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The hispid pocket mouse ( Chaetodipus hispidus ) occurs throughout the Great Plains, mainly west of the Missouri River. In Nebraska, this species likely occurs throughout the state, but records of occurrence were lacking for east-central and northeastern counties. During a survey in 2008 for the plains pocket mouse ( Perognathus flavescens ) in eastern Nebraska, we documented C. hispidus in 10 new counties, including a modest range expansion into northeastern Nebraska. Many individuals were captured on moderately compact soils consisting of silt, but some also were captured on sandy and other friable soils. Most individuals were captured in areas containing some exposed ground, but this may reflect our trap placement for P. flavescens. Individuals from northeastern and east-central Nebraska best resembled C. h. spilotus from southeastern Nebraska, with black coloration suffused on the dorsum, head, and dorsal side of the tail; however, our individuals generally lacked the characteristic bright ochraceous coloration along lateral lines and on the dorsum. Limited evidence supports a recent expansion in distribution within the region.  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions between the little pocket mouse ( Perognathus longimembris ) and the dark kangaroo mouse ( Microdipodops megacephalus ) were tested in the laboratory. P. longimembris was statistically dominant over M. megacephalus. The dominant - subordinate relationships shown by our laboratory results indicate that interspecific aggression may be one mechanism involved in keeping these sympatric species ecologically separated.    相似文献   

This paper addresses how habitat manipulations in a black sagebrush ( Artemisia nova ) -dominated area, John's Valley of southern Utah, affected resident desert rodent populations. Rodents studied included the deer mouse ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), Great Basin pocket mouse ( Perognathus parvus ), sagebrush vole ( Lagurus curtatus ), Ord's kangaroo rat ( Dipodomys ordii ), and least chipmunk ( Eutamias minimus ). The experimental design involved analyses of treatment and control (nontreatment) plots rather than pre- and posttreatment of all plots. Habitat manipulations emphasized cutting of shrubs (rotobeating), treatment of plants with a herbicide (2,4-D), and reseeding with a mixture of grasses, forbs, and shrubs. Posttreatment trapping indicated the deer mouse was the most abundant rodent in treatment and control plots. Data indicate the prescribed habitat treatments had no significant negative affects on the deer mouse demes on the control or treatment plots. Habitat treatments may have negatively impacted recruitment in pocket mice. Least chipmunks were not captured in plots treated by rotobeating. Our habitat manipulations may have contributed to interspecific competition in this rodent community through the reduction of both food and cover.  相似文献   

We conducted a trapping survey of small mammals along an elevational gradient in the La Sal Mountains and documented 4 species of shrews ( Sorex ), the largest number inhabiting any mountain range in Utah. Sorex palustris was restricted to very moist microhabitats near open water at mid- to high elevations where it was relatively common. Occurring in nearly all habitats across the entire sampling gradient, S. monticolus was the numerically dominant small mammal at many sites. Sorex nanus , a new record for the La Sals, was found in areas of rockfall at high elevations and in a rocky wash at mid-elevation. Sorex cinereus , a new record for southeastern Utah, was recorded at a single high-elevation locality. Most localities had 2 syntopic species of shrews, and at 1 site in and around a rockslide we recorded all 4 species. Despite their current isolation, the La Sal Mountains support a remarkably diverse shrew fauna. Their proximity to the main southern Rocky Mountains as a rich faunal source and the presence of abundant rockfall microhabitat appear to be important causal factors.  相似文献   

Ruby Lake is a highly mesic and vegetationally diverse pluvial lake basin of east central Nevada. Small mammal associations were examined in six plant communities at Ruby Lake using transects of live traps. Small mammal activity was recorded for these six habitats plus an additional three other specialized habitats. A total of 11 species of small mammals were trapped from the six habitat types; from the entire study area 26 species were trapped or observed. Two greasewood shrub habitats and a shadscale-spiny hopsage habitat held the highest number of trapped species, 6, 5, and 7, respectively. The mesic haymeadow and spring habitats, as well as the big sagebrush-antelope bitterbrush habitat held 4 trapped species each. Peromyscus maniculatus and Perognathus parvus made up 76% of the total captures and were found in all habitat types except marshlands. Eutamius minimus was found in four of the six habitat types, while Dipodomys ordii , Dipodomys microps , Perognathus parvus , and Microtus montanus were limited to specialized habitats. Mesic adapted, wetland species such as Mustela vison , Ondatra zibethicus , and Sorex vagrans possibly dispersed into Ruby Valley from the northeastern drainages and valleys during the late Pleistocene or Holocene.  相似文献   

An investigation of the diet of the Common Barn-owl ( Tyto alba ) on Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, Utah, yielded four mammal species not previously known to occur on any island in the Great Salt Lake ( Microtus pennsylvanicus, M. montanus, Ondatra zibethicus , and a Sorex sp.). Two other species, known from other islands, were added to the list of fauna of Antelope Island ( Perognathus parvus and Reithrodontomys megalotis ). The barn owl diet on Antelope Island was remarkably like that of barn owls feeding in farmlands adjacent to the Great Salt Lake despite major vegetational differences.  相似文献   

