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Understory phytomass production in a western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis ) woodland was examined relative to tree size in central Oregon in 1983 and 1984. Vegetation was sampled in two zones, the canopy zone (beneath the canopy) and the intercanopy zone (the space between canopies), on two adjacent sites—a lower slope site with shallow soil and an upper slope site with deeper soil. Sampling was stratified into three tree size classes. Individual species production was significantly affected by tree size and location relative to tree canopy. Production of bottlebrush squirreltail, bluebunch wheatgrass, cheatgrass, miscellaneous annual grasses, perennial forbs, and annual forbs increased with increasing tree size. Sandberg bluegrass production was greater in the intercanopy than the canopy zone, while production of bottlebrush squirreltail, bluebunch wheatgrass, miscellaneous annual grasses, and both perennial and annual forbs was greater in the canopy zone. Production of cheatgrass was determined by the interaction of tree size and zone. Phytomass relationships were expressed to a greater degree on the upper slope site, where total production exceeded that of the lower slope site by approximately 50% the second year of the study. Individual trees appear to exert a great influence on associated vegetation as western juniper woodlands progress from the seedling (tree establishment) phase to closed stands of mature trees. Original community dominants appear to be spatially segregated beneath tree canopies and associated with large trees, while formerly less common species, such as cheatgrass, come to dominate the entire site.  相似文献   

Herbaceous succession after burning of cut western juniper trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The expansion of western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis spp. occidentalis Hook.) in the northern Great Basin has resulted in the wide-scale conversion of sagebrush-steppe communities to juniper woodlands. Prescribed fire and mechanical cutting are the 2 main methods used to remove juniper and restore sagebrush steppe. Mechanical treatments commonly leave cut juniper on site. Disadvantages of leaving cut juniper are the increased fuel hazard and the potential for increased establishment and growth of invasive species. This study evaluated the response of herbaceous plants to winter burning of cut western juniper. Vegetation response was compared among 2 burning treatments (burning trees the first winter after cutting and burning the second winter after cutting), a control (cut-unburned juniper), and the interspace between cut trees. To minimize fire impacts to herbaceous perennials, cut trees were burned in the winter when soils and ground litter were frozen and/or soils were at field capacity. Only felled trees were burned, as fire did not carry into interspaces or litter mats around western juniper stumps. We hypothesized that winter season burning would increase herbaceous perennials and would reduce cheatgrass establishment when compared to the cut-unburned control. After 10 years, total herbaceous and perennial grass cover was 1.5- to 2-fold greater, respectively, in burned treatments compared to cut-unburned controls. Perennial grass density was 60% greater in the burned treatments than in the cut-unburned treatment and the interspace. Cheatgrass cover was twice as great in the control than in the 2 burn treatments and the interspace. We concluded that burning cut western juniper when soils were wet and frozen in winter enhanced community recovery of native perennials compared to leaving cut juniper unburned.  相似文献   

We compared vegetation structure used by 14 bird species during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons to determine what habitat features best accounted for habitat division and community organization in Utah juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma ) woodlands of southwestern Wyoming. Habitat use was quantified by measuring 24 habitat variables in 461 bird-centered quadrats, each 0.04 ha in size. Using discriminant function analysis, we differentiated between habitat used by 14 bird species along 3 habitat dimensions: (1) variation in shrub cover, overstory juniper cover, mature tree density, understory height, and decadent tree density; (2) a gradient composed of elevation and forb cover; and (3) variation in grass cover, tree height, seedling/sapling cover, and bare ground/rock cover. Of 14 species considered, 9 exhibited substantial habitat partitioning: Mourning Dove ( Zenaida macroura ), Bewick's Wren ( Thryomanes bewickii ), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ( Polioptila caerulea ), Mountain Bluebird ( Sialia currucoides ), Plumbeous Vireo ( Vireo plumbeus ), Green-tailed Towhee ( Pipilo chlorurus ), Brewer's Sparrow ( Spizella breweri ), Dark-eyed Junco ( Junco hyemalis ), and Cassin's Finch ( Carpodacus cassinii ). Our results indicate juniper bird communities of southwestern Wyoming are organized along a 3-dimensional habitat gradient composed of woodland maturity, elevation, and juniper recruitment. Because juniper birds partition habitat along successional and altitudinal gradients, indiscriminate woodland clearing as well as continued fire suppression will alter species composition. Restoration efforts should ensure that all successional stages of juniper woodland are present on the landscape.  相似文献   

