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Nest parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) can negatively affect host populations. Landscape-scale factors, such as proximity to residential areas, equestrian riding stables, and grazing allotments, can affect the risk of nest parasitism as well as the abundance of Brown-headed Cowbirds. Recent increases in residential and recreational development along with a reduction in grazing allotments in the northern Sierra Nevada provide an opportunity to reevaluate factors that influence frequency of nest parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds. Frequency of nest parasitism increased as the distance to the nearest residential center and distance to the nearest equestrian riding stable decreased. Similarly, Brown-headed Cowbird abundance was negatively correlated with distance to the nearest residential center and distance to the nearest equestrian stable. To reduce the risk of nest parasitism, efforts should be devoted to (1) reducing further residential development at the wildland–urban interface and (2) educating landowners about bird feeders, which frequently attract Brown-headed Cowbirds.  相似文献   

The historic range of the bison ( Bison bison ) on the Great Plains has been well documented. In Colorado the range of bison included both the eastern grasslands and higher-elevation ridges and mountain parks, up to an elevation of 3900 m. Based on the commensal relationship of the brood-parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater ) with the bison, we suggest that the cowbird had a larger historical elevational range in Colorado than previously known and consequently has had a long-term host-parasite relationship with high-elevation breeding songbirds.  相似文献   

The species composition of periphyton and benthic insect communities and abundances of common taxa (&;gt;0.1&;#37; of individuals) were examined during snow-free months in Convict Creek, a permanent snowmelt- and spring-fed stream in the Sierra Nevada of California. The communities were highly diverse. The most abundant taxa in the periphyton were diatoms ( Achnanthes minutissima, Cocconeis placentula lineata, Cymbella microcephala, C. sinuata, Fragilaria construens, F. crotonensis , Navicula spp., Synedra acus , and S. rumpens ), except in late spring and summer when several seasonal blue-green algae ( Chamaesiphon incrustans, Lyngbya spp. and Oscillatoria spp.) are at their maximum densities. Most common periphyton taxa vary systematically in abundance with season, but relative abundances of taxa also appear to be influenced by streambed scouring and by concentrations of ambient nutrients. Data on population densities and length frequencies of larval and nymphal stages of common benthic insects and occurrences of pupal and adult stages were examined to determine life history patterns. Taxa hatching in winter and spring and abundant as immatures in late spring include ephemeropterans ( Epeorus longimanus, Drunella flavilinea , and Caudatella heterocaudata ), plecopterans ( Calineuria californica, Doroneuria baumanni, and Pteronarcys princeps ) and dipterans ( Cryptolabis sp.). Common taxa hatching in late spring or summer are the plecopteran Malenka ( californica? ) and the trichopterans Arctopsyche grandis and Rhyacophila acropedes . Several bivoltine and multivoltine ephemeropterans ( Baetis devinctus and B. tricaudatus ) and dipterans ( Simulium spp. and Chironomidae) have summer cohorts. Taxa hatching in late summer or autumn and most abundant in autumn include ephemeropterans ( Baetis spp., Ephemerella infrequens, Epeorus dulciana, Ironodes lepidus , and Paraleptophlebia pallipes ), trichopterans ( Hydropsyche oslari, Lepidostoma spp., Glossosoma califica, Micrasema sp., Brachycentrus americanus, Neophylax sp., and Rhyacophila vaccua ) and dipterans ( Antocha monticola, Pericoma sp., and Chironomidae). Major recurring events that may influence life history patterns and structure of the benthic insect community are (1) near-freezing, nighttime winter water temperatures and occasional anchor ice, (2) a prolonged period of high discharge in late spring and early summer (3) a brief summer, and (4) a prolonged period of moderate stream discharge in autumn when the substratum is stable and food is abundant.  相似文献   

