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During July to September 1994-1995, I examined water temperatures at the lower end of the elevational distribution of redband trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri ) in 4 streams in the Owyhee Mountains in southwestern Idaho. Maximum water temperatures in Castle, Shoofly, Little Jacks, and Big Jacks creeks during low flows during a drought in 1994 ranged from 26.7° C to 29.0° C. Water temperatures fluctuated 9.5-11° C during the 24-h period maximum temperatures were observed. Stream flows at the lower end of Big Jacks and Little Jacks creeks in 1994 were 3 s -1 and subsided underground 50-130 m downstream pools inhabited by trout. Trout were distributed to lower elevations where drainage basin area was larger in 2 of 3 yr ( P 5 km downstream of the lowest pool inhabited by trout in 1995-1996.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of spider mites (Tetranychidae) are recognized for Utah and Idaho; three of these are described as new: Bryobia neoribis, Pseudobryobia knowltoni, and Schizotetranychus agropyron. Eleven species of Tenuipalpidae are recorded.  相似文献   

Piute ground squirrels ( Spermophilus mollis idahoensis ) are normally above ground from late January until late June or early July in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area in southwestern Idaho. In 2002 they were rarely seen above ground after early May. Because of the ecological importance of ground squirrels for nesting raptors and other species, we sought to determine the reasons for their early disappearance. We sampled 12 sites from January 2003 through March 2003 to determine if a population crash had occurred in 2002. Tests indicated that Piute ground squirrels had not been exposed to plague within the past year. The presence of yearlings in the population indicated that squirrels reproduced in 2002 and that at least some yearlings survived the winter. Both yearling and adult squirrels appeared to be reproducing at or above normal rates in 2003. The most plausible explanation for the early disappearance of Piute ground squirrels in 2002 is that squirrels entered seasonal torpor early in response to a late spring drought. In addition, the breeding chronology of squirrels may have shifted during the past 2 decades in response to climate change and/or habitat alteration. Shrub habitats provide a more favorable and stable environment for squirrels than grass habitats. Squirrel abundance was higher on live-trapping grids with sagebrush than on grids dominated by grass, and squirrel masses were higher at sites dominated by shrubs and Sandberg bluegrass ( Poa secunda ). Densities in big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) were within the ranges reported for earlier years, but densities in grass were lower than previously reported. Low densities at grassland sites in 2003 support other findings that drought affects squirrels in altered grass communities more than those in native shrub habitats. Long-term shifts in ground squirrel breeding chronology may have implications for raptors that depend on them for food.  相似文献   

The county by county distribution of the tiger salamander ( Ambystoma tigrinum ) and night snake ( Hypsiglena torquata ) in Idaho from previous reports is presented. This is augmented and expanded from recent findings.  相似文献   

We examined home range size of Black-backed Woodpeckers ( Picoides arcticus ) in burned ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) / Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) forests of southwestern Idaho during 2000 and 2002 (6 and 8 years following fire). Home range size for 4 adult males during the post-fledging period was 115.6–420.9 ha using the 95% fixed-kernel method, and 150.4–766.1 ha using the 100% minimum convex polygon method. Smoothed bootstrap estimates (95%) were 130.0–521.9 ha. Home range sizes were significantly smaller 6 years after fire than 8 years after fire. Each male had from 2 to 8 areas of concentrated use within his home range. We provide recommendations for estimating area requirements of Black-backed Woodpeckers in post-fire ponderosa pine / Douglas-fir forests.  相似文献   

