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Caching of animal remains is common among carnivorous species of all sizes, yet the effects of caching on larger prey are unstudied. We conducted a summer field experiment designed to test the effects of simulated mountain lion ( Puma concolor ) caching on mass loss, relative temperature, and odor dissemination of 9 prey-like carcasses. We deployed all but one of the carcasses in pairs, with one of each pair exposed and the other shaded and shallowly buried (cached). Caching substantially reduced wastage during dry and hot (drought) but not wet and cool (monsoon) periods, and it also reduced temperature and discernable odor to some degree during both seasons. These results are consistent with the hypotheses that caching serves to both reduce competition from arthropods and microbes and reduce odds of detection by larger vertebrates such as bears ( Ursus spp.), wolves ( Canis lupus ), or other lions.  相似文献   

Eight study sites were examined in Strawberry Valley, Utah, to assess the response of aspen ( Populus tremuloides Michx.) to cutting activities of beaver ( Castor Canadensis Warren & Hall) and to determine patterns by which the animals utilize aspen stands. Sites utilized by beaver, along with adjacent control plots in mature, uncut aspen stands, were sampled. Age-class profiles of control plots were composed of a broad age distribution with trees ranging from 3 to 108 years old. Age-class profiles for aspen sprouts in areas previously used by beavers were composed of trees averaging seven years of age with a range of 1 to 24 years. Age distribution of sprouts in areas used by beaver show a tendency to be skewed toward younger age classes. Average density of aspen in areas used by beaver was 15,800stems per hectare compared to 2,980 stems per hectare in controls. Stump densities in use areas ranged from 900 to 5,066 stems per hectare. Densities of stumps in the 0-5-cm size class were greater in areas used by beavers than in the corresponding size class in the mature forests. A regression equation describing age versus diameter relationships was calculated using data from 312 aspen trees. Total phenolics and mineral nutrients in the twigs and bark of mature aspen trees and aspen sprouts were also examined to determine if variations could explain foraging patterns of beaver in the valley. Total phenolics were highly variable between sampling groups, and differences were not significant. Twigs from mature aspen and aspen sprouts were significantly higher in nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron. Zinc was significantly higher in the bark of mature aspen trees and twigs of aspen sprouts. Calcium concentrations were significantly higher in mature aspen bark, and magnesium was significantly higher in mature aspen twigs.  相似文献   

This study analyzed spatial location patterns Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt. (cutleaf mountain mahogany) plants, classified as current-year seedling, established seedling, juvenile, and immature individuals, at a central Nevada study site. Most current-year seedlings were located in mahogany stands in which large, mature individuals had the greatest abundance. These stands had greater litter cover and a thicker layer of litter than areas with few current-year seedlings. Most established young Cercocarpus were located in adjacent Artemisia tridentata spp. vaseyana (mountain big sagebrush) communities, or in frequent canopy gaps between relatively few large, mature Cercocarpus . We discuss potential roles of plant litter, root growth characteristics, nurse plants, and herbivory in the establishment and renewal of Cercocarpus communities.  相似文献   

The long-tailed vole ( Microtus longicaudus ) exhibits karyotypic variation in western North America. In the American Southwest, the species has a disjunct, relict distribution. However, karyotypes obtained from 20 specimens in 5 isolated mountain ranges (White Mountains, Arizona; Mount Taylor and the Sangre de Cristo, Jemez, and Mogollon mountains, New Mexico) exhibited no variation. These and previously reported karyotypes from the region had a diploid number (2n) of 56 and fundamental number (FN) of 84, which is the most commonly reported karyotype for the species.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the biology of the myrmecophilous Thiasophila angulata and T. szujeckii (Staphylinidae; Aleocharinae), mainly associated with the Formica rufa species group, are studied. The composition of defensive gland secretions from adults of T. angulata has been analysed. The complete development (egg-L1-3-pupa-adult form), including adult overwintering, of both species takes place solely in ant nests. Under laboratory conditions, this lasts for about 22 days in T. angulata, and the period elapsing between the old and new generations of insects is approximately two months. The mean fecundity of adults of this species (28 eggs) was determined, as well as the duration of its reproductive period (mean 28.5 days), and lifespan (mean 67 days). In natural conditions T. angulata, found within nests of Formica polyctena and F. rufa, produces three generations, and the sibling species T. szujeckii one generation per year. These two species differ in their phenologies and abundance dynamics of adults and larvae, which is linked to the size and temperature regime of the host nest. The results of this study uphold the recent separation of T. angulata and T. szujeckii based on morphological features of adults and selected molecular markers. Adults and larvae of T. angulata forage on both live and dead food items accumulated by the host, as well as on the host’s eggs and larvae. Both the beetle larvae and adults remain unmolested among the host workers. The adults use their defensive gland secretions, which contains substantial quantities of toxic quinones, when necessary. According to the current categories of myrmecophiles, T. angulata (and by analogy, T. szujeckii as well) should be classified as a species wholly integrated with the host.  相似文献   