Despite their trophic importance and potential importance as bioindicators of stream condition, benthic algae have not been well studied in California. In particular there are few studies from small streams in the Sierra Nevada. The objective of this study was to determine the standing crop of chlorophyll- a and benthic algal species assemblages present in the small 1st- and 2nd-order streams of the Kings River Experimental Watersheds (KREW, watersheds of Bull, Providence, Duff, and Teakettle Creeks) and determine the associations of these measures with stream habitat. We collected samples of benthic algae from rock substrata in September 2002 (7 sites) and 2005 (the same 7 sites plus 5 additional sites). Habitat and water-quality data were collected concurrently. Chlorophyll- a values ranged from 0.2 to 3.2 mg ? m –2 . Chlorophyll- a in the Bull Creek watershed was generally lower than in the other watersheds. Benthic algal assemblages were dominated by diatoms and cyanobacteria. We collected 79 taxa of diatoms in 2002 and 126 taxa in 2005. Diatom taxa richness in individual samples ranged from 15 to 47. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis of arcsine square-root transformed proportional abundances of diatoms identified 3 groups of sites. Bull Creek sites were generally different from other sites (group 1), and the sites from Bull Creek were different in 2002 (group 2) and 2005 (group 3). Five taxa appeared to be particularly important in distinguishing groups: Achnanthidium minutissimum , Cocconeis placentula , Eunotia incise , Eunotia pectinalis var. minor , and Planothidium lanceolatum . Elevation, water temperature, pH, specific conductance, and canopy were habitat variables correlated with the differences in diatom assemblages among sites. Our results provide a valuable baseline for future studies of benthic algae in Sierra Nevada headwater streams and will be particularly important in understanding the effects of different forest restoration management strategies being tested in the KREW project.  相似文献   

Basidiocarps of Pisolithus tinctorius , a gasteromycetous fungus adapted to harsh sites, were observed in association with Jeffrey and Sierra Lodgepole pine on acid mine spoils in northeastern California. Subterranean mycelial strands were traced from these basidiocarps to the root systems of the two pine species, which had ectomycorrhizae characteristics of those formed by this fungus in symbiotic relationships with conifer hosts.  相似文献   

The Truckee River in California and Nevada is subject to diverse water regimes and a corresponding variety of flow rates. Original riparian vegetation has been altered by these variable flow rates and by a variety of human uses resulting in loss of native riparian vegetation from its historic extent. We conducted bird surveys along the Truckee River during spring 193 to (1) determine relationships between birds and the present vegetation; (2) determine the importance of different vegetation types to sensitive bird species that have declined recently in the western United States due to competition from exotic plant species, cowbird ( Molothrus ater ) parasitism, reduction in nesting habitat, or other unidentified reasons; and (3) establish a monitoring program and collect baseline data for future comparisons. The most frequently detected bird species throughout the study was the Brown-headed Cowbird. The greatest number of bird species (98 of 116) was found in the native mixed willow ( Salix spp.) riparian scrub vegetation type. We recommend protecting the remaining native riparian vegetation types for bird habitat along the Truckee River.  相似文献   

Observing survival and how individuals allocate time can provide insight into a species' ability to tolerate environmental constraints. We studied the Willow Flycatcher ( Empidonax trallii ) in the Sierra Nevada to determine if there were behavioral differences between pairs that successfully produced offspring and those that did not. This information will advance understanding of why these birds are declining in the Sierra Nevada and contribute to recommendations that may help to conserve them. We studied birds in 13 meadows in 2000 and 2001 using continuous focal-animal observations. Of the 43 territories we observed, 11 were occupied by males who never paired with a female, leaving 32 pairs for analysis. Of the 32 pairs, 13 were successful at breeding on their 1st attempt, and 9 pairs failed at their initial try but were successful on their 2nd breeding attempt. Throughout the breeding season, Willow Flycatchers spent 77%-78% of the day loafing during territory establishment and nest building, and loafing reached a low of 49% of the time budget during the nestling stage. Unsuccessful pairs spent on average 34% more time perching than their successful counterparts, while successful pairs spent on average 48% more of their time on the nest than unsuccessful pairs. Willow Flycatchers doubled the time spent foraging during the nestling phase because they had to meet the daily intake requirements for their young and themselves. Our results suggest that birds that spent more time on the nest and less time vocalizing had a significantly higher probability of successfully producing young because they were able to protect nests from predators, nest parasites, and inclement weather.  相似文献   

