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Piute ground squirrels ( Spermophilus mollis idahoensis ) are normally above ground from late January until late June or early July in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area in southwestern Idaho. In 2002 they were rarely seen above ground after early May. Because of the ecological importance of ground squirrels for nesting raptors and other species, we sought to determine the reasons for their early disappearance. We sampled 12 sites from January 2003 through March 2003 to determine if a population crash had occurred in 2002. Tests indicated that Piute ground squirrels had not been exposed to plague within the past year. The presence of yearlings in the population indicated that squirrels reproduced in 2002 and that at least some yearlings survived the winter. Both yearling and adult squirrels appeared to be reproducing at or above normal rates in 2003. The most plausible explanation for the early disappearance of Piute ground squirrels in 2002 is that squirrels entered seasonal torpor early in response to a late spring drought. In addition, the breeding chronology of squirrels may have shifted during the past 2 decades in response to climate change and/or habitat alteration. Shrub habitats provide a more favorable and stable environment for squirrels than grass habitats. Squirrel abundance was higher on live-trapping grids with sagebrush than on grids dominated by grass, and squirrel masses were higher at sites dominated by shrubs and Sandberg bluegrass ( Poa secunda ). Densities in big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) were within the ranges reported for earlier years, but densities in grass were lower than previously reported. Low densities at grassland sites in 2003 support other findings that drought affects squirrels in altered grass communities more than those in native shrub habitats. Long-term shifts in ground squirrel breeding chronology may have implications for raptors that depend on them for food.  相似文献   

Five species of the coccidian genus Eimeria ( E. beecheyi [prevalence = 17.9%], E. callospermophili-morainensis [28.6%], E. larimerensis [16.1%], and E. bilamellata [3.6%]) were recovered from 56, 13-lined ground squirrels ( Spermophilus tridicemlineatus ) collected from two sites in eastern Wyoming. Two squirrels from one site were also passing an unidentified polysporocystic coccidian. Infected squirrels were found to harbor from one to three species simultaneously. Previously these same eimerian species were found infecting sympatric populations of Wyoming ground squirrels. ( Spermophilus elegans ) and white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leacurus ) at one of the sites; it is suggested that the exchange of these generalist parasite species among co-occurring sciurid hosts contributes to the consistent prevalence levels reported in Wyoming ground squirrels.  相似文献   

A five - year study of Belding ground squirrels was conducted at high altitude in the Sierra Nevada. Body weight and body length varied seasonally depending upon the fat depletion - deposition cycle, age, and sex. Adult males tended to be heavier and longer than adult females, particularly in the last half of the active season. A similar pattern was present in yearlings. Yearling squirrels were often distinguishable from adults on the basis of body size. Mean body weights were greater in adults throughout the season, and mean body lengths were greater in adults through the first half of the season. Adults also had larger internal organs than yearlings at the beginning of the season. In liver and heart this difference was sustained. Sex ratios in adults and in yearlings were 1:1 but there was considerable spatial and temporal asymmetry in distribution of the sexes. Males tended to live in areas peripheral to lush meadows occupied by females and young.    相似文献   

Thirteen pine martens ( Martes Americana ) were sampled periodically from July 1979 to September 1980 for plague ( Yersinia pestis ) antibodies and their fleas collected and identified. Four individuals were positive for plague antibodies on 8 of 24 sampling occasions. Titer peaks in these individuals occurred simultaneously in early winter but fell to undetectable levels by late spring. A chipmunk flea ( Monopsyllus ciliatus ) was the most common ectoparasite constituting 55% of all individuals collected. Thirty-one percent of all fleas belonged to Chaetopsylla floridensis, a species previously unreported in California. The remains of ground-dwelling sciurids (chipmunks, Eutamias spp., and ground squirrels, Spermophilus spp.) were very common in marten scats during the period preceding elevated titers. For this reason, and the fact that 92% of all fleas collected from martens during this same period were found more commonly on chipmunks and ground squirrels, these rodents were implicated as the source of the martens’ exposure to plague.  相似文献   

Data were gathered concerning the seasonal activity pattern of a population of Columbian ground squirrels ( Spermophilus columbianus ) in the Idaho Primitive Area. Adult females were significantly more active in June of all years than were adult males. A relationship between ground squirrel activity and temperature is postulated in which the squirrels alter their activity so as to avoid high temperatures and possible heat stress.  相似文献   

