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Changes in vegetation including area occupied, canopy cover, and maturity class of cottonwoods ( Populus spp.) within lower-elevation zones of the Colorado River and Rio Grande in Colorado were monitored over 25- and 27-year intervals, respectively, using photo-interpretative methods. Estimated loss of cottonwoods along the Colorado River was 2ha/km (-17.5%), and remaining stands had become more open and older. Cottonwoods along the Rio Grande increased 1.6 ha/km (9.3%) with minor canopy cover and maturity class changes. Area occupied by shrubs and river channel changed little along the Colorado River, but declined along the Rio Grande. Loss of hay meadow occurred along both rivers, whereas developed land increased along the Colorado River and farmland increased along the Rio Grande. Wildlife habitats along the Colorado deteriorated much more rapidly than those along the Rio Grande during monitored intervals.  相似文献   

Northern pike, Esox lucius , stocked in the Yampa River in 1977, invaded the mainstream Green River by 1981 and subsequently increased in range and abundance. The speed of this invasion is indicated by two recaptured pike that moved 78 and 110 km, respectively, downstream in about one year. Pike stomachs (n = 123) were usually empty (54.5%), but some contained fish (43%) and nonfish items (2.4%). Red shiner, Notropis lutrensis , and fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas , predominated among the 12 fish species eaten. Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum , presumably introduced to the Green River drainage in the 1960s, was widely distributed but low in abundance. Most of 61 adult walleye stomachs contained food (60.7%) ; of 6 fish species eaten, channel catfish, lctalurus punctatus , and fathead minnow were most frequently consumed. Northern pike and walleye were captured in habitats occupied by endangered Colorado River fishes, particularly Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius . Predation on endangered fishes was not detected, but northern pike and walleye consumed at least three other native fishes. The northern pike may pose a threat to endangered fishes due to its population expansion, piscivory, and resource sharing. Diets of northern pike and walleye species should be further evaluated if their abundance increases.  相似文献   

Although the current range of the endangered San Joaquin kit fox ( Vulpes macrotis mutica ) borders large areas of farmland, the ecology of this species rarely has been studied within an agricultural setting. In central California, we examined habitat use, prey availability, and diet of radio-collared kit foxes inhabiting an aqueduct right-of-way (ROW) bordered by farmland. During both years of study (1998–1999), nocturnal locations of foxes occurred more often than expected (based on habitat availability) in the ROW and less often than expected within annual crops. Orchards were used disproportionately more than their availability during 1998 and were used in proportion to availability during 1999. Kit foxes traveled up to 1.1 km into annual crops and up to 1.5 km into orchards. Among diurnal locations (den sites) of foxes, 98% were within the ROW. Live-trapping revealed higher densities and greater diversity of rodents along the ROW than within farmland. Remains of murid rodents were found in 79% of kit fox scats. Our findings indicated that kit foxes ranged into orchards and annual croplands at night, but almost never occupied these areas during the day. The lack of den sites and low prey availability within farmland probably limited the ability of kit foxes to exploit and occupy these areas. Providing artificial den sites within croplands (especially within orchards) and along canals may increase use of farmland by kit foxes and facilitate their movement between isolated patches of natural lands.  相似文献   

Food habits of Burrowing Owls ( Speotyto cunicularia ) were studied during the breeding seasons of 1990 and 1991 in central Colorado. Concurrent insect availability studies were conducted to determine selection for specific insect families. Analysis of 1445 castings indicated use of only one insect family, the carrion beetles (Silphidae), at a rate greater than expected based on availability in one year. Castings and prey remains showed different dietary components. Prey remains showed greater use of small mammals, moths, amphibians, and passerines, and castings indicated greater use of mice and beetles. Methodology in raptor food habits studies may therefore bias results.  相似文献   

Four species of Dipogon are recorded from Colorado for the first time. These are hurdi Evans, pulchripennis (Cresson), graenicheri Banks, and brevis (Cresson). All are inhabitants of wooded areas and are believed to nest in cavities in trees. Notes are presented on habitat and prey of these 4 species and of the recently described species kiowa Evans.  相似文献   