Presence of a wetted edge during the period of seedfall was an effective predictor of suitable establishment (defined as germination and survival to the 1st autumn) locations for Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera, Salix amygdaloides, S. exigua, and Tamarix ramosissima seedlings during 3 successive years of a gravel pit revegetation project in Fort Collins, Colorado. At locations predicted to be suitable for establishment, position within the pit (possibly reflecting additional moisture provided by seepage) was a significant factor in determining whether establishment actually occurred. Cover of herbaceous species, which became established at the same time as, or after, woody seedlings, was positively related to probability of establishment for 8 of 11 species-year combinations, probably reflecting more favorable moisture conditions at certain locations. Herbaceous cover also was positively related to seedling height at the end of the 1st summer of growth for 9 of 11 species-year combinations. Neither establishment nor 1st-summer growth was consistently related to overall decline in the water table as estimated by the drop in surface-water level during the growing season. Flooding in the 1st spring after establishment was negatively related to subsequent survival for 5 of 8 species-year combinations. The 4 species established at different elevations in the pit, depending on location of the wetted edge during the period of seedfall, and there was no evidence that differential mortality subsequently altered their distribution along the elevation gradient. However, the primary objective in this study was to restore native woody species, and we attempted to maintain conditions conducive to meeting this objective. Differential postestablishment mortality may be more important in structuring the riparian community in more rigorous riverine environments.  相似文献   

Peat cores along transects of seven minerotrophic peatlands (fens) in the Sagehen Creek basin were made in 1972. The areas were all shallow, sloping peatlands from 67 to 206 cm in maximum depth. Cores from one fen contained layers of charcoal and clay that suggested fire followed by fen regeneration. Profiles from Mason Fen suggested that the peat mass was moving downslope, creating splits and ridges with surface pools at right angles to the slope. Comparison of a profile made in 1958 with 1972 showed further evidence of downslope mass movement and expansion of the surface area.  相似文献   

Numerous physical, chemical, and biological criteria evidently confirm that Lake Tahoe is oligotrophic. However, detailed examination of the ecology and trophic status status of algae (mostly diatoms) from Lake Tahoe taken from three independent, long-term sampling programs aided in interpretation of plankton and periphyton algal communities by spectral analysis (supported by computerized data synthesis) and "ultra-oligotraphic" lakes over the world from which future studies may reveal algal communities that may be described as more mesotrophic and/or eutrophic than oligotrophic. Lake Tahoe probably is not as oligotrophic as is generally believed, and the indicator algae in it are not as accurate as is generally believed.  相似文献   

