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广义遥感环境考古的技术整合   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从交叉学科的角度,提出广义遥感环境考古理念并从技术层面上进行探讨,定义广义遥感环境考古技术是:基于信息学、地学、考古学与历史生态学理论,从航天、航空以及地面地球物理(如电场、磁场、力场、地震波等)方法获取地表及地下历史遗迹的信息,通过信息的处理、融合,进行影像的宏观分析到地球物理的地下微观探测,进而识别遗迹 (址 )的属性及其分布等特征,结合测年技术、孢粉分析以及化学和物理的鉴定技术等,得到对古人类生存的古生态环境的虚拟与数字化的重建。通过对考古学发展与变革的考察,得出广义遥感环境考古出现的历史必然性,进而对广义遥感环境考古内涵、技术工作思路、技术整合作了探讨。  相似文献   

为了准确、高效的对干热河谷区地质灾害环境进行评估,选择合适的遥感图像数据,对地质灾害(滑坡、崩塌堆积、泥石流沟和倾倒变形)的解译特征及发育规律进行了研究.提出了一些该区地质灾害可行的判译标志,并通过现场调查验证了它的实用性、正确率为今后该类型地区的地质灾害遥感解译调提供了参考。  相似文献   

基于遥感测量的海岸线变化与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用较高分辨率的卫星影像,对影像的空间数据进行挖掘,解译出不同时期的海岸线;在盐城沿海选择12个断面,定量地获取海岸线信息,计算海岸的淤蚀形态和速率变化;分析典型岸段人类活动对海岸线变化的影响.分析结果表明:在人类活动影响下研究区域海岸线形态平直化程度加剧,2007—2009年海岸线平直情况突出,长度缩短近40km;2009—2010年海岸线平直化有所减缓.盐城海岸线年平均淤长速率在44~100m.射阳河口北部海岸线变化很小,南部淤长比较明显(其中水龙港—川东港口海岸年淤长速率达到278m).  相似文献   

Based on remote sensing data and models, spatial distribution of the monthly euphotic depth in the East China Sea in 1998 has been obtained. The character of the seasonal changes of the euphotic depth is summarized, and the dynamic mechanism of the key influencing factors is analyzed. The results indicate that the controlling factors of the seasonal changes of euphotic depth in the East China Sea are the seasonal changes of temperature, diluted water from the Yangtze River, the ocean currents and the front process of different water masses.  相似文献   

水体遥感指数是当前全球和大区域水体分布和面积估算采用的主要技术.文中对近20多年来提出的水体遥感指数进行总结,分析指数构建原理并比较两种主要指数类型(比值型和差值型)的区别,讨论水体遥感指数应用中的几个主要问题.总的看来,比值型指数对水和非水信息的分离度较强,并能抵消地形的影响,因此可以较好地去除云和阴影的影响.加上比值型指数的变量通常不带系数,因此普适性较强.现有的水体指数中还鲜有被证明可以不用选取阈值就能高精度提取水体的指数.但好的水体指数阈值选取简单,稳定性较强.常用的OTSU法(大律法)获得的阈值已被许多研究证明并不可靠,因此不宜基于OTSU获取的阈值进行水体信息提取及其方法对比.  相似文献   

高分辨率遥感影像在土地覆被变化监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了分析高分辨率遥感影像在土地覆被监测中的适用性,以SPOT5和"资源一号"02C卫星高分辨率遥感影像为数据源,对两种数据的波段组合和数据融合方法进行分析评价,并建立相应的土地覆被解译标志,提取研究区2005年和2012年两期土地覆被信息,基于RS和GIS软件平台,从面积变化、土地利用动态度和转移矩阵3方面研究了土地覆被信息的变化规律。研究结果表明,经过有效合成和融合处理的高分辨影像最大限度地保持了影像的纹理和光谱信息,可以正确识别并提取地物变化边界线,研究成果可为高分辨率遥感影像在土地覆被变化监测中的应用提供一定的参考和依据。  相似文献   

环境变迁是具有多因素相互作用、多等级区域分异、多尺度韵律变化的复杂过程,其中任何变化都不可能脱离区域分异规律而独立存在.许多变化过程及其主导因素随着区域等级的变化有很大的不同,从而在不同等级的区域会表现出不同的规律性.在努力探索人类生存环境在时间上的变化规律,着力于提高时间分辨率的同时,对于这些变化的区域分异规律应给予足够的重视,特别要注意提高空间分辨率  相似文献   