Western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis spp. occidentalis ) has rapidly expanded into shrub steppe communities in the intermountain Northwest during the past 120 yr. Cutting juniper is a management tool used to restore shrub steppe communities. Response of the understory after cutting is strongly influenced by plant species composition existing prior to treatment. This study assessed distribution patterns of understory plants over 2 growing seasons after tree cutting in a western juniper woodland. Cover, density, and diversity of understory species were compared among 3 locations: interspaces, duff zones (previously under tree canopies), and debris zones (beneath cut trees). Plant cover density increased in all zones following tree cutting. Understory vegetation in cut woodlands exhibited strong zonal distribution. Cover and density of Poa sandbergii and Sitanion hystrix and canopy cover of annual forbs were greatest in duff zones ( P P < 0.05). Debris zones tended to have the lowest overall understory cover and plant density values. Under juniper debris many species common to interspaces were reduced in density, although plants that survived or established beneath debris grew larger than their counterparts in interspaces. Species increased in density and cover under debris were plants characteristic of duff zones and whose seeds are typically wind dispersed.  相似文献   

Although pinyon-juniper woodland is common throughout most of Utah, it is less so in Utah and Salt Lake valleys. Even so, stands do occur in the valleys and are known to have been there since presettlement times. Three such stands occurring along the eastern sections of the valleys have shown major decreases in area since settlement times, and one has all but disappeared. Their disappearance is attributed to early use for fuel, agricultural, and urbanization purposes. &nbsp;  相似文献   

The chronology of Juniperus occidentalis (western juniper) expansion in eastern Oregon, the effect of plant canopy and interspace on J. occidentalis seedling establishment and growth rates, and the age of J. occidentalis maximum reproductive potential were determined. Measurements were recorded in twenty-two 0.4-ha plots established in sagebrush-grassland communities and six 0.1-ha plots in Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen) communities. J. occidentalis began increasing during the 1880s in stands containing > 130 yr old. Relatively steady establishment ensued into the 1950s and then began to progress at a geometric rate in the 19602. J. occidentalis encroachment into aspen stands began between 1910 and 1920. The largest proportion of juvenile trees established beneath Artemisia species in sagebrush-grassland communities. J. occidentalis trees appeared to reach full reproductive potential at > 50 yr of age. The ratio of male:female trees increased from 1.7 in scattered J. occidentalis stands to 3.8 in closed stands. The initiation of J. occidentalis encroachment during the late 1800s coincides with optimal climatic conditions for Juniperus berry production and establishment, reduced fire-return intervals, and heavy livestock grazing. The accelerated increase in J. occidentalis expansion since 1960 may be due to the continued absence of fire, abundant woody plant cover, and the large increase in J. occidentalis seed production.  相似文献   

The ability to measure leaf area and biomass on a plant community basis has many important ecological applications. These include quantification of gas exchange, use of water resources on the site, nutrient pools, and construction of models simulating production and resource allocation. To test a nondestructive technique for estimating leaf area and leaf biomass of western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis Hook.), sapwood area and basal circumference were evaluated as predictors of total leaf biomass and leaf area. Nineteen trees, ranging in size from 9.0 to 263 cm in circumference, were destructively sampled. The entire leaf biomass was harvested and measured, and regression equations were developed. Both sapwood area and basal circumference significantly (P < .01) correlated with projected leaf area and leaf biomass (r values = 0.98).  相似文献   