Six species of the coccidian genus Eimeria ( E. larimerensis [prevalence = 17%], E. bilamellata [12%] E. beecheyi [34%], E. morainensis [43%], E. callospermophili [21%], and E. spermophili [5%]) were recovered from Wyoming ground squirrels ( Spermophilus elegans elegans ) collected during 1983, 1984, 1985, and 1986. Infected ground squirrels were found to harbor from one to five species simultaneously. The 1007 hosts examined were collected from two different habitats: (1) a xeric desert shrub-steppe and (2) an irrigated alfalfa-brome field. All species of Eimeria occurred at each study site during all years, although the prevalence of each species varied between years. This is the first report of these congeries of species infecting this host. In a second study of sympatric populations of Wyoming ground squirrels and white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leucurus ), found three species of Eimeria present in both host populations ( E. beecheyi [white-tailed prairie dog prevalence = 83%, Wyoming ground squirrel = 52%], E. morainensis [22%, 52%], and E. bilamellata [17%, 10%]). This is the first report of these three species infecting white-tailed prairie dogs. Eimeria larimerensis was found in Wyoming ground squirrels but not in prairie dogs.  相似文献   

Some relationships between home range, agonistic behavior, and reproductive patterns in thirteen-lined ground squirrels were investigated in Laramie Plains, Wyoming (August 1966–April 1969). Population size and densities fluctuated seasonally and annually. Adult male (N = 7) home ranges averaged 0.24 ha and were smaller than those of the female (N = 9), which averaged 0.35 ha. Agonistic interactions were more frequent during the natal period (late May–June) than during the breeding-gestation period (mid April–May). Most squirrels (86 percent) shared capture sites and had overlapping home ranges. However, a certain degree of spacing existed because of agonistic behavior.  相似文献   

Diets of townsend ground squirrels were quantified from the Arid Land Ecology (ALE) Reserve eastern Washington.  相似文献   

The weight of body water and fat-free dry weight of Uinta ground squirrels ( Spermophilus armatus ) is given as a function of body weight. Body fat is presented as a function of body weight and body length. An equation for calculating the total caloric content of Uinta ground squirrels is given. Fat index (weight of fat/fat-free dry weight) values of juveniles increased from 0.11 to 0.22 from 5 June to 28 July. In male yearlings and adults the fat index increased about 8 to 9 times in the latter half of June and early July.      相似文献   

Juvenile Belding ground squirrels were studied in the Sierra Nevada. Females were more trappable, had smaller home ranges, and tended to enter hibernation earlier than males. The primary sex ratio was 1:1. Individuals first emerged from the natal burrow at three to four weeks of age and a body weight of 35 g. Body weight and linear dimensions increased thereafter until hibernation began. Maximum prehibernatory weight of 200 to 260 g was attained at about 12 weeks of age. Prehibernatory fattening began at about six weeks of age. Maximum lipid stores attained weighed about 80 percent of the lean, dry body compartment. Seasonal changes occurred in weight of white and brown fat depots, adrenal glands, spleen, heart, kidneys, liver, and testes. Annual variations in snowpack and emergence schedule caused the reproductive period, and thus phenology of juveniles, to vary by as much as three weeks. The last animals to immerge were unusually small, being from late litters. Nonetheless, they may have had lipid stores sufficient for surviving hibernation.  相似文献   

Southwestern Idaho desert shrub-bunchgrass rangeland is being invaded by fire-prone exotic annuals that permanently dominate the landscape following wildfires. This study was undertaken to describe diets of Townsend's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus townsendii idahoensis ) at four study sites with varying degrees of exotic annual invasion to determine if the squirrels could utilize high proportions of exotic annuals in their diets. Townsend's ground squirrels were collected in March and May of 1987 and 1988, and stomach contents were analyzed using a microhistological technique. Grasses comprised 37-87% of Townsend's ground squirrel diets at the four sites. Native species, especially Sandberg's bluegrass ( Poa secunda ), winterfat ( Ceratoides lanata ), big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) and six-weeks fescue ( Vulpia octoflora ) constituted 7-96% (x = 47.2%) of the diet, whereas exotic species, especially cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ), tumbleweed ( Salsola iberica ), and tansymustards ( Descurainia spp.) made up 4-68% (x = 48.0%) of the diet. At each site 2-4 species comprised >90% of the diet. There was no apparent correlation between the importance values of exotic species at a site and their importance in Townsend's ground squirrel diets.  相似文献   

