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Fifteen widely separated sites within the pinyon - juniper woodlands of the Great Basin were cleared of trees. Understory response was recorded for 2 to 4 years. The array of postharvest plant assemblages were classified into one of four phytosociological groups using discriminant analysis. Pre - and postharvest plant assemblages from the same site appeared in the same phytosociological group, which indicates postharvest response could be predicted from the preharvest plant assemblage. Initial postharvest response appears cyclic in nature, and cycles are controlled by both residual plants and the rapid immigration of shrub species. Perennial plant density generally declined following tree harvest, but the fewer remaining plants produced significantly more cover than in preharvest stands.      相似文献   

Twenty - one areas in pinyon ( Pinus monophylla ) - juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma ) woodlands burned by wildfire from approximately 1 to 60 years prior to sampling and adjacent unburned mature woodland stands were studied in Nevada and California to determine successional patterns and individual species responses to burning and to changing plant communities through time. One year after burning, all late successional woodland species were present in postburn plant communities except tree species. Increases in both cover and occurrence of annual and perennial forbs resulted in their dominance on early successional sites. Shrubs and annual grasses dominated midsuccessional sites, subsequently giving way to tree, shrub, and perennial grass dominance in late succession. North and east slopes generally supported high cover and occurrence of shrubs, perennial grasses, and perennial forbs, and south and west slopes generally supported high cover and occurrence of annual forbs and annual grasses. The ability to group species according to preferential occurrence on various aspects and successional stages can be used to predict plant community composition in time and space in the pinyon - juniper woodlands.      相似文献   

Eight general study sites in the blackbrush ( Coleogyne ramosissima ) zone of southwestern Utah were examined. Soils data were gathered and plant cover was estimated. Shrubs were found to he positively correlated with shallow, sandy soil. Nonwoody plants were found to be positively correlated with deeper, silty soils. Cryptogamic soil crusts were positively correlated with silt and nitrogen in the soil and therefore may play a role in elevating soil fertility. Shrubs and grasses were negatively correlated. Management implications are discussed.      相似文献   

Insect faunas and communities are characterized for herbaceous and tree canopy layers in meadow, aspen, and spruce/fir stages of a northern Utah sere. A greater percentage of species were in Thysanoptera in both aspen strata, and a greater percentage of individuals were in Lepidoptera in aspen canopy. Our sites were quite similar to a wide variety of other terrestrial sites in their distribution of species or individuals among orders or metamorphosis categories. Insects/m 2 peaked in the aspen stage, but declined in the herbaceous layer with succession. Insects/plant biomass in the herbaceous layer increased with succession. Insects/m 2 and insects/foliar biomass were higher in aspen canopies than in conifer canopies. Insect species/m 2 peaked in the aspen stage. This statistic was comparable in meadow and aspen understory, and lower in conifer understory. Insects/m 2 in the tree canopies were similar to the values in their respective understories. Insect species/plant biomass increased in the herbaceous layer with succession, but decreased in tree canopies with succession. Species evenness in both strata increased with succession. Adult body length was greatest for meadow species, least for conifer species. Adult body length per individual was greatest in aspen. Life cycle complexity was greatest in aspen. Insects on trees were more likely to have complex life cycles than those on herbs.      相似文献   

Thirty-five study sites were established in the meadow communities surrounding Utah Lake in central Utah. The study sites ranged across several community types. Glaux maritima was found in all sites but varied as to its ecological importance in these communities. Sixteen soil factors were measured relative to the stands studied. Cover of Glaux maritima correlated with parts per million sodium and total soluble salts in the soil. No other factors correlated significantly with the cover of Glaux maritima. Glaux maritima occupied only those sites with high levels of moisture throughout the growing season. The high moisture levels came from springs, seeps, elevated water tables, and early seasonal inundation. High levels of Glaux maritima cover corresponded to low numbers of species in the habitat.     相似文献   

A total of 145 species of diatoms was collected from 13 sites in the Middle Fork of the Salmon River drainage, Idaho, USA. Achnanthes minutissima was the prevalent species with an importance index of 19.25. Cluster analysis revealed 2 main site groupings, sites above the entrance of Loon Creek and sites below. The entrance of Loon Creek (6th order) increases the Middle Fork of the Salmon River to a 7th order stream. Shannon-Weiner diversity values were generally high.     相似文献   

A general botanical inventory of a part of northwestern Moffat County, Colorado, resulted in the location of “ remnants ” of the presettlement vegetation spectrum that are largely unaltered by grazing, logging, or other recent human - related land uses. The 69 samples taken from these remnants were classified into 22 plant associations. Composition, structure, environmental location, geographical range, and response to disturbance are discussed for each association, and a photograph of each is presented. Seven of the 22 associations are apparently restricted to the study area. Restricted associations occur in the more extreme environments of the study area, such as on calcareous substrata or very xeric sites. More mesic sites along ephemeral creeks, on north - facing slopes, or on sandstones support plant associations that have much wider ranges, many of them extending across the northern Great Basin.     相似文献   

