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Feeding sites of wintering sage grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) were located, one each in stands of three subspecies of big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata : ssp. tridentata , basin; ssp. vaseyana , mountain; and ssp. Wyomingensis , Wyoming). Evidences of differential use of plants within subspecies were observed. Whole leaves from fed-on and nonfed-on big sagebrush plants were examined for intrasubspecies chemical comparisons of crude protein, phosphorus, in vitro digestibility, and monoterpenoids. No significant differences were detected except for in vitro digestibility of Wyoming fed-on and nonfed-on big sagebrush and monoterpenoid content of basin big sagebrush. Nutritive content of all three subspecies was high, which may in part help to explain wintering sage grouse weight gains.  相似文献   

We determined temporal and spatial differences in abundance and habitat use by small mammals in southeastern Utah as part of an effort to enhance management of the Mexican Spotted Owl ( Strix occidentalis lucida ), listed by the federal government as threatened. Woodrats ( Neotoma spp.) were captured only in canyons and most frequently in the pinyon-juniper ( Pinus edulis-Juniperus osteosperma ) vegetation type. White-footed mice ( Peromyscus spp.) were found in a variety of vegetation types in both canyons and mesas. The deer mouse ( P. maniculatus ) was generally the most frequently captured species among vegetation types. We found seasonal and yearly differences in relative abundance of each small mammal species. Our data suggest that the pinyon-juniper vegetation type within canyons is an important component of Mexican Spotted Owl habitat.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2795-2814
Iran’s Persian onager populations are critically endangered. This study of their natural history in Qatrouyeh National Park provides insights for enhancing their conservation. The population as a whole is greatly affected by weather. Wind, rain and cold drive populations from the plains to the valleys of hill-valley habitats. Vegetation features and water also influence habitat use, but differently for different sex and reproductive classes. Females with juveniles use plains with high-quality vegetation, whereas females without young and solitary territorial males choose those of intermediate quality. Females with young foals are also found closest to watering points. Future translocation of Persian onagers will only succeed if prospective habitats have sufficient hill-valley refuges and enough plains with winds to moderately hot conditions. Sufficient plains supporting high-quality vegetation near water for lactating females must co-exist with plains of moderate-quality vegetation that attract females without young, so reducing crowding and competition.  相似文献   

Habitat use and food selection data were collected for deer mice ( Peromyscus maniculatus ), montane voles ( Microtus montanus ), Ord's kangaroo rats ( Dipodomys ordii ), and Townsend's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus townsendii ) near a sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata )/crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum ) interface in southeastem Idaho. Significantly more captures occurred in the native sagebrush habitat than in areas planted in crested wheatgrass or in disturbed sites. Crested wheatgrass, a prolific seed producer, still accounted for over 30% of the total captures. Montane voles and Townsend's ground squirrels (during periods of aboveground activity) used the crested wheatgrass habitat throughout the summer, while deer mice and, Ord's kangaroo rats exhibited heavy use after seed set.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1787-1797

The lizard Ameivula nigrigula is endemic to Caatinga vegetation and the transition zone between the Caatinga and Cerrado domains in Brazil. It was recently described, but little is known about its biology. We analysed microhabitat use and the diet of this species in Caatinga vegetation in Santo Inácio, Bahia State. Its diet consisted mainly of arthropods and plant material, and in particular aggregate (e.g. termites) and large preys (e.g. Coleoptera, insect larvae and spiders), reflecting their nutritional and energy values and high water contents. With regard to habitat use, we found A. nigrigula using microhabitats with tall vegetation over accumulated leaf litter, which could potentially contribute to temperature regulation. Together, those characteristics contribute to the survival of lizards in environments with low water availability and high temperatures, such as the Caatinga domain.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1269-1280
Contemporary studies of sea turtle diving behaviour are generally based upon sophisticated techniques such as the attachment of time depth recorders. However, if the risks of misinterpretation are to be minimized, it is essential that electronic data are analysed in the light of first-hand observations. To this aim, we set out to make observations of juvenile hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata, Linnaeus, 1766) foraging and resting in a shallow water coral reef habitat around the granitic Seychelles (4°'S, 55°'E). Data were collected from six study sites characterized by a shallow reef plateau (<5 m) and a flat sandy area at the base of the reef face (<10 m). Observation data were categorized into the following behaviours: (1) stationary foraging; (2) active foraging; (3) resting; and (4) assisted resting. Central to this investigation was the development of a technique for accurately estimating the size of sea turtles in situ based upon previously tested techniques for reef fishes. This revealed that through calibration, the curved carapace length (CCL) of marine turtles can be consistently estimated to within 10 cm of their actual size. Although rudimentary, this has advantages for assessing the residency or absence of specific life history stages from particular environments. Indeed, our data supported previous claims that following the reproductive season, adult hawksbills in the region may move away from the nesting beaches to alternative foraging grounds whilst immature turtles (following the pelagic juvenile stage) may opt to reside in areas close to their natal beaches. With regards to habitat utilization, juvenile hawksbills displayed an alternating pattern of short, shallow foraging dives followed by deeper, longer resting dives. These findings are consistent with previous electronic studies of free-range diving in this species and suggest that the maximization of resting duration may be an important factor driving this behaviour.  相似文献   