While a trend toward western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis spp. occidentalis ) super-dominance in big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) communities of the Pacific Northwest since the late 1800s has been well documented, establishment dates of western juniper in less disturbed environments have not. In this paper we document the establishment history of western juniper on 2 minimally disturbed research natural areas that have substantial differences in their physical characteristics. On each site we randomly established twenty 0.05-ha plots to obtain per hectare counts of mature and juvenile western juniper and to obtain a sample of 100 trees closest to the plot center. These trees were then dated using standard dendrochronological techniques. The lower-elevation, more xeric site has an establishment history that suggests it is an emerging western juniper woodland, with the majority of trees sampled establishing since 1978. The higher-elevation site is an older, well-established woodland with a more even temporal distribution of trees. These results suggest that suitable establishment sites may switch from canopy dependence in emerging woodlands to open sites in mature woodlands and that neither domestic livestock grazing nor active fire suppression is a required mechanism for establishment.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossil analyses of 16 radiocarbon-dated woodrat middens spanning the past 4000 years from the Wind River Canyon region in central Wyoming provide information concerning late Holocene development of juniper woodlands. The study sites are currently dominated by Juniperus osteosperma , with J. scopulorum present locally. Woodlands in the region were dominated by J. scopulorum from ca 4000 yr BP until at least 2800 yr BP. Juniperus osteosperma invaded and expanded before 2000 yr BP. This expansion fits a regional pattern of J. osteosperma colonization and expansion in north central Wyoming during a relatively dry period between 2800 and 1000 yr BP. At the time the Wind River Canyon region was colonized by J. osteosperma , the species had populations 50-100 km to both the north and south. Long-distance seed dispersal was required for establishment in the study area. Genetic studies are necessary to identify source populations and regions.  相似文献   

A classification of the riparian vegetation of part of western Colorado was developed by cluster analysis and ordination of 115 samples of relatively undisturbed vegetation. The classification of plant associations contains five montane riparian forests, three subalpine riparian forests, four lower subalpine willow carrs, three upper subalpine willow carrs, and one subalpine wetland.  相似文献   

Vegetal composition was determined during 1974 and 1984 using 60 permanent 50 m 2 plots within a mature pinyon-juniper community in northeastern Utah. Results indicated that not only was there little significant change in community composition, but with many species frequency and density remained nearly the same during the decade.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1297-1312
The horizontal and vertical distribution of dolichopodid flies in a deciduous woodland ecosystem was investigated by means of white-water traps during a nearly 8-month period. Eighteen traps were installed along a light intensity/soil humidity gradient (three zones) and from 0 to 80cm high (six levels). Six environmental features were recorded on several occasions. The dolichopodid data were analysed by means of two multivariate techniques, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). The DCA revealed four distinct species groups, which also proved to be clearly different on a broader ecological basis. The horizontal distributions in many species could be explained by the different environmental conditions in the zones. Although nearly all species were unequally distributed over the traps, their stratification patterns generally showed no significant correlation with the recorded biotic and abiotic features. It is therefore suggested that the observed vertical distributions are the results of a combination of specific and environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

We examined relationships between high-elevation sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) steppe habitats altered by prescribed fire and western juniper ( Juniperus occidentalis ) encroachment on breeding distributions of Brewer's Sparrows ( Spizella breweri ), Vesper Sparrows ( Pooecetes gramineus ), Green-tailed Towhees ( Pipilo chlorurus ), and Sage Thrashers ( Oreoscoptes montanus ) on Steens Mountain in southeastern Oregon. In 2000 we conducted fixed-radius point count surveys at 172 sites encompassing burned and unburned sagebrush habitat and a range of juniper densities. For each bird species we developed habitat models using local variables measured in the field and landscape variables derived from remotely sensed data. Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC c ) was used to select the best-approximating model from a suite of a priori candidate models. Brewer's Sparrows, Sage Thrashers, and Green-tailed Towhees were positively related to increasing local sagebrush cover or percent sagebrush in the landscape, whereas Vesper Sparrows were negatively associated with sagebrush cover and positively related to increases in sagebrush fragmentation at local and landscape scales. Including a measure of juniper encroachment substantially improved models for all species in the analysis. Green-tailed Towhees showed a curvilinear response to the amount of juniper in the landscape. All other species showed a strong negative relationship with juniper. Our results indicate that, although changes in sagebrush habitat associated with fire had a negative influence on sagebrush birds, juniper encroachment due to fire suppression also impacted this high-elevation sagebrush bird community.  相似文献   

Southwestern Wyoming constitutes the northern limit of the ranges of the cliff chipmunk ( Tamias dorsalis ), pinyon mouse ( Peromyscus truei ), and canyon mouse ( P. crinitus ). In addition to trying to determine their presence in the region, we wanted to identify habitat characteristics commonly used by each of these species. We used Sherman live-traps to sample 14 sites representing 2 distinct habitat types in 1998 and 1999: juniper-rocky slopes and juniper cliffs. Seventeen habitat characteristics were measured at capture locations for each species and compared with randomly located points. Best subsets multiple logistic regression was used to construct models that distinguish between used and available habitat for each species. The cliff chipmunk occurred in both rocky slopes and cliffs. The pinyon mouse was also captured in rocky slopes and cliffs and was most often captured in locations in the interior of the juniper woodland with high tree canopy cover, high forb cover, and low density of rock outcrops. The canyon mouse was captured only in cliffs at sites consisting of high forb cover, high rock cover, and high tree density.  相似文献   

