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Between 1983 and 1985, 97 mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi Girard, were examined from five collection sites in central Utah for parasites. Eight different species of parasites were observed, representing seven genera of Protozoa ( Plistophora, Myxidium, Myxobolus, Ichthyophthirius, Trichodina, Apiosoma, Eimeria ) and one genus of Nematoda ( Rhabdochona ). The highest number of parasites was found in sculpin from the Provo River near residential areas, while the lowest number was recorded from Hobble Creek, a nearby pristine area. A complete list of parasites for C. bairdi with literature citations is presented. Each observed parasite is discussed emphasizing pathogenesis to the host.  相似文献   

Records of Wood River sculpin ( Cottus leiopomus ) from 1893 to 2003 were examined and new data were gathered in 2004 and 2006 to estimate the species’ historical range and to search for evidence of changes in its occurrence. Detections of Wood River sculpin were reported in 49 subwatersheds, primarily in the Idaho Batholith ecoregion. The remainder of the Wood River basin was classified as either potential historic range or unknown. Mark-recapture sampling was conducted to estimate the efficiency of electrofishing as a method to detect this sculpin. Sampling efficiency was calculated for 1 upstream pass and 1, 2, and 3 bidirectional passes. A mean sampling efficiency of 45.9% (range 15.4%–63.0%) was achieved using 3 bidirectional passes, block nets, and 0.942 minutes of electrofishing per m2 of stream surface. Efficiency declined an average of 38% between electrofishing passes. The rates and reduced efficiencies observed between passes suggest that multiple passes and visits are needed to reliably estimate sculpin presence or absence. Se examinaros registros observacionales de los charrascos espinosos Wood River ( Cottus leiopomus ) de 1893 a 2003 y nuevos datos fueron reunidos en 2004 y 2006 para estimar su extensión histórica y buscar evidencia de cambios en su presencia. Se ha reportado la detección de charrascos espinosos Wood River en 49 subcuencas, principalmente en la ecorregión del Batolito de Idaho. El resto de la cuenca del Wood River fue clasificado, ya sea como posible distribución histórica o como desconocida. Se llevó a cabo un muestreo de marcaje y recaptura para estimar la eficiencia de la electropesca como método para detectar el charrasco espinoso. Se calculó la eficiencia del muestreo para un pase río arriba y 1, 2 y 3 pases bidireccionales. Se alcanzó una eficiencia promedio del muestreo de 45.9% (del 15.4 al 63.0%) usando 3 pases bidireccionales, redes de bloqueo y la aplicación de corriente eléctrica por 0.942 minutos por metro cuadrado de superficie del arroyo. La eficiencia disminuyó 38% en promedio entre pases de electropesca. Las tasas y la reducción de eficiencia observadas entre pases sugieren que múltiples pases y visitas son requeridos para estimar con precisión la presencia o ausencia del charrasco espinoso.  相似文献   

Cottus greenei, a potentially threatened species endemic to Idaho, was collected from 49 localities in 25 springs/streams in south central Idaho. Most localities were along the north bank of the Snake River in waters of the Thousand Springs formation, Gooding County. One population was found in a spring in the main Snake River. Another sculpin, Cottus bairdi, was collected with C. greenei at 23 locations in 16 springs/streams. Confusion concerning the type locality of Cottus greenei is discussed.     相似文献   

Nonnative brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) have been implicated in declines of stream-living Lahontan cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi ), a threatened trout endemic to the Lahontan Basin of northeastern California, southeastern Oregon, and northern Nevada. Brook trout may displace Lahontan cutthroat trout through 2 mechanisms: interspecific predation and competition for food. To evaluate the evidence for these alternatives, we examined stomach contents of 30 trout of each species captured in the North Fork Humboldt River, northeastern Nevada, to compare number, size, and taxonomic composition of prey. Taxonomic dietary overlap was high (81.4%) between brook and Lahontan cutthroat trout. Both species were nonselective in their feeding habits. Lahontan cutthroat trout consumed over 2.5 times as many prey on average, but brook trout consumed significantly larger prey. No trout of either species occurred in fish diets. Only a single fish, a Paiute sculpin ( Cottus beldingi ), was found in stomachs, and the majority (>90%) of prey consisted of insect taxa. Size and number of prey consumed were positively related to fish size for Lahontan cutthroat trout, but not for brook trout. These results do not provide compelling evidence to suggest feeding by Lahontan cutthroat trout is limited by presence of large numbers of brook trout in the North Fork Humboldt River. However, fundamental differences in each species utilization of food in this system indicate that a better understanding of observed differences may help to explain the variable success of brook trout invasions across stream habitats in the Lahontan Basin and their potential effects on Lahontan cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