The formation of scientific names for species may be challenging for modern systematists without a background in Latin or familiarity with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Therefore, presented here are 10 pragmatic and simplified strategies for creating zoological species names. They are intended to demystify the derivation and construction of species names and facilitate the process of naming species for a broad audience of zoologists working in systematics.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(1-2):117-129
The breeding biology and male territorial behaviour of the large-headed leaf-frog (Phyllomedusa megacephala) were studied in three temporary altitudinal streams located in the Cerrado biome of southeastern Brazil, during three consecutive years (2007–2009). Phyllomedusa megacephala showed significant sexual dimorphism, with females being bigger and heavier than males. Acoustic and physical interactions between males defending or not defending territories including amplectant and non-amplectant males, patrolling behaviour by males without established territories, and triple amplexus were observed. Neither males nor females were observed using visual cues when searching for mates. We found that males that were present at breeding sites in previous years bred more successfully and maintained territory better.  相似文献   

Studying animal space use patterns can help increase our understating of ecological processes such as competition and community dynamics. To quantify space and habitat use in an isolated and patchy cloud forest community in Mexico, we evaluate the vertical stratification, home range and habitat selection of two arboreal rodents: Habromys schmidlyi and Reithrodontomys microdon. Using live-traps at ground level and different forest strata, we radio-equipped nine individuals of H. schmidlyi and seven of R. microdon, and evaluated fine-scale space use and broad-scale habitat selection between cloud forest and oak forest. We found an average home range of 0.24 ha for R. microdon males and 0.72 ha for females, with a preference for higher canopy in the cloud forest. For H. schmidlyi the home range was 0.83 ha for males and 0.29 ha for females, with a preference for the understory level in the cloud forest. Home range is three-dimensional for these rodents, so we estimate that on average, individuals of both species used eight trees in the time they were tracked. We characterised the vegetation at the trap sites, and used recursive partitioning to relate the presence of different plants with the probability of finding these two species and Peromyscus aztecus, a third rodent species also present in the area and considered in our analysis of habitat use. The highest probability of finding R. microdon (96%) was related to the presence of Brachythecium occidentale and Renauldia mexicana, while H. schmidlyi (95%) was found in close proximity to Fabronia ciliaris and Everniastrum. We highlight the importance of arboreal trapping in biodiversity assessments, and the role of arboreal rodents in maintaining tropical forest ecosystems. We suggest that these rodent species could avoid or reduce competition by using the vertical strata differentially, and that H. schmidlyi and R. microdon can be biological indicators for cloud forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1953-1958
A new genus and species of campterophlebiid dragonfly, Angustiphlebia mirabilis gen. nov. et sp. nov., is described from the Jiulongshan Formation in China. It has some remarkable venational structures, i.e. a hypertrophy of the male hind wing anal angle, a quite long gaff, and a secondary branch of the anal anterior near subdiscoidal cell in hind wing, supporting the hypothesis of a sister-group relationship with the genus Oreophlebia. These new data will help to solve the phylogenetic relationships within the Campterophlebiidae. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:16E602E6-3567-44D7-BF64-95A6597E55DE  相似文献   

While expulsion of male ejaculates by the females after copulation has been reported for various animal groups, expulsion followed by consumption of the expelled ejaculate is a rare behaviour outside spermatophylax-producing orthopterans. Among Diptera, this behaviour has been reported for a few species of Piophilidae, Empididae and Ulidiidae. Here we report on its occurrence among Euxesta eluta and Euxesta mazorca (Diptera: Ulidiidae). We also attempt to characterize the mating system of E. eluta in order to facilitate future hypothesis testing to understand the behavioural factors leading to the evolution of this peculiar behaviour. For this, courtship sequences, copulation duration, frequency of ejaculate expulsion and subsequent consumption, and latency to ejaculate expulsion for both E. eluta and E. mazorca were recorded. The time of sexual maturation, the time window of sexual receptivity during the day, and the mating frequency and variance in mating success for males and females (degree of polygamy) were determined for E. eluta. Both E. eluta and E. mazorca males engaged in elaborate courtship sequences involving visual and tactile displays before copulation. Females of both species almost invariably expelled and consumed ejaculates after copulation. Female E. eluta, required a 6- to 9-day period feeding on protein and sugar before becoming sexually receptive. Reproductive activity occurred continuously over the day with an early morning and late afternoon peak. Both males and females could mate multiply, with multiple partners over a 2-h observational period. Sexual network analysis revealed that some males and females had greater mating success than others. Ejaculate consumption appears to be widespread in the genus Euxesta. It is possible that females obtain nutrients from this behaviour while exerting some control over egg fertilization.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1507-1516
Thrybius togashii Kusigemati is found to be an ectoparasitoid of larvae of a phytophagous eurytomid, Tetramesa sp. (Hymenoptera), growing gregariously in internodal cavities of reeds (Phragmites japonica Steud.), in Japan. The female of T. togashii oviposits into reed canes and its predaceous larva consumes almost all eurytomid larvae in an internodal cavity. This species is bivoltine. The mode of parasitism of this species is unique in some respects. First, when the female oviposits, no food resources are available in the reed. Second, the parasitoid allows part of the host larvae to grow and exploits increasing food resources. The egg, pupa and first to final instar larvae and adult male are described and figured for the first time. Colour dimorphism in both sexes and adult morphology adapted to habitat and ovipositional substrate are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1663-1687
Most of the studies on the bee fauna of cerrado have shown incomplete approaches, focusing on species diversity or on a fraction of the assemblage. This work presents similarities among bee species based on visited plants and also shows taxonomic diversity of bees for plant resource sets offered by species in a cerrado area (Pé-de-Gigante), one of the few conservation areas of cerrado in the São Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 737 specimens, belonging to 71 bee species, were collected visiting 52 plant species. Species clusters based on visited plants show that species of Epicharis, for example, are more similar among themselves than from species of other genera. In addition, bee assemblage showed a nested structure, indicating the presence of specialist species exploiting resources subsets used by generalist species under strong intra-specific and weak inter-specific competitions.  相似文献   