We compared mosquito consumption and prey selection between least chub ( Iotichthys phlegethontis ) and western mosquitofish ( Gambusia affinis ) to determine the potential of least chub as an indigenous replacement for mosquito control in Utah. Mosquito consumption was compared between the 2 species in 2 experiments. The first tested consumption at 3 ratios of pupae and larvae ( Culex sp.; 1:3, 3:4, and 1:1), and the second tested consumption at varying densities of larvae (967 larvae ? m–3 , 1354 larvae ? m–3 , and 2258 larvae ? m–3 [30, 42, and 70 larvae per 31-L tank, respectively]). Western mosquitofish consumed more mosquitoes at lower pupae-to-larvae ratios than least chub, but least chub consumed more mosquitoes as the ratio of pupae to larvae increased. Western mosquitofish consumed significantly more larvae than least chub at all densities. Prey selection was compared between least chub and western mosquitofish, either individually or in intraspecific pairs, when the fish were fed equal abundances of 3 prey items: mosquito larvae, Daphnia magna , and midge larvae ( Chironomid sp.). Least chub consumed significantly fewer total prey items for both the 1- and 2-fish trials; western mosquitofish consumed significantly more individuals of each prey type except for Daphnia magna in the 1-fish trials. Least chub and western mosquitofish demonstrated no selection for prey items, indicating that both fish would consume mosquito larvae at rates relative to abundance. Feeding habits demonstrated in this study indicated that least chub could be a potential replacement for western mosquitofish for mosquito control; however, field studies should be conducted to assess the ability of both species to control mosquitoes in a natural setting.  相似文献   

Adaptive features of plants of the Great Basin are reviewed. The combination of cold winters and an arid to semiarid precipitation regime results in the distinguishing features of the vegetation in the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau. The primary effects of these climatic features arise from how they structure the hydrologic regime. Water is the most limiting factor to plant growth, and water is most reliably available in the early spring after winter recharge of soil moisture. This factor determines many characteristics of root morphology, growth phenology of roots and shoots, and photosynthetic physiology. Since winters are typically cold enough to suppress growth, and drought limits growth during the summer, the cool temperatures characteristic of the peak growing season are the second most important climatic factor influencing plant habit and performance. The combination of several distinct stress periods, including low-temperature stress in winter and spring and high-temperature stress combined with drought in summer, appears to have limited plant habit to a greater degree than found in the warm deserts to the south. Nonetheless, cool growing conditions and a more reliable spring growing season result in higher water-use efficiency and productivity in the vegetation of the cold desert than in warm deserts with equivalent total rainfall amounts. Edaphic factors are also important in structuring communities in these regions, and halophytic communities dominate many landscapes. These halophytic communities of the cold desert share more species in common with warm deserts than do the nonsaline communities. The Colorado Plateau differs from the Great Basin in having greater amounts of summer rainfall, in some regions less predictable rainfall, sandier soils, and streams which drain into river systems rather than closed basins and salt playas. One result of these climatic and edaphic differences is a more important summer growing season on the Colorado Plateau and a somewhat greater diversification of plant habit, phenology, and physiology.  相似文献   

The local spatial arrangement of the coniferous trees Pinus edulis and Juniperus osteosperma was mapped in two woodland stands and measured in two shrub-dominated stands in the semiarid Piceance Basin of northwest Colorado. In the woodlands, small trees were often clumped, while medium and large trees were either randomly or uniformly dispersed. Significant regressions were obtained between a tree?s basal area or canopy area and the area of its Dirichlet domain (the region closer to it than to any other tree). Both findings from the woodland stands accord with results obtained by other workers in other vegetation. Like earlier workers, we interpret these patterns to indicate density-dependent mortality and density-dependent depression of growth rates among the trees in the woodlands. In contrast, the trees in the shrub-dominated stands are located at random with respect to each other. However, they are strongly associated with shrub cover. Apparently tree seeds arrive in these stands primarily by long-distance dispersal, and the establishment of seedlings is more likely in the shade of shrubs.  相似文献   