Of the 13 lakes in the central Wasatch Mountains with tiger salamander ( Ambystoma tigrinum ) populations, salamander mass mortalities occurred in four seepage lakes that experienced extensive lowering of the water levels during the summer. The largest of these lakes, the oligotrophic Desolation Lake, was studied to determine the cause of the mortality phenomenon. The recurrent annual mass mortality involved both breeding adults and young-of-the-year. Rate kinetics suggest that mortality rate doubles with a fivefold increase in the number of aquatic young salamanders. The proximate cause of the mass mortality was identified as a bacterium, Acinetobacter sp. Desolation Lake and a seepage lake that did not experience the mass mortality were studied for the presence of Acinetobacter . Both lakes experienced two bacteria cycles: the first in early summer involved gram-positive bacteria, and the second in late summer involved gram-negative bacteria (mostly coliform bacteria and Acinetobacter ). The mass mortalities were associated with the late-summer gram-negative bacterial bloom, and Acinetobacter was found in large numbers in Desolation Lake. Algae, as well as other photosynthetic plants, were not present in large numbers. Since these lakes are growth-limited with respect to nitrogen and not with respect to phosphate, and since Desolation Lake had extensive lowering of the lake level during the summer, the biological cycle of the lake is proposed to be due to atmospheric and sheep-produced nitrogen products within the watershed. In this unstable lake system, bacteria are primarily responsible for incorporation of nitrogen in the food chain. The timing of the cyclical events depends on total winter precipitation.  相似文献   

Described here are 4 species of mountain snails, Oreohelix , isolated on mountains in the central Great Basin of Nevada and Utah since the end of the Pleistocene. Forty-three mountains were searched during an 18-year period, resulting in 24 mountains found with no oreohelicids present. One population, Oreohelix loisae (19 mm to 23 mm in shell diameter), is described here as a new species related to, but geographically isolated from, the species Oreohelix nevadensis (17 mm to 22 mm diameter). Oreohelix loisae is present only in the Goshute Mountains while O. nevadensis is represented in 3 geographically adjacent ranges in the central Great Basin. These 2 species are possibly related to the Oreohelix haydeni group from the northern Wasatch Range. The subspecies Oreohelix strigosa depressa (15 mm to 21 mm diameter) is present on 11 ranges from western Utah west to east central Nevada. This subspecies is closely related to populations found today in the northern Wasatch Mountains of Utah. The smallest species in diameter (8 mm to 14 mm), Oreohelix hemphilli , is centered in the central Great Basin and found on 16 ranges often in sympatry with 1 or 2 of the larger conspecifics. Both qualitative and quantitative information on shell characters and soft anatomy is provided here for these 4 species. Shell characters, soft anatomy, geographical isolation, and statistical analysis suggest that 4 distinct species inhabit the central Great Basin today. Xeric and calciphilic species include O. hemphilli and O. loisae , while O. strigosa and O. nevadensis typically are associated with permanent water and both metamorphic and limestone mountains.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive faunal survey of the Rhopalidae from southern South America with emphasis on the fauna of Argentina, based on published and unpublished data. The biodiversity from Argentina comprises 38 recorded species from six genera: Arhyssus Stål 1870 (one species), Liorhyssus Stål 1870 (two species), Niesthrea Spinola 1837 (five species), Xenogenus Berg 1883 (two species), Harmostes Burmeister 1835 (20 species), and Jadera Stål 1862 (eight species). We established accurate distributions for most of the species and report new distributional information for 27 of them. Most of these records are from Argentinean provinces, but we also report five new country records: three from Argentina – Harmostes (Harmostes) splendens Harris 1944, H. (Neoharmostes) bergi Göllner-Scheiding 1998 and Arhyssus tricostatus (Spinola 1852); one from Brazil – Xenogenus picturatum Berg 1883; and one from Paraguay – Harmostes (Harmostes) gravidator (Fabricius 1794).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):521-552
Species of the genus Amphilius are small benthic catfishes that occur throughout tropical Africa and are abundant in the mountain streams of the Fouta Djalon region in Guinea, West Africa. During a 2003 expedition to the area, numerous amphiliid catfish were collected and initial observations revealed a large amount of morphological variation across the sampled basins. These specimens were subjected to a geometric morphometric analysis and standard morphometric analysis. Cytochrome b gene sequences were also obtained and compared among populations. These analyses resulted in the discovery of multiple cryptic taxa within two recognized species, Amphilius platychir and Amphilius rheophilus. The discovery of these taxa is compared with other recent discoveries from the area.  相似文献   