Seeds of the perennial shrub Ambrosia dumosa germinated in abundance following 11 days of rain during August 1983 at a study site in the northern Mojave Desert. Seedling establishment, growth, and reproduction were observed in natural vegetation and in an area that had been previously cleared of vegetation. For 5,527 A. dumosa seedlings, percent survival in April 1986 averaged 3% in the undisturbed vegetation and 58% in the denuded area. Seedlings occupying the cleared area had grown to sizes up to 0. 1 m 3 m by October 1984; some produced flowers and fruit in the spring of 1985. Surviving seedlings in the undisturbed vegetation were all smaller than 0.001 m 3 and did not reproduce. These pronounced differences in growth, survival, and reproduction associated with the presence or absence of adult shrubs demonstrated an intense competition that is incompatible with indications of mild competition from nearest-neighbor analyses. I therefore hypothesize that competition for water occurred, not by competition for water in two dimensions but by rapid use of a common resource, as if several people were drinking with straws from a common cup. This temporal mechanism would strongly favor adults over seedlings.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproduction and embryology of Walker Lake Lahontan tui chub, Gila bicolor , were investigated during the spring–summer period of 1976, 1977, and 1981. Tui chub were found to spawn in littoral regions of the lake beginning in late May or early June. Early in the season male chub substantially outnumbered females over the spawning grounds, with a normal 1:1 sex ratio gradually approached as the season progressed. The developmental period between fertilization to hatch-out was shortened by increases in water temperature. Selected stages of embryonic development are described from egg fertilization through post-hatch.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the distribution and abundance of birds in the White Mountains, Inyo and Mono counties, California, during spring-summer 1989-91, to establish a baseline for monitoring the area's avifauna. Overall 58 species were encountered in the single-leaf pinyon-Utah juniper ( Pinus monophylla-Juniperus osteosperma ) zone, and 61 species in the bristlecone-limber pine ( P. longaeva-P. flexilis ) zone. The bristlecone-limber pine zone had a significantly greater overall bird abundance relative to the pinyon-juniper. Both zones were characterized by few very abundant species, a few moderately abundant species, and numerous rare species. The Black-throated Gray Warbler (scientific names in tables), Gray Flycatcher, and Pinyon Jay were the most abundant species in the pinyon-juniper whereas the Clark's Nutcracker, Mountain Chickadee, and Cassin's Finch were the most abundant species in the bristlecone-limber pine. There were few ecological or taxonomic replacements of species between zones, with the differences in distribution and abundance related primarily to the interaction between elevation and vegetation. Significant inter-year variation in abundance was found for about 20 species in each zone—more species showed declining rather than increasing trends. The Mountain Chickadee and White-breasted Nuthatch declined, whereas the Gray Flycatcher and Rock Wren increased across years in both zones. Reasons for declines in some species might be the severe drought that continued throughout this study.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1421-1430
The chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, is one of a large number of birds from many families that use silk in the construction of their nests. Thirty-eight chaffinch nests collected from around the UK were examined to determine the nature and role of silk in nest construction. A regular survey of web, retreat and cocoon silk availability was made at a study site close to Glasgow, Scotland, over a 12 month period. The only spider web silk found in the nests was of the type produced by cribellate spiders. The majority of silk in nests, however, was spider cocoons, but there was no correlation between the amount of cocoon and web silk used. Nests with more lichen decoration contained more silk, and cocoon silk was particularly associated with the attachment of lichen. Nest construction at the study site took place from late April to mid-May. When nest building began, the availability of suitable web silk had doubled from its winter (lowest) level; however, its abundance continued to rise sharply until the end of May. The possible influence of silk availability on the timing of chaffinch nesting is discussed.  相似文献   

The recent appearance of the ""California crayfish,"" Pacifastacus leniusculus , in Castle Lake, California, and interest in its potential impacts on the lake ecosystem provided motivation for a study of the population structure and habitat use of this species and its effects on aquatic macrophytes. Mark-recapture studies indicated that the total number of adult (3 + yr or older) crayfish in the lake was ca 10,100 individuals, yielding an estimate of lakewide crayfish density in preferred crayfish habitats of 0.13 adults m -2 . Using mean body mass of individuals, we estimated that ambient biomass density was 5.9 g m -2 . Length-weight relationships determined for captured individuals were sex dependent, with males having greater body mass for a given carapace length. Length-frequency and weight-frequency diagrams indicated that P. leniusculus reaches larger sizes in Castle Lake than do populations of P. leniusculus in ultraoligotrophic Lake Tahoe. Population-wide, males were significantly larger in both carapace length and body mass than females. We also examined sex dependence of interhabitat differences in crayfish body size by comparing animals trapped in rocky areas with those from areas with macrophytes and soft sediments. No significant differences in overall body size were found between habitats, but a significant habitat-sex interaction term occurred because the sex-dependent size differences were more pronounced in sediment than in rocky areas. Exclosure and enclosure experiments indicated that crayfish had large but differential impacts on Castle Lake macrophyte species, as the abundance of two of the dominant species ( Chara sp., Potamogeton richardsonii ) declined in the presence of crayfish and, in one case, increased in exclosures. These effects occurred via both consumptive and nonconsumptive mechanisms. These studies indicate that and expanding population of P. leniusculus in Castle Lake may be producing sizable impacts on the littoral zone habitat.  相似文献   

