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The development of black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) burrow mounds was monitored for three years. Entrances were flagged at points where a prairie dog was observed digging into the ground (primary entrances, n = 22) and digging out of the ground (secondary entrances, n = 8). In all samples it was observed that primary entrances became dome mounds and secondary entrances crater mounds. It is suggested that, although induced airflow (presently, a popular model) may partly explain the presence of mounds, architectural types (dome vs. crater mounds) are the result of energy constraints associated with building materials that differ at the entrances.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(18):2361-2375
A new species of solifuge from São Paulo State, south-eastern Brazil, is described, together with its phenology, habitat use, activity pattern and the effect of fire on the population. Mummucia coaraciandu n. sp. differs from other Mummuciidae in cheliceral dentition and pleurite coloration. Over a one-year period, 649 individuals of M. coaraciandu were captured in 72 pitfall traps distributed in three Cerrado physiognomies: borders of gallery forest (N=53), campo sujo (N=561) and campo cerrado (N=35). The species is diurnal and showed two peaks of surface activity during the year: the highest peak occurred in the cold–dry season (June to July) and the smaller peak in the middle of the warm–wet season (December to February). The number of individuals per trap was negatively correlated with the mean monthly temperature, but showed no correlation with the monthly precipitation. The sex ratio was male-biased (7:1) and the number of males trapped was positively correlated with the number of reproductive females. More individuals were trapped in burned areas when compared with unburned areas 1 month after the fire. This difference between the two areas was not observed 1 month before and 3–4 months after the passage of the fire (when the vegetation had recovered). Mummucia coaraciandu is the second solifuge described from the Brazilian Cerrado and its ecology is very similar to that of Mummucia mauryi from Caatinga vegetation.  相似文献   

Prairie dog eradication negatively affects dependent wildlife. Assessing the effects of prairie dog activities on reptiles and amphibians may depend upon the efficacy of trapping designs. We compared capture rates of reptiles and amphibians on black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) colonies and on adjacent uncolonized short-grass prairie, using funnel traps and pitfall traps with drift fences, as well as ground captures. We captured 152 reptiles and amphibians representing 10 species. We captured 51.3% of all reptiles and amphibians on colonies, compared to 48.7% from uncolonized sites. Overall, captures of reptiles and amphibians were similar on colonies and uncolonized sites for all capture methods combined. We achieved higher capture rates on uncolonized sites using funnel traps and pitfall traps but higher capture rates on colonies for ground captures. For all years on all sites combined, we captured significantly more animals in funnel traps (52.6%), surpassing pitfall trap captures (23.0%) and ground captures (24.3%). We recommend using multiple Y-shaped drift fence arrays ≥7.6 m in length, funnel traps with double-ended openings, and black-colored pitfall traps with opening diameters ≥30 cm.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1421-1430
The chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, is one of a large number of birds from many families that use silk in the construction of their nests. Thirty-eight chaffinch nests collected from around the UK were examined to determine the nature and role of silk in nest construction. A regular survey of web, retreat and cocoon silk availability was made at a study site close to Glasgow, Scotland, over a 12 month period. The only spider web silk found in the nests was of the type produced by cribellate spiders. The majority of silk in nests, however, was spider cocoons, but there was no correlation between the amount of cocoon and web silk used. Nests with more lichen decoration contained more silk, and cocoon silk was particularly associated with the attachment of lichen. Nest construction at the study site took place from late April to mid-May. When nest building began, the availability of suitable web silk had doubled from its winter (lowest) level; however, its abundance continued to rise sharply until the end of May. The possible influence of silk availability on the timing of chaffinch nesting is discussed.  相似文献   

In October 1991 we recorded all black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) colonies and cattle points in a 1248-km 2 study area in southwest North Dakota and southeast Montana. Cattle point attractants were defined as fabricated water tanks and long-term supplemental feed sites. We found that a signivicant number of prairie dog colonies encompassed or adjoined cattle point attractants ( p < .001). Prairie dog colonies associated with cattle point attractants were a mean distance of 1.0 km from the next nearest town. The existence of cattle point attractants may encourage prairie dog colonization. Conversely, refraining from using long-term cattle point attractants can discourage prairie dog colonization.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1377-1389
Aranobroter rayorae, gen. et sp. n., is described as a gregarious predator of spider eggs within egg sacs of Metepeira incrassata (Araneidae) from Veracruz, Mexico. Baryscapus uetzi, sp. n., is described as an internal parasitoid of A. rayorae. The biology of these two species is discussed. A review of Tetrastichinae associated with spider egg sacs includes new North American records.  相似文献   

Gnaphosid spiders of 6 genera in Israel are revised presenting a relative richness in species and updated information on the Mediterranean spider fauna. Many inhabit the stony deserts of the south or are psammophiles that were detected by pitfall trapping. Minosia, Minosiella and Gnaphosa have never before been reported from Israel. Minosia simeonica sp. n. and the unknown males of M. spinosissima and Minosiella pharia are described. Gnaphosa barroisi is reinstated as a separate species. Berlandina jovia Denis, 1947 is newly synonymized with B. venatrix Dalmas, 1921, while the following B. chopardi Denis, 1955, B. paludani Denis, 1958, B. afghana Denis, 1958 and its subspecies B. a. spinitarsis Denis, 1958, and B. macrostigma Denis, 1966 are new synonyms of B. plumalis (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872) one of the most widely distributed gnaphosids in the Old World. The matching female of Nomisia excerpta and the matching of N. palaestina, each proving a separate species, have been identified, and N. negebensis sp. n. is described. Nomisia marginata (O. P.-Cambridge, 1874) and N. mauretanica Dalmas, 1921 are new synonyms of N. ausserei (L. Koch, 1872), N. verneaui (Simon, 1889) = N. excerpta (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872), and N. soror Dalmas, 1921 = N. palaestina (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872). In Pterotricha, the largest genus of Gnaphosinae in the Middle East, P. levantina sp. n., P. parasyriaca sp. n., P. engediensis and the unknown female of P. dalmasi are described, and the following new synonyms are recognized: P. aegyptiaca Dalmas, 1921 and P. isiaca Dalmas, 1921 = P. conspersa (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872); P. fanatica Dalmas, 1921 = P. lesserti Dalmas, 1921; P. peregrina Denis, 1948 = P. chazaliae (Simon, 1985); P. lentiginosioides Nosek, 1905 = P. kochii (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872). Illustrations of diagnostic characters, records of distribution and pertaining literature are provided for each species.  相似文献   

