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Three experiments were conducted to determine if water from the Great Salt Lake altered in chemical composition and dilution can be used successfully to sustain a species of hermit crab Pagarus sp. and the American Lobster ( Homarus americanus ). Great Salt Lake water altered by freshwater dilution will not sustain the hermit crab or the American lobster. Great Salt Lake water can be altered chemically by dilution to support growth of the American lobster. American lobsters maintained in Instant Ocean synthetic sea water (control) grow at a more rapid rate than animals sustained in altered Great Salt Lake water. A plastic primer coat used for plastic tank repair appears to be a moult inhibitor for the American lobster. Lobsters afflicted by the primer coat are not able to reverse the damage by continued moults.  相似文献   

Two series of experiments were completed to determine (a) toxicity of waste water from power plants on warm water fish and (b) multiple use of waste heat and water for aquatic animal and plant production. All three types of waste water from a typical coal-fired power plant are acceptable for growing catfish and tilapia following aeration. This growth was compared with fish raised in spring water. Closed, recirculating polyculture systems using evaporation pond water operated efficiently for plant (duckweed) and animal (fish and freshwater prawns) production. Duckweed is an excellent supplement for fish feed. Tilapia and freshwater prawns grew rapidly in the tanks containing duckweed only.     相似文献   

Obtaining estimates of absolute abundance for rare or cryptic species can be challenging. In these cases,methods using indirect indicators such as sign might offer useful indices of population size. Pygmy rabbits ( Brachylagus idahoensis ) are small, burrowing lagomorphs for which methods for population assessment and monitoring are needed. Current tools for estimating relative abundance rely on detecting and assessing fecal pellets and burrow systems. We evaluated temporal changes in each of these indicators to gauge their potential usefulness as indicators of relative and absolute abundance of pygmy rabbits. Pellet persistence was strongly influenced by environmental exposure, and based on our data, we estimated that maximum persistence of fecal pellets would be 24–34 months. Pellet appearance (color) was affected by both time and exposure. Burrow systems were remarkably resilient over the course of the study. Probability of burrow systems transitioning between activity classes (active, recent, and old) did not vary detectably by study site, season, or year. We suggest that 2 protocols currently used for classification of pygmy rabbit burrow systems are most useful for different applications. Further work is needed, however, to link such assessments to quantitative estimates of population size.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2765-2774
Habitat specialization is recorded as one of the central factors that make species vulnerable to extinction. Among snakes, there is considerable variation in this trait, as some species are specialists and others are generalists in habitat use. We have quantified habitat specialization in the snakes of the southern Iberian Peninsula, and compared it with their abundance and IUCN categories. All data were combined for a principal components analysis that discriminated two main groups: three generalist species that live in all types of habitat, and five specialist species that ranged from rather scarce to extremely rare and are found only in unaltered habitats. The three generalist snakes are not threatened and their IUCN category is Least Concern. Three out of the five specialist species are categorized as Near Threatened, Vulnerable, and Endangered at regional or national levels. The other two species are currently considered Not Threatened and we discuss whether they are incorrectly classified. The conservation status of snakes is difficult to evaluate because of their secretive habits and low population densities. We suggest that quantifying habitat specialization may be a useful tool for assessing the conservation status of secretive organisms such as snakes.  相似文献   

A wild population of Pacific tree frogs ( Hyla regilla ) in Idaho exhibited a high incidence (22%) of hind limb abnormalities. This situation is discussed with reference to similar occurrences reported for isolated populations of the species in the Pacific Northwest.      相似文献   

