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Hanging gardens are insular plant communities of the Colorado Plateau. This study examines hanging gardens in the Narrows, Zion National Park, Utah. The floristic similarity of gardens and the presence of species in classes of variables which characterize the habitat are disclosed. Although the gardens are isolated and dissimilar, the individual species are not restricted in the range of habitat found. Floristic dissimilarity cannot be attributed to differences in habitat. These results are compared to studies of hanging gardens in eastern Utah.    相似文献   

This is a summary monograph of the hanging gardens as they occur in the Colorado River and Virgin River portion of the Colorado Plateau in Utah. Discussed in this paper are the hanging gardens, their geography, geomorphology, aspects of distribution and diversity, and principal vascular and algal plant species. Animal trapping studies and pland productivity aspects are reviewed.  相似文献   

This is a summary monograph of the hanging gardens as they occur in the Colorado River and Virgin River portion of the Colorado Plateau in Utah. Discussed in this paper are the hanging gardens, their geography, geomorphology, aspects of distribution and diversity, and principal vascular and algal plant species. Animal trapping studies and pland productivity aspects are reviewed.  相似文献   

The structure of grassland communities can vary widely in response to heterogeneous habitat variables. In this study we document plant communities, soil types, and site characteristics for 12 Palouse prairie remnants in southeastern Washington and northern Idaho. We used general linear models to test the predictive value of 6 biophysical variables (slope, aspect, distance from edge, edge type, vegetation structure, and soil type) on 3 plant community metrics: species richness, Simpson’s diversity index, and the dominance of exotic species. From full models including all variables, we used Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) to select the best model for each metric. Aspect and vegetation structure were significant predictors of species richness ( R 2 = 0.08) and diversity ( R 2 = 0.09), while aspect, soil type, distance from edge, and edge type (type of adjacent matrix habitat) influenced the dominance of exotic species ( R 2 = 0.28). Additional soil sampling determined that the depth to a restrictive layer also had significant impacts on the dominance of exotic species ( R 2 = 0.31). This study confirms that biophysical characteristics influence Palouse prairie plant communities and may help set research and conservation priorities for isolated and uninventoried remnants.  相似文献   

The chalk barrens of the Niobrara Formation in the Arkansas River valley of Colorado exhibit a high degree of plant endemism and rarity. We examined their geochemistry and structure as well as the reproductive ecology of their signature species Mirabilis rotundifolius to assess factors influencing endemism. While no single component consistently identified the barren soils, the natural locations that support Mirablilis can be identified using elemental profiles from a cluster analysis of soil extracts. Because seeds germinate and plants proliferate in transplant gardens with non-calcic soils, bedrock and soil chemistry do not appear to be determinant components of endemism. Mirabilis rotundifoilus utilizes diverse pollinators but is capable of autogamy when insects are excluded; seed predation by harvester ants may be a limiting factor for population spread outside the barrens habitat. Mirabilis rotundifolius is a disturbance-tolerant species, part of a barrens cohort that shares traits of suffrutescence, woody caudices, or multibranched rhizomes penetrating the chalk strata. Its presence may be enhanced when disturbance inhibits the presence of other species that compete for limited water resources. We conclude that endemism is dictated not by unusual soil chemistry requirements but rather by structural components of the barrens. In a water-limited environment, shallow soils and thin chalk strata coupled with a functionally adaptive growth habit allow M. rotundifolius to survive when other species are excluded by disturbance or the physiochemical aspects of the barrens.  相似文献   

A synecological study of aquatic macrophyte plant communities was conducted across northern Idaho and western Montana during the summers of 1997, 1998, and 1999. A total of 111 natural and man-made water bodies were sampled based on a stratification of environmental variables thought to influence plant species distribution (i.e., elevation, landform, geology, and water body size). Plant species foliar cover data were used to develop a hierarchical, floristic-based community type classification with TWINSPAN and DECORANA software. Six planmergent (conspicuous portion of vegetative plant body on the water surface) and 24 submergent (vegetative plant body found primarily underwater) community types were identified. Multivariate analysis indicated that all community types displayed significant differences in plant species composition, and the Sorensons floristic similarity between communities averaged 10% for planmergent and 8% for submergent types. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to inspect relationships between abiotic factors and plant species abundance. Results of this analysis indicated some relationships between species distributions and abiotic factors; however, chance introduction of plant species to water bodies is a process considered to be equally important to the presence of the community types described.  相似文献   