 为在现场观测的基础上获得对扎布耶盐湖动态变化更宏观的认知,开发了基于遥感技术的盐湖优化的轨道监测方法。首先根据2015年Landsat8 OLI数据对西藏扎布耶盐湖区域进行水域分布范围的提取,然后对2014-2015年水域分布范围的变化和2015年春、夏、秋三季水域分布范围变化进行了监测分析,发现扎布耶盐湖水域面积2015年较2014年略有缩减,不同于近几十年因气候变湿扩张的大趋势,有可能是开发造成的,需要生产企业注意开发的合理性。利用GF-1卫星数据对扎布耶盐湖水深、盐度、硼和锂含量进行了定量反演,所得结果与现场观测符合较好,验证了遥感监测方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

随着高分辨率卫星影像成为一种便捷的信息源,遥感技术在震害快速评估中发挥着越来越重要的作用。首先分析了可用于震害评估的遥感数据源,然后总结了近年来国内外利用遥感影像进行震害评估的方法,将其归纳为基于震后影像的方法和基于变化检测的方法,介绍了遥感技术应用在地震灾害评估中的方法,并展望了遥感技术发展趋势。  相似文献   

根据盐湖演化理论,结合实地调查数据,探讨了罗布泊盐湖记录过去气候变化的理论模型.通过对环状影像的成因进行解译和分析,试图建立影像信息与盐湖近2 000 a来气候变化的联系.应用遥感方法进行过去2 000 a气候变化的研究,建立了罗布泊盐湖近2 000 a高分辨率气候变化曲线.与已知成果进行对比表明,获得的初步结果具有可比性、连续性,特殊气候事件分辨率可达年,一般情况下气候变化的分辨率达10~20 a.  相似文献   

Mapping wetland changes in China between 1978 and 2008   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Four wetland maps for all China have been produced,based on Landsat and CBERS-02B remote sensing data between 1978 and 2008 (1978,1990,2000 and 2008).These maps were mainly developed by manual interpretation and validated by substantial field investigation in 2009.Based on these maps,we analyzed the 2008 wetland distribution in China and discussed wetland changes and their drivers over the past 30 years.(i) There were about 324097 km 2 of wetlands in 2008,for which inland marshes or swamps were the most common wetland type (35%),with lakes (26%) second.Most of the wetlands were in Heilongjiang,Inner Mongolia,Qinghai and Tibet,occupying about 55% of the national wetland area.(ii) From 1978 to 2008,China’s wetland area continually and significantly decreased,by about 33% based on changes in the wetland map.This was in sharp contrast to the increase in artificial wetlands,which increased by about 122%.Inland marshes accounted for the main loss of total wetlands from 1978 to 2000.From 2000 through 2008,riverine and lacustrine wetlands constituted the main wetland loss.Fortunately however,the rate of wetland loss decreased from 5523 to 831 km 2 /a.(iii) The change ratio of lost natural wetlands (including inland and coastal wetlands) to non-wetlands has decreased slightly over the past 30 years.From 1978 to 1990,nearly all natural wetlands (98%) lost were transformed into non-wetlands.However,the ratio declined to 86% from 1990 to 2000,and to 77% from 2000 to 2008.(iv) All Chinese provinces were divided into three groups according to patterns of wetland changes,which could relate to the driving forces of such changes.Tibet was completely different from other provinces,as it was one representative example in which there was a net wetland increase,because of global warming and decreased human activity since 1990.Increased economic development caused considerable wetland loss in most eastern provinces,and artificial wetlands increased.  相似文献   

基于遥感影像解读玉龙雪山的冰雪动态变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究丽江玉龙雪山在1974年、1989年、2002年3个时段的动态变化.数据源是.1974年的MSS影像、1989年的TM影像和2002年的ETM影像.首先运用Arcgis软件的矢量化功能分别对3个时段的冰雪信息进行提取,并对每个时段所提取的冰雪信息进行空间分析.最后用Arcgis计算工具计算出各个时段冰雪的面积,从而分析其在1974年、1989年、2002年3个时段以来的动态变化趋势,并分析影响其变化的原因,以及对丽江生态环境、气候、旅游资源的影响.  相似文献   

