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We examined winter nutritional quality of current-year bud and stem tissues from burned and unburned stands of Gambel oak ( Quercus gambelii Nutt.). Nutritional analyses were based on the amount of forage consumed by wintering mule deer. Deer use along the Utah Valley foothills averaged 6.25-10.7 cm of current-year growth. Of the tissues examined, post-fire bud tissue had the highest nutrient content, with a mean of 9.51% crude protein, 0.19% phosphorus, and 34.0% in vitro digestibility. Composite values (bud + stem) for unburned stands were slightly higher in crude protein and phosphorus and lower in digestibility than those reported in previous studies. Nutrient values from burned stands were significantly higher than those of unburned stands for all three measures. Tannin content of the burned-area regrowth was also higher. Overall forage value of Gambel oak to wintering mule deer is relatively low.  相似文献   

Previous work suggested that Gambel oak seedlings are rare in the northern parts of its range in Utah where summer rainfall is relatively low but should be abundant in southern parts of the range where summer rainfall is usually high. Gambel oak grades from a relatively minor component of a ponderosa pine/mixed conifer assemblage in the south to a virtually monotypic formation in the north, where it exists as long-lived clones.   Quadrat analysis in Arizona and New Mexico, within the oak zone, revealed a seedling density ranging from 120 to 1320 per hectare. We found a significant tendency of seedlings to be located on the NE (cool, shady) side of sheltering objects in the environment. Mature ponderosa pine ranged in density from ca 40 to 500 stems per hectare, whereas mature Gambel oak ranged from ca 10 to 20 genets per hectare with ca 1 to 7 ramets per clone. These results support our previous conclusion that Gambel oak in northern Utah probably became established as a minor component of a mixed pine/oak woodland at a time in mid-Holocene when summer rainfall was much higher than today.  相似文献   

Nineteen study sites were established in areas infested with saltcedar bordering Utah Lake in central Utah. Saltcedar cover on the sites averaged 57% but varied widely from community to community. Seventeen soil factors were measured relative to the stands studied. Cover of saltcedar was regressed against the different soil factors, but no patterns were detected. Saltcedar functioned equally well at all levels of each gradient studied and appeared able to accommodate wide variations in all factors studied. It is suggested that saltcedar has evolved a general-purpose genotype that contributes to its being a vigorous and troublesome weed. Criteria as to why it is such an aggressive weed are listed.  相似文献   

Although pinyon-juniper woodland is common throughout most of Utah, it is less so in Utah and Salt Lake valleys. Even so, stands do occur in the valleys and are known to have been there since presettlement times. Three such stands occurring along the eastern sections of the valleys have shown major decreases in area since settlement times, and one has all but disappeared. Their disappearance is attributed to early use for fuel, agricultural, and urbanization purposes.    相似文献   

Management decisions affecting the rare plant Arizona willow ( Salix arizonica ) will be aided by understanding genetic similarities among populations of this species. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was conducted on 20 populations of S. arizonica , 12 populations of 5 congeners, and 2 samples of outgroup, Populus tremuloides . A phenogram based on DNA markers shows clear separation of populations of S. arizonica from those of co-occurring willow species, but similarity is low (~ 37%) between Utah and Arizona populations of S. arizonica . Evaluation of the relationship of habitat characteristics and geographic distance to genetic similarity reveals that environment and genetic similarity are poorly correlated. Considering Arizona versus Utah populations, we found a significant negative relationship between geographic distance and genetic similarity ( r = 0.936), but no significant relationship between interpopulation distance and genetic similarity within Arizona or Utah. The wide geographic disjunction of S. arizonica populations in Utah and Arizona appears to have existed for a long period during which genetic drift, random mutations, and selection for somewhat different habitats have pushed the 2 regional complexes along separate evolutionary trajectories. Preservation of genetic variation within S. arizonica will require protection of multiple populations in Arizona and Utah.  相似文献   

Thirty-five study sites were established in the meadow communities surrounding Utah Lake in central Utah. The study sites ranged across several community types. Glaux maritima was found in all sites but varied as to its ecological importance in these communities. Sixteen soil factors were measured relative to the stands studied. Cover of Glaux maritima correlated with parts per million sodium and total soluble salts in the soil. No other factors correlated significantly with the cover of Glaux maritima. Glaux maritima occupied only those sites with high levels of moisture throughout the growing season. The high moisture levels came from springs, seeps, elevated water tables, and early seasonal inundation. High levels of Glaux maritima cover corresponded to low numbers of species in the habitat.     相似文献   

Cliffrose ( Cowania mexicana var. stansburiana [Torr.] Jepson) community measurements were taken in central Utah. Data revealed a high between-site similarity of 78.5%. Soil analysis for sites showed most macronutrients, and some micronutrients, relatively low. Cover of cliffrose was found to increase with increases in soil magnesium (p ≤ 0.01). Plants growing on the sites have adapted life cycles to exploit moisture and nutrients during seasons of maximum availability. Prevalent species in the community were cheatgrass ( Bromus tectorum ), cliffrose, madwort ( Alyssum alyssoides ), and bluebunch wheatgrass ( Agropyron spicatum ). Annual grasses were the most important life form to community composition; the second was shrubs. Ratios between soil nutrients and cliffrose tissue nutrients indicate active transport of some elements. Data indicated a steady decline in establishment of new cliffrose individuals on the sites since 1957. This lack of reproductive success is most likely due to a combination of factors but appears most influenced by the elevated levels of annual plants (mainly cheatgrass) on the sites. If the cliffrose communities in central Utah are to be maintained, special attention to their management must be considered and implemented.  相似文献   