Southwestern Wyoming constitutes the northern limit of the ranges of the cliff chipmunk ( Tamias dorsalis ), pinyon mouse ( Peromyscus truei ), and canyon mouse ( P. crinitus ). In addition to trying to determine their presence in the region, we wanted to identify habitat characteristics commonly used by each of these species. We used Sherman live-traps to sample 14 sites representing 2 distinct habitat types in 1998 and 1999: juniper-rocky slopes and juniper cliffs. Seventeen habitat characteristics were measured at capture locations for each species and compared with randomly located points. Best subsets multiple logistic regression was used to construct models that distinguish between used and available habitat for each species. The cliff chipmunk occurred in both rocky slopes and cliffs. The pinyon mouse was also captured in rocky slopes and cliffs and was most often captured in locations in the interior of the juniper woodland with high tree canopy cover, high forb cover, and low density of rock outcrops. The canyon mouse was captured only in cliffs at sites consisting of high forb cover, high rock cover, and high tree density.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of bats occur in Nebraska, but limited information is available on those inhabiting southwestern parts of the state. We investigated the distribution, abundance, and reproductive activity of bats in 5 counties in extreme southwestern Nebraska (Chase, Hays, Dundy, Hitchcock, and Red Willow). From April 2007 to April 2008, we deployed mist nets on 15 occasions at 8 localities over the Republican River and its tributaries. We captured 100 individuals representing 5 species, including the evening bat ( Nycticeius humeralis ), eastern red bat ( Lasiurus borealis ), hoary bat ( Lasiurus cinereus ), big brown bat ( Eptesicus fuscus ), and silver-haired bat ( Lasionycteris noctivagans ). All species raised young in this region of Nebraska, except L. noctivagans , which was documented only during migration. Lactating females of N. humeralis captured on 15 June and volant young captured on 23 June extend known dates of reproductive activity for this species in the state, and an adult female captured on 30 April represents the earliest seasonal record of this species from Nebraska. Our records of evening bats also extend the known distribution of this species farther west in Nebraska than previously reported. Changes in land use throughout the Great Plains during the last century have altered many habitats, such as gallery forests associated with rivers, and distributions of mammals, including bats, have shifted to reflect those ecological changes.  相似文献   

Density and biomass of redband trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri ) relative to stream temperature were examined in headwater reaches of Big Jacks and Little Jacks Creeks in southwestern Idaho. Stream shading was greater (mean of 80% versus 46%) and solar insolation was lower (mean of 7.9 versus 15.1 mJ · m -2 · day -1 ) in Little Jacks Creek ( P P ≤ 0.07) but increased more rapidly and to higher levels (24° - 26° C) in Big Jacks Creek. Daily maximum water temperatures (23 km downstream of headwater springs) during July 1996 were lower in Little Jacks Creek (ranged from 18° to 22° C) than in Big Jacks Creek (20.2° to 26° C, P P -2 and 25.0 g · m -2 ) compared to Big Jacks Creek (0.3 fish · m -2 and 8.9 g · m -2 , P = 0.01). Trout density was negatively correlated with increases in water temperature ( P = 0.03) and solar insolation ( P = 0.09) in both streams. Trout biomass increased with stream shading and was negatively correlated with solar insolation ( P < 0.1). Warmer water temperatures in Big Jacks Creek were likely due to historical summerlong livestock grazing, which drastically reduced riparian shading.  相似文献   

From October 2003 through April 2006, we collected 565 fleas incidental to a distribution survey of mammals in southwestern South Dakota. Sixty-one specimens, representing 18 species of mammals, possessed 20 species of fleas. The geographic distributions of these flea species revealed 8 new records for the Black Hills and its adjacent grasslands. Four species&mdash; Megarthroglossus divisus, Stenoponia americana, Odontopsyllus dentatus, and Amaradix euphorbi &mdash;constitute new records for South Dakota, thus increasing the state&rsquo;s known flea fauna to 42 species. Hunters, trappers, and field biologists should be aware that serosurveillance during the 1990s revealed the presence of sylvatic plague and tularemia in the Black Hills area. Desde octubre de 2003 hasta abril de 2006, colectamos 565 pulgas de manera incidental durante un estudio de la distribuci&oacute;n de mam&iacute;feros en el suroeste del estado de Dakota del Sur. Los 61 espec&iacute;menes, que representaban 18 especies de mam&iacute;feros, albergaban 20 especies de pulgas. Sus distribuciones geogr&aacute;ficas revelaron 8 nuevos registros para las Colinas Negras (Black Hills) y las praderas adyacentes. Cuatro de estas especies ( Megarthroglossus divisus, Stenoponia americana, Odontopsyllus dentatus y Amaradix euphorbi ) constituyen nuevos registros para Dakota del Sur. Esto aumenta el n&uacute;mero de especies de pulgas conocidas del estado a 42 especies. Los cazadores, tramperos y bi&oacute;logos de campo deben estar conscientes de que la vigilancia serol&oacute;gica durante la d&eacute;cada de los 1990 revel&oacute; la presencia de la plaga silv&aacute;tica y la tularemia en el &aacute;rea de las Colinas Negras.  相似文献   