The major hanging gardens and associated water seeps in Zion National Park were surveyed for the presence of the Zion Snail ( Physa zionis ). Environmental parameters, including water depth, water velocity, substrate slope, and algal cover, were measured to determine their effect on the local distribution of the snail. Large populations (densities 125 to 250/m 2 ) were found in the Virgin River Narrows area of the park and at a hanging garden and seep located 1.0 km north of Scout Lookout. Densities in other localities were low in comparison. Snails were not found in all hanging gardens or seeps. The major factor controlling within seep distribution was determined to be water velocity. Experiments were conducted to test the ability of the snail to remain attached during differing water flows. The snail showed an ability to remain attached during high flows, but few snails were found in areas of high flow.  相似文献   

The floristic composition of Navajo National Monument is presented. The flora of the monument consists of 293 species of vascular plants, representing 177 genera and 66 families. The species are scattered throughout 12 plant communities found within the monument. The flora is dominated by forbs (60 percent), followed by shrubs (16 percent), grasses (12 percent) and trees (5 percent). Betatakin canyon exhibits the greatest floristic richness with 223 species being represented and 123 species found only in that area. This is due primarily to two factors: (1) the greater variety of habitats available in the area, and (2) the much longer time the area has been protected from grazing and other manmade disturbance.  相似文献   

Vegetation patterns in Navajo National Monument, Arizona, were studied over a five-year period from 1977 to 1981. Twelve distinct plant community types occur within the boundaries of the park. These communities are characterized and the dominant plant species of each are recorded. The relationships of parent material, soils, and moisture to plant communities are also discussed. It appears that discrete communities occupy soils of different characteristics, particularly with respect to amount of weathering of parent material.      相似文献   

Diversity of macrobenthic communities was studied from water bodies and streams of Spitsbergen, Svalbard archipelago, Norway. In total 162 quantitative samples from different regions of Spitsbergen were analysed in relation to environmental variables. Macrobenthic communities were found on all kinds of substrates (except for the periglacial zone), representing a wide range of biological communities: solid-bottom, soft-bottom, macrophytes and small brook associated. However, taxonomical structure is very simplified, with particular dominance of the Chironomidae family. Chironomid larvae dominated highly in diversity, abundance and biomass. Overall macrobenthic communities were characteristic, with remarkable dominance of one species and general omnipresent taxonomical scarcity (average 2.8 species per sample). In total we found 30 taxa. We distinguished 16 types of macrobenthis communities, with characteristic dominance of different taxa: chironomids (11 types), oligochaete Enchytraeidae family (3), caddisfly Apatania zonella (1) and gammarid amphipod Gammarus setosus (1). Regarding environmental variables, temperature and pH had the most significant influence on the abundance of macrobenthic organisms. It is hypothesized that the structural convergence of different types of communities is their common response to extreme high Arctic living conditions. On the other hand, different chironomids may dominate in the same habitats and water bodies. This gives the effect of lower average similarity of communities and high β-diversity.  相似文献   

The role of climate and natural disturbance in the past provides a context for understanding present and future changes in biota. The vegetation history of the Yellowstone region, like that of North America as a whole, is largely one of plant invasions and extinctions in response to changes in climate and environment. When Holocene plant migrations are examined on multiple spatial and temporal scales, several generalities are apparent. First, at a continental and regional scale, plant migration patterns followed the direction of climate change, whereas at local scales plant colonization was governed by site-specific conditions and possibly by biotic interactions. Second, species were individualistic in their response to climate change, and, as their ranges shifted across the landscape, existing communities were dismantled and new ones were formed. Individual species met little resistance from existing communities. Third, rates of species invasion were astonishingly rapid, suggesting that rare long-distance dispersal events were critical. Fourth, fire during periods of climate change was an important catalyst in allowing the invasion of new species, but it is unlikely that a single fire event triggered irreversible vegetation change. Regional climate and biotic changes in response to projected increases in atmospheric CO 2 in the next century suggest an even more complex picture than in the past. Model simulations portray changes in temperature and precipitation in the Yellowstone region that have not occurred in the last 20,000 years. Likewise, projected changes in species ranges, including latitudinal, longitudinal, and elevational shifts, require faster rates than anything observed in the fossil record. Increased fire occurrence may help maintain some native taxa but promote the decline of others. Thus, future conditions are likely to create evermore opportunities for exotic species to invade and establish within the Yellowstone region.  相似文献   

