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We examined the effect of oil-field development on movements and patterns of spatial use of San Joaquin kit foxes ( Vulpes macrotis mutica ) on the Naval Petroleum Reserves in California (NPRC) in the San Joaquin Valley. To do this, we compared movements and home ranges of kit foxes from June 1984 to September 1985 in areas developed for petroleum production (30% of native habitat lost to production facilities) and areas with little development (3%). Distances traveled nightly by kit foxes did not differ between levels of petroleum development or between sexes ( P > 0.2). Mean length of nightly movements during breeding (14.6 km) was longer than during pup-rearing (10.7 km) and pup-dispersal (9.4 km) periods ( P = 0.01). Mean size of home ranges was 4.6 ± 0.4 ( s ̄x ) km 2 ( n = 21) and did not differ between levels of petroleum development and sexes ( P > 0.2). Overlap of home ranges of foxes from the same social group (78 ± 4.3%) was greater than that of same-sex foxes (35 ± 7.8%) and males and females of different social groups (32 ± 8.0%, P P > 0.4). Despite extensive overlap of home ranges, kit foxes on NPRC maintained relatively exclusive core areas, particularly adjacent foxes of the same sex. Future studies should examine which levels of habitat conversion impact spatial use of kit foxes.  相似文献   

Although the current range of the endangered San Joaquin kit fox ( Vulpes macrotis mutica ) borders large areas of farmland, the ecology of this species rarely has been studied within an agricultural setting. In central California, we examined habitat use, prey availability, and diet of radio-collared kit foxes inhabiting an aqueduct right-of-way (ROW) bordered by farmland. During both years of study (1998–1999), nocturnal locations of foxes occurred more often than expected (based on habitat availability) in the ROW and less often than expected within annual crops. Orchards were used disproportionately more than their availability during 1998 and were used in proportion to availability during 1999. Kit foxes traveled up to 1.1 km into annual crops and up to 1.5 km into orchards. Among diurnal locations (den sites) of foxes, 98% were within the ROW. Live-trapping revealed higher densities and greater diversity of rodents along the ROW than within farmland. Remains of murid rodents were found in 79% of kit fox scats. Our findings indicated that kit foxes ranged into orchards and annual croplands at night, but almost never occupied these areas during the day. The lack of den sites and low prey availability within farmland probably limited the ability of kit foxes to exploit and occupy these areas. Providing artificial den sites within croplands (especially within orchards) and along canals may increase use of farmland by kit foxes and facilitate their movement between isolated patches of natural lands.  相似文献   

The swift fox ( Vulpes velox ) was classified in 1995 as a candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act. Since then, several studies have addressed survey methods for monitoring swift fox populations. The purpose of this paper is to assist field researchers in documenting the presence of swift foxes by identification of recently active den sites. We propose that swift foxes have unique external den characteristics that can be distinguished during aerial surveys. We collected data from 30 swift fox den complexes on both continuous rangeland and landscapes fragmented by cropland in northwest Texas. There were no differences in den characteristics between landscape types ( P > 0.10). The number of openings per den ranged from 1 to 8 and had an average opening height of 20 cm. As number of openings increased, the maximum distance between openings also increased ( r = 0.88, P Canis latrans ) and red foxes ( Vulpes vulpes ), 2 species that can be sympatric with swift foxes. We suggest that aerial den searching followed by ground verification may be an effective technique for determining presence of swift foxes in areas of short-grass prairies and fragmented habitats.  相似文献   

I assessed movements of North American porcupines ( Erethizon dorsatum ) in the Great Basin of northwestern Nevada in relation to reproductive activities during the late summer and fall periods of 1991 and 1992. Porcupines exhibit a mate-defense polygynous mating system and I hypothesized that (1) competitively dominant males would have larger home ranges than both subordinate males and adult females, and (2) variation in home range size among adult male porcupines would be positively correlated with reproductive success. Results indicated that dominant male porcupines ranged over larger areas (average 95% minimum convex polygon home range = 20.7 ha) than subordinate males (average 95% MCP home range = 2.9 ha) and adult females (average 95% MCP home range = 8.2 ha). Analyses of movements in relation to body size and energetic requirements revealed that home ranges of dominant male porcupines were larger than predicted based on body size (approximately 10.2 ha). Breeding period home ranges of dominant male porcupines encompassed portions of the home ranges of 3 to 10 adult females, and indices of reproductive success based on observations of mate-guarding behaviors suggested a strong positive relationship between home range sizes of male porcupines and mating success. Together these data suggested that larger home ranges among dominant males were related to increased mating opportunities and not increased metabolic requirements associated with larger male body sizes. In the study area, however, female porcupines congregated around small, patchily distributed riparian areas, and dominant males with relatively small home ranges encompassing riparian areas may have gained mating access to multiple females. Finally, analyses of overlap among core home ranges (60% MCP) of adult male and adult female porcupines suggested that both sexes maintained relatively exclusive core home range areas, with males exhibiting significantly less range overlap with other males (  ̄x = 9.4%) than females with other females (  ̄x = 27.1%). It is possible that the small, patchily distributed riparian areas in this desertlike area were such a limited resource that females were unable to maintain exclusive use of their home range areas.  相似文献   