Utah juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma ) has greatly expanded its historical range in the western United States. Management plans for the species have focused on curtailing its encroachment into sagebrush and grassland communities. These plans often include burning or other methods of elimination. These methods may result in subdivision or fragmentation of existing juniper stands. We initiated a study at Dugway Proving Ground, a U.S. Army facility, to examine the effects of fragmentation on the reproductive success of Utah juniper in isolated populations. We used enzyme electrophoresis to quantify genetic variability in isolated populations. We also determined population reproductive success by examining juniper fruits for evidence of seed abortion and/or presence of insect parasites. We compared reproductive and genetic variability in isolated populations at Dugway to 2 nonisolated and encroaching Utah juniper populations. The Dugway populations exhibited reduced seed set due to high seed abortion and/or insect seed parasitism, and a loss of genetic variability in comparison to the nonisolated populations. Additionally, there was a significant correlation between reproductive success and genetic variability.  相似文献   

Sixteen study sites were established in grazed and ungrazed stands of winterfat in Kane County, Utah. The area is located within the winter range of cattle and along U.S. Highway 89 between Kanab, Utah, and Page, Arizona. Road construction in 1957 dissected several winterfat communities, and following fencing part of the communities were released from grazing. Differences in species composition, vegetation, and soil characteristics between grazed and ungrazed sites were assessed. Major differences in site characteristics appeared due to the influence of winter grazing by cattle. Winterfat and Indian ricegrass showed increased cover on the nongrazed sites following release from grazing pressure. Winterfat also showed significant negative interspecific association patterns with all major species.  相似文献   

The plant communities and individual plant species in and around a salt playa near Goshen, Utah County, Utah, were studied in relation to gradients for soluble salts, soil moisture, and pH. Forty-eight stands were sampled. Frequency data were taken for all plant species. Soil samples were collected from each site and analyzed to establish the environmental gradients. Results indicate that the vegetational types respond differentially to the three gradients and can be segregated on the basis of one or more of the gradients. The total soluble salts gradient was found to be the most influential of the three sampled. Correlation analysis indicates that 45 percent of the variation in plant diversity can be accounted for by the three gradients. Distributional patterns of individual plant species are strongly influenced by the three gradients. Niche width measurements exhibited no correlation with the measured gradients.  相似文献   

Ecological and phytochemical factors potentially affecting winter dietary discrimination by porcupines ( Erethizon dorsatum ) in the mountain brush zone of Utah were studied. Porcupines utilized gambel oak ( Quercus gambelii ) as their primary winter food and roosting resource. Big-tooth maple ( Acer grandidentatum ) was the most common tree species in the study area but was rarely utilized by porcupines. Conifer species were used as a food and roosting resource significantly less often than they occurred in the study area, despite thermal advantages provided by their relatively dense canopies. Oak feed trees were successfully separated from conifer feed trees by discriminant analysis 100% of the time. Oak trees were correctly classified as feed and nonfeed trees 71% of the time. Gambel oak contained higher amounts of crude protein, fiber, and tannins, but was lower in either extract fractions and fatty acid content than conifers. A layer of adipose tissue used as an energy reserve by porcupines may have relaxed energy intake demands sufficiently to permit them to concentrate on a diet of oak tissue, which is high in protein, rather than a high-fat conifer diet. A diet relatively high in protein may have facilitated digestion of food material high in fiber. Temperature did not affect selection of tree species for roosting. Rock and snow caves were utilized infrequently and the study population ranged widely. Three of 15 study animals were eaten by predators.  相似文献   

Shrub-form and tree-form Gambel oak ( Quercus gambelii ) stands contain a potentially significant fuelwood resource. Information on their growth characteristics can form a basis for future stand management. Stem analyses showed that height growth of shrub-form stems essentially ceased after age 50, while tree-form stems continued to increase in height until approximately age 100. Both stem forms continued to increase in basal area and volume at a relatively constant rate as the stems increased in age and size. Increases in all size measures were substantially greater in tree-form stems than in shrub-form stems. Mean bole volume for tree-form stems at age 100 was over 16 times that of shrub-form stems. Sprouts from tree-form stands would reach minimum size for fuelwood marketing in approximately 45 years.  相似文献   

