's pit, and GH-like nerve cells and endocrine cells co-exist with three subtypes of somatostatin receptors in the brain vesicle and Hatschek's pit. It is suggested that a primitive control system of inhibitory growth hormone secretion in Hatschek's pit could have been developed in amphioxus, as in vertebrates. The present study provides new evidence for the endocrinology and the evolution of Hatschek's pit.  相似文献   

Using gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) anti-idiotypic antibodies and APA im-munohistochemical method, the immunoreactivity of GnRHR in the nervous system, Hatschek's pit and gonads of amphioxus has been located. It is found for the first time that the immunoreactivity of GnRHR exists in the nerve cells and fibers in the amphioxus's brain and nerve tube and the epithelial cells of Hatschek's pit at the different stages of gonadal development. At the same time, it is also found that GnRHR also exists in the ovary and testis of different developed stages. These findings provide morphological new proof for the informative transfer and regulation between brain and Hatschek's pit mediation by GnRHR, and for the understanding of the mechanism of action on the reproductive endocrine control axis among brain-Hatschek's pit-go-nads.  相似文献   

县域内城镇土地分等研究--以临潼区为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据县域内小城镇用地的特征,提出在县域内小城镇土地分等中,应增加两个一级因子,一是距离上一等级城镇的距离,二是镇域内农民人均纯收入,并对西安市临潼区范围内的城镇土地进行了分等,在分等中对这两个新增因子的量化进行了探讨,可为西部地区县域内开展土地分等提供参考。  相似文献   

建国初期是我国法制建设的初创阶段,围绕宪法的颁布,初步建立起社会主义法律体系,确立了一些正确的原则,但片面强调法的阶级性、工具性,最终导致法律虚无主义。  相似文献   

Using gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) anti-idiotypic antibodies and APA immunohistochemical method, the immunoreactivity of GnRHR in the nervous system, Hatschek’s pit and gonads of amphioxus has been located. It is found for the first time that the immunoreactivity of GnRHR exists in the nerve cells and fibers in the amphioxus’s brain and nerve tube and the epithelial cells of Hatschek’s pit at the different stages of gonadal development. At the same time, it is also found that GnRHR also exists in the ovary and testis of different developed stages. These findings provide morphological new proof for the informative transfer and regulation between brain and Hatschek’s pit mediation by GnRHR, and for the understanding of the mechanism of action on the reproductive endocrine control axis among brain-Hatschek’s pit-gonads.  相似文献   

川西坳陷不同地区须三-须四段含油气系统主要成藏期各不相同.作者以烃源岩演化过程中各阶段的最大古地温和最大埋深为基础,结合实钻资料,确立了川西坳陷须三-须四段含油气系统不同地区烃源岩的生排烃阶段,并利用不同生排烃阶段生排烃量、砂泥岩孔隙度变化和油气成藏之间的关系,确定了不同地区的主要成藏期,同时进行了对比研究.东西方向上,在中部地区该含油气系统的主要成藏期都为晚侏罗世;而在南北方向上,北部地区明显要早于中部和南部地区.  相似文献   

The selective sustainment of nonlinear systems to signals is of great significance to signal transduction in living systems. We take hormone signaling as an example, and investigate the sustainment of internal and external signals. Simulation results prove that signals with "intrinsic frequency", no matter if it is noise induced or external injected, can be selectively sustained by exploiting internal and/or external noise. Both the internal and external noise can optimize the noise-induced signals, and the optimization is rather robust to the disturbance of external signals with other frequencies. These results are of significance for weak signal detection and trausduction in the presence of external signals.  相似文献   

在原有实践的基础上,进一步明确控制目标,建立了确定总流量设定值的模糊规则,体现了量调节要兼顾各主要工艺参数的思路;设计了专家系统进行综合控制与管理,实现了从整个热力系统能量平衡的观点进行控制与管理的总体方案。  相似文献   

面向21世纪旅游管理专业人才培养及课程体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等院校是培养旅游专业人才特别是中高级管理人才的主要机构,高等院校培养人才是通过教育、科研等一系列活动来实现的。在人才培养方面,教学工作始终是重要栽体,其中培养目标、专业设置、课程体系是保证人才培养质量的重要内容。  相似文献   

本文提出一种热电联供系统装设蒸汽蓄热器的能量分析方法,并结合实例进行分析和计算,计算结果表明,热电联供系统装设蒸汽蓄热器是一项投资少,见效快,经济效益和社会效益均较显著的节能措施.  相似文献   

基于全球化环境平台的长春市城市化动力机制和支撑体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以全球化环境平台为基础,从经济全球化与区域经济集团化、WTO与市场经济、跨国公司和集团公司、信息化动力等方面,论述了长春市城市发展机制已从环境、体制、产业、空间等各个方面发生了质的变化.从城市化经济、动力、社会等现状分析得出,工业化是长春市城市化经济支撑体系,多元化是动力支撑体系,小康化是社会支撑体系.以此为基础,指出了长春市应重点、集约型地做大、做强中心城区,以中心城区载体系统的城市化进程,保障和促进长春市在现有经济基础条件下的现代化,实现城市化地域空间的非均衡发展;并提出了近域推进、点轴开发、联动重组等战略支掌方案.  相似文献   

三元体系K2B4O7-KBr-H2O在298 K的相平衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用等温溶解平衡法研究了三元体系K2B4O7-KBr-H2O在298 K时的相平衡关系及平衡液相的主要物化性质(密度,电导率,pH值).研究发现:该三元体系为简单共饱和型,无复盐及固溶体形成,根据溶解度数据绘制了相图.该体系298 K相图有2条单变度曲线,一个共饱点,相图中单变量曲线所对应的平衡固相分别为:K2B4O7·4H2O, KBr.绘制了物化性质组成图,并简要讨论了物化性质的变化规律.  相似文献   

The iron hypothesis, first proposed by John Martin in 1990[1], suggests that some surface oceans such as North and Equatorial Pacific Oceans have high nutrient but low chlorophyll (HNLC). Thus iron coming from terrestrial dusts is the primary factor limit…  相似文献   

Occurrence of Cretaceous basalts in Fuxin County, Liaoning Province provides us an opportunity to understand Mesozoic mantle processes beneath the northern margin of the North China Craton (NNCC). Fuxin Jianguo basalts occur as volcanic channel phases with well-developed columnar jointings and contain few spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite xenoliths. They are poor in silica and rich in alkalis, Ti and Al, belonging to alkaline basalts. In trace element compositions, Jianguo basalts are moderately enriched in LREE and LILE, but not depleted in HFSE. They have low Sr and high Nd and Pb isotopic ratios. These geochemical characteristics suggest that Jianguo basalts originated from the depleted asthenosphere, representing an undifferentiated and uncontaminated primitive magma. Presence of these basalts indicates that the lithosphere beneath the region had thickness less than 65 km at the time of basalt eruption and was mainly composed of fertile pargasite-bearing spinel Iherzolite and plagioclase pyroxenite. The voluminous basaltic-andesitic magmatism during the early Jurassic-late Cretaceous time indicates that the commencement and accomplishment of lithosphere thinning in the NNCC was much earlier than that in the southern margin, since the mafic-intermediate volcanism only occurred at the Cretaceous time in the southern margin and the basalts with an asthenosphere isotopic signature at the Tertiary. This shows that highly spatial and temporal heterogeneity existed in the Mesozoic lithosphere evolution.  相似文献   

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