We compared diet of young-of-year Colorado squawfish ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), an endangered cyprinid, with diets of other fish Rhinichthys osculus, Catostomus discobolus, and C. latipinnts , and nonnative Cyprinella lutrensis, Notropis stramineus, Pimephales promelas, Ictalurus punctatus, and Lepomis cyanellus. For each species, diet varied with size and between upper and lower river reaches but not between seasons for fish of similar size. Larval chironomids and ccratopogonids were principal foods of most fishes. Copepods and cladocerans were important in diets of P. lucius L. cyanellus Catostomus discobolus was the only species that ate moderate amounts of algae. Fish (all larvae) were in digestive tracts of only 10 P. lucius (21-73 mm TL), about 1% of P. lucius analyzed. High diet overlap occurred between some size-reach groups of P. lucius and C. lutrensis, R. osculus, C. latipinnis, I. punctatus, and L. cyanellus . Potential for food competition between young-of-year P. lucius and other fishes in backwaters appeared greatest with the very abundant C. lutrensis .  相似文献   

Twelve wild adult Colorado pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus lucius ), captured in the tailwaters of Taylor Draw Dam on the White River, Colorado, were implanted with radio transmitters and their movement patterns monitored from 1992 to 1994. The spawning migration of these fish was extensive. In 1993, the only full year of the study, the fish migrated an average of 658 km from the White River to spawning sites in the Yampa or Green rivers and back to the White River. Eight of these fish were translocated in the river upstream of the dam in April 1993. These fish and the 4 others below the dam remained in the river until May 1993. All 12 had migrated down the White River to spawning sites in the Green and Yampa rivers by July 1993. The fish that were located above the dam successfully passed over the dam during their downstream migration. Seven fish migrated upstream toward the Yampa River Canyon spawning site and 5 migrated downstream toward the Green River Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. Five of 7 Yampa River fish were found at the spawning site. The other 2 were found 5-8 km downstream of the site. One of 5 Green River fish was found at the spawning site, the other 4 between 16 and 62 km upstream of the site. All fish migrated back to the White River by August 1993 and were found near the dam by October 1993. Two fish were recaptured and translocated above the dam in September 1993. Five fish were located below the dam and 2 above the dam in April 1994. By July 1994 seven of the same fish that had migrated toward the Yampa River in 1993 were found at the Yampa Canyon spawning site. At the same time, 3 of 5 fish that migrated toward the Green River in 1993 were found at the Desolation/Gray Canyon spawning site. This included 2 fish that had been found upstream of the site in 1993. The 12 fish traveled an average of 6 km d -1 (range: 4-10 km d -1 ) during the migration period from May through October 1993. Generally, fish moved faster to the spawning site than back from the site to the White River. These fish moved very little within their home ranges in the White River. Six fish tagged in 1992 moved only 0.1-2.3 km in the tailwater reach below Taylor Draw Dam from September 1992 through April 1993. All fish, after their spawning runs, had moved up to or near the dam by October 1993. These fish were not tracked again until April 1994. Their movement patterns in April 1994 were similar to those observed in April 1993. The greatest amount of fish movement in the White River was displayed by the 8 fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam in April 1993 and the 2 placed in Kenney Reservoir in September 1993. They moved 1.1-40.6 km in the river before and after their spawning migration in spring and autumn 1993. These spawning migrations suggest that adult Colorado pikeminnow in the White River were recruited from both Green and Yampa river spawning populations and were presumably imprinted to these respective spawning sites. Those fish placed above Taylor Draw Dam established home ranges in habitats previously occupied by Colorado pikeminnow before the dam was completed. They remained there until they migrated downstream during the spawning period. Although we did not study fish passage, our study demonstrates that adult Colorado pikeminnow will use habitat if access is provided. Translocation of wild adult fish into historic but unoccupied habitats may be a valuable recovery option.  相似文献   

As part of a larger study on the aquatic life of streams in central Colorado, efforts were made to determine the distribution of interstitial organisms, with emphasis on the subterranean amphipod Stygobromus . In a preliminary screening-level study, sampling for Stygobromus was conducted in 1985 at 47 sites along the Front Range of Colorado at elevations generally matching the type locale for S. coloradensis and S. pennaki at the confluence of the North Fork of the South Platte River and its mainstem. A more intensive follow-up study was conducted in 1988 at 30 sites concentrating on the upper South Platte River basin. In the follow-up study both hyporheic and shore zone (phreatic) habitats were sampled using a variety of techniques (Bou-Rouch pump, Karaman-Chappuis technique, and a coarsemesh wide-mouth net, as appropriate). In the preliminary study Stygobromus spp. were collected at only 12 of 47 study sites, with all collections in the vicinity of the type locale. In the follow-up study Stygobromus were found at 16 of 30 sites sampled, extending the known distribution in Colorado of S. coloradensis and S. pennaki well beyond the type locale. The use of multiple sampling techniques was important in locating these organisms. In addition to the amphipod Stygobromus , sampling sites in the follow-up study contained a rich interstitial community, including copepods, bathynellids, tardigrades, archiannelids, and ostracods.  相似文献   