Habitat use by Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus hens with broods was examined at Jackass Creek and Hart Mountain, Oregon, from 1989 through 1991. Sage Grouse hens initially selected low sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) cover types during early brood-rearing, big sagebrush cover types later in the brood-rearing period, and ultimately concentrated use in and near lakebeds and meadows. Areas used by Sage Grouse broods typically had greater forb frequency than did random sites. Hens at Jackass Creek selected sites with forb cover similar to that generally available at Hart Mountain, but home ranges were larger at Jackass Creek because of lower availability of suitable brood-rearing habitat. Differences in habitat use by broods on the two areas were reflected in dietary differences; at Hart Mountain, chicks primarily ate forbs and insects, whereas at Jackass Creek most of the diet was sagebrush. Larger home ranges, differences in diets, and differences in availability of forb-rich habitats possibly were related to differences in abundance and productivity between areas.  相似文献   

Dispersal plays an important role in the population dynamics of many carnivores, yet little information exists about the dispersal and movement patterns of swift foxes ( Vulpes velox ). We radio-collared and monitored 68 swift foxes for dispersal at 2 study sites in northwestern Texas from January 2002 to April 2004. Dispersal distance for juveniles (13.1 ± 0.3 km, s ), adults (10 ± 4.7 km) and transients (25.4 ± 9.1 km) did not differ by age class ( F = 1.49, df = 2, P = 0.24) or sex ( F = 0.23, df = 1, P = 0.63) but differed by study site ( F = 4.72, df = 1, P = 0.04). Mean dispersal distance from private ranches (PR) was greater than from National Grasslands (NG). Peak dispersal occurred during October– November (13 individuals) and January–February (7 individuals). Dispersal direction was influenced by land-use practices (i.e., toward rangelands and away from anthropogenic features). Direction of dispersal among foxes that occupied the NG was uniform ( n = 16, P = 0.08), whereas foxes from PR dispersed in a northwesterly direction ( n = 18, P ≤ 0.001) away from a town and croplands. Three resident adult foxes made extraterritorial movements. Distances of these movements ranged from 0.2 km to 11.4 km. Distance of extraterritorial movements did not differ by sex ( F = 0.05, P = 0.83), nor by duration of movement ( F = 1.11, P = 0.32). Knowledge of movement distances and patterns is important for conservation and protection of swift foxes and their habitats.  相似文献   

Seasonal movements, roost-site fidelity, and foraging activity patterns are largely unknown for western populations of Townsend's big-eared bat ( Plecotus townsendii ). We used miniature radiotelemetry units to track springtime movements of six bats inhabiting forested lava flows in central Oregon, and found that bats moved up to 24 km from hibernacula to foraging areas. Individual bats returned to the same foraging area on successive nights but shifted to different areas in presumed response to changes in insect availability. Both sexes apparently use a series of interim roost sites between emergence from hibernation and the time females enter into maternity colonies, with little individual fidelity to these sites. In regions characterized by extensive lava-flow topography, suitable daytime roosts are numerous and dispersed over a large area, allowing bats to move relatively great distances to locate foraging ranges. Hence, the actual area of concern for effective management of individual populations can be considerably larger than indicated solely by locations of hibernacula and maternity caves of this declining species.  相似文献   

Pygmy rabbits ( Brachylagus idahoensis ) are a small sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) obligate lagomorph found within the Great Basin of northwestern United States. Because of its reliance on sagebrush, this species is thought to be experiencing a major range reduction as a result of loss of sagebrush habitat. To aid in conservation of this species, we need to better understand its use of the sagebrush environment. We estimated summer home range use patterns by relocating 5 radio-collared pygmy rabbits (3 females and 2 males) over a 24-hour cycle. We then compared soil texture, shrub density, height, and canopy cover between areas close to burrow entrances and areas of high use and low use. Mean home range sizes of female and male rabbits were 37.2 and 67.9 ha, respectively. Rabbits had disproportionate amounts of time (68.4% ± 9.1, s ̄x ) and travel (63.0% ± 5.7, s ̄x ) in areas within a 60-m radius of their burrows. Soil texture did not differ among the 3 areas, but shrub density, specifically big sagebrush, and forb density were significantly higher close to the burrow than in the high- and low-use areas. We conclude that pygmy rabbits are possibly burrow obligates and that their abundance and distribution are likely limited by available burrow sites.  相似文献   