Habitat use and food selection data were collected for deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), montane voles ( Microtus montanus ), Ord's kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys ordii ), and Townsend's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus townsendii ) near a sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata )/crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum ) interface in southeastem Idaho. Significantly more captures occurred in the native sagebrush habitat than in areas planted in crested wheatgrass or in disturbed sites. Crested wheatgrass, a prolific seed producer, still accounted for over 30% of the total captures. Montane voles and Townsend's ground squirrels (during periods of aboveground activity) used the crested wheatgrass habitat throughout the summer, while deer mice and, Ord's kangaroo rats exhibited heavy use after seed set.  相似文献   

We evaluated wildlife use of witches' brooms associated with infection by Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe ( Arceuthobium douglasii ) in 6 mixed-conifer study areas in Arizona and 2 areas in New Mexico. We climbed 153 infected Douglas-firs ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) and examined 706 witches' brooms for evidence of wildlife use. Even though we observed evidence of use by birds, most wildlife use was by small mammals, particularly red squirrels ( Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ). Red squirrels used witches' brooms for nesting, foraging, caching, and as latrines. Witches' brooms classified as Type II or III brooms, located close to the main bole with large platforms, and 5–10 m above the ground were the most frequently used by red squirrels.  相似文献   

Burrow diameters of five small mammal species, Townsend's ground squirrel ( Spermophilus townsendii ), Wyoming ground squirrel ( S. elegans ), Ord's kangaroo rat ( Dipodomys ordii ), montane vole ( Microtus montanus ), and deer mouse ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), were examined. Burrow cross sections were noncircular for all species with horizontal diameters 1.2-1.6 times wider than vertical diameters. Montane vole and deer mouse burrows were the smallest diameter, burrows of Wyoming and Townsend's ground squirrels were the largest, and kangaroo rat burrows were intermediate. Soil bulk density and texture significantly affected burrow diameters of montane voles and deer mice but not the other three species.  相似文献   

Scats of sympatric red foxes and coyotes from the upper Snake River Plain of southeastern Idaho were analyzed for composition. Rodent remains in general and those of cricetid mice in particular occurred more frequently in scats of red foxes during all seasons of the year than any other food items identified. Scats of coyotes differed significantly in content from scats of red foxes during winter and contained primarily pygmy rabbit remains. In summer, remains of pygmy rabbits, sheep, ground squirrels, yellow-bellied marmots, arthropods, and vegetation were formed more frequently in scats of coyotes and remains of cricetid mice occurred more frequently in scats of red foxes. Red foxes and coyotes generally consumed similar food items but in different proportions. Based on the location of scats that were collected, red foxes and coyotes largely used different portions of the study area. Reasons for the preferential usage of habitat are discussed.  相似文献   

Summer food habits of coyotes ( Canis latrans )in the River of No Return Wilderness Area, Idaho, were determined. Analysis of 51 scats (fecal samples) revealed that Columbian ground squirrels ( Spermophilus columbianus ), mule deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ), and deer mice ( Peromyscus manniculatus ) exhibited the greatest frequency of occurrence for identified food items, being detected in 57%, 27%, and 16%, respectively, of scats examined.  相似文献   

Helminth parasites of the Wyoming ground squirrel, Spermophilus elegans Kennicott, 1863, were surveyed from two environmentally different habitats within Wyoming. A total of four helminth species were identified. Three helminth species were found in 419 hosts collected in a mesic habitat including one species of adult cestode, Hymenolepis citelli, and two species of nematodes, Citellinema bifurcatum and Syphacia citelli. Only larval cestodes ( Taenia taxidiensis ) were found infecting 335 Wyoming ground squirrels collected from a xeric habitat.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle in Belding ground squirrels was studied in the Sierra Nevada Mountains at two locations, one at 2,100 m elevation, the other at 3,000 m. Adults emerged from hibernation completely prepared physiologically for reproduction. Males tended to emerge slightly ahead of females and yearlings tended to emerge later than adults. Yearling females were fertile but produced smaller litters than adults, 4.48 vs. 6.31. Yearling males were infertile. They exhibited a slight seasonal cycle in testicular growth but did not reach sexual maturity. Testicular growth and spermatogenesis were incipient in many adults and in yearlings prior to hibernation.    相似文献   

Partial correlation analysis indicates that Beechey ground squirrels show a strong preference for digging burrows under and around large objects, may show a weaker tendency to locate their burrows under the cover of tree canopies, and avoid digging burrows in areas with both treecanopy and ground cover (stones, logs). These relationships hold for large but not small burrow systems. The need for unobstructed visual surveillance and an autumn food supply are proposed to be determinants of these preferences.  相似文献   

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