The Colorado squawfish, a large predaceous cyprinid, is a generalist species adapted to the large seasonal water fluctuations, low food base, and changing riverine subsystems of the Colorado River. Extant at least as early as the Miocene epoch, Ptychocheilus has survived by incorporating life strategies to deal with changing climates varying from arid to pluvial. Migration and long-term movement patterns appear to have evolved as tactics to perpetuate a grand reproductive strategy for exploiting the changing habitats and general environmental conditions of the late Cenozoic era. Accordingly, high mobility of a large fish would aid in selection of optimum spawning, nursery, and adult habitats in the dynamic lacustrine/riverine system that existed at that time. A spatial separation of life stages thus produced would aid in the reduction of intraspecific competition. Large size, long life, and late spawning of Ptychocheilus indicate that mortality of young must be disproportionately high compared to that of the adult form. Growth to a large size should reduce predation by other fishes and, once attained, would facilitate long distance movement for reproduction, feeding, and other purposes. Such a strategy, formerly highly adaptive, may now be implicated in the decline of this species in controlled riverine systems.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven fish of three genera were taken from the Colorado River in west central Colorado and examined for external parasites. No external parasites were found on Ictalurus. Seven percent of the Hybognathus and 100 percent of the Catastomus were infected with a Hirudinean of the species Helobdella stagnalis.     相似文献   

We analyzed the microtopography of microbiotic soil crusts at 3 sites on the Colorado Plateau of southern Utah and investigated distributions of cyanobacteria and several lichens in distinctive microhabitats created by this topography. At all 3 sites the long axes of linear soil mounds were oriented nonrandomly in a NNW—SSE direction. The conspicuous and consistent orientation of soil mounds may result from a combination of physical and biotic processes. Subtle differences across sites in mound orientation and organismal distribution suggest that these variables may be useful in comparing disturbance histories of crusts retrospectively. Differences in colonization frequencies, abundances, and distributions of microorganisms comprising the crusts, as a function of mound aspect or exposure, suggest that these organisms are associated with particular aspects due to distinctive and favorable microhabitats on these exposures. Polysaccharide sheath material, deposited by cyanobacteria, and associated filaments occurred in greater quantities on ENE than WSW mound exposures, and cover by Collema spp. lichens exhibited the same pattern. Colonization of mounds by common lichen species occurred significantly more frequently on ENE than WSW mound aspects at 2 of 3 sites. In contrast, the 3 most common lichen species, aside from Collema spp., did not exhibit a tendency for greater cover on ENE than WSW mound aspects. Physiological differences between gelatinous cyanolichens and green-algal lichens may explain the different distributional patterns of Collema spp. and the 3 other lichens.  相似文献   

The breeding ecology of the Western Scrub-Jay ( Aphelocoma californica ) in the midwestern United States is relatively unknown compared with Aphelocoma species in other geographic regions. We examined Western Scrub-Jay breeding biology in Colorado between 1970 and 1992. Incubation was initiated in early April and lasted 16 days, while the nestling stage lasted approximately 17-18 days. Clutch size averaged 4.0 eggs per nest, reproductive success was 25%, and productivity averaged 0.66 fledglings per nest. The low reproductive success and productivity measures may be due to high predator densities in the surrounding suburban landscape. Western Scrub-Jays preferred nesting in eastern red cedar ( Juniperus virginianus ) with nests placed on southern exposures. Western Scrub-Jays bred monogamously and were more similar in their breeding biology to the Island Scrub-Jay ( Aphelocoma insularis ) than to the Florida Scrub-Jay ( Aphelocoma coerulescens ).  相似文献   