The grass spider ( Agelena naevia ), commonly found in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, uses rodent burrows located under a shrub canopy more frequently for web construction than burrows located in the open. The average number of prey available in canopy microhabitat was greater than in open microhabitat, and unequal prey abundance may explain spider microhabitat use. &nbsp;&nbsp;  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):387-402
The genus Ischnocolus is redefined based on type material, and extra specimens. Representatives of the genus are distinguished by clavate tarsal trichobothria arranged in median apical row; by the maxillae with lighter colour on prolateral edge. Males of the genus Ischnocolus Ausserer are recognized by the cheliceral intumescence, sigmoid ventral furrow on palpal tibia, unequal cymbium lobes, tibial apophysis absent, great number of spines on ventral side of tibia I, and male superior tarsal claws bipectinate. Species included are: Ischnocolus valentinus (Dufour) [= I. holosericeus L. Koch, I. triangulifer Ausserer, I. algericus Thorell, I. fuscostriatus Simon, I. maroccanus (Simon), I. mogadorensis (Simon), I. numidus Simon, I. tripolitanus Caporiacco, Avicularia andalusiaca Simon], Ischnocolus hancocki Smith, Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch (senior-synonym of Chaetopelma adenense Simon) and Ischnocolus ignoratus sp. nov. Ischnocolus tomentosus Thorell is considered incertae sedis. The following species are considered species inquirenda: I. tunetanus Pavesi and I. fasciculatus Strand. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:207143F4-A235-4411-96D4-D4787ABF271F  相似文献   

The ability of females of the matriphagous spider Cheiracanthium japonicum to discern their own offspring was examined based on a comparison of her maternal care for her own eggs and spiderlings with other conspecific females as well as those of other congeneric species. Cheiracanthium japonicum females did not discern their own nest from those of conspecific and congeneric individuals. In addition, the female did not distinguish her own egg sac from those of other conspecific or congeneric individuals. On the other hand, the female clearly discriminated between her own spiderlings and those of other congeneric species only if the congeneric spiderlings were introduced into the breeding nest. Consequently, the female will allow conspecific spiderlings to predate her (i.e. cannibalism). However, it is hardly expected that spiderlings of a certain female would eat another female in the field, as the reproductive period is quite short and synchronised in a population. Considering that the female can only recognise spiderlings of other species, the recognition ability of C. japonicum females will be evolved only to work as a protection against intruders of other species into the breeding nest.  相似文献   


For the first time a member of the spider family Oxyopidae, Tapinillus longipes (Taczanowski), is reported to utilize a web for prey capture under natural conditions. It is suggested that this behaviour is primitive for the family Oxyopidae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):713-735
Phintella piatensis is an unusual jumping spider because, despite being neither myrmecophagic nor myrmecomorphic, it associates with ants, including dangerous weaver ants. Although salticids typically spin cocoon‐like nests for use as shelters, the nests of Phintella are unusually dense. These play an important role in how Phintella adapts to living with ants. In experiments, intraspecific interaction and mating increased the risk of being killed by ants when there was no accessible nest, while access to a nest eliminated this risk. Additionally, while outside nests, seeing ants made Phintella reluctant to mate, this being an unusual example of a small animal with exceptional eyesight compensating for predation risk when making vision‐based mating decisions. On the whole, the behaviour of Phintella during intraspecific interaction had broad similarity to the pattern that is common in salticids, but with some of the details of courtship suggesting further adaptation to interacting in the presence of dangerous ants.  相似文献   

A man bitten on the finger by a wolf spider, Lycosa sp., experienced temporary bleeding and tingling of the finger, but no other symptoms occurred.  相似文献   

The new genus Aberropompilus Shimizu & Wahis, family Pompilidae, is described from Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand) based on the new species A. dayi Shimizu & Wahis. Its peculiar morphological characteristics and taxonomic position within the family are discussed and the genus is tentatively placed in the subfamily Pepsinae.  相似文献   

In spiders, temperature is considered an important environmental variable for microhabitat selection. In this study, we evaluated the effect of temperature and rock size on the presence of the sand recluse spider Sicarius thomisoides and the degree of selectivity in different locations. This species is a large spider that lives under rocks in desert and semi-desert climates and is particularly active during the summer. In Chile, these spiders can be found at both coastal and inland locations under different thermal conditions, where usually the temperatures are lower near the coast. If large-scale climatic conditions are important for this species, they may be expected to select lower rock temperatures on the coast than at inland locations. In addition, we would expect that the spiders would choose larger rocks in inland compared to coast locations, which reduce the effect of high temperatures. We found that the probability of finding individuals of this species increased according to rock temperature and rock size in the field. Our results suggest that S. thomisoides prefers larger and warmer rocks to shelter under during the day, this selectivity being similar at both coastal and inland locations. Thus, this species tends to select rocks with the same thermal and structural conditions, independent of the climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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