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Seven fish species were found in the Bitter Creek drainage of southwest Wyoming, but only speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ), flannelmouth sucker ( Catostomus latipinnis ), and mountain sucker ( Catostomus platyrhynchus ) were indigenous. No relationships were found between fish standing stocks and habitat features, but species richness was related to elevation and stream width. No fish were found above an elevation of 2192 m. Only the most downstream study read had more than three species present. Two indigenous species, speckled dace and mountain sucker, and a nonnative species, fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas ), were predominant fishes in the drainage. These three species withstand intermittent stream flows that are common in the drainage.  相似文献   

In spring and summer 1991 and 1992, we surveyed fishes of the White River system, Nye and White Pine Counties, Nevada, to determine the status of natives. There are 5 known native fishes to the White River: Lepidomeda albivallis (White River spinedace), Crenichthys baileyi albivallis (Preston White River springfish), Crenichthys baileyi thermophilus (Moorman White River springfish), Catostomus clarki intermedius (White River desert sucker), and Rhinichthys osculus ssp. (White River speckled dace). All 5 had declined in range. Lepidomeda albivallis had experienced the greatest decline, with less than 50 remaining, and these were restricted to a 70-m stream reach. Rhinichthys osculus spp. was most widespread, found in 18 spring systems. Cottus bairdi (mottled sculpin) was collected for the 1st time from the White River system, where it was probably native. Protective measures should be implemented to conserve all native White River fishes to include C. bairdi.  相似文献   

The presence of cattle at Browning Spring and Ash Springs in Pahranagat Valley, Nevada, impacted fish populations by causing an increase in ammonia (NH 3 ) and nitrite (NO 2 ) levels, an increase in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas hydrophila , and increased, mortality and morbidity. One of the affected fishes, the White River springfish, is listed as endangered by the Department of the Interior. After removal of the cattle from Ash Springs, NH 3 and NO 2 levels decreased and fish populations increased. At Brownie Spring the NH 3 and NO 2 levels are chronically elevated, cattle are still present, and the speckled dace population has not recovered.  相似文献   

Historical events have had a great impact on the biogeography of fishes of western North America. We examined the genetic variation of the speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ) to determine the effects on this species of extensive hydrological changes during the last 10 million years in the Bonneville and Lahontan basins of the Great Basin and the upper Snake River Basin. Eight hundred sixty-nine base pairs of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b were sequenced from 97 individuals representing 22 populations within these 3 basins, as well as from 2 individuals of longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ) that served as outgroups. Additionally, 13 speckled dace sequences representing 3 Bonneville populations were used from GenBank. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria. Analysis of molecular variance was used to determine population structure and to estimate the amount of gene flow across the community boundaries. Three distinct clades were reconstructed representing the Lahontan Basin, the northern Bonneville and upper Snake River basins, and the southern Bonneville Basin. Additionally, most of the population structuring was explained by variation among basins (65.33%). Speckled dace demonstrated high genetic variation. As hypothesized, the northern and southern Bonneville specimens formed separate clades; however, the southern Bonneville clade was basal to a sister clade formed by the northern Bonneville/upper Snake River and Lahontan clades. These relationships indicate that Pliocene connections between the Snake, Lahontan, and Bonneville drainages, rather than more recent Pleistocene connections, best explain population structuring in speckled dace.  相似文献   

Critical thermal maxima (CTM) and thermal preferenda of the common fishes of the Virgin River were examined. Differences in final temperature preferenda and CTM for species with low thermal lability (speckled dace, spinedace, roundtail chub) correspond well with differences in their distribution and abundance in the river. These species shifted their acute thermal preferences relatively little as acclimation temperature increased. For thermally labile species (woundfin, red shiner, desert sucker, and flannelmouth sucker), the final preferendum is a less precise indicator of probably distribution. The woundfin, an endangered fish, has a high CTM (39.5 C at 25 C acclimation) and a labile species preferendum (slope nearest 1) compared to other species in the system. The introduced red shiner likewise has a high CTM and a labile acute preferendum. In cooler temperatures, its acute preferendum shifts more rapidly than does that of the woundfin. At higher temperatures (above 15 C), the red shiner does not shift its acute preferendum as rapidly as does the woundfin. The red shiner, however, has a higher final preferendum. For thermally labile species, influence of acclimation temperature on mean preferendum, together with CTM, provides a better insight into distributional relationships within the system.  相似文献   