Quantifying root biomass is critical to an estimation and understanding of ecosystem net primary production, biomass partitioning, and belowground competition. We compared 2 methods for determining root biomass: a new soil-coring technique and traditional excavation of quantitative pits. We conducted the study in an existing Joint Fire Sciences demonstration area in the central Great Basin. This area is representative of a shrub (sagebrush) ecosystem exhibiting tree (pinyon and juniper) encroachment. The demonstration area had a prescribed burn implemented 4 years prior to our study, and we sampled both control and burned plots. The samples were stratified across 3 microsites (interspace, under shrub, and under tree) and 4 soil depths (0&ndash;8, 8&ndash;23, 23&ndash;38, and 38&ndash;52 cm) to determine the effects of plant life form and burning on root biomass. We found that estimates of total root biomass were similar between quantitative pits and our soil cores. However, cores tended to show a more even distribution of root biomass across all microsites and depths than did pits. Overall, results indicated that root biomass differs significantly among microsites and soil depths and that the amount of root biomass at a given depth differs among microsites. Burning reduced root biomass in our study by 23% and altered the spatial distribution of root mass.  相似文献   

The densities of sing le leaf pinyon and Utah juniper trees in four diameter classes (1&ndash;9, 10&ndash;19, 20&ndash;29, and &ge; 30 cm) were measured on 522 plots of 1/10 ha each throughout the Great Basin. Density distribution patterns of pinyon and juniper varied with aspect, elevation, and eastern (EGB) versus western Great Basin (WGB) locations. On most locations north and, to a lesser extent, west slopes supported higher densities of pinyon than south and east slopes, with high relative densities of small diameter trees on north slopes and large diameter trees on west slopes. Pinyon densities were higher on EGB than on WGB sites and on higher elevation than on lower elevation sites. Juniper densities were higher on EGB than on WGB sites and on lower elevation than on higher elevation sites. Juniper densities on low-elevation WGB sites were higher on south and west aspects than on north and east, with higher relative densities in the 20&ndash;29 cm diameter class than in other diameter classes. On low elevation EGB sites, east and south slopes supported higher juniper densities than did north and west slopes, with comparatively higher relative densities in the 10&ndash;19 cm diameter class. Differences in relative densities between diameter classes were not significant among aspects on high elevation sites.  相似文献   

The number of documented exotic plants in Yellowstone National Park has increased from 85 known in 1986 to over 185 today. Exotic plants are substantially impacting the parks natural and cultural resources and are a high management priority. We have adopted an integrated weed management approach with regard to exotic vegetation, emphasizing prevention, education, early detection and eradication, control, and, to a lesser degree, monitoring. The program involves over 140 staff with program expenditures averaging approximately $190,000 annually. Prevention actions include requiring approved gravel on construction projects; banning hay in the backcountry and allowing transport of only certified weed-seed-free hay through Yellowstone; requiring construction equipment to be pressurecleaned prior to entering the park; and native species revegetation after road, housing, and other construction projects have disturbed ground. Over 4500 acres, primarily along roadsides and in developed areas, are surveyed annually in early detection efforts with emphasis placed on eradicating small, new infestations of highly invasive species such as sulfur cinquefoil ( Potentilla recta L.) and leafy spurge ( Euphorbia esula L.). Control efforts focus on about 30 priority species, such as spotted knapweed ( Centaurea maculosa Lam.), oxeye daisy ( Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.), and hoary cress ( Cardaria draba [L.] Desv.) using chemical, mechanical, and cultural techniques. A total of 2027 acres were treated during 1998, whereas control efforts for 12 species occurred on 2596 acres during the previous 3-year period, 1995-1997. Strong and expanding partnerships with other federal, state, and local agencies and private companies contribute to management efforts within the park. Future program goals emphasize increases in base funding to ensure continued weed management efforts as well as expanding survey, monitoring, and reclamation efforts. Ultimately, a more rigorous assessment of program effectiveness is desired.  相似文献   