The Shoshone sculpin ( Cottus greenei ) is found only in springs of the Thousand Springs formation along the Snake River in Idaho. In 1983 a small population of Shoshone sculpin was introduced into an unnamed spring in the Thousand Springs formation in an attempt to increase the range of the species. Previously, the only sculpin in that spring was the mottled sculpin ( Cottus bairdi ). The Shoshone sculpin was able to establish itself and become the predominant fish within 8 years.  相似文献   

Lepidomeda albivallis (White River spinedace), a fish species endemic to the White River, Nevada, appeared headed toward extinction. In 1991 only 1 population remained, and it comprised fewer than 50 individuals in a 70-m stream reach. We monitored population recruitment and distribution and studied life history and habitat use from 1993 through 1998. We determined that L. albivallis was not reproducing and was continuing to decline, and as an emergency measure we relocated the population (14 in spring 1995 and 6 in spring 1996) downstream 200 m to a secure habitat that we judged more favorable for reproduction. The relocated population reproduced, and by September 1998 it had increased to 396 individuals that inhabited more than 1 km of stream including both pond and stream habitats. In streams they oriented near the bottom but frequently moved up in the water column to strike at drift items. Gut analysis of museum specimens indicated L. albivallis is omnivorous but feeds primarily upon aquatic invertebrates. Conservation of L. albivallis will require reestablishing additional populations within its former range.  相似文献   

Trichodina tenuiformis Stein, 1979 and Apiosoma campanulactum Timofeev, 1962 were found on gills of mottled sculpin ( Cottus bairdi ) from two locations in the Provo River, UT. They were studied by light and electron optics. Dimensions and morphology of the adhesive disc and denticles of T. tenuiformis were differentiated from other Trichodina species. A. campanulatum was characterized by its spindle-shaped cell body. Fine features examined by scanning electron microscopy included body shape, pellicle, elements of the adhesive disc, aboral ciliary complex, and aboral ciliary spiral. Histopathological studies suggested that the organisms are ectocommensals. Ecological aspects of organism infestation between two areas were also investigated. This report establishes a new host and distribution record for these two species in mottled sculpin from the Provo River, UT.  相似文献   

In spring and summer 1991 and 1992, we surveyed fishes of the White River system, Nye and White Pine Counties, Nevada, to determine the status of natives. There are 5 known native fishes to the White River: Lepidomeda albivallis (White River spinedace), Crenichthys baileyi albivallis (Preston White River springfish), Crenichthys baileyi thermophilus (Moorman White River springfish), Catostomus clarki intermedius (White River desert sucker), and Rhinichthys osculus ssp. (White River speckled dace). All 5 had declined in range. Lepidomeda albivallis had experienced the greatest decline, with less than 50 remaining, and these were restricted to a 70-m stream reach. Rhinichthys osculus spp. was most widespread, found in 18 spring systems. Cottus bairdi (mottled sculpin) was collected for the 1st time from the White River system, where it was probably native. Protective measures should be implemented to conserve all native White River fishes to include C. bairdi.  相似文献   

A total of 145 species of diatoms was collected from 13 sites in the Middle Fork of the Salmon River drainage, Idaho, USA. Achnanthes minutissima was the prevalent species with an importance index of 19.25. Cluster analysis revealed 2 main site groupings, sites above the entrance of Loon Creek and sites below. The entrance of Loon Creek (6th order) increases the Middle Fork of the Salmon River to a 7th order stream. Shannon-Weiner diversity values were generally high.     相似文献   