Reported are 105 species of Scolytidae (Coleoptera) from Idaho. About one-third of these are rarely collected, of which 22 species are known from a single locality each. Twelve species reported from Idaho for the first time are: Carphoborus carri Swaine, C. sansoni Swaine, Phloeosinus hoferi Blackman, Conophthorus monophyllae Hopkins, Dryocoetes betulae Hopkins, Ips confuses (LeConte), Pityophthorus absonus Blackman, P. aquilus Blackman , P. blandus Blackman, P. deletus LeConte, P. sculptor Blackman, and Xyleborinus saxeseni (Ratzeburg). Significant extensions of the known distributions in Idaho are reported for seven other scolytids; Alniphagus aspericollis (LeConte), Dendroctonus murrayanae Hopkins, Phloeotribus lecontei Schedl, Procryphalus mucronatus (LeConte), Trypophloeus populi Hopkins, Xyleborus dispar (Fabricius), and X. intrusus Blandford. Xyleborus dispar especially needs study in anticipation that it may become increasingly important in Idaho fruit trees and other woody plants including ornamentals and shade trees.  相似文献   

Noteworthy records of reptiles from the state of Jalisco, Mexico, are presented. The first state records of Coleonyx elegans nemoralis, the second state record for Geophis tarascae, and notes on the distribution and reproduction of Eumeces brevirostris indubitus are discussed.  相似文献   

Three new species of the caridean family Alvinocarididae are described from hydrothermal vents in the Southwest Pacific, namely, Chorocaris parva sp. nov. (Manus Basin, 1305–1684 m), Chorocaris variabilis sp. nov. (Manus and North Fiji basins and Vanuatu, 1305–2480 m) and Manuscaris acuminatus gen. et sp. nov. (Manus Basin, 1310 m). Morphological affinities of these three species are discussed. Molecular genetic analysis using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene supports the recognition of the two new species assigned to Chorocaris Martin and Hessler, 1990. The generic diagnosis of Chorocaris is slightly emended to accommodate the two new species. Opaepele susannae Komai, Gierre and Segonzac, 2007 is transferred to Chorocaris. Alvinocaris komai Zelnio and Hourdez, 2009, originally described from the Lau Basin, is newly recorded from the North Fiji Basin and Vanuatu (Nifonea vent field), at depths of 1740–2750 m.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4BFC8C31-C006-4738-BED7-B13D3296A7CA  相似文献   

Due to an error in printing quality of an earlier article, the distribution maps for the night snake ( Hypsiglena torquata ) and the tiger salamander ( Ambystoma tigrinum ) in Idaho are reprinted. &nbsp;&nbsp;  相似文献   

From 1990 to 1992 we surveyed for Flammulated Owls ( Otus flammeolus ) in 3 areas in Idaho: Salmon National Forest (SNF), Payette National Forest and adjacent Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (PNF-HCNRA), and Nez Perce National Forest (NPNF). We also collected and summarized information on all historic and modern records of Flammulated Owls in Idaho. Flammulated Owls were detected on 65% of 68 routes (2-16 km in length) surveyed at densities ranging from 0.04 to 1.25 singing males/40 ha. Owls were detected on survey routes as early as 10 May and as late as 23 July. Mean percent canopy cover estimated at owl locations on the PNF-HCNRA and NPNF study sites ranged from 52% to 64%, while shrub cover ranged from 16% to 21% and ground cover was 39% to 49%. Our surveys and summary of distributional records indicated that Flammulated Owls occur throughout the montane forests of Idaho in old or mature stands of open ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ), Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ), and stands co-dominated by those 2 species. Fire suppression and timber harvest activity in ponderosa pine forests represent 2 main threats to the species' future security in Idaho. More research on the effects of various silvicultural treatments on Flammulated Owl populations is warranted.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2339-2350