The pudu (Pudu puda) is a small, endemic deer, and the only native ungulate found in Chilean and Argentinean temperate forests. Its ecology, including its double role as an herbivore and as a prey, is poorly known. Therefore, it is pressing to gain a better understanding of the pudu given that its habitat is being transformed rapidly by anthropogenic causes. On a coastal mountain range in south-central Chile, we conducted a habitat use study and examined the activity patterns of the pudu using camera traps. The study area was a large native forest patch, surrounded by commercial plantations which would not constitute a habitat for this deer. Using a sampling effort of 7559 camera days, we found that this deer was largely nocturnal with little activity during daytime. The pudu selected Araucaria forests, and avoided Nothofagus forests. These behaviours suggest that the pudu traded off habitat use patterns and activity time to avoid predation, mainly by puma which is the top predator in the rich local community of carnivores occurring in the latter habitat.  相似文献   

Artemisia tridentata/Symphoricarpos oreophilus and Symphoricarpos oreophilus/Artemisia tridentata  plant associations were studied in northeastern Nevada. A 60-stand reconnaissance followed by a detailed study of 37 stands differentiated five important habitat types using an association table approach. Data reduction with DECORANA and TWINSPAN also described five plant associations that were differentiated by species occurrence and geographical distribution. All stands were found at elevations between 2,200 and 3,100 m in areas where snow accumulates and is late to melt. Stands are found on 15 families of soils that are relatively deep, often skeletal, dark colored, and productive. The dominant perennial grasses included Agropyron spicatum, Agropyron trachycaulum, and Festuca idahoensis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2665-2676
A Japanese foliage spider, Cheiracanthium japonicum, builds nests with plant leaves. The nests are classified into seven types in relation to the seasons and purposes of nesting. We investigated whether the spider selects a plant species according to the nest type and how the physical traits of leaves influence the spider's plant selection. The difference between the composition of the host plant species used for nesting and that of the seasonal vegetation cover was confirmed. This suggests that the spider chooses the host plant species regardless of its abundance in their habitat. Early juveniles use small living or large dead leaves of various plant species to build moulting nests. Females prefer long and large leaves found in Miscanthus sinensis and Phragmites japonica over other plant leaves to build breeding nests.  相似文献   

Exomalopsis are ground-nesting species, and their food-niche breadth is little known due the difficulty in locating the nests and finding efficient bait plants to attract these bees. Some species of Exomalopsis were recorded as tomato, hot pepper and eggplant pollinators. Information about the food niche could be useful to increase Exomalopsis populations, providing consistent and comparable data for the enrichment of natural and crop areas with adequate plant sources. This study aimed to determine the food niche and the role of pollen size in the diet of E. fulvofasciata. We analysed pollen loads of 28 individuals of E. fulvofasciata collected from bait plants, in two natural areas of the Brazilian savannah. Only five pollen types belonging to the families Malpighiaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosae, Myrtaceae and Lythraceae were important for this species. This result indicates that E. fulvofasciata is probably a polylectic species. However, we noticed that the Byrsonima used as bait plants contribute significantly for its larval provision, indicating that small pollen grains were more frequently collected.  相似文献   