Insects inhabiting Great Basin wildrye ( Elymus cinereus Scribn. & Merr.) were surveyed at two sites on the Snake River Plain in southern Idaho during 1982 and 1983. Forty-six species of phytophagous insects were observed. In addition, eight parasitoid species were reared from insect hosts in the plant culms and identified. Lifestage, abundance, plant part utilized, and study site were recorded for each insect species collected. Insect guilds at the two sites were compared based on species presence utilizing Sorensen's similarity index. Overall, 26 insect species were common to both sites, yielding a moderate similarity index of 0.62. The majority of the species that constitute the wildrye herbivore guilds were oligophagous (restricted to grasses). Many of these insects feed on grain crops as well as other native and introduced grasses. The relatively high diversity of phytophages on wildrye may be due to its tall, bunchgrass growth form, its abundance within its habitat, its broad geographic range, and the large number of related species of grasses in the region.  相似文献   

We examined morphology of 4 sucker species (Catostomidae) from Klamath and Rogue River basins, Oregon and California. Different pairs of these species have been suspected of hybridizing, and field biologists have experienced difficulty identifying individuals in some areas. The suite of morphological characters used for initial identification was poorly supported by other morphometric characters but well supported by meristic characters, especially when analyses were restricted geographically. In some species sexual dimorphism was evident, with males having longer pectoral fins and females having longer pre-anal counts and measurements. Each species showed geographic differentiation, either between the Lost River subbasin and other Klamath subbasins or between Klamath and Rogue basins. Classification was most difficult for Catostomus snyderi , which was frequently misclassified as all other species, but especially as Chasmistes brevirostris . Despite this, the 2 species are ecologically segregated in the upper subbasins with lake-spawning Ch. brevirostris spatially segregated and river-spawning Ch. brevirostris temporally segregated from river-spawning C. snyderi . We discuss the possibility that a large-headed, thin-lipped species has become extinct in Upper Klamath Lake and alternatively suggest that the form could represent an ecophenotype of Ch. brevirostris that is no longer produced in hypereutrophic Upper Klamath Lake.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossil analyses of 16 radiocarbon-dated woodrat middens spanning the past 4000 years from the Wind River Canyon region in central Wyoming provide information concerning late Holocene development of juniper woodlands. The study sites are currently dominated by Juniperus osteosperma , with J. scopulorum present locally. Woodlands in the region were dominated by J. scopulorum from ca 4000 yr BP until at least 2800 yr BP. Juniperus osteosperma invaded and expanded before 2000 yr BP. This expansion fits a regional pattern of J. osteosperma colonization and expansion in north central Wyoming during a relatively dry period between 2800 and 1000 yr BP. At the time the Wind River Canyon region was colonized by J. osteosperma , the species had populations 50-100 km to both the north and south. Long-distance seed dispersal was required for establishment in the study area. Genetic studies are necessary to identify source populations and regions.  相似文献   

In northwestern Colorado, flow regulation on the Green River has created a transitional plant community that features encroachment by upland vegetation into cottonwood ( Populus fremontii )-dominated, riparian forest on topographically high floodplain sites and reduced cottonwood regeneration on low floodplain sites. To assess how these changes might have affected small mammal distributions, in 1994 and 1995 we live-trapped during periods surrounding spring flooding at 3 sites: above and below the confluence of the regulated Green River and at the ecologically similar, but unregulated, Yampa River (reference site). More species were captured at the most regulated site along the Green River above its confluence with the Yampa River. Within sites, more species were captured in riparian habitats than adjacent upland habitats. Despite river regulation-induced habitat changes, we did not detect changes in species distributions within low and high floodplain habitat for Peromyscus maniculatus or Microtus montanus , but changes may have occurred for Dipodomys ordii . The total effect of regulation-induced habitat change on small mammal populations may not be fully revealed until current, mature cottonwood forests disappear and associated woody debris decomposes.  相似文献   