Important bee species inhabiting the study area are listed, including those observed and collected foraging on Astragalus monoensis , a California rare plant. The significance of each species as a potential pollinator is assessed, based on frequency of occurrence in collecting, observed and published host plant records, and morphology. Three pollinator categories are proposed: observed and/or collected on the plant, probable visitors, and possible visitors. New host plant records for these species are listed. Current sheep grazing practices in the A. monoensis habitat endanger pollinators in four ways: (1) destruction of potential nest sites, (2) destruction of existing nests and contents, (3) direct trampling of adult bees, and (4) removal of food resources. Exposure of the major bee species to each of these factors is assessed utilizing experimental data and published information.      相似文献   

Regression equations were developed to predict biomass for 9 shrubs, 9 grasses, and 10 forbs that generally dominate sagebrush ecosystems in central Nevada. Independent variables included percent cover, average height, and plant volume. We explored 2 ellipsoid volumes: one with maximum plant height and 2 crown diameters and another with live crown height and 2 crown diameters. Dependent variables were total, live, leaf, and dead biomass. Simple, multiple, linear, and power equations were investigated. Models were chosen based on scatter plots, residual plots, and R 2 and SEE values. In general, simple power equations provided the best-fit regressions. For shrubs, the ellipsoid volume computed with maximum plant height best predicted total plant weight, and the ellipsoid volume computed with the live crown height best predicted shrub foliage weight. In addition to regression equations for biomass, ratios for division of that biomass into 1-, 10-, 100-, and 1000-hour fuels were derived for common large shrubs. Regression equations were also derived to relate litter mat sizes of major shrub species to litter weights. The equations in this paper could be used to predict biomass in other areas of the Great Basin if training data were taken to validate or adjust these models.  相似文献   

Seedlings of fourwing saltbush ( Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.) were inoculated with indigenous vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi in a containerized system and transplanted into processed oil shale and disturbed native soil in a semiarid rangeland environment in northwestern Colorado. After two growing seasons in the field, plants inoculated with VAM had greater aboveground biomass, cover, and height than noninoculated plants. Mycorrhizal plants were more effective in the uptake of water and phosphorus. Infection levels of inoculated plants were greatly reduced in processed shale (from 13.0 at outplanting to 3.8 at harvest), but functional VAM associations could be found after two growing seasons. Results indicate that VAM help make processed oil shale a more tractable medium for the establishment of plants representative of later successional stages by allowing these plants to make effective use of the natural resources that are limiting under conditions of high stress.     相似文献   

Vegetation patterns in relation to slope position were studied on four foothill knolls in the Castle Cliffs area of Washington County, Utah. Study plots were established at four different slope positions: ridge top, upper slope, lower slope, and floodplain. Exposed rock was highest on the ridge top; exposed soil was highest on the floodplain; soil depth increased downslope. Plant life form varied with respect to slope position. Grass, annuals, and cryptogamic crust cover was highest on the ridge top and shrubs were most prominent on the midslope. Forb cover gradually increased downslope. Succulents were restricted to the ridge top or floodplain. Species distribution was distinct and strongly correlated to slope position. Two sets of congeneric species showed strong patterns of niche separation. The vegetation of the slopes is highly distinct at the ridge top and floodplain and grades toward the midslope from both ends.      相似文献   

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Recent bottom sediments of eight lakes and reservoirs in northeastern Utah were examined. One hundred and sixty-four diatom taxa were identified and their relative abundances determined. Seven stand associations were evident by cluster analysis of similarity indices. These association patterns mirrored trophic status of the waters. Shannon-Wiener species diversity values were also determined. The diversities fell in patterns that were similar to the stand associations determined by cluster analysis. The most prevalent diatom taxa encountered in this study were found mostly in eutrophic waters. These taxa included Stephanodiscus astraea, Stephanodiscus astraea var. minutula, Asterionella formosa, and Fragilaria crotonensis. A wide variety of other taxa dominated various mesotrophic and oligotrophic sites.      相似文献   