The soil fungal community beneath pinyon ( Pinus edulis Engelm.) and one-seeded juniper ( Juniperus monosperma [Engelm.] Sar.) tree canopies is described and compared with fungi from adjacent interspace soils dominated by blue grama ( Bouteloua gracilis [H. B. K.] Lag.). Significantly higher organic matter contents and fungal propagule levels were found in soils beneath pinyon and juniper trees than in interspace soils. Soils under pinyon and juniper trees contained similar chemical, physical, and biological properties and, consequently, many groups of fungi in common (64% of the species isolated were common to both). In contrast soil fungi in adjacent interspace soils were vastly different from those collected in soils beneath pinyon and juniper canopies (44% and 48% species in common, respectively). Soil fungi that were isolated more often from pinyon-juniper soils than from interspace soils included Absidia sspp., Beauvaria spp., Gliocladium spp., Mucor spp., Penicillium cyclopium , P. fasciculata , P. frequentans , P. restrictum , Thamnidium spp., and Trichoderma spp. Soil fungi that were isolated more often in interspace soils than in pinyon or juniper soils included Aspergillus alutaceus spp., A. fumigatus , some Fusarium spp., Penicillium luteum , and P. talaromyces .  相似文献   

We compared winter (December, January, and February) and early spring (March and April) bird communities among 4 successional stages that included grassland, shrubsteppe, juniper-shrubsteppe, and old-growth juniper woodland in central Oregon. Birds were surveyed monthly from December through April in 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 using the point count method to estimate relative abundance of birds (individuals ? transect –1 year –1 ). We used distance sampling to correct for potential bias in estimating abundance and density among successional stages. A total of 4513 birds (32 species) were detected. Relative abundance of total birds (all species combined) was similar in the juniper-shrubsteppe and old-growth woodland (48.7 and 48.9 individuals ? transect –1 , respectively) but 6 times greater than in the grassland and shrubsteppe (8.0 and 7.7 individuals ? transect –1 , respectively) during the 5-month period. Total density of birds was greater in old-growth juniper woodland and juniper-shrubsteppe than in grassland or shrubsteppe. However, median bird species richness in 1998/1999 was highest in grassland and lowest both in shrubsteppe and juniper-shrubsteppe, and in 1999/2000 it was highest in shrubsteppe and lowest in juniper-shrubsteppe and oldgrowth juniper woodland. American Robins and Townsend's Solitaires were the most abundant species in junipershrubsteppe and old-growth juniper woodland during the winter months. Sage Sparrows and Horned Larks were the most abundant species in shrubsteppe during winter, and Horned Larks were most abundant in grasslands during the early spring transition period prior to nesting. Our results indicate that a different suite of species use these successional stages during the nonbreeding season. If avifauna conservation is a part of long-term management goals, a broad range of successional stages should be maintained on the landscape to provide habitat for a variety of avian species throughout the year.  相似文献   

This study explores how the relationship between flow and riparian vegetation varies along a montane river. We mapped occurrence of woody riparian plant communities along 58 km of the San Miguel River in southwestern Colorado. We determined the recurrence interval of inundation for each plant community by combining step-backwater hydraulic modeling at 4 representative reaches with Log-Pearson analysis of 4 stream gaging stations. Finally, we mapped bottomland surficial geology and used a Geographic Information System to overlay the coverages of geology and vegetation. Plant communities were distinctly arrayed along the hydrologic gradient. The Salix exigua Nuttall (sandbar willow) community occurred mostly on surfaces with a recurrence interval of inundation shorter than 2.2 years; the Betula occidentalis Hooker (river birch) community peaked on sites with recurrence intervals of inundation between 2.2 and 4.6 years. The hydrologic position occupied by communities dominated by Populus angustifolia James (narrowleaf cottonwood) was strongly related to age of trees and species composition of understory shrubs. The fraction of riparian vegetation on surfaces historically inundated by the river decreased in the upstream direction from almost 100% near Uravan to <50% along the South Fork of the San Miguel River. In upstream reaches much of the physical disturbance necessary to maintain riparian vegetation is provided by valley-side processes including debris flows, floods from minor tributaries, landslides, and beaver activity. Where valley-side processes are important, prediction of riparian vegetation change based on alterations of river flow will be incomplete.  相似文献   

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