This note studies the Radiolarian fossil groups since 1.2 MaBP in ODP leg 184 site 1143, the southern South China Sea (SCS). The result shows that radiolarian abundance experienced a significant variation: before 0.9 MaBP it remained at the extremely low level, but increased with low extent between 0.9–0.65 Ma, which corresponded to the Mid-Pleistocene Transition stage, and it increased rapidly after 0.65 MaBP. During the whole process, the average abundance became higher and higher in each stage, and showed regularly periodic fluctuations. The obvious increase after 0.65 MaBP is inferred to result from the enhanced upwelling in this region, which was induced by the intensified monsoon circulation after the “Mid-Pleistocene Transition”. An outstanding result of the spectral analyses is that a long oscillation of ∼ 0.2 Ma cycle was found in the records of radiolarian abundance and complex diversity, which corresponds well to the result of other paleoceanographic indexes. This probably indicated a special cycle characteristic of paleoecological environment evolution in this area. In addition, all of the radiolarian indexes show an obvious boundary in about 0.47 MaBP, indicating the abrupt variation of the community structure and radiolarian abundance level before and after 0.47 MaBP. So we suppose that there existed a distinct change event of oceanic ecology environment during that period.  相似文献   

我国资源与环境遥感研究的进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文概略说明了近二十年来我国资源与环境遥感研究所取得的进展,并对未来我国资源与环境遥感的发展进行了分析。  相似文献   

Satellite derived NO2 column data have been used to study Chinese national fossil fuel consumption and pollutant emissions.Based on NO 2 retrievals from two satellites (GOME and SCIAMACHY) for 1996-2010,we analyzed the characteristics and evolution of regional pollution related to NO x emissions in China.Satellite observations indicated that the highly polluted regions were expanding.Anthropogenic emission dominated areas have expanded from the east to central and western China,and new highly polluted regions have formed throughout the nation.Bottom-up emission estimates suggested a 133% increase in anthropogenic NOx emissions in East Central China during 1996 to 2010,which was lower than the 184% increase of the NO2 columns measured by the satellites.We found that growth rates of NOx emissions have slowed in Chinese megacities over recent years,in contrast to which,the NOx emissions were soaring in medium-sized cities,indicating that strict controls of NOx emissions from coal-fired facilities are required in China.  相似文献   

浅谈遥感技术在环境监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境污染遥感监测技术具有监测范围广、速度快、成本低,且便于进行长期的动态监测等优点,是实现宏观、快速、连续、动态监测环境污染的有效手段.该文介绍了应用于环境污染监测,并着重阐述了遥感监测技术在水环境污染、大气环境污染中的应用,指出了我国环境污染遥感监测技术存在的问题和发展趋势.  相似文献   

工业文明既为人类带来了前所未有的进步,但也造成了各种各样的环境问题,其本质是人与自然关系的失衡。环境问题的根源是人类在认识世界和改造世界的实践活动中产生的,环境问题的解决也只能在人与自然从对立走向统一的实践过程中实现。  相似文献   

Ocean primary productivity is a key parameter in the research of globalcarbon cycle, ocean biological resources, and in evaluation of the feature and quality of ocean biological environment. Traditional shipboard measurement which is costly and time-consuming is impossible to obtain the spatial and temporal information on primary productivity on a large scale in a short period of time. Satellite remote sensing is an effective strategy to acquire the ocean information in near real time. Here we propose a model special for China Sea based on the concept of primary productivity using in situ primary productivity and environmental data from 1984 to 1990, and discuss every modeling parameter which can be retrieved by remote sensing in detail. The reliability of this model is tested by in situ data, and the comparison of other primary productivity models is made. We also analyze the temporal and spatial distribution of China Sea primary productivity in 2000. From our analysis the satellite remote sensing data have been proved very useful for ocean primary productivity study.  相似文献   

地理信息系统和遥感技术在环境管理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对地理信息系统和遥感技术的介绍,分析了地理信息系统和遥感技术在环境管理中的地位和作用以及目前在山西省的应用情况。  相似文献   

对西部现有边远村庄布局进行优化,找出其布局优化的模式,实行村庄整合,对于城镇化进程的加快,以及城乡统筹的发展具有积极的促进作用。文章从西部地区边远村庄布局的现状出发,找出了西部地区边远村庄布局的有效模式,并设计了保障机制。  相似文献   

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