Data on reproduction of three species of pocket mice ( Perognathus ) occurring in northern Utah are summarized. Perognathus parvus and P. formosus bred in spring but not the remainder of the year. This occurred despite mild fall and winter temperatures and shallow snowcover. Litter sizes for P. parvus and P. formosus were similar to those reported by previous investigators. A small sample of P. longimembris indicated they may have much larger litters (averaging 5.78 young) than previously reported for laboratory populations. Adult body mass was positively correlated with testis mass in all species, and with litter size in P. parvus .  相似文献   

Summer food habits of a small mammal community in the Piceance Basin of Colorado were investigated during 1977 and 1978 using a combination of fecal and stomach content analyses. Three species, deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), least chipmunks ( Eutamias minimus ), and plains pocket mice ( Perognathus flavescens ) consumed arthropods as the majority of their diets. Bushy-tailed woodrats ( Neotoma cinerea ) consumed predominantly woody vegetation, and the diet of golden-mantled ground squirrels ( Spermophilus lateralis ) consisted primarily of forbs and fungi. Mountain cottontails ( Sylvilagus nuttalli ) depended heavily on grasses, with a mix of woody vegetation and forbs composing the remainder of their diet. Most of the species investigated selected different foods and thus avoided competition for food. Plains pocket mice may have competed with deer mice for arthropods in 1977.  相似文献   

Observations of 23 dwarf shrews ( Sorex nanus ) at Fracas Lake in Arizona extend the range of this uncommon shrew northward on the Kaibab Plateau and provide further information regarding the ecology and habitat requirements of this species. Shrews were captured in a previously unreported habitat type (Rocky Mountain montane conifer forest; Brown 1982). This study illustrates the usefulness of intensive, long-term studies and faunal surveys using pitfall traps.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):481-494
Old-growth mountain forests in the Pyrenees have natural gap dynamics, a well-developed shrub layer and a large amount of dead wood. Small mammal communities in two types of old-growth forests, silver fir and mountain pine, were studied in July and September in 2006 and 2007. Four species were trapped: bank vole (Myodes glareolus), wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) and common shrew (Sorex araneus). Bank voles and wood mice were most commonly trapped (78% of all captures). There were no differences in community composition in the two forest types, although the bank vole was more often captured in the silver fir than in the mountain pine forest. Mammals were more frequently captured at trap stations with high shrub cover, high tree regeneration cover and low herbaceous cover. Our results show that forest structure and, to a lesser extent, forest type determine small mammal community structure, and specifically fine-scale occurrence patterns, in these old-growth forests.  相似文献   

The relationships between vegetative and edaphic habitat factors and the local distribution and abundance of small mammals on Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney County, Oregon, were examined between July 1973 and June 1975. Of 16 species of small mammals captured, deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), montane voles ( Microtus montanus ), Great Basin pocket mice ( Perognathus parvus ), and least chipmunks ( Eutamias minimus ) comprised 90.1 percent of the individuals. The physiognomy of the vegetation was a factor in the distribution of rodent species other than deer mice. Pocket mice and chipmunks were restricted to the communities dominated by sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) or greasewood ( Sarcobatus vermiculatus ). Population densities of pocket mice and chipmunks were significantly related to edaphic factors such as soil depth, texture, and strength, which may have affected the construction and stability of burrows. Montane voles occurred only in marsh or grassland communities. Population densities of voles were directly correlated with the amount of cover and inversely correlated with its patchiness. Deer mice were the most common species encountered and occurred in all but the grassland communities. The density of this species was related to vegetative or edaphic factors only seasonally or in certain habitats, and few generalizations could be made.  相似文献   

From May 1978 through September 1980, baseline data for rodent populations were collected by livetrapping in the Saval Ranch area of northeastern Nevada. The objectives of this study were to determine species composition and relative abundance of rodents for the various range sites. The 3 most abundant and uniformly distributed species were deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), Great Basin pocket mice ( Perognathus parvus ), and least chipmunks ( Neotamias minimus ). Relative abundance indices and densities reported for most species were similar to those reported in other multiyear studies at similar sites. The composition and relative abundance / density of rodent species was variable among habitats and over time. Diverse rodent species within the sagebrush ecosystem have commensurately diverse habitat requirements that should be considered when vegetation management is planned. Annual population fluctuations and differences among similar habitats should be considered when researchers propose to test rodent population responses to livestock grazing or other habitat treatments.  相似文献   