Avian use of scoria outcrop habitats was compared to use of sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.)/grassland habitats. Outcrop habitats exhibited higher species richness, total population density, density of lark sparrows ( Chondestres grammacus ), and density of rock wrens ( Salpinctes obsoletus ). Western meadowlarks ( Sturnella neglecta ) and vesper sparrows ( Pooecetes gramineus ) were more abundant in sagebrush/grassland habitats than in scoria outcrops. Habitat relationship models indicated that the unique plant community and structural diversity diversity provided by the scoria outcrops were correlated with increased avain use.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1273-1289
This study tests the hypothesis that sympatric species of Hyalella may show different reproductive strategies that permit their coexistence. Ovigerous females were collected monthly with nets during a 1-year period in two aquaculture trout ponds in Vale das Trutas, São José dos Ausentes County, southern Brazil. In both species there was a decrease in the number of embryos in the brood pouch during embryonic development, and an increase in egg volume. However, the two species differed in the body size of ovigerous females, number of eggs and juveniles per female, brood mortality rate, egg size and hatching size of juveniles. Egg production continued throughout the year, with the highest number of eggs produced during winter and spring by Hyalella pleoacuta, and winter, spring and autumn by Hyalella castroi. These differences in the reproductive traits of species of Hyalella may permit their coexistence in nature.  相似文献   

To penetrate tree bark, arboreal aphids of the genus Stomaphis Walk. (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Lachninae) have proboscides up to three times their body length. Our observations of S. quercus (L.) complement a recent analysis of the anatomy and function of these mouthparts by clarifying how these relatively short-legged aphids move their proboscides between the resting position, pointing back, and the prognathous working position. The absence of crumenae in Stomaphis aphids and their feeding technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Aquatic anoles present an interesting ecomorphological puzzle. On the one hand, the link between habitat use and morphology is well established as convergent within the Caribbean anole radiation. On the other hand, aquatic anoles do not appear to form an ecomorphological group – rather, it appears that there may be several ways to adapt to aquatic habitats. We explore this issue by examining the ecology, morphology and performance of four species of Central American aquatic anoles belonging to two different lineages. Overall, we find that aquatic anoles overlap in multiple ecological and morphological dimensions. However, we do find some differences in substrate use, claw and limb morphology, and bite force that distinguish Anolis aquaticus from the other three species (A. lionotus, A. oxylophus and A. poecilopus). Our results suggest that A. aquaticus is adapted to climb on boulders, whereas the other species utilise vegetation in streamside habitats.  相似文献   

Habitat use by Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus hens with broods was examined at Jackass Creek and Hart Mountain, Oregon, from 1989 through 1991. Sage Grouse hens initially selected low sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) cover types during early brood-rearing, big sagebrush cover types later in the brood-rearing period, and ultimately concentrated use in and near lakebeds and meadows. Areas used by Sage Grouse broods typically had greater forb frequency than did random sites. Hens at Jackass Creek selected sites with forb cover similar to that generally available at Hart Mountain, but home ranges were larger at Jackass Creek because of lower availability of suitable brood-rearing habitat. Differences in habitat use by broods on the two areas were reflected in dietary differences; at Hart Mountain, chicks primarily ate forbs and insects, whereas at Jackass Creek most of the diet was sagebrush. Larger home ranges, differences in diets, and differences in availability of forb-rich habitats possibly were related to differences in abundance and productivity between areas.  相似文献   

Water sources are an important habitat component for populations of bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ), and the technique of sampling at water sources has been used extensively to study behaviors and estimate parameters of bighorn populations. Little is known, however, concerning the time of day at which groups of bighorns visit water. Understanding when bighorns visit water sources will allow wildlife investigators to conduct sampling when bighorns are most likely to be present at this resource. We quantified use of 7 water sources by reintroduced bighorn sheep during summer 2005 and 2006 on Antelope Island State Park, Utah. Our purpose was to determine if female, male, or mixed-sex groups visited water at a particular time and if visits to this resource by all bighorns differed in time during drought conditions compared with nondrought conditions. The mean time that all bighorns visited water was 14:22 ( s = 3:08 hours). No time differences existed among female, male, or mixed-sex groups or between drought and nondrought conditions. Our results provide wildlife investigators with a time frame for activating motion-sensor cameras or sampling at water sources, which will increase the likelihood of photographing or observing reintroduced Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep at water sources in portions of the Great Basin Desert.  相似文献   