Eleven campgrounds in Yellowstone National Park were studied to determine the geography of 10 specific exotic plant species adjacent to campgrounds. Exotics were found in only 6 campgrounds. Six species were found at Mammoth campground, a low-elevation, dry site with year-round use. Only 2 species were found in the other 5 campgrounds. Exotics decreased with distance from Mammoth campground out to 6 m and then increased, suggesting a spread in their distribution. Significant associations were found between exotic presence and both open and closed canopies and low levels of disturbance. Generally, exotics decreased with an increase in cover of other vegetation forms. Five species were found most frequently in big sagebrush habitat types.  相似文献   

The plant communities and individual plant species in and around a salt playa near Goshen, Utah County, Utah, were studied in relation to gradients for soluble salts, soil moisture, and pH. Forty-eight stands were sampled. Frequency data were taken for all plant species. Soil samples were collected from each site and analyzed to establish the environmental gradients. Results indicate that the vegetational types respond differentially to the three gradients and can be segregated on the basis of one or more of the gradients. The total soluble salts gradient was found to be the most influential of the three sampled. Correlation analysis indicates that 45 percent of the variation in plant diversity can be accounted for by the three gradients. Distributional patterns of individual plant species are strongly influenced by the three gradients. Niche width measurements exhibited no correlation with the measured gradients.  相似文献   

The vegetation of three alpine cirque basins in the northern San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado was inventoried and analyzed for the degree of specificity shown by vascular plant communities for certain types of habitats identified as representative of the basins. A total of 197 vascular plant species representing 31 families was inventoried. Growth forms of all species were noted and a growth form spectrum for all of the communities was derived. The caespitose monocot and erect dicot growth forms are the most important growth forms among the community dominants. The most common growth form among all species is the rosette dicot.        相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(22):2821-2832
The spreading of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii throughout the world is attributed to human introductions; however, the rapid and widespread diffusion of the species following its establishment is the result of its dispersal capabilities. This study aimed to provide further information for the comprehension of the invasive potential of this crayfish by underlining some aspects of its behavioural flexibility. Radio-telemetry was used to analyse locomotion, home-range faithfulness and dispersal of the species in an Italian irrigation ditch system. Space was used differently by the two sexes, females being more nomadic in their ranging behaviour probably due to their reproductive phase. In addition, an inter-individual variability was found in both speed of locomotion and dispersal pattern. By applying a simulation model, it was shown that (1) both sexes disperse, and (2) ranging behaviour is not the result of a passive dispersion, but that the occupancy of burrows may affect the rate of dispersion. Finally, an intra-individual variability is related to the occurrence of two spatial strategies within the same population.  相似文献   