Nest-boxes were monitored from 1988 to 1992 on 5 grids in the pinyon-juniper ( Pinus-Juniperus ) woodlands of the White and Inyo Mountains, California, to determine breeding phenology and productivity of cavity-nesting birds, and characteristics of used and non-used nest-boxes. We found a total of 112 nests of 6 species. Bewicks Wrens ( Thryomanes bewicki i; 64 nests), Mountain Chickadees ( Poecile gambeli ; 18), Ash-throated Flycatchers ( Myiarchus cinerascens ; 12), and Juniper Titmice ( Baeolophus ridgwayi ; 11) were the most common species utilizing the boxes. Nest phenology and numbers of young were similar to values reported elsewhere in the literature for the species, although nesting success for Mountain Chickadees appeared lower in our study. Chickadees were associated with relatively dense, mature vegetation on southern slopes. Juniper Titmice used areas with tall juniper shrubs and generally sparse vegetation. Bewicks Wrens used areas with short trees, sparse vegetation, and many stumps. Nest-boxes were underutilized (< 15% use) by most species relative to their availability and relative to detected abundances of the species. We suggest that nest-boxes can provide valuable breeding biology information and can potentially increase the productivity of rare and cavity-limited species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1175-1202
The reproductive biology of Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt) was investigated over a period of 25 months at a deciduous and a coniferous forest site at Kylemore, Co. Galway, Ireland. The species has an annual, univoltine reproductive cycle with ovigerous females found throughout the year. Recruitment of juveniles begins in May–June with a peak of reproductive activity in August–September. The populations at each site show a bimodal size-distribution for most of the year, with a unimodal distribution in March, April and May. Mortality occurs exponentially, and the life-span is 20–22 months. Mean fecundity was 5·65 eggs per female and was dependent on female size, egg size and brood stage. Brood mortality was 37·5% at Addergoole and 29·8% at Tullywee Bridge.  相似文献   

The observed distribution and relative abundance of two morphologically similar species of sucker, Catostomus , have shifted dramatically over the past four decades in Sagehen Creek and nearby streams in eastern California. The mountain sucker, C. platyrhynchus , formerly abundant and more numerous than the Tahoe sucker, C. tahoensis , has become relatively rare and during this study was consistently less abundant than the Tahoe sucker at all eastern California sites in 1983. Similar shifts in abundance were not seen at the three Nevada sites. Behavioral observations and data on spatial and temporal patterns of habitat use, collected in Sagehen Creek between May and September 1982 and 1983 using a snorkel survey method, indicate nearly complete overlap between mountain and Tahoe sucker habitat use and an absence of any agonistic behavioral interaction between species. The decline of the mountain sucker in these areas is likely the result of an interaction of loss of habitat due to reservoir construction and destructive management practices. These changes may have led to the elimination of isolating mechanisms between the two species and may be increasing the opportunity for introgressive hybridization.  相似文献   

Burrowing Owls ( Athene cunicularia ) occupy intensively managed agricultural areas within the Imperial Valley of California, where they occur at high densities relative to other areas in the state, and yet reproductive rates are often low. Understanding diet and food-niche breadth may lead to insights into factors contributing to their poor reproductive performance. We tested the relative contribution of sex, year, and season on diet composition and food-niche breadth from analyses of stomach contents of adult Burrowing Owls ( n = 53). Orthoptera dominated the diet; it accounted for 58.9% of the total number of prey items in all stomachs and was found in 98.2% of all samples. Rodents, a source of potentially limiting dietary calcium, were found in only 2 stomachs. We detected yearly and seasonal effects on estimated food-niche breadth. Mean food niche for the breeding season was broader (antilog of Shannons index: 2.38 ± 0.15) and more even (Pielous index: 0.67 ± 0.06) than for the nonbreeding season (1.83 ± 0.13, 0.49 ± 0.07, respectively) partially because of a greater frequency of Araneida, Isopoda, Lepidoptera, and Solpugida in the diet during the breeding season. Mean food-niche breadth for 1997 (2.25 ± 0.23) was broader than during 1994, 1995, and 1996 (2.07 ± 0.23, 1.98 ± 0.20, and 1.82 ± 0.40, respectively) because of a greater frequency of Araneida, Dermaptera, Isopoda, Lepidoptera, and Solpugida. These results, and auxiliary diet information, suggest rodents were infrequent in the diet of Burrowing Owls in the Imperial Valley and may help explain their lower reproductive success relative to other areas of California.  相似文献   

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