Our main objective was to improve understanding of herbicide effects on community dynamics to refine the use of technology and advance the development of ecologically based weed management strategies. We hypothesized that native grasslands would exhibit reductions in culturally sensitive forb cover, biomass, and density relative to the rate of application of selective rangeland herbicides, and that hand-removal of sulfur cinquefoil ( Potentilla recta L.) would increase indigenous species cover, biomass, density, species richness, and diversity. Treatments consisted of 3 rates each of 2,4-D + clopyralid (0.28 kg ai ? ha -1 + 0.0532 kg ai ? ha -1 , 0.56 kg ai ? ha -1 + 0.1064 kg ai ? ha -1 , 0.84 kg ai ? ha -1 + 0.1596 kg ai ? ha -1 ); 2,4-D amine (0.532 kg ai ? ha -1 , 1.064 kg ai ? ha -1 , 1.596 kg ai ? ha -1 ); metsulfuron (0.0042 kg ai ? ha -1 , 0.021 kg ai ? ha -1 , 0.032 kg ai ? ha -1 ); picloram (0.14 kg ai ? ha -1 , 0.28 kg ai ? ha -1 , 0.56 kg ai ? ha -1 ); and clopyralid (0.05025 kg ai ? ha -1 , 0.21 kg ai ? ha -1 , 0.42 kg ai ? ha -1 ). This experiment was replicated 3 times at 2 lateseral, noninfested sites in southeastern Montana. In a companion study, sulfur cinquefoil was removed adjacent to paired nonremoved controls in 5 replicates at 2 sites in 1-m 2 plots for 2 growing seasons. Canopy cover, density, and biomass were collected 24 months after initial treatment at all sites. Indigenous perennial grass cover and biomass increased with herbicide application; however, picloram, metsulfuron, and clopyralid reduced native forb density at 1 site, and picloram reduced forb cover at both sites regardless of rate. Effects of herbicides on species richness or diversity were not detected. Hand-removing sulfur cinquefoil increased total plant richness, especially that of native forbs. Restoring species richness and diversity may be difficult using selective broadleaf herbicides because key functional groups, such as forbs, appear to be at risk.  相似文献   

Nutrients in soil covered by Carex exserta sod and in adjacent unvegetated gravel areas were compared at Siberian Outpost, Sequoia National Park, California. The comparisons were part of a study to learn if Carex exserta meadow can be reestablished and if herbaceous cover on gravel areas can be increased. Grazing capacity and aesthetic appeal of denuded areas would be improved by better vegetative cover. The sod had higher concentrations of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, nitrogen, potassium, and zinc than did the gravel areas. And it had a higher soil pH and percent organic matter. Sod and gravel did not differ in concentrations of phosphorus and sulfur. The differences were as might be expected between climax and badly deteriorated (or early seral) situations, and the results suggest that fertilization may be a useful treatment.      相似文献   

A burrowing owl ( Athene cunicularia ) population nesting on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) in southeastern Idaho utilized burrows excavated by badgers ( Taxidea taxus ) or natural cavities in lava flows as nesting sites. The size of the population was small (N = 13–14 pairs) in relation to the number of available nesting sites, suggesting that factors other than burrow availability limited this population. Rodents and Jerusalem crickets ( Stenopelmatus fuscus ) represented the primary prey utilized during the nesting season. This population demonstrated both a numerical (brood size) and functional (dietary) response to a decrease in the density of three species of rodents on the INEL during a drought in 1977.      相似文献   

Nutrients in soil covered by Carex exserta sod and in adjacent unvegetated gravel areas were compared at Siberian Outpost, Sequoia National Park, California. The comparisons were part of a study to learn if Carex exserta meadow can be reestablished and if herbaceous cover on gravel areas can be increased. Grazing capacity and aesthetic appeal of denuded areas would be improved by better vegetative cover. The sod had higher concentrations of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, nitrogen, potassium, and zinc than did the gravel areas. And it had a higher soil pH and percent organic matter. Sod and gravel did not differ in concentrations of phosphorus and sulfur. The differences were as might be expected between climax and badly deteriorated (or early seral) situations, and the results suggest that fertilization may be a useful treatment.      相似文献   

The algal flora of selected soils in the Uintah Basin, Uintah County, Utah, was studied. A total of 45 species was identified from the top soils of three different vascular plant habitats. The soil algal flora was dominated in biomass by filamentous Cyanophyta, including Microcoleus vaginatus, Phormidium minnesotense, and three species of Nostoc . These algae formed the algal matrix of the soil within which other Cyanophyta as well as Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Euglenophyta occurred.      相似文献   

Species diversity, niche metrics, cover, frequency, and soil relationships were studied on high mountain meadows on adjacent cattle and sheep allotments in Strawberry Valley, Wasatch County, Utah. The cattle allotment vegetation was predominantly Mountain bluebell (Mertensia ciliata) , and the sheep allotment vegetation was predominantly Smallwing sedge (Carex microptera) . Other species of importance on both areas included Letterman needlegrass (Stipa lettermanii) , Mountain bromegrass (Bromus carinatus) , and Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) . Tall forbs were most abundant on the cattle allotment, and low forbs, perennial grasses, and sedges were most abundant on the sheep allotment. Vegetation composition on the two allotments was significantly different.      相似文献   

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