A total of 181 fishes belonging to 10 species were captured near Richfield, Utah, and examined for parasites. A new species of hemoflagellate, Trypanoplasma atraria sp. n., was observed in 3 species: Utah chub ( Gila atraria [Girard]), redside shiner ( Richardsonius balteatus [Richardson]), and speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus [Girard]). Seven other species of fishes examined in the study area were negative for T. atraria sp. n. The salmonid leech, Piscicola salmositica (Meyer), collected in the same area harbored developmental stages of Trypanoplasma , suggesting a possible leech vector for the hemoflagellate. Characteristics of Trypanoplasma atraria sp. n. place it near T. salmositica , but the new species is twice as large.  相似文献   

Population status surveys were performed from 1987 to 1996 for desert dace ( Eremichthys acros , a cyprinid endemic to several small thermal springs in Soldier Meadow, Humboldt County, Nevada, where the species occupies 7 spring areas in a single valley. Because spring distributions are patchy and all areas are not linked by surface flow, each area comprises a more-or-less isolated population, although irrigation practices or high runoff may occasionally link several of them. Although limited to thermal springpools and outflows, desert dace were found in temperatures ranging from 37° C near spring sources to 13° C in downstream areas. Between May 1988 and October 1989, most of the discharge from a major spring outflow was diverted from its natural channel into an irrigation ditch than in the channel. Reduced fish numbers still persist (1996), even though the affected site has been relatively undisturbed since 1989. To improve desert dace habitat and increase populations, irrigation diversion should be discontinued and water returned to the original channel. Continued protection and increased habitat preservation for desert dace are recommended because of their limited distribution, apparently restricted habitat requirements, and the potential for environmental disruption in the area.  相似文献   

Moapa dace ( Moapa coriacea ) is a federally listed endangered fish endemic to the spring-fed headwaters of the Muddy River, Clark County, Nevada. Species life history, abundance, and distribution were studied from March 1984 to January 1989. Reproduction, which was observed year-round, peaked in spring and was lowest in fall. It occurred in headwater tributaries of the Muddy River within 150 m of warm water spring discharge in water temperatures ranging from 30 to 32 C. Females matured between 41 and 45 mm in fork length (FL). Egg abundance increased with female size ( r 2 = .93); counts ranged from 60 for a 45-mm-FL female to 772 for one 90-mm FL. The oldest of eight fish, aged by the opercle method, was a 90-mm-FL, 4+-year-old female. Adults are omnivorous but tended toward carnivory; 75% of matter by volume consumed was invertebrates and 25% plants and detritus. Fish size was generally commensurate with flow, the largest fish occurring in the greatest flow. Adults were near bottom, in focal velocities ranging from 0 to 55 cm/s. Juveniles occupied a narrower range of depths and velocities than adults, and larvae occupied slack water. From December 1984 to September 1987, the total adult population ranged from 2600 to 2800. Although these numbers are higher than previously believed for Moapa dace, they are still sufficiently low to warrant its endangered status. The dependency of Moapa dace's different life history stages to various areas and habitat types of the Warm Springs area suggests that all remaining habitat is necessary for their survival.  相似文献   

The life history of the endangered Kendall Warm Springs dace ( Rhinichthys osculus thermalis ) is largely unknown. Our study of its reproduction, sources of mortality, and diet indicated that Kendall Warm Springs dace seem to be reproductively active throughout the year, but the rate of reproduction appears to decrease during the winter. Males become sexually mature at 34 mm total length and females at 40 mm total length. We observed 2 sources of mortality: (1) emigration from the warm spring over a waterfall into the Green River and (2) predation on larvae by dragonfly ( Libellula saturata ) nymphs. Stomachs of Kendall Warm Springs dace contained small (≤ 1.5 mm total length) benthic invertebrates, primarily dipterans and mollusks.  相似文献   

Totals of 101 native Yellowstone cutthroat ( Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri ), 27 introduced lake trout ( Salvelinus namaycush ), and 40 introduced longnose sucker ( Catostomus catostomus ) from Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA, were examined for eye flukes. Metacercariae of the trematode fluke Diplostomum were in vitreous humor and/or lens of 94% of Yellowstone cutthroat trout, 92% of lake trout, and 78% of longnose sucker. Longnose sucker had 7% prevalence of infection in both lens and vitreous humor of metacercariae, while Yellowstone cutthroat trout had 3% and lake trout 8%. Diplostomum spathaceum was in lens tissue of 5% of infected Yellowstone cutthroat trout and 93% of longnose sucker; Diplostomum baeri was in vitreous humor of 92% each of infected Yellowstone cutthroat trout and lake trout. Morphological characteristics indicate that a single species infected the lens of Yellowstone cutthroat trout and longnose sucker, while another species infected lake trout. Impacts of the parasite interchange between native and introduced fishes of Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, are unknown but should be monitored each year.  相似文献   