Understanding factors influencing the timing of den entrance and emergence of black bears ( Ursus americanus ) provides insight for bear management. We determined den entrance and emergence dates for bears in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) and related these dates to vegetative productivity, weather, habitat, and demographic factors to assess the influence of these factors on denning chronology. Date of den entrance was most strongly influenced by age class, precipitation, and proportion of human-use areas in annual home ranges. Den entrance was typically later for adult bears during wetter years and when annual home ranges contained a greater proportion of human-use areas. Sex and presence of human-use areas were most strongly related to den emergence. Male bears typically emerged from dens before females, and bears emerged from dens earlier when human-use areas composed a greater proportion of annual home ranges. Collectively, our results suggest that denning behavior of black bears in RMNP was strongly influenced by presence of human-use areas, likely because of foods associated with such areas. Managers of black bears in RMNP can use precipitation to predict relative dates of den entrance, thereby allowing for more efficient strategies to combat potentially negative human–black bear encounters.  相似文献   

We investigated interference and exploitative competition between endangered San Joaquin kit foxes ( Vulpes macrotis mutica ) and nonnative red foxes ( V. vulpes ). Seven kit foxes and 16 red foxes were radio-collared and tracked via radiotelemetry near Lost Hills, California. One kit fox was killed by a red fox. Home ranges of the 2 species did not overlap extensively. Although both species used similar habitats, they used different parcels of land. Kit foxes and red foxes primarily consumed rodents on the study site, and dietary overlap was considerable. Red foxes also may have been using dens formerly used by kit foxes. Thus, red foxes were engaging in both interference and exploitative competition with kit foxes, and red foxes constitute a potentially significant threat to kit foxes. Coyotes ( Canis latrans ) co-occur with kit foxes and may limit red fox abundance and distribution. Therefore, although they occasionally kill kit foxes, the presence of coyotes may benefit kit foxes by excluding red foxes.  相似文献   

Within a species, home-range size can vary due to factors such as sex, mass, age, and breeding condition of individuals as well as habitat type, food availability, population density, and season. The objectives of this study were to estimate home ranges of deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ) in sage-steppe habitat and to test the hypothesis that several factors (sex, mass, reproductive status, and seasonality) affect home-range size. We also tested the hypothesis that deer mice exhibit home-range fidelity over time. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) technology was used to estimate home ranges in June and September 2006. Home-range estimates varied from 360 m 2 to 5868 m 2 (65 individuals, 753 observations). Home-range size increased by approximately 60% from June to September. Besides seasonality, none of the other predictors of home range were informative in explaining the variation in home range. Deer mice recaptured in September (3 months after initial capture) had high fidelity in home-range use (42.1% [SE = 8.4%] overlap with 74.1% [SE = 8.7%] area conserved; n = 9). All animals for which home range was estimated in both seasons retained some fraction of their June home range in September. Results support the use of combined location data collected over long periods, such as weeks or months, to estimate home range for deer mice. The results have implications for deer mouse–pathogen ecology, particularly with respect to modeling transmission of Sin Nombre virus—a pathogen that is directly transmitted by deer mice.  相似文献   

This study investigated local distribution and foraging behavior of the spotted bat ( Euderma maculatum ) in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado-Utah, by monitoring audible echolocation calls. The occurrence of this species was verified in a variety of habitat types in canyon bottoms and other relatively low elevation sites, indicating that the animals were widely distributed and locally common in the area. Foraging spotted bats concentrated flight activity in the open-air space above meadows occasionally exploited near-canopy habitat (within 8 m of foliage). Bats began to forage shortly after dark, and activity levels were relatively constant throughout the night. Foraging spotted bats attacked airborne prey every 2.15 min on average. Consistent with published observations, spotted bats maintained exclusive foraging areas. Distinct vocalizations indicating agonistic encounters occurred when a bat encroached on the foraging area of a conspecific.  相似文献   

