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We examined home range size of Black-backed Woodpeckers ( Picoides arcticus ) in burned ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) / Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) forests of southwestern Idaho during 2000 and 2002 (6 and 8 years following fire). Home range size for 4 adult males during the post-fledging period was 115.6–420.9 ha using the 95% fixed-kernel method, and 150.4–766.1 ha using the 100% minimum convex polygon method. Smoothed bootstrap estimates (95%) were 130.0–521.9 ha. Home range sizes were significantly smaller 6 years after fire than 8 years after fire. Each male had from 2 to 8 areas of concentrated use within his home range. We provide recommendations for estimating area requirements of Black-backed Woodpeckers in post-fire ponderosa pine / Douglas-fir forests.  相似文献   

Western jumping mice, Zapus princeps, were live - trapped during the summer of 1975 in an aspen forest in the Front Range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Home range sizes were calculated using the exclusive boundary strip method, and it was discovered that males had larger home ranges (298 – 3315 m 2 , x = 1743 m 2 ) than females (680 – 1275 m 2 , x = 1041 m 2 ). Mean range length was 96.5 m for males and 78.5 m for females. Spatial relationships showed that females tended to be more territorial than males, based on the females' higher percentage of exclusive home ranges, greater distance between centers of activity, and more uniform spacing.  相似文献   

Home range size and foraging habitat use in breeding lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni), a bird species of conservation concern, were investigated during the breeding season of the species in 2008 in an intensively cultivated area of central Greece, using radio-tracking. Grasshopper (the main prey) densities were measured at the most important habitats (cotton, cereals, grasslands and margins). Home ranges were not significantly different between sexes either as overall means or during incubation and nestling periods. Movements of both sexes were non-random during incubation but random during the nestling period. Habitats used by males during incubation ranked as: margins > other > cotton > corn > cereals and during nestling period as: cereals > margins > grasslands > corn > cotton. Female habitat use greatly differed ranking as cereals > cotton > grasslands during incubation and as grassland > cotton > corn > cereals > margins during nestling period. Female habitat use seemed to be in disagreement with the conditions generally favouring prey availability, probably for reasons associated with low and uniform distribution of grasshopper densities over the habitats.  相似文献   

Some American marten population characteristics (numbers, density, body weights, sex and age ratios, natality, mortality-survivorship, immigration-emigration, home ranges) were studied at four sites in the southern part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Teton County, Wyoming, in 1975-1979. Ninety-eight different martens were examined. Males (n = 25) weighed 1,111 g (± 110 SD, range 875-1,235), whereas females (n = 17) averaged 743 g (± 83 SD, range 600-900). Live-trapping showed sex ratios of 1.5M:1.0F, whereas carcasses showed 3.0M:1.0F. Of 27males that were aged, 12 (44%) were less than 1 year old and 2 were 9-10 years old. Of 10 females, 6 were less than 1 year old and 1 was 12-13 years old. The mean length of time a male was present on the major study area was 144 days (± 266 SD, range 1-1,364), and for females it was 145 days (± 45 SD, range 1-560). Home ranges for six males averaged 3.2 km 2 (± 20 SD, range 0.7-5.8) on the main study area. Some management implications are given.  相似文献   


The locomotory activity of adult Zonocerus variegatus (L.) was investigated in an insectary, using an aktograph apparatus. Under natural light, temperature, and humidity conditions, male and female adults were markedly active during the daytime but showed very little activity during the early hours of the night. The males were found to be more active than the females. Individuals of the same sex showed slightly different patterns of activity. There was some correlation between increased activity and a period of bright sunshine accompanied by increased temperature. Starvation for 24 hours before and for 48 hours during experiments affected the normal locomotory activity of the grasshopper.  相似文献   

Our objective was to clarify the effects of 10 identified variables on snipe activity (winnowing and calling) by demonstrating correlations between the variables and snipe activity. We monitored snipe at 2 study areas in southwestern Montana and northwestern Wyoming at all hours of the day and night during the 1996 and 1997 breeding seasons. We measured 10 variables at established points along transects that were situated through the middle of each study site (8 study sites total). A total of 1200 monitoring periods were conducted throughout the course of this study. Effects of each factor on snipe activity were considered by examining general trends in each factor's graphical representation. Our results identified 6 factors (season, time of day, lunar cycle, solar radiation, wind speed, and temperature) that are associated with snipe activity. Snipe were most active early in the breeding season during 2 twilight periods during the first and last quarters of the lunar cycle. Low solar radiation levels, wind speeds, and temperatures were also most ideal conditions for snipe activity. All 6 factors should be considered when attempting to detect, survey, or estimate snipe populations.  相似文献   