Examination of gastrointestinal tracts of native cyprinids from the Little Colorado River (LCR) in Grand Canyon, Arizona, 1990-1994, revealed varying rates of prevalence and infrapopulation levels of Asian tapeworm ( Bothriocephalus acheilognathi ). Mean prevalence was 28% (range 0-78%) in humpback chub ( Gila cypha ) and 8% (range 0-46%) in speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ), with infrapopulations as high as 46 and 28, respectively. We also note Asian tapeworm infection of nonnatives common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ), fathead minnow ( Pimephales promelas ), and plains killifish ( Fundulus zebrinus ) from the LCR. Reported pathogenic and chronic effects of this cestode to its definitive hosts add concern for the status of the Grand Canyon population of the federally endangered humpback chub. The rapidity which Asian tapeworm has spread to different drainages of the Colorado River Basin likely portends an eventual cosmopolitan basin distribution in lower elevations suitable to the parasite's thermophilic life history. Such biotic changes must be considered among the most serious threats to conservation and recovery of native fish populations.  相似文献   

Archaeological sites in the Salton Basin of southeastern California and along the lower Colorado River provided opportunities to determine which fish species were present prior to extirpations, environmental degradation, and the recession of Lake Cahuilla. These remains also represent the fishes exploited by Native Americans. Bonytail ( Gila elegans ), razorback sucker ( Xyrauchen texanus ), Colorado pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), striped mullet ( Mugil cephalus ), and machete ( Elops affinis ) have been recovered from 117 sites in the Salton Basin, once filled by the Colorado River forming Lake Cahuilla. Bonytail and razorback sucker comprise nearly 99% of the remains. Along the lower Colorado River itself, fragmentary elements of bonytail, razorback sucker, Colorado pikeminnow, and roundtail chub ( G. robusta ) have been recovered, documenting a disappearing native fish fauna. Anatomical details are described that permit identification of diagnostic materials commonly recovered during archaeological excavations.  相似文献   

Introduced brown trout, Salmo trutta , are common to many streams of western North America. However, the ecological interactions between brown trout and native stream fishes are not well understood, particularly the nature and extent of antipredator responses of native species. We examined the effects of brown trout presence on diurnal habitat use by 2 small native fishes at a mesohabitat scale (e.g., pool, riffle, run, backwater, etc.). Adult and juvenile southern leatherside chub ( Lepidomeda aliciae , formerly Gila copei ) and juvenile mountain sucker ( Catostomus platyrhynchus ) were located in main channel pools in the absence of brown trout, but they were found almost exclusively in backwaters and cutoff pools (i.e., off-channel habitats) in streams where brown trout were abundant. Off-channel habitat appears to provide a refuge for native fishes in streams with abundant brown trout populations. Altered or degraded streams may not include sufficient off-channel refuge habitats to allow coexistence of native species and introduced brown trout.  相似文献   

We record eight species of exotic fishes as established, reproducing populations in certain springs in Clark, Lincoln, and Nye counties. Nevada. These include an unidentified species of Hypostomus, Cyprinus carpio, Poecilia mexicana, Poecilia reticulata, a Xiphophorus hybrid, and Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum. Tilapia mariae, established in a spring near the Overton Arm of Lake Mead, and Tilapia zilli, established in a golf course pond in Pahrump Valley, are recorded for the first time from Nevada waters. Though populations of transplanted Gambusia affinis persist, other populations of Poecilia latipinna are apparently no longer extant. Cichlasoma severum, Notemigonus crysoleucas, Poecilia latipinna, and Carassius auratus were apparently eradicated from Rogers Spring in 1963.  相似文献   

Observations of changes in population density of native White River springfish ( Crenichthys baileyi ) in Pahranagat Valley led to the following hypothesis: introduced convict cichlids ( Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum ) cause reduced growth and recruitment; cover reduces the magnitude of the effect. The hypothesis was tested by establishing sympatric and allopatric groups of the two species in experimental aquaria with and without cover. Change in volume (= mass) and length of the two species over a three-month period in spring 1986 and 1987 was measured and analyzed using 2 × 2 factorial analyses. Convict cichlids caused reduced growth and eliminated recruitment of springfish under the experimental conditions. Cover did not influence growth but positively affected recruitment of springfish in allopatry. It is likely that a portion of the reduced springfish population densities in nature can be attributed to adverse effects from introduced cichlids.  相似文献   