We examined landscape patterns in the physical conditions and vegetative composition of montane riparian zones to identify their most important sources of variation. Information on plant species cover and on physical characteristics that occur at coarse, medium, and fine scales was collected for 144 riparian plots located throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin, which straddles the California-Nevada border in the western United States. Constrained and unconstrained ordination analyses were used to identify the most important correlates of physical form and plant species composition. Through multivariate analysis of environmental variables (principal components analysis), vegetation data (detrended correspondence analysis), and the combined relationship between the environmental and vegetation data (canonical correspondence analysis), we consistently found that the greatest variation occurred along a gradient of decreasing valley width, decreasing stream sinuosity, and increasing stream slope. Although surface characteristics reflected a 2nd important source of variation in physical conditions, plant species distribution was not strongly correlated with riparian surface conditions. Strong correlations among physical variables that occur at different scales, such as between valley form and geofluvial surface and between geofluvial surface and surface conditions, support the use of a physically based hierarchical framework for organizing riparian zones within the landscape. Such a hierarchical framework would be useful for interpreting patterns in riparian structure and process at different scales and could be applied to riparian zones in other mountain landscapes of the western United States and elsewhere. Moreover, our finding that riparian plant species composition is most strongly correlated with environmental variables that occur at coarse to moderate scales, most of which can be derived from existing data, supports the idea that modeling montane riparian community distribution using topographic and remotely sensed data could be useful; however, a large degree of species variation, unexplained by the variables we collected, indicates that other variables, perhaps disturbance regime, should be included in such a venture. Nomenclature: Hickman (1993).  相似文献   

Ruby Lake is a highly mesic and vegetationally diverse pluvial lake basin of east central Nevada. Small mammal associations were examined in six plant communities at Ruby Lake using transects of live traps. Small mammal activity was recorded for these six habitats plus an additional three other specialized habitats. A total of 11 species of small mammals were trapped from the six habitat types; from the entire study area 26 species were trapped or observed. Two greasewood shrub habitats and a shadscale-spiny hopsage habitat held the highest number of trapped species, 6, 5, and 7, respectively. The mesic haymeadow and spring habitats, as well as the big sagebrush-antelope bitterbrush habitat held 4 trapped species each. Peromyscus maniculatus and Perognathus parvus made up 76% of the total captures and were found in all habitat types except marshlands. Eutamius minimus was found in four of the six habitat types, while Dipodomys ordii , Dipodomys microps , Perognathus parvus , and Microtus montanus were limited to specialized habitats. Mesic adapted, wetland species such as Mustela vison , Ondatra zibethicus , and Sorex vagrans possibly dispersed into Ruby Valley from the northeastern drainages and valleys during the late Pleistocene or Holocene.  相似文献   

The floristic composition of Angel Island, Marin County, California, is presented. The vascular flora consists of 416 native and naturalized plants, representing 252 genera and 73 families. Eighty species of ornamental plants persisting from cultivation, representing 64 genera and 39 families, are also identified. The nonvascular flora consists of 42 species of fungi, 7 species of green algae, 8 species of brown algae, and 41 species of red algae. The vascular flora occurs in seven plant communities and is composed mainly of the following plant types: forbs (69 percent), grasses (13 percent), shrubs (8 percent), and trees (4 percent). Approximately 25 percent of the 1605 native and naturalized vascular plants of Marin County occur on Angel Island.    相似文献   

Vascular plant communities surrounding Benton Hot Springs, Mono County, California, were studied. The springs complex is comprised of two thermal springs, a thermal stream, and a cooling pond. Water temperatures varied from 57 C in one hot spring to 45 C at the cooling pond. The vegetation showed concentric zones about the springs and cooling pond and parallel zones beside the stream. Each zone demonstrated its own dominant plant species with some species being present in two or more zones. A total of six zones were identified plus an algal mat on the springs themselves. Soil factor patterns varied from spring to desert as did vegetational parameters. Soil moisture appeared responsible for most of the patterns observed.  相似文献   

Vegetation characteristics of 15 sagebrush community types identified on the Humboldt National Forest, northeastern Nevada, are described. A total of 218 plant species were found over the 372 relatively undisturbed rangeland communities sampled. The dominant plant families encountered were the Asteraceae (45 taxa), Poaceae (32 taxa), Scrophulariaceae (14 taxa), and the Fabaceae (12 taxa). Average annual dry weight production of the community types ranged from about 400 kg/ha/yr on types with Artemisia nova as the dominant sagebrush species to 1,200 kg/ha/yr on some A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana community types. A general increase in species richness and vegetation plus litter ground cover was observed within community types as the dominant sagebrush species changed from A. nova to A. arbuscula to A. longiloba to A. tridentata spp. tridentata to A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana . Major differences in plant species production and constancy exist between the sagebrush community types studied.  相似文献   

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