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Summer food habits of coyotes ( Canis latrans ) were investigated on a 3100-km 2 area in central Wyoming, divided into one deer-use area and five non-deer areas. Analysis of 404 scats (fecal samples) revealed an overall average of 63 percent occurrence of native ungulates, 63 percent leporids, 46 percent rodents, 14 percent livestock, and 11 percent birds. Pronghorn ( Antilocapra Americana ) was the ungulate most frequently consumed, occurring in about 87 percent of the scats. Mule deer ( Odocoileus hemionus ) occurred in only 8 percent, and in 5 percent the native ungulate remains were not identifiable beyond order. This large percentage of big game in the diet is apparently unusual, because big game has been of minor importance in most coyote food-habit studies. The high incidence of leporids is consistent with other studies performed in arid intermountain areas. Although cricetines, especially deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), were trapped consistently in all habitats, months, and trapping areas, they were found in scats at a lower frequency than microtines and sciurids. This suggests a coyote hunting strategy that selected for the latter two groups.  相似文献   

Habitat-use patterns of mule deer, elk, and moose were determined on two winter range near Kemmerer, Wyoming. Mule deer used areas with the least snow depth and dominated by sagebrush. Elk were located more often than expected on wind-swept hills but used sagebrush communities more frequently as snow depths increased. Moose were generally found associated with broad, riparian zones. All three species occasionally used the same area but differed in their use of specific vegetation types and topography.  相似文献   

Southwestern Wyoming constitutes the northern limit of the ranges of the cliff chipmunk ( Tamias dorsalis ), pinyon mouse ( Peromyscus truei ), and canyon mouse ( P. crinitus ). In addition to trying to determine their presence in the region, we wanted to identify habitat characteristics commonly used by each of these species. We used Sherman live-traps to sample 14 sites representing 2 distinct habitat types in 1998 and 1999: juniper-rocky slopes and juniper cliffs. Seventeen habitat characteristics were measured at capture locations for each species and compared with randomly located points. Best subsets multiple logistic regression was used to construct models that distinguish between used and available habitat for each species. The cliff chipmunk occurred in both rocky slopes and cliffs. The pinyon mouse was also captured in rocky slopes and cliffs and was most often captured in locations in the interior of the juniper woodland with high tree canopy cover, high forb cover, and low density of rock outcrops. The canyon mouse was captured only in cliffs at sites consisting of high forb cover, high rock cover, and high tree density.  相似文献   

Food habits of a population of the Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Butte County, were studied. The 421 pellets examined yielded 2,436 prey items of at least 22 prey species. Invertebrates, largely insects, constituted 91 percent of the total prey items, but only 29 percent of the total biomass; mammals constituted 8 percent of the prey items, but 68 percent of the biomass. The prey were mostly nocturnal species; diurnal species were poorly represented.  相似文献   

To aid the conservation and management of Mountain Plovers ( Charadrius montanus ), we developed a spatially explicit model of breeding habitat for the shrub-steppe of western Wyoming. Points of Mountain Plover presence and absence were determined by field surveys conducted May through June 1999. At each point we measured topographic slope and a cover type suitability index related to vegetation height and density. Logistic regression revealed a strong negative relationship between presence and slope, and a weaker and positive relationship between presence and cover index. A multiple logistic regression model using slope and cover index to predict presence successfully classified 87% of the points in an independent data set covering much of western Wyoming. The spatial expression of this model will help managers target future surveys and identify currently unsuitable habitat that could be improved via vegetation management. Patches of suitable breeding habitat of the Mountain Plover in western Wyoming are probably functions of poor soil, low precipitation, and wind scour, and thus are likely rather persistent in space and time. Combined with the relatively large proportion of publicly owned land here, this may make conservation and recovery of the Mountain Plover easier in western Wyoming than in the more dynamic and privately controlled Great Plains.  相似文献   

Henry Rogers Durkee collected 74 egg sets of 27 avian species in 1870 at Gilmer, Uinta County, in southwestern Wyoming. Despite the paucity of documented breeding evidence from this region during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, his material at the Smithsonian Institution was generally overlooked and has never been critically examined. Durkee's egg sets included 5 species (Sandhill Crane, Grus candensis ; Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Stelgidoteryx serripennis ; Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum ; Fox Sparrow, Passerella iliaca ; Cassin's Finch, Carpodacus cassinii ) whose breeding distribution was then poorly known, 25 to more than 70 years before nests and eggs were otherwise documented in Wyoming. Durkee also collected complete egg sets of Lark Bunting ( Calamospiza melanocorys ) over 70 years before breeding was confirmed at other peripheral locations in Wyoming. In addition, Durkee's incomplete egg sets of Grasshopper Sparrow were the 1st western subspecies ( A. s. perpallidus ); his complete egg set and nest of the Fox Sparrow collected at Gilmer constituted the 2nd locality for the species or species group ( P. i. schistacea ). Although the number of egg sets Durkee collected is modest, he made a meaningful contribution to the early history of avifaunal exploration in Wyoming.  相似文献   