Under conditions of otherwise enforced starvation in filtered seawater and with only oysters (Saccostrea mordax) to feed on, an individual of Gyrineum natator consumed > 98%, on average, of its body weight of oyster tissues each week (> 14% per day). When other potential food, such as sediment, organic debris and other newly settled sessile organisms, was available to a similar-sized conspecific living in conditions of unfiltered seawater (in addition to oysters), the oysters only accounted for 1.52% of its average weekly diet (0.21% per day). This was because of the 12 proffered oysters, only four were consumed in contrast to the 12 eaten by the individual in filtered seawater. All the oysters were accessed through large holes made in their shells. It is generally understood that the salivary glands of confamilial ranellids produce secretions of sulphuric acid from greatly enlarged salivary glands and this is demonstrated herein for G. natator also. It is believed that it was these secretions that made the holes in the oyster shells. It, therefore, seems that G. natator uses sulphuric acid to attack prey only when more easily obtained food is not available. It may also be used in defence. A comparison of consumption rates for a range of scavenging and predatory gastropod taxa shows that representatives of the Nassariidae consume (much) more than predators because of their opportunistic lifestyles. Gyrineum natator generally eats similar amounts to other predators, although the increased difference in estimated consumption (~10%) between this species and another similar-sized ranellid, Linatella caudata, might be because the latter did not use sulphuric acid to access its prey. Its enforced use in this study of G. natator, therefore, might represent the increased costs of using the acid to access the proffered oyster prey.  相似文献   

Microbial spatial heterogeneity and bacterial composition of homogeneous surface soils showing evident microbiotic crust development located under Utah juniper canopies in Colorado National Monument were studied. Four distinct homogeneous sampling sites positioned along a 12-m transect were compared on the basis of bacterial density and taxa composition. Bacterial densities showed a range differing by several orders of magnitude. In comparisons of adjacent soil samples or samples taken from two different sampling sites within close proximity, adjacent samples showed no more similarity to each other on the basis of bacterial density or taxa composition than did more widely separated samples. The bacterial composition of these soils included members of the genera Bacillus , Micrococcus , and Arthrobacter . Actinomycetes were also prevalent.  相似文献   

One hundred and one species of Odonata are recorded for Colorado, including 58 species of Anisoptera (of which 4 are new state records) and 43 Zygoptera (9 new state records). County records are indicated for each. Three major elements are recognized; predominantly eastern species occurring in the plains and mountain valleys east of the Rocky Mountains, Canadian Zone elements occurring principally above 2,440 m (8,000 ft) in the mountains, and Great Basin and western species occurring chiefly west of the mountains. The list is based primarily on the collections at Colorado State University and the University of Colorado, with additional records from the literature and from other collections.  相似文献   

One hundred forty-three species of Pompilidae are recorded from Colorado, slightly more than half the number occurring north of Mexico. Some of these occur principally at higher altitudes or in the northern part of the state; this group includes 5 species of Holarctic distribution. Others (such as the tarantula hawks, Pepsis ) are prevalent across the southern third of the state and range south into New Mexico and often into Mexico. Still others are widely distributed wherever there is friable soil and suitable for nesting. Certain genera are more or less restricted to preying upon certain spider taxa, while others are generalists and a few are cleptoparasites of other Pompilidae.  相似文献   

The spawning of Lahontan cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi ) in Summit Lake, Nevada, has reportedly declined since the early 1970s, coincident with the appearance of Lahontan redside shiner ( Richardsonius egregius ) in the lake. We investigated the relative predatory abilities of the 2 fish species foraging on live Daphnia magna in turbidity conditions commonly observed in Summit Lake. Experiments were performed under controlled light and temperature condition. In separate trials we fed trout and shiner 1 of 3 size classes of D. magna (1.7 mm, 2.2 mm, and 3.0 mm) at 6 levels of turbidity ranging from 3.5 to 25 NTU. Feeding rates for both species varied inversely with turbidity for all prey sizes. Feeding rates of shiner were greater than trout at all turbidity levels. In low turbidity (5 TNU), shiner consumed approximately 3% more prey during 2-h feeding trials. However, at high turbidity levels, the difference in feeding rates between species was proportionally higher (10%). At high turbidity levels (≥ 20 NTU) trout predation rates were relative insensitive to prey size. However, shiner continued to consume more, larger prey at the highest turbidity levels. These results indicate that Lahontan redside shiner may be superior to Lahontan cutthroat trout as zooplankton predators at high turbidity levels, and may explain the recent success of shiner in Summit Lake.  相似文献   

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