Bluehead sucker ( Catostomus discobolus ) and flannelmouth sucker ( Catostomus latipinnis ) populations are declining throughout these species’ native ranges in the Upper Colorado River Basin. In order to conserve these populations, an understanding of population dynamics is needed. Using age estimates from pectoral fin rays, we describe age and growth of these 2 species in 3 Wyoming stream systems: Muddy Creek, the Little Sandy River, and the Big Sandy River. Within all 3 stream systems, flannelmouth suckers were longer-lived than bluehead suckers, with maximum estimated ages of 16 years in Muddy Creek, 18 years in Little Sandy Creek, and 26 years in the Big Sandy River. Bluehead suckers had maximum estimated ages of 8 years in Muddy Creek, 10 years in Little Sandy Creek, and 18 years in the Big Sandy River. These maximum estimated ages were substantially greater than in other systems where scales have been used to estimate ages. Mean lengths at estimated ages were greater for flannelmouth suckers than for bluehead suckers in all 3 streams and generally less than values published from other systems where scales were used to estimate ages. Our observations of long life spans and slow growth rates among bluehead suckers and flannelmouth suckers were probably associated with our use of fin rays to estimate ages as well as the populations being in headwater tributaries near the northern edges of these species’ ranges.  相似文献   

Two hundred woundfin minnows, Plagopterus argentissimus , from four sites along the Virgin River, Utah, were examined on two dates during summer 1985. The foreguts of 211 woundfin and variable numbers of other fishes from the Virgin River near Beaver Dam Wash, Arizona, and Mesquite, Nevada, were examined for cestodes on four dates throughout 1979. Seven parasites were found in P. argentissimus: Posthodiplostomum minimum (metacercariae), Diplostomum spathaceum (metacercariae), Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, Gyrodactylus sp., Lernaea cyprinacea, Trichodina sp., and Ichthyophythirius multifiliis . Fungal infections were noted on two fish during the study. Seventeen Virgin River roundtail chub, Gila robusta seminuda, were examined from two of the four sites in 1985 and 64 specimens from Beaver Dam Wash were examined in 1979. Gila robusta seminuda was infected with Posthodiplostomum minimum (metacercariae) and Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, the Asian fish tapeworm. This cestode probably gained entrance into the ichthyofauna of the Virgin River from red shiners, Notropis lutrensis, and has the potential of being very detrimental to the endemic and endangered fishes of the Virgin River. Parasite loads were correlated with water quality and habitat disturbance, with highest number and frequency occurring in "disturbed" sites. Low river flows and increased total dissolved solids appear to be associated with a higher parasite frequency and mean number in fishes of the Virgin River. These data represent the first known published records for parasites of the woundfin minnow and Virgin River roundtail chub.  相似文献   

Arctomecon humilis Cov. is a narrow endemic, confined to gypsiferous substrates derived from the Shnabkaib Member of the Moenkopi Formation in southwestern Utah. The characteristics of seven A. humilis sites were studied to define habitat requirements of the species. Both physical and biotic aspects of the habitat were analyzed; geology, soil chemistry, and physical properties, as well as vascular and nonvascular plant communities, were studied. Chemical and physical properties of these soils vary considerably from those supporting adjacent desert-shrub communities. The dominant vascular species on A. humilis sites are shadscale and Mormon tea. It was found that A. humilis occurred in portions of the habitat where shrubs were relatively less dense. A soil-surface, cryptogamic community contributed 84% or more of the total living cover on sites that supported A. humilis . Species composition of the cryptogamic community was highly similar among sites. Likewise, composition of the cryptogamic cover was similar when random samples were compared with samples centered on A. humilis plants. The Purgatory Flat site, which does not support the poppy, seems inseparable from A. humilis sites, in respect to soil characteristics and composition of the associated plant cover. There is reason to believe an A. humilis population could be established at the Purgatory Flat site.  相似文献   