The gall-forming psylloid fauna associated with the temperate Neotropical plant genus Schinus (Anacardiaceae) is revised, and keys are provided for adults, larvae and galls. Fourteen species are recognized in the genus Calophya (Calophyidae), 10 of which are described as new; C. gallifex and C. schini are reinstated from former synonymy with C. rubra. An additional closely related new species, C. clavuligera sp. n., is described from Lithrea spp. In the genus Tainarys (Psyllidae, Rhinocolinae), six species are recognized and, for five of these, Schinus species are confirmed hosts. Two of them are described as new and one is recombined from Leurolophus. A new Leurolophus species is described from Lithrea molleoides. Based on a cladistic analysis Pelmatobrachia, Microceropsylla and Neocalophya are synonymized with Calophya, producing five new and one revised species combinations as well as one nomen nov. A list of the 59 currently recognized species is provided with information on synonymy, distribution and host plants. The cladistic analyses suggest that the Schinus inhabiting calophyids form two monophyletic groups, the C. rubra and C. hermicitae groups, respectively. A discriminant analysis of 15 variables for both males and females provides morphometric characters for separating the morphologically very homogenous adults of the C. rubra group. The phylogenetic relationships of the Rhinocolinae are re-evaluated, and the genera Tainarys and Leurolophus are redefined. Notophyllura is transferred from the Euphyllurinae to the Rhinocolinae. Tainarys forms the sister group of Leurolophus + Notophyllura. Based on mapped distributions four areas of endemism (distribution) are defined: A (Eastern temperate South America), B (Central and Southern Chile, including adjacent parts of Argentina), C (Central Argentina) and D (Peru, Far Northern Chile, and Eastern Bolivia). Cladistic biogeographical analyses with TAS, COMPONENT and an algorithm by Enghoff yielded the general area cladogram (A +(C +(B +D))); the one calculated with BPA differed in the position of D: (D +(A +(B +C))). The reconstruction of vicariant events using a protocol by Hovenkamp, corroborates the former general area cladogram, which is compared to competing hypotheses. The history of dispersal and vicariance events is reconstructed with the programme DIVA. Evidence for cospeciation of Schinus with its associated psylloids is evaluated with COMPONENT and TREE MAP. The likelihood for cospeciation is high in the Calophya hermicitae group, but low in the Calophya rubra group and in Tainarys. The gall shape depends partly from the psylloid, partly from the Schinus phylogeny.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):701-711
The seasonal density fluctuation, phenology and sex ratio of Peucetia flava (Oxyopidae) on Rhyncanthera dichotoma (Melastomataceae) were investigated during a year in a swamp in southeastern Brazil. Peucetia flava displayed an unusual non‐seasonal life cycle and the population size varied little over the year. The density of Peucetia spiders increased with the increase in abundance of leaves and number of arthropods adhered to glandular trichomes on R. dichotoma leaves. Our findings suggest that seasonal density fluctuation of Peucetia may be influenced by foraging site availability (i.e. leaves) and prey supply (i.e. arthropods adhering to glandular trichomes). The unusual seasonal stability of P. flava may be related to the type of habitat in which this spider occurs (swamp), because of the constant input of allochthonous resources from the water source, i.e. aquatic insects that migrate to the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   

Lewisia longipetala (Piper) Clay is a high-altitude endemic found in the northern Sierra Nevada. The characteristics of 12 sites with L. longipetala , which represent all known populations, were studied to define habitat requirements of the species. Meso- and microscale characteristics of the habitat were examined, including characteristics of the associated plant community. Average plant size and plant density of L. longipetala were also determined for each population. Similar measurements were made on 6 populations of Lewisia pygmaea (A. Gray) Robinson, a more common Lewisia . Populations of L. longipetala that had larger plants and higher plant density were associated with gently sloped, north-facing sites that were near large, persistent snowbanks and had low vegetative cover. Plant species associated with populations of L. longipetala were similar among the 12 sites and were indicative of mesic, rocky alpine sites. These types of plant communities found near persistent snowbanks are often termed snow-bed vegetation. In contrast, L. pygmaea was found to be less site specific. Lewisia pygmaea was found adjacent to or interspersed with L. longipetala at 5 sites, but was found in areas associated with a higher percentage of herbaceous cover and a wider variety of species. This integration of ecological community information for L. longipetala populations contributes to the interim management and long-term monitoring of this species by providing needed information concerning its habitat and environmental specificity.  相似文献   

Considering the little information on the biology and phenology of Chrysomelidae beetles and interaction with their host plants, we have followed the populations of Stolas chalybea, S. areolata and Anacassis phaeopoda for 2 years in order to obtain basic biological data on them and to describe their occurrence throughout the year. After emerging from the eggs, larvae of the three studied species remained aggregated, although the size of the groups decreased as the larvae developed. Egg clusters and young larvae of the two Stolas species were more frequently found on the underside of leaves of their host plants and mature larvae of S. areolata were only observed on the upper side of leaves. Adults of the three species were always isolated and both Stolas species were more frequently found on the upper side of leaves. The number of new branches on the host plant and some other plant physical characteristics were significantly related to Cassidinae abundance. The three studied species became active with the end of the dry season, reproduced more intensely during the rainy season and reduced their activity with the lowering of temperature and rainfall. The beetles also showed a lower peak of egg laying at the end of diapause of adults. This pattern of occurrence was very similar to the occurrence of leaves, especially the newest ones, on their host plants. Significant positive correlations between Cassidinae numbers and temperature showed that this parameter could influence ovipositing and mating activities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2579-2593
The genus Koreanurina Najt and Weiner, 1992 is recorded for the first time from China. It is redefined and its similarity with the subfamily Caputanurininae is stressed. Two species are described from Changbai Mountain in North-East China: Koreanurina weinerae sp. nov. and K. alba sp. nov. The first species differs from the other species of the genus, mostly by its post-antennal organ located on the lateral edge of head (versus dorsolaterally), its central plate on head wider and the presence of only 1 + 1 chaetae on Th I (versus 2–3 + 2–3). K. alba sp. nov. differs from the other species of the genus mostly by the absence of body pigment, and the presence of only 1 + 1 chaetae posteriorly to the furcal rest (versus 2 + 2).

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:65366D33-890A-4E67-B581-5D32406C078F  相似文献   

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