A mark - recapture study of the short - horned lizard ( Phrynosoma douglassi ) and the sagebrush lizard ( Sceloporus graciosus ) was performed from 1976 to 1977 in southeastern Idaho. Both species had mean cloacal temperatures of approximately 33 C. However, P. douglassi had more variable cloacal temperatures, particularly during morning and evening periods. This was caused by differences in sleeping sites chosen by the two species. Adults of both species were active from mid - April through late August, with peak activity in June. Juvenile P. douglassi displayed a seasonal activity pattern similar to that of adults. Juvenile S. graciosus were most active later in the year (August), when adults were disappearing. In both species, young - of - the - year appeared in early to mid - August. Adult and juvenile P. douglassi were active during all daylight hours and displayed no activity peaks, whereas young - of - the - year displayed a bimodal activity pattern. Adult and juvenile S. graciosus were active over all daylight hours but had peak activity between 1200 and 1500 h. Ants ( Pogonomyrmex ) were the lizard's principle prey. However, only young - of - the - year P. douglassi had activity patterns that paralleled that of ants on their mounds.      相似文献   

The poison frog Ranitomeya reticulata was studied for 3 months while mark–recapture surveys were performed. Ranitomeya species deposit terrestrial clutches and carry tadpoles to phytotelmata with few taxa performing biparental brood care including larval feeding. Home range size and spatial affinity to phytotelmata in the genus are linked to mating systems. In R. reticulata, individual home range size and overlap were similar in both sexes, indicating equal levels of site fidelity. Although territory defence was never observed, strong intrasexual intolerance within individuals' core areas was found. The large intersexual home range overlap for breeding pairs indicated that mate fidelity occurs. Individuals' home ranges were not overlapping, suggesting that R. reticulata lacks pair-bonding or strongly cooperative behaviour in parental duties. The number of ground bromeliads containing phytotelmata and home range size of males were positively correlated. Our findings suggest that females do not perform egg-feeding and male-only parental care is likely.  相似文献   

The pygmy rabbit ( Brachylagus idahoensis ) is a secretive, obligate sagebrush-steppe resident of the Intermountain West and is one of two rabbits in North America that digs its own burrows. Although the pygmy rabbit has a recorded home range of 0.21–67.9 ha in relatively high sagebrush cover (21%–36%), they spend much of their time within 30–100 m of a burrow system. Due to big sagebrush cover in preferred habitat and the secretive behavior of pygmy rabbits, it is often difficult to study this leporid through direct observation. We used remote cameras to document pygmy rabbit activity at burrow systems in south central Utah from 2006 to 2008. We analyzed photographs from remote cameras for daily and seasonal patterns of activity. Our results suggested that time of day and season were important influences on activity level, while year and site were less so. Pygmy rabbits were active during all time periods of the day, but the greatest activity occurred in the morning, except during winter. Numerous other species were recorded by remote cameras, including other leporids, birds, rodents, reptiles, and terrestrial predators. Remote cameras are a valuable tool in understanding pygmy rabbit behavior, in addition to confirming rabbit presence in areas of interest.  相似文献   

The diel activity of arboreal arthropods associated with the Australian rainforest tree Argyrodendron actinophyllum was investigated with interception traps during a week in the summer season. When all arthropods were considered, there were no significant differences in flight activity, expressed as either numbers of individuals, numbers of species or biomass, between day-time and night-time. Flights of fungalfeeding species were not restricted to night-time, presumably because scents may also spread well during day-time with the high humidity of the rainforest. However, arthropod activity was high during night-time in comparison with temperate woodlands, and herbivores were generally more active during night-time than during day-time, whereas this was the reverse for predators and parasitoids. These limited data tend to support the hypothesis that some herbivores may feed during night-time in rainforests in order to escape predators and parasitoids.  相似文献   

The flight periodicity of western balsam bark beetle ( Dryocoetes confusus Swaine) in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah, was studied during the summer months of 1992, 1993, and 1994. Contents of baited funnel traps were tallied by species up to 3 times weekly. Two main periods of flight activity were observed each year. The first and, generally, largest occurred in early summer soon after flight was initiated for the season. A 2nd period was observed in late summer, generally August. Timing of the 2 periods was influenced by unusually warm or cool weather in each study year. The 1st period had more males than females while the 2nd period had a majority of females. Except during periods of cool or wet weather, western balsam bark beetles were found to be active at least at minimal levels from June through September.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1873-1888