Some American marten population characteristics (numbers, density, body weights, sex and age ratios, natality, mortality-survivorship, immigration-emigration, home ranges) were studied at four sites in the southern part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Teton County, Wyoming, in 1975-1979. Ninety-eight different martens were examined. Males (n = 25) weighed 1,111 g (± 110 SD, range 875-1,235), whereas females (n = 17) averaged 743 g (± 83 SD, range 600-900). Live-trapping showed sex ratios of 1.5M:1.0F, whereas carcasses showed 3.0M:1.0F. Of 27males that were aged, 12 (44%) were less than 1 year old and 2 were 9-10 years old. Of 10 females, 6 were less than 1 year old and 1 was 12-13 years old. The mean length of time a male was present on the major study area was 144 days (± 266 SD, range 1-1,364), and for females it was 145 days (± 45 SD, range 1-560). Home ranges for six males averaged 3.2 km 2 (± 20 SD, range 0.7-5.8) on the main study area. Some management implications are given.  相似文献   

Productivity and food habits of the Barn Owl ( Tyto alba ) utilizing nest boxes in Juab, Utah, and Salt Lake counties, Utah, During 1979-1984 were examined. Average clutch size was 5.8 eggs for the 6-yr period; mean number fledged was 3.9 young per successful nest. While severe weather during the 1981-82 winter did not result in significant decrease in productivity during the 1982 breeding season, it may have resulted in a significant overproduction of female young. Barn Owls in north central Utah fed almost exclusively on mammalian species, particularly Microtus spp. Difference in clutch size between areas and years may be a response to availability as well as abundance of prey.  相似文献   

Young-of-year largemouth bass from lakes Mead and Mohave fed upon crustacean zooplankton, insects (primarily chironomids), and fish. Largemouth bass smaller than 32 mm TL fed extensively upon zooplankton. In Lake Mead, transition to an insect-dominated diet occurred at 32 mm TL; transition to an insect-fish—dominated diet did not occur in Lake Mohave until a length of 56 mm was reached. Largemouth bass from Lake Mohave consumed significantly more zooplankton than did those from Lake Mead, but largemouth bass from Lake Mead consumed significantly more insects. Fish were most common in the diet of young-of-year largemouth bass larger than 52 mm TL.  相似文献   

The charaeteristics of kokanee ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) spawning stocks in the Green River and Sheep Creek (tributaries to Flaming Gorge Reservoir) are described as observed in fall 1985 and spring 1986; the time of spawning; length, age, and sex structure of the stocks; fecundity and egg retention; density of eggs in redds; and the timing of downstream drift of emerging fry. The time of spawning, length-frequency distributions of spawning fish, and egg density in redds differed between the two stocks, but other differences were not observed.  相似文献   

This study presents the first food habit assessment for the western whiptail lizard ( Cnemidophorus tigris ) in the shinnery oak – mesquite habitat ( Quercus havardii – Prosopis glandulosa ) of southeastern New Mexico. Short-horned grasshoppers, termites, antlions, beetles, and spiders formed the major portion of the diet during the four-year study. Discriminant analyses were used to evaluate annual, seasonal (monthly), and sexual variation. Incidental food categories were responsible for most of the annual and seasonal variation. Dominant foods varied little between months and years. Sexual variation was more evident; it may act to reduce intraspecific competition for food resources and may be associated with secondary sexual size dimorphism.      相似文献   

Successful infection of white pine species by white pine blister rust (WPBR) is contingent upon environmental conditions that are favorable to the spread and development of Cronartium ribicola . Site and stand factors related to this process have been studied elsewhere within the distribution of the disease, but few studies have concentrated on the high-elevation white pine forests of southern Idaho and western Wyoming. We found that mean summer precipitation, average tree diameter, and elevation were the most important variables in 3 logistic regression models of WPBR presence and intensity. The models were tested on a randomly chosen portion of our data set. The model with 9 variables correctly predicted categories of low-, moderate-, and high-disease incidence in 79% of cases. The 2 models with fewer variables had lower predictive efficiencies but were more parsimonious and generally easy to measure. The ability to use easily measured or remotely sensed site and stand characteristics to predict WPBR spread or intensification could be an important asset to land managers who need to decide where to focus disease mitigation efforts and predict disease effects on water quality, wildlife habitat, recreation potential, and other land-management activities.  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry was used to evaluate lesser prairie-chicken ( Tympanuchus pallidicinctus ) nesting response to herbicidal conversion of sand shinnery oak ( Quercus havardii ) rangeland to grassland. Hens selected nest sites in residual grasses within lightly grazed sand shinnery oak habitat with > 75% vertical screening in the first 0.33 m and 50% overhead cover.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to develop a multivariate statistical model related to plant succession, to classify by seral stage, and to monitor succession in Wyoming big sagebrush shrubsteppe habitat ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Agropyron smithii–Bouteloua gracilis ) in Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming. This model can be used by range and wildlife managers to evaluate management alternatives by assessing changes in plant species cover and composition within and between seral stages. Four ecological seral stages that represent early to late succession were quantitatively identified with an estimated 92% accuracy. Three key plant species provided the necessary information to define seral stages and monitor trends. Percent canopy cover and percent frequency (used to calculate index values: % canopy cover × % frequency of occurrence) of Wyoming big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis ), western wheatgrass ( Agropyron smithii ), and blue grama ( Bouteloua gracilis ) are the only field measurements required for this model.  相似文献   