Three desert Artemisia tridentata communities in Rush Valley, Utah, were trapped for small rodents during the summer of 1970, and population densities were estimated for each population category using Lincoln's index. Animals were weighed and rodent biomass calculated by species throughout the summer. Population, biomass, and other data were then analyzed to gain an understanding of the community relationships of the three study areas to each other as well as to the A. tridentata community types of the Great Basin. Peromyscus maniculatus, Eutamias minimus, and Reithrodontomys megalotis were common to area 1, whereas P. maniculatus, E. minimus, and Perognathus parvus were common to areas 2 and 3. The peak estimated standing crops were 182.8 (74.0). 143.1 (57.9), and 129.7 g/acre (52.5 g/ha) for areas 2, 1, and 3 respectively. The population and biomass of area 2 peaked in midsummer, area 1 early summer, and area 3 late summer.  相似文献   

We report the collection of 8 additional specimens of Sorex merriami from northwestern Nebraska; previously only 2 specimens had been collected in the state. The new specimens were captured in pitfall traps and Sherman live-traps from 1979 through 1996 in Dawes, Sheridan, and Sioux counties. These individuals were caught together with Sorex cinereus and several rodent species in a variety of grassland habitats, including disturbed roadsides dominated by native and introduced grasses and forbs, grassland openings in forests of ponderosa pine, and an open, dry grassland. Seven of the new specimens, captured in late May, early June, and December, were young-of-the-year, and 4 of these were not in reproductive condition; reproductive status of the other 3 was not assessed. One individual, captured in late May, was an old male in reproductive condition.  相似文献   

Local distribution patterns of three rodent species ( Perognathus parvus, Peromyscus maniculatus, Reithrodontomys megalotis ) were studied in areas of high and low densities of harvester ants ( Pogonomyrmex owyheei ) in Raft River Valley, Idaho. Numbers of rodents were greatest in areas of high ant-density during May, but partially reduced in August; whereas, the trend was reversed in areas of low ant-density. Seed abundance was probably not the factor limiting changes in rodent populations, because seed densities of annual plants were always greater in areas of high ant-density. Differences in seasonal population distributions of rodents between areas of high and low ant-densities were probably due to interactions of seed availability, rodent energetics, and predation.  相似文献   

A series of removal experiments were performed on Dipodomys merriami, D. microps, and Perognathus longimembris to test for the importance of competition for food and microhabitats in a heteromyid community in the Great Basin Desert. Each of these species was removed singly to determine the short-term effects on the microhabitat preferences of the remaining species. We correctly predicted, based on differences in diet, that the removal of D. microps (a foliovore) would have no effect on D. merriami or P. longimembris (granivores). Using the dominance hierarchy theory, we correctly predicted that removal of a larger heteromyid, D. merriami, would have an effect on the microhabitat use of the smaller P. longimembris, but not vice versa. While our results offer strong evidence of competition for food and microhabitats, the short-term reactions were weak compared to the long-term reactions found in other studies of heteromyids.  相似文献   

We captured >2000 Crawford’s gray shrews ( Notiosorex crawfordi ) in a riparian forest mainly consisting of cottonwoods ( Populus deltoides ) along the Rio Grande in central New Mexico. Little has been published about abundance and habitat of Crawford’s gray shrew throughout its distributional range. During 7 summers, we captured shrews in pitfall traps at 13 study sites in Bernalillo, Valencia, and Socorro counties. Capture rates of shrews were greatest in August and September, and we did not detect a response of shrews to restoration treatments that removed nonnative plants from riparian forests. Results from our study indicate that (1) Crawford’s gray shrews are more abundant in riparian habitats than historically presumed and (2) pitfall traps with drift fences are an effective means to capture shrews.  相似文献   

Average linear movement by populations of Dipodomys ordii, Microtus montanus, Perognathus parvus, and Peromyscus maniculatus   was investigated over a 15-month period by live trapping on a low-level, radioactive waste disposal area in Idaho. No significant differences in movement among habitats were observed seasonally, excepting M. montanus in spring. Average linear movements within habitats ranged from 20 to 70 m for all species, but some patterns varied seasonally and among age classes for individual species. Although predation on contaminated small mammals from the disposal area is a vector of radionuclide transport, local movements by these rodents do not appear to be of sufficient magnitude to contribute significantly to redistribution of radioactive particles.  相似文献   

Eighteen pine marten ( Martes americana ) stomachs and 29 intestinal tracts, collected between October 1983 and March 1984 from northern Colorado, were examined for food items. Voles ( Microtus spp.) occurred most frequently, followed by shrews ( Sorex spp.), insects, and vegetative matter.  相似文献   

Average linear movement by populations of Dipodomys ordii, Microtus montanus, Perognathus parvus, and Peromyscus maniculatus   was investigated over a 15-month period by live trapping on a low-level, radioactive waste disposal area in Idaho. No significant differences in movement among habitats were observed seasonally, excepting M. montanus in spring. Average linear movements within habitats ranged from 20 to 70 m for all species, but some patterns varied seasonally and among age classes for individual species. Although predation on contaminated small mammals from the disposal area is a vector of radionuclide transport, local movements by these rodents do not appear to be of sufficient magnitude to contribute significantly to redistribution of radioactive particles.  相似文献   

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