The time–activity budget of a species has ecological relevance because natural selection often favours individuals that utilise their time most efficiently. Details of time–activity budgets can provide information on how animals allocate time to their various activities through the day and during different seasons to most efficiently cope with varying energy demands and environmental changes that may threaten their survival. Efficient use of time–activity budget is also crucial for alpine small mammals, which live in a highly seasonal environment with restricted periods in which to gain energy and successfully reproduce. Hence, variations in the time–activity budget of the high-elevation lagomorph Royle’s pika (Ochotona roylei) were analysed during different seasons over 2 years across an elevational gradient (29003680 m). Seven behavioural conditions were recorded in adult and juvenile pikas through daily focal sampling between 0600 and 1900 hrs. Royle’s pika had bimodal activity: animals were most active during the morning and early evening and relatively inactive during midday hours. Adult pikas allocated the largest proportion of their time–activity budget to foraging and the smallest proportion to vocalisation. Greater food availability during the monsoon season encouraged pikas to spend more of their time foraging than on other activities. In the autumn, pikas spent more time on locomotory and musing activities. Vigilance activities were most frequent during midday hours, possibly due to a high risk of predation. Locomotion and foraging were the predominant behaviours of juveniles during the summer and monsoon seasons. Prominent food hoarding activities were not observed in either adult or juvenile pikas. Information on time allocation to different activities during different seasons should provide a baseline for future behavioural ecology and bioenergetic analyses of pikas and help to understand their potential for adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of alterations in soil nitrogen on the growth of Artemessia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Nutt. Soil nitrogen content was altered by applying sugar (45 g/m 2 ), nitrate (4.5 g/m 2 ), or ammonium (4.5 g/m 2 ), and the results were compared with a control treatment (no soil amendments). Addition of either form of nitrogen significantly increased leaf nitrogen content, mean maximum length of ephemeral leaves, number of ephemeral leaves per terminal shoot, and current year's vegetative stem length over the control and sugar treatments. Both soil water and predawn xylem potentials during active growth were lower in the nitrogen-treated plots. The higher growth activity and greater leaf mass of A. tridentata in the nitrogen treatments may have been responsible for this result. Higher photosynthetic rates observed in the nitrogen treatments during an early June sampling period also lend support to this observation. This study suggests A. tridentata ssp. wyomingensis would opportunistically take advantage of increased availability of soil nitrogen. The ability of this species to respond positively to increased soil nitrogen may enhance its competitiveness over associated perennial species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1365-1378
We studied several aspects of the thermal biology of two coexisting saxicolous species of the genus Phymaturus (Liolaemidae) at the Payunia, a volcanic region in Argentina where harsh conditions prevail. We marked individuals in grids and assessed the environmental conditions when the individuals showed their maximum activity (i.e. when more than 50% of marked individuals were active), the time spent basking, and the postural behaviour in relation to different cloudiness conditions. We found that temperatures recorded when the species exhibit their peaks of activity were higher for Phymaturus payuniae, the smaller species, during the summer at one of the three studied sites. Phymaturus roigorum exhibited the longest basking periods, but during these longer periods cloudy conditions prevailed. Both species adopted a head-up posture when conditions were sunny and a head-down posture when under cloudy conditions. This is the first contribution where thermal aspects of two sympatric species of Phymaturus are evaluated.  相似文献   

During 1999 and 2000 we trapped and radio-marked 156 Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus ) on leks in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP, n = 73) and mine reclamation (MR, n = 83) lands in northwestern Colorado. Median spring--fall home range sizes using the 95% fixed kernal and minimum convex polygon estimators for 54 grouse were 86 ha and 61 ha, respectively. Median fixed kernal home range size did not differ between males (79 ha) and females (87 ha). Home ranges of grouse associated with CRP (112 ha) were larger than those of grouse in MR (75 ha). Directional orientation of movements from leks of capture to wintering areas was nonrandom, and there was a positive elevation gain (median = 102 m) associated with these movements. Movements did not differ between grouse captured in CRP and MR for any season but did differ between genders for the spring--fall period. Males exhibited stronger fidelity and less variation in their movements than females; 96% of males compared with only 77% of females remained within 2.0 km of their lek of capture from spring through fall. Ninety percent of females nested within 2.5 km of their lek of capture. During winter all grouse were found farther (median = 21.5 km) from lek sites than in any other season. Males remained on the breeding range longer in the fall and returned earlier in the spring than females even though they wintered similar distances away (median males = 21.5 km, median females = 21.4 km). Our findings support the 2.0-km radius used in the Habitat Suitability Index model for Columbian Sharptailed Grouse to assess nest and brood-rearing cover around leks, but not the 6.5-km radius used to evaluate winter cover.  相似文献   


Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) are charismatic insects that have been fruitful model systems in biotechnology. However, lack of information about firefly taxonomy and ecology renders species identification a hard task, especially in the Neotropical region, where fireflies are most diverse. A major gap in the literature on Neotropical fireflies is the lack of knowledge on species’ ecological niches and habitats, which are fundamental aspects for understanding their biology. Here, we provide an annotated checklist of the firefly fauna of the Serra dos Órgãos mountain range (Rio de Janeiro State, Southeastern Brazil), with information on the natural history of each species. We assembled data in three ways: monthly sampling with Malaise traps and active search along an elevational transect from 130 to 2,170 m, over 2 years (2014–2016), extensive field observations, and extracted from historical species records for the Serra dos Órgãos from museum specimens in key collections in Brazil and Europe. We provide a taxonomic key to the genera recorded in the region, and a differential diagnosis for each species, highlighting key references for each taxon. We report 58 species representing 21 genera, making the Serra dos Órgãos one of the richest firefly hotspots on Earth. Most species are restricted to one or two habitat types and/or just one of the regional seasons (warm or cool), and many were only collected either by malaise traps or active search, underlining the importance of sampling different habitat types and seasons, and using different sampling methods when surveying fireflies. Out of the 51 species observed in the field, 49 were active either during the day or the night, although two species – Photuris elliptica and Pyrogaster nigrolineatus – were active in both periods, which is rare in fireflies.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1291-1304
We examined the influence of weather factors, including temperature, humidity and sunlight, on the diurnal flight activity of Ichneumonidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) in an oak wood in Cabañeros National Park (Spain) in June, when the annual flight activity reaches its maximum. Ichneumonidae flight activity peaked at temperatures of around 25.6–27°C, which is reached in late morning to midday and in the evening (20.00–21.00 h). The evening peak in activity was greater. Males were more active in the morning, whereas females were more active in the afternoon. Relative humidity is closely related to air temperature but showed little correspondence with flight activity. Illuminance did not explain diurnal flight activity, other than dictating diurnal or nocturnal habits of Ichneumonidae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1861-1871
The daily activity of the threatened crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet), was studied both in the field, through direct counts of active animals along a stream section, and in the laboratory, by means of actographs. In the field, crayfish were mostly found after dawn, with a slight but significant difference among seasons. In winter, only two specimens were seen to be active. Distinguishing among size classes, medium-sized crayfish were more abundant in spring and summer, while large ones mostly occurred in autumn. The former always concentrated their activity at night-time; to the contrary, larger specimens were more active late at night in spring and at dusk in autumn. Sex-ratio, analysed only in summer, was balanced throughout the 24h. Nocturnal activity, although differing among seasons, was similar in size classes, temperatures and sexes. In the laboratory, activity (evaluated as photo-cell interruptions) increased with temperature and occurrence throughout a 24-h cycle (the highest peak shifting from midnight to dusk). Only in the laboratory, a low peak occurred at dawn, but disappeared when a shelter was available. The interaction between the response of A. pallipes to temperature and its nocturnal habit is examined. Questions still remain on the adaptive value of the environmental factors influencing the cycle of freshwater decapods' activity.  相似文献   

Data were gathered concerning the seasonal activity pattern of a population of Columbian ground squirrels ( Spermophilus columbianus ) in the Idaho Primitive Area. Adult females were significantly more active in June of all years than were adult males. A relationship between ground squirrel activity and temperature is postulated in which the squirrels alter their activity so as to avoid high temperatures and possible heat stress.  相似文献   

We investigated occupied squirrel middens and squirrel sightings and vocalizations as indicators of red squirrel ( Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ) abundance in high-elevation whitebark pine ( Pinus albicaulis ) zone. Data were collected 1984-1989 from line transects located on 2 study sites in the Yellowstone ecosystem. We evaluated the performance of each measure on the basis of precision and biological considerations. We concluded that, of the 3 measures, active middens were the best indicator of red squirrel abundance. We also observed that the density of active middens dropped by 48%-66% between 1987 and 1989, following a severe drought and extensive wildfires that burned one of the study sites during 1988.  相似文献   

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