Extensive Engelmann spruce ( Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.) mortality caused by the spruce beetle ( Dendroctonus rufipennis Kirby) has been occurring at the southern end of the Wasatch Plateau in central Utah. This spruce beetle outbreak is the largest recorded in Utah history. An extensive ground survey was conducted in 1996 on the Manti-LaSal National Forest, Sanpete and Ferron Ranger Districts, to document mortality and impact of a major spruce beetle outbreak on post-outbreak forest composition. In 1998 the same sites were resurveyed. Survey results indicate Engelmann spruce basal area (BA) loss averaged 78% in trees ≥5 inches diameter breast height (DBH) in 1996. Ninety percent of BA ≥5 inches DBH was lost within the same sites by 1998. Tree mortality of spruce ≥5 inches DBH expressed in trees per acre (TPA) averaged 53% in 1996. In 1998 TPA ≥5 inches DBH mortality averaged 73%. Before the outbreak live Engelmann spruce BA ≥5 inches DBH averaged 99 square feet, and TPA ≥5 inches DBH averaged 97. In the sites surveyed in 1996 and resurveyed in 1998, Engelmann spruce BA ≥5 inches DBH averaged 21 and 9 square feet, and TPA ≥5 inches DBH averaged 43 and 25, respectively. Overstory tree species composition changed from stands dominated by spruce to subalpine fir. Stand ratings for potential spruce beetle outbreaks were high to mostly medium hazard pre-outbreak and medium to primarily low hazard by 1998, as a result of reduction in average spruce diameter, total basal area, and overstory spruce.  相似文献   

Symphyotrichum expansum (Puepp ex Spreng.) Nesom is reported new to Utah from the Escalante River drainage. A major range extension is reported for Aralia racemosa L. in the Escalante drainage, and additional populations are reported of the rare species Imperata brevifolia Vasey in Utah, including the 1st record for the Grand Staircase--Escalante National Monument. Heterotheca grandiflora Nutt. is reported new to north central Arizona. New locations and notes on an additional 22 rare species in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area are listed.  相似文献   

Symphyotrichum expansum (Puepp ex Spreng.) Nesom is reported new to Utah from the Escalante River drainage. A major range extension is reported for Aralia racemosa L. in the Escalante drainage, and additional populations are reported of the rare species Imperata brevifolia Vasey in Utah, including the 1st record for the Grand Staircase--Escalante National Monument. Heterotheca grandiflora Nutt. is reported new to north central Arizona. New locations and notes on an additional 22 rare species in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area are listed.  相似文献   

Red Butte Canyon is a protected, near pristine canyon entering Salt Lake Valley, Utah. It contains a well-developed riparian zone and a perennial stream; hillside vegetation ranges from grasslands on the lower limits to Douglas-fir and aspen stands at the upper elevations. In this paper we describe the history of human impact, natural history aspects of climate, geology, and ecology, and faunal and floral information for key species in the canyon. The role and importance of Research Natural Areas is discussed, particularly with respect to the need to protect Red Butte Canyon:one of the few remaining undisturbed riparian ecosystems in the Intermountain West.  相似文献   

Described here are 4 species of mountain snails, Oreohelix , isolated on mountains in the central Great Basin of Nevada and Utah since the end of the Pleistocene. Forty-three mountains were searched during an 18-year period, resulting in 24 mountains found with no oreohelicids present. One population, Oreohelix loisae (19 mm to 23 mm in shell diameter), is described here as a new species related to, but geographically isolated from, the species Oreohelix nevadensis (17 mm to 22 mm diameter). Oreohelix loisae is present only in the Goshute Mountains while O. nevadensis is represented in 3 geographically adjacent ranges in the central Great Basin. These 2 species are possibly related to the Oreohelix haydeni group from the northern Wasatch Range. The subspecies Oreohelix strigosa depressa (15 mm to 21 mm diameter) is present on 11 ranges from western Utah west to east central Nevada. This subspecies is closely related to populations found today in the northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah. The smallest species in diameter (8 mm to 14 mm), Oreohelix hemphilli , is centered in the central Great Basin and found on 16 ranges often in sympatry with 1 or 2 of the larger conspecifics. Both qualitative and quantitative information on shell characters and soft anatomy is provided here for these 4 species. Shell characters, soft anatomy, geographical isolation, and statistical analysis suggest that 4 distinct species inhabit the central Great Basin today. Xeric and calciphilic species include O. hemphilli and O. loisae , while O. strigosa and O. nevadensis typically are associated with permanent water and both metamorphic and limestone mountains.  相似文献   

The study evaluates growth variations in mixed stands of Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) and White Fir ( Abies concolor Hoopes) from the Bighorn Ranch in northern Sanpete County, Utah. The study area lies 26 km southwest of Thistle, Utah. Tree-ring width, annual branch growth and needle length for the period 1970–1976 were obtained from Douglas-Fir and White Fir individuals distributed along an altitudinal and moisture gradient. Elevation ranged from 2257 m to 2500 m above sea level. Temperature and precipitation are shown to exert a significant influence on needle and annual branch growth and width of the annual rings. It was found that multiple correlation coefficients were always larger than the simple correlation coefficients. This suggests that the trees are responding to both temperature and precipitation. Annual branch growth is shown to be positively correlated with ring width and needle length. The influence of precipitation on growth is synchronized with 1 October–1 June precipitation. Best growth occurs in cool, moist years and at lower elevations.  相似文献   

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