The Mountain Plover ( Charadrius montanus ) is a shorebird species endemic to the dry, terrestrial ecosystems of the Great Plains and southwestern United States. Breeding Bird Survey data suggest that Mountain Plover populations have declined by > 60% in the last 30 years. A better understanding of the population dynamics of the Mountain Plover is important in determining future management goals for this species. However, this effort is hampered by the inability to determine the sex of Mountain Plovers accurately under field conditions. In an effort to develop a simple method for sexing plovers in the hand, we measured external morphometric characteristics from 190 museum specimens of adult Mountain Plovers in alternate (breeding) plumage. Logistic regression and discriminant function analyses were performed on 10 external morphometric measurements (lengths of unflattened wing chord, 10th primary, central rectrix, outer rectrix, total head length, exposed culmen, culmen, bill depth, bill width, and tarsus). The results of these analyses indicated that Mountain Plover sexes were similar for all measures except culmen length. However, further analysis determined that culmen length accurately predicted sex in less than two-thirds of the specimens, suggesting that this measure is a poor predictor of sex in Mountain Plovers. Structurally, Mountain Plovers appear to be nearly identical between the sexes, and other methods of sexing birds (e.g., plumage characteristics, behavioral observations, or molecular markers) should be further assessed for devising a simple method for sexing Mountain Plovers under field conditions.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of habitat use by Greater Sandhill Cranes ( Grus canadensis tabida ) in the Intermountain West, April-October 1991-92, to determine whether cranes exhibited a specific preference for crops, fields, and areas within a field. This information will help farmers and wildlife managers direct nonlethal control methods to the sites where crane damage is most likely to occur. We conducted surveys along two 37-km transects weekly in Cache Valley, Utah, and biweekly in Bear River Valley, Rich County, Utah, and Lincoln County, Wyoming. We recorded 5814 cranes in 662 separate groups. Most were located in pasture/hay (34%), small grain (39%), alfalfa (9%), plowed (9%), fallow (4%), or corn (1%) fields. An index of feeding activity for each field and habitat type suggested cranes fed at approximately the same rate in each field and habitat type. Crane diurnal activity patterns during summer and fall revealed that grainfields were used heavily throughout the day.  相似文献   

We compared vegetation structure used by 14 bird species during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons to determine what habitat features best accounted for habitat division and community organization in Utah juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma ) woodlands of southwestern Wyoming. Habitat use was quantified by measuring 24 habitat variables in 461 bird-centered quadrats, each 0.04 ha in size. Using discriminant function analysis, we differentiated between habitat used by 14 bird species along 3 habitat dimensions: (1) variation in shrub cover, overstory juniper cover, mature tree density, understory height, and decadent tree density; (2) a gradient composed of elevation and forb cover; and (3) variation in grass cover, tree height, seedling/sapling cover, and bare ground/rock cover. Of 14 species considered, 9 exhibited substantial habitat partitioning: Mourning Dove ( Zenaida macroura ), Bewick's Wren ( Thryomanes bewickii ), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ( Polioptila caerulea ), Mountain Bluebird ( Sialia currucoides ), Plumbeous Vireo ( Vireo plumbeus ), Green-tailed Towhee ( Pipilo chlorurus ), Brewer's Sparrow ( Spizella breweri ), Dark-eyed Junco ( Junco hyemalis ), and Cassin's Finch ( Carpodacus cassinii ). Our results indicate juniper bird communities of southwestern Wyoming are organized along a 3-dimensional habitat gradient composed of woodland maturity, elevation, and juniper recruitment. Because juniper birds partition habitat along successional and altitudinal gradients, indiscriminate woodland clearing as well as continued fire suppression will alter species composition. Restoration efforts should ensure that all successional stages of juniper woodland are present on the landscape.  相似文献   