Myiasis of amphibians is one example of parasitoidism in which the body of these vertebrates is infested by fly larvae. Only four families of Diptera have species reported as myiasigenous of amphibians: Chloropidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae. The latter is the only family for which cases of myiasis have been reported for the Neotropics, with observations from Nicaragua to Argentina. As part of a project to evaluate the conservation status of amphibian species in Mexico, five cases of myiasis were recorded in three frog species belonging to the families Hylidae, Ranidae and Craugastoridae. This study presents the first records of myiasis by a sarcophagid in Mexico, expands the geographical distribution of Lepidodexia (Notochaeta) bufonivora, reports new amphibian hosts for this parasitoid fly, and provides new details of both sarcophagid larvae and females.  相似文献   

We analyzed population trend data during 1991–2004 for the Bruneau hot springsnail ( Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis ) from rangewide hot spring surveys completed along 4 km of Bruneau River. The objectives of this study were to analyze population trends and assess other measured parameters, such as water temperature, specific conductance, and groundwater decline, for changes that may influence population trends. We used simple linear regression to determine significant relationships between measured parameters. Total numbers of hot springs surveyed in the 4-km reach are declining at a rate of ~5 hot springs per year, and numbers of hot springs containing P. bruneauensis in the same reach are declining at a rate of 3.75 per year. We found that the decline of hot springs with and without P. bruneauensis was significantly related to the decline of the thermal aquifer which underlies this area.  相似文献   

Considering the little information on the biology and phenology of Chrysomelidae beetles and interaction with their host plants, we have followed the populations of Stolas chalybea, S. areolata and Anacassis phaeopoda for 2 years in order to obtain basic biological data on them and to describe their occurrence throughout the year. After emerging from the eggs, larvae of the three studied species remained aggregated, although the size of the groups decreased as the larvae developed. Egg clusters and young larvae of the two Stolas species were more frequently found on the underside of leaves of their host plants and mature larvae of S. areolata were only observed on the upper side of leaves. Adults of the three species were always isolated and both Stolas species were more frequently found on the upper side of leaves. The number of new branches on the host plant and some other plant physical characteristics were significantly related to Cassidinae abundance. The three studied species became active with the end of the dry season, reproduced more intensely during the rainy season and reduced their activity with the lowering of temperature and rainfall. The beetles also showed a lower peak of egg laying at the end of diapause of adults. This pattern of occurrence was very similar to the occurrence of leaves, especially the newest ones, on their host plants. Significant positive correlations between Cassidinae numbers and temperature showed that this parameter could influence ovipositing and mating activities.  相似文献   

Cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ) is an invasive annual known to negatively impact many shrub-dependent organisms; however, relatively little research has examined how it affects snake communities. Bromus tectorum is abundant at Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah, and could be a possible threat to snake populations. Study sites representing different B. tectorum coverage percentages were established to measure relative abundance of snakes. Snakes were captured from June to September 2005 primarily by using funnel traps attached to drift-fence arrays. Linear regression revealed a negative relationship between B. tectorum coverage (%) and the relative abundance of the Great Basin gopher snake ( Pituophis catenifer deserticola ) and the western racer ( Coluber mormon ). These results (1) suggest that B. tectorum invasions result in reduced snake abundance in shrubsteppe habitat on Antelope Island and (2) add to our understanding of the relationships between B. tectorum and native fauna.  相似文献   

Burrow diameters of five small mammal species, Townsend's ground squirrel ( Spermophilus townsendii ), Wyoming ground squirrel ( S. elegans ), Ord's kangaroo rat ( Dipodomys ordii ), montane vole ( Microtus montanus ), and deer mouse ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), were examined. Burrow cross sections were noncircular for all species with horizontal diameters 1.2-1.6 times wider than vertical diameters. Montane vole and deer mouse burrows were the smallest diameter, burrows of Wyoming and Townsend's ground squirrels were the largest, and kangaroo rat burrows were intermediate. Soil bulk density and texture significantly affected burrow diameters of montane voles and deer mice but not the other three species.  相似文献   

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