We sampled streams in the Upper Clear Creek Watershed in northwestern California in fall 2004 and fall 2005 to document assemblages of aquatic vertebrates and to provide resource managers with information on the importance of these assemblages in terms of regional biodiversity. We used single-pass backpack electrofishing to sample 15 sites in fall 2004 and the same 15 sites plus 4 new sites in fall 2005. We captured 10 fish taxa and 2 species of larval amphibians. Seven of the fish taxa were native species. Of the exotic species, only brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) occurred at more than 1 site. Ordinations by nonmetric multidimensional scaling indicated a gradient from sites with rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), Pacific giant salamander ( Dicamptodon tenebrosus ), and tailed frog ( Ascaphus truei ) to sites dominated by riffle sculpin ( Cottus gulosus ), California roach ( Hesperoleucas symmetricus ), and Sacramento sucker ( Catostomus occidentalis ). The gradient in species composition was associated with changes in elevation, gradient, discharge, and substrate. The Upper Clear Creek Watershed represents a unique area of overlap between the North Coast California amphibian fauna and the Central Valley fish fauna with a notable paucity of exotic fishes and amphibians. Preservation of the integrity of native aquatic assemblages is an important goal for aquatic resource management in the region; our results provide a critcial baseline to gauge future management actions.  相似文献   

An established population of a neotropical cichlid fish, Cichlasoma managuense , was found in a spring pool in the Virgin River basin, Utah. Presence of this predatory species poses an additional threat to the native fish fauna of the Virgin River, which already has suffered multiple impacts of water development and introduced fishes.  相似文献   

Diets of Northern Goshawks ( Accipiter gentilis ) in western and eastern North America show regional differences. This variation may be explained by the opportunistic feeding behavior of Northern Goshawks and the greater number of potential prey species in western North America. We predicted that a population of Northern Goshawks in the Warner Mountains of California would take significantly more mammals than birds as prey. Goshawk diet in the Warner Mountains was determined by pellet analysis and prey remains. A total of 33 samples from 23 nest sites was collected and analyzed. Diets were quantified by determining the minimum number of individuals per sample at each nest site. As predicted, Warner Mountain Goshawks preyed more heavily on mammalian than avian prey species. Of the 221 individuals identified, 126 (57%) were mammals, while 95 (43%) were birds. These results are in accord with the suggestion that there are potentially more mammalian prey species in western North America than in eastern North America.  相似文献   

The fish population of Ruth Reservoir, California, was sampled every two weeks with variable mesh gill nets from May 1974 through May 1975. Fish were captured in the following order of numerical abundance: Humboldt sucker ( Catostomus humboldtianus ), golden shiner ( Notemigonus crysoleucus ), brown bullhead ( Ictalurus nebulosus ), white catfish ( I. catus ), rainbow trout ( Salmo gairdneri ), and largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ). The three most abundant species made up about 95 percent of total numbers and weight. All species exhibited a similar cyclic temporal availability pattern: catch rates increased to a maximum during summer and fall and decreased during winter and spring. Environmental variables with the most pronounced relationships to fish catches were temperature (direct) and turbidity (inverse).  相似文献   

The cui - ui, Chasmistes cujus Cope, a member of the sucker family and endemic to Pyramid Lake, Nevada, is listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cui - ui was once a major source of sustenance for native Americans, who have inhabited the Lahontan region for at least 11,000 years. The Northern Paiutes developed sophisticated fishing technology to harvest this resource. The original distribution of cui - ui was the ancient Lake Lahontan complex, but as a result of climatic changes it was restricted to the Pyramid – Winnemucca – Truckee system by the turn of the 20th century. Transbasin water diversions (1905 to present) have resulted in further restrictions of habitat. The species is now limited to Pyramid Lake and the lower Truckee River. Reproduction is from hatcheries as well as limited natural reproduction. Females produce more than 40,000 2 - mm eggs per year. The normal development is described from the unfertilized egg through 912 hours post - hatching, when the fry are actively feeding and approaching adult body form. The unusual feature of adult cui - ui morphology is the relatively large ventro - terminal mouth, with thin and obscurely papillose lips. Cui - ui grow slowly and may live 18 years or possibly much longer; females generally live longer and attain a greater size than males. The highest adult mortality probably occurs during spawning runs. At this time they are vulnerable to predation, stress, and sometimes environmental degradation. The highest larval mortality probably occurs from predation when they are planted or migrate into the lake. The trophic ecology of the species is poorly understood, but they are known to ingest algae and zooplankton. Spawning behavior is documented. At present, natural reproduction is probably still the limiting factor for the cui - ui population. Cui - ui composed less than one percent of the total fish in Pyramid Lake during 1975–1977. During 1982 the largest cui - ui spawning run (13,000) in recent years occurred. The activity of cui - ui in the lake closely resembles that of the Tahoe sucker being most active during the spawning season each spring. Cui - ui inhabit the inshore - benthic zone and the pelagic waters of Pyramid Lake (      相似文献   

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