In autumn the vast majority of the North American population of Eared Grebes ( Podiceps nigricollis ) congregates for several months at Great Salt Lake, Utah, and Mono Lake, California. Because the lakes are so large, it has not been possible to monitor grebe migration with sufficient accuracy to determine when peak numbers are reached. To clarify migration phenology, we analyzed data from 2 isolated wetland areas in southwestern Wyoming where grebes land en route between breeding areas in the interior and Great Salt Lake. Occasional birds, probably nonbreeders or failed breeders, begin moving southward as early as mid-June. Migration of postbreeding birds starts in late July, peaks in late August and September, and is largely completed by the end of October, with very small numbers arriving into November. The pattern of migration and number of birds encountered varied annually, but 95% of the migration was usually completed by 15 October. As a result, censuses at the major staging lake made on or after 15 October but before the grebes depart for wintering areas can be used to study trends in size of the North American population.  相似文献   

We conducted a 4-year experiment to assess the impacts of rotational cattle grazing on rodents and raptors in a mesic coastal grassland in northwestern California. Live-trapping indicated that rodent abundance declined by 69% on the grazed area and increased by 14% on the ungrazed area. Raptor use of the grazed area declined by 15% and increased on the ungrazed area by 63%. Measures of giving-up density indicated that rodents perceived a 25% higher predation risk on grazed area than on ungrazed area, but raptor hunting surveys indicated that risk of depredation from raptors was 2.5 times lower in the grazed habitat, suggesting that rodents use indirect vegetative cues to assess risk.  相似文献   

Although previous research has considered habitat associations and breeding biology of Mountain Plovers in Wyoming at discrete sites, no study has considered these attributes at a statewide scale. We located 55 Mountain Plover nests in 6 counties across Wyoming during 2002 and 2003. Nests occurred in 2 general habitat types: grassland and desert-shrub. Mean estimated hatch date was 26 June ( n = 31) in 2002 and 21 June ( n = 24) in 2003. Mean hatch date was not related to latitude or elevation. Hatch success of nests was inferred in 2003 by the presence of eggshell fragments in the nest scrape. Eggs in 14 of 22 (64%) known-fate nests hatched. All grassland sites and 90% of desert sites were host to ungulate grazers, although prairie dogs were absent at 64% of nest sites. Nest plots had less grass coverage and reduced grass height compared with random plots. More than 50% of nests occurred on elevated plateaus. The Mountain Plover's tendency to nest on arid, elevated plateaus further substantiates claims that the bird is also a disturbed- prairie species.  相似文献   

Parasitic larval mites including Thyasides sphagnorum were collected from mosquitoes captured in New Jersey light traps over a period of 6 yr and from landings during 1 collecting season in Natrona County, Wyoming. Overall mite prevalence on mosquitoes was 0.42% and abundance was 0.76%. Prevalence on Aedes dorsalis was significantly greater than on other host species. Comparison of light trap data and landing data suggests that parasitized mosquitoes may seek blood meals more frequently than non-parasitized mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Historically, two California Gull nesting colonies existed in Wyoming. In 1984 there were six breeding locations consisting of 10 different colonies that included approximately 7,273 nests. The increase in the California Gull nesting population in the state is probably a consequence of man-caused environmental changes that have resulted in the creation of additional breeding habitat and new food sources.    相似文献   

Five species of Ciconiiforms breed in Wyoming: the American Bittern ( Botaurus lentiginosus ), Great Blue Heron ( Ardea herodias ), Snowy Egret ( Egretta thula ), Black-crowned Night-Heron ( Nycticorax nycticorax ), and White-faced Ibis ( Plegadis chihi ). Field surveys conducted from 1984 through 1986 indicate that at least 151 Great Blue Heron colony sites exist in Wyoming, making it the most abundant and widespread Ciconiiform in the state. Only small breeding populations have been discovered for the remaining species. Except for the Snowy Egret, where numbers of active nests have remained relatively stable, population trends are unknown for the other species. We believe most colonies have been found in Wyoming, but additional inventories may result in the discovery of other nesting areas, especially for the Great Blue Heron.  相似文献   

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