Small mammal populations inhabiting radioactive waste disposal areas could be important vectors of contaminant redistribution, given sufficiently high numbers. Earlier studies conducted at the Subsurface Disposal Area (SDA) in southeastern Idaho found small mammal densities equaling or exceeding densities in native habitat. Our live-trapping study was conducted in 1988 and 1989 to assess the role of edge habitat (where SDA crested wheatgrass [ Agropyron cristatum ] plantings and native sagebrush habitat are separated by an earthen dike) in facilitating use of this highly modified site by small mammals. Small mammals had a significantly greater density in SDA edge habitat than in the interior. Total density of small mammals and immediately around the SDA appeared to be less variable over time than density in native sagebrush habitat for years when data were available. This phenomenon was largely attributable to steady or increasing SDA population densities of the most common species, Peromyscus maniculatus and Perognathus parvus , during 1988-89, when most small mammal species had below-average densities in surrounding areas. The variety of foraging options in edge habitat may have allowed these relatively opportunistic species to avoid widespread population declines associated with drought years in 1988-89. Movements by P. manicualtus across the boundary were common, suggesting that this species did indeed utilize both habitat types. Preferences for edge habitat could potentially be used to formulate strategies that reduce use of waste site by small mammals.  相似文献   

In northern areas of their expanded range, information on Merriam's turkeys ( Meleagris gallopavo merriami ) is lacking, specifically pertaining to wintering behavior and factors associated with winter habitat selection. Forest managers need detailed quantification of the effects of logging and other management practices on wintering habitats needed by Wild Turkeys and other wildlife. Therefore, we examined winter habitat selection patterns within ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) forests and determined factors associated with use of farmsteads by Merriam's turkeys in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota. We radio-marked 86 female Merriam's turkeys (70 adults and 16 yearlings) and monitored them during winter (1 December–31 March), 2001–2004. Female Wild Turkeys used recently burned pine forest less than expected but selected farmsteads and stands of mature ponderosa pine ( 22.9 cm diameter at breast height [DBH] trees) for foraging sites. Within forests, female Wild Turkeys selected foraging sites with less understory vegetation and visual obstruction, and larger-diameter ponderosa pine. Ponderosa pine seed abundance varied among years, and pine seeds were most abundant in stands of 30–35 cm DBH with basal area of 22–28 m2 ? ha–1. Abundance of pine seeds may have influenced use of farmsteads by Wild Turkeys, more so than ambient temperatures or snow depth. In the southern Black Hills, management should emphasize open- to mid-canopy and mature-structural-stage pine stands, where seed production was greatest. During winters when mast from pine is unavailable, farmsteads likely provide nutritional supplementation and may be important for maintaining Merriam's turkey populations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1269-1280
Contemporary studies of sea turtle diving behaviour are generally based upon sophisticated techniques such as the attachment of time depth recorders. However, if the risks of misinterpretation are to be minimized, it is essential that electronic data are analysed in the light of first-hand observations. To this aim, we set out to make observations of juvenile hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata, Linnaeus, 1766) foraging and resting in a shallow water coral reef habitat around the granitic Seychelles (4°'S, 55°'E). Data were collected from six study sites characterized by a shallow reef plateau (<5 m) and a flat sandy area at the base of the reef face (<10 m). Observation data were categorized into the following behaviours: (1) stationary foraging; (2) active foraging; (3) resting; and (4) assisted resting. Central to this investigation was the development of a technique for accurately estimating the size of sea turtles in situ based upon previously tested techniques for reef fishes. This revealed that through calibration, the curved carapace length (CCL) of marine turtles can be consistently estimated to within 10 cm of their actual size. Although rudimentary, this has advantages for assessing the residency or absence of specific life history stages from particular environments. Indeed, our data supported previous claims that following the reproductive season, adult hawksbills in the region may move away from the nesting beaches to alternative foraging grounds whilst immature turtles (following the pelagic juvenile stage) may opt to reside in areas close to their natal beaches. With regards to habitat utilization, juvenile hawksbills displayed an alternating pattern of short, shallow foraging dives followed by deeper, longer resting dives. These findings are consistent with previous electronic studies of free-range diving in this species and suggest that the maximization of resting duration may be an important factor driving this behaviour.  相似文献   

Habitat use and selection by Merriam's Wild Turkeys ( Meleagris gallopavo merriami ) in Wasco County, Oregon, was studied during 1981-82. This turkey population selectively used forested cover types (such as ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir-oak, ponderosa pine-oak) characterized by a variety of structural features, species, and age classes. The population used single species forested cover types (oak, ponderosa pine) less than expected, used nonforested cover types in proportion to their availability, and avoided forested cover types with structure simplified by logging activities. The four age and sex classes had large seasonal home ranges ( ̄x = 1,615 ha); the smallest home ranges were exhibited by adult males in winter and the largest were shown by subadult males in fall. In most instances, turkeys used cover types as they were available. We suggest that structural complexity of vegetation, both within and among cover types, is an important component of habitat for Merriam's Wild Turkeys that should be considered in the evaluation of potential release sites and in habitat management plans.  相似文献   