We studied the breeding system and flower visitors of White River penstemon, a rare endemic from the Uintah Basin of eastern Utah and western Colorado. Bagging treatments and hand-pollination treatments showed that Penstemon scariosus var. albifluvis has a mixed mating system: while some seeds and fruits are produced through selfpollination (both autogamy and geitonogamy), significantly more are produced when flowers are cross-pollinated. The primary flower visitors, and likely pollinators, were several species of native twig- and ground-nesting bees in the families Apidae, Halictidae, and Megachilidae. We found no differences in fruit or seed production between open-pollinated controls and hand-outcrossed flowers, suggesting that pollinator visits were sufficient to maximize female reproductive success. Management plans to conserve White River penstemon must recognize that full reproductive success of this rare plant taxon relies on a suite of pollinating bees, and that the species richness and abundances of bee visitors should be maintained.  相似文献   

Lewisia longipetala (Piper) Clay is a high-altitude endemic found in the northern Sierra Nevada. The characteristics of 12 sites with L. longipetala , which represent all known populations, were studied to define habitat requirements of the species. Meso- and microscale characteristics of the habitat were examined, including characteristics of the associated plant community. Average plant size and plant density of L. longipetala were also determined for each population. Similar measurements were made on 6 populations of Lewisia pygmaea (A. Gray) Robinson, a more common Lewisia . Populations of L. longipetala that had larger plants and higher plant density were associated with gently sloped, north-facing sites that were near large, persistent snowbanks and had low vegetative cover. Plant species associated with populations of L. longipetala were similar among the 12 sites and were indicative of mesic, rocky alpine sites. These types of plant communities found near persistent snowbanks are often termed snow-bed vegetation. In contrast, L. pygmaea was found to be less site specific. Lewisia pygmaea was found adjacent to or interspersed with L. longipetala at 5 sites, but was found in areas associated with a higher percentage of herbaceous cover and a wider variety of species. This integration of ecological community information for L. longipetala populations contributes to the interim management and long-term monitoring of this species by providing needed information concerning its habitat and environmental specificity.  相似文献   

Species-environment relationships were determined for filter-feeding macroinvertebrates from 55 Rocky Mountain stream sites to establish species distribution patterns. Species abundance and 20 environmental variables were measured at each site with species-environment relationship determined using canonical correspondence analysis and stepwise multiple regression. Results suggest that the distribution of several taxa was strongly related to upstream-downstream environmental gradients. Arctopsyche grandis abundance increased with stream size (width and depth) and decreased with increasing turbulence (Reynolds number). Brachycentrus abundance also increased with stream size (depth). Hydropsyche abundance increased with increasing baseflow. Parapsyche elsis abundance also increased with stream size (depth). Hydropsyche abundance increased with increasing baseflow. Parapsyche elsis abundance demonstrated negative correlation with depth, Froude number, and conductivity. Taxa followed previously reported patterns, partitioning habitat according to stream size. Arctopsyche grandis , Brachycentrus , and Hydropsyche were found in larger (3rd- to 6th order) streams, while Parapsyche elsis was observed in small headwater (1st- and 2nd- order) streams. Other filter-feeding taxa such as Simulium, Pisidium and ostracods exhibited little or no apparent habitat partitioning among stream sites.  相似文献   

Habitat modification, pollution, overfishing, poaching, competition from non‐indigenous species, and diseases have led to the extinction in Europe of many populations of indigenous crayfish. Under the rationale that any programme of reintroduction should be preceded by a thorough understanding of habitat requirements of the species of concern, we studied the microhabitat use of an Austropotamobius pallipes population in Tuscany, central Italy. Microhabitat use was assessed for water depth, current velocity, substrate, percentages of boulders, underwater tree roots, and in‐stream vegetation cover. Results show that A. pallipes' habitat use is size‐partitioned. Smaller individuals mostly occupy stream edges in shallow waters with submerged roots, whereas larger individuals use deeper waters, often associated with boulders. Crayfish spatial distribution is restricted mostly to the microhabitats characterised by extensive cover and slow current velocity. The study highlights the importance of habitat heterogeneity and cover elements for the protection of this indigenous species.  相似文献   

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