We captured 299 individuals of 11 bat species in mist-nets at 18 water sources in west central Nevada from June through August 1994. Myotis ciliolubrum, Pipistrellus hesperus, M. californicus , and Corynorhinus townsendii were the most common species captured. These species are apparently broadly distributed throughout west central Nevada, occurring in a variety of habitat types. We captured Euderma maculatum at 2 localities. These represent the 1st known records of this species in Esmeralda County, Nevada. Mine adits were surveyed for hibernating bats from December 1994 through February 1995. We determined the presence of 3 hibernating species: C. townsendii, M. ciliolabrum and P. hesperus . Bats were present in 19 of 70 mines (27%) we surveyed at elevations ranging from 1500 m to 2460 m. C. townsendii was the most common species encountered. Our study provides some much-needed baseline data on bat distribution and use of mines for hibernacula in west central Nevada.  相似文献   

Solifugids (camel spiders) are widespread throughout arid regions of western North America and are thought to be important in structuring desert arthropod communities. Despite the ubiquity of camel spiders, little is known about their ecology. Black-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys ludovicianus ) are also widespread in western North America and are important ecosystem engineers, but they have been reduced in extent because of human activity. Here we report significantly greater numbers of camel spiders on black-tailed prairie dog colonies in southern New Mexico. The difference in vegetation structure created by prairie dog activity is likely the reason for the increased prevalence of camel spiders on colonies. Because camel spiders are important predators and prey, the observation that colonies support higher numbers of these animals provides a mechanism explaining differences in arthropod communities on and off colonies and explaining the preferential foraging behavior of vertebrates associated with prairie dog colonies.  相似文献   

Wild turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo ) brood-rearing sites have been described for portions of their range, but brood-rearing habitat use and characteristics of brood-rearing sites used by Rio Grande Wild Turkeys ( M. g. intermedia ) in the Pacific Northwest were unknown. We described cover types at 362 brood-rearing sites and measured habitat characteristics at 64 of these sites used by a recently established Rio Grande Wild Turkey population in southwestern Oregon during May-September 1989 and 1990. Hens with broods used 9 of 10 available cover types. Meadows, mixed hardwood/conifer woodlands, and savannas were used more often than expected (47% of observations, P ≤ 0.05). Broods used mature mixed conifer and dense sapling/pole mixed conifer cover types less than expected and did not use brush-fields. Many brood-rearing sites were characterized by a parklike appearance. Understory vegetation averaged P ≤ 0.05). We suggest that land managers maintain mixed hardwood/conifer woodland and savanna cover types adjacent to meadows on south slopes to provide brood-rearing habitat for Rio Grande Wild Turkeys in southwestern Oregon.  相似文献   

We studied summer habitat use by Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse ( Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus ) in western Idaho during 1983-85. Vegetative and topographic measurements were recorded at 716 locations of 15 radio-tagged grouse and at 180 random sites within the major vegetation/cover types in the study area. The mean size of summer home ranges was 1.87 ± 1.14 km 2 . Of eight cover types identified in the study area, individual grouse used the big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata ) cover type more than or in proportion to availability, the low sagebrush ( A. arbuscula ) in proportion to availability, and avoided the shrubby eriogonum ( Eriogonum spp.) type. Characteristics of the big sagebrush cover type that Sharp-tailed Grouse preferred include moderate vegetative cover, high plant species diversity, and high structural diversity. Grouse used areas of dense cover (i.e., mountain shrub and riparian cover types) primarily for escape cover. Compared with random sites, grouse selected areas with (1) greater horizontal and vertical cover, (2) greater canopy coverage of forbs typically decreased by livestock grazing, (3) greater density and canopy coverage of arrowleaf balsamroot ( Balsamorhiza sagittata ), and (4) greater canopy coverage of bluebunch wheatgrass ( Agropyron spicatum ) in the big sagebrush cover type in 1984 and the low sagebrush cover type in 1985. The importance of the native perennials arrowleaf balsamroot and bluebunch wheatgrass became apparent during a drought year when many exotic annuals dried up and provided no cover. Overall, grouse selected vegetative communities that were least modified by livestock grazing.  相似文献   

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