The spotted bat ( Euderma maculatum ) has been virtually unknown in Oregon despite the existence of potential habitat in many areas of the state. In 2002 and 2003 we searched for spotted bats along the John Day, Deschutes, and Crooked Rivers and at a remote dry canyon southeast of the city of Bend in central Oregon. The species was documented through the use of mist-nets, a bat detector, and recognition of audible spotted bat calls. Spotted bats were found at 11 locations in 6 Oregon counties. Nightly activity patterns of spotted bats were unpredictable. Spotted bats were found in 78% of search areas but on only 48% of survey nights. We observed spotted bats foraging above fields and low upland slopes adjacent to rivers and creeks and along the rims of cliffs. Estimated flying heights of spotted bats ranged from 3 m to 50 m aboveground. The species was difficult to capture and was captured only after considerable experimentation with methods and materials. Three spotted bats were captured toward the end of the project in 2003 and accounted for only 0.5% of all bats captured during the study. Although we attached radio transmitters to 2 spotted bats, we found no roost locations. We believe additional spotted bat surveys in Oregon are warranted, especially in higher-elevation habitats, but recommend that to increase their effectiveness, surveys accommodate the unique foraging behavior of the species.  相似文献   

During 1999 and 2000 we trapped and radio-marked 156 Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus ) on leks in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP, n = 73) and mine reclamation (MR, n = 83) lands in northwestern Colorado. Median spring--fall home range sizes using the 95% fixed kernal and minimum convex polygon estimators for 54 grouse were 86 ha and 61 ha, respectively. Median fixed kernal home range size did not differ between males (79 ha) and females (87 ha). Home ranges of grouse associated with CRP (112 ha) were larger than those of grouse in MR (75 ha). Directional orientation of movements from leks of capture to wintering areas was nonrandom, and there was a positive elevation gain (median = 102 m) associated with these movements. Movements did not differ between grouse captured in CRP and MR for any season but did differ between genders for the spring--fall period. Males exhibited stronger fidelity and less variation in their movements than females; 96% of males compared with only 77% of females remained within 2.0 km of their lek of capture from spring through fall. Ninety percent of females nested within 2.5 km of their lek of capture. During winter all grouse were found farther (median = 21.5 km) from lek sites than in any other season. Males remained on the breeding range longer in the fall and returned earlier in the spring than females even though they wintered similar distances away (median males = 21.5 km, median females = 21.4 km). Our findings support the 2.0-km radius used in the Habitat Suitability Index model for Columbian Sharptailed Grouse to assess nest and brood-rearing cover around leks, but not the 6.5-km radius used to evaluate winter cover.  相似文献   

Home range size and foraging habitat use in breeding lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni), a bird species of conservation concern, were investigated during the breeding season of the species in 2008 in an intensively cultivated area of central Greece, using radio-tracking. Grasshopper (the main prey) densities were measured at the most important habitats (cotton, cereals, grasslands and margins). Home ranges were not significantly different between sexes either as overall means or during incubation and nestling periods. Movements of both sexes were non-random during incubation but random during the nestling period. Habitats used by males during incubation ranked as: margins > other > cotton > corn > cereals and during nestling period as: cereals > margins > grasslands > corn > cotton. Female habitat use greatly differed ranking as cereals > cotton > grasslands during incubation and as grassland > cotton > corn > cereals > margins during nestling period. Female habitat use seemed to be in disagreement with the conditions generally favouring prey availability, probably for reasons associated with low and uniform distribution of grasshopper densities over the habitats.  相似文献   

Recent radiotelemetry studies demonstrated that stream-dwelling trout are mobile, but few have compared sympatric species. We used radiotelemetry to simultaneously monitor positions of 20 brown trout and 21 rainbow trout from May or June 1994 to February 1995 in Silver Creek, a small spring-fed stream in south central Idaho. Our biweekly observations from May to September indicated that rainbow trout had larger home ranges (medians, 606 m v. 131 m) and moved greater distances (medians, 1109 m v. 208 m) than brown trout. Furthermore, rainbow trout used more positions than brown trout (means, 7 v. 3) over this interval. Hourly diel monitoring revealed no significant difference in 24-h home ranges of rainbow trout and brown trout (means, 77 m v. 105 m). However, activity patterns of the 2 species differed; rainbow trout activity was usually highest during the day, whereas brown trout activity tended to peak at night. Differences in foraging strategies and response to disturbance may be responsible for differences in mobility.  相似文献   

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