Scent organs in male Lepidoptera are sources of pheromones, and have been found in many species belonging to various higher taxa. Here I report the discovery of a unique scent-producing structure in the male of Ceromitia chalcocapna Meyrick (Adelidae). This is the first record of a male scent organ in any family of the Incurvarioidea, a superfamily of the clade Neolepidoptera of the suborder Glossata. At the same time this is the first case of a highly specialized male scent organ to be found on the modified posterior part of the thorax in Lepidoptera. Club-like scent scales, densely packed on the two enlarged, hemispherical surfaces of the metepimeron, metameron and metacoxa, are incorporated within a scent-disseminating apparatus which also comprises modified abdominal segments and the thoraco-abdominal articulation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1595-1609
We identified the food niche breadth of two sympatric species of oil-collecting bees, Centris (Heterocentris) analis (Fabricius, 1804) and Centris (Hemisiella) tarsata Smith, 1874, based on pollen analyses of larval food. We tested differences in the use of pollen sources considering the anther type and pollen size of the flowers. The species presented a low similarity in the use of pollen sources and C. analis had a wider niche breadth than C. tarsata. Centris analis mainly used Heteropterys spp. and other flowers with non-poricidal anthers. In contrast, C. tarsata commonly used Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil., as well as other flowers with poricidal anthers. Despite the differences in pollen composition of larval food, both species predominantly used medium-sized pollen grains. Although C. analis and C. tarsata are sympatric species, belonging to the same functional group and presenting an overlap in nesting periods, they used different pollen sources, which suggests the occurrence of food niche partitioning.  相似文献   

Males of Iporangaia pustulosa (Arachnida: Opiliones) have a sexually dimorphic metatarsus IV, which is thicker and with more glandular pores in males. Here we tested the hypothesis that this glandular area is used by males to leave chemicals in the environment, predicting that the animals would rub the metatarsus IV against the substrate. We have made recordings both in the field and in the laboratory, in several distinct contexts during the day and at night, comprising 67 hours of observations. We also experimentally tested the reaction of both sexes to a filter paper rubbed on the metatarsus gland, with adequate controls. We report and describe for the first time that the metatarsal gland of I. pustulosa is used to leave chemicals on the substrate by rubbing or touching it against the substrate. We also provide evidence that males can control the release of secretions of the metatarsal gland IV.  相似文献   

The June sucker ( Chasmistes liorus ) is an endangered lake sucker endemic to Utah Lake, Utah. As part of recovery actions, June suckers were introduced into Red Butte Reservoir, Utah, as a wild grow-out site. Since their introduction, June suckers have successfully reproduced in Red Butte Reservoir, producing a large population in this refuge. I used passive egg collectors (egg traps and nets) and observational surveys to determine the location of spawning sites within the reservoir, and larval light trapping to determine successful recruitment (i.e., egg survival through larval swim-up) at these sites. Eggs were collected between 18 June and 15 July at 2 general sites along or near the reservoir’s dam, although spawning was only observed at 1 of these sites. Suckers were not observed at, and eggs were not collected in or around, the mouth of Red Butte Creek as expected. At the site where spawning was observed, suckers were spawning over gravel substrates (mean diameter = 32 mm) at depths of 0.5–1.75 m. At the other site, suckers were spawning over silt/clay substrates (mean diameter < 1 mm) at depths of 1.1–4.75 m. Larval suckers were first captured along the dam where spawning was observed and eggs were captured, demonstrating that successful recruitment occurred at this spawning site. Larval suckers were never captured at the mouth of Red Butte Creek, confirming egg collecting data and observations that suckers did not utilize the stream for spawning. This June sucker refuge population is supported by lacustrine spawning, an important finding for management and recovery of this species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2363-2373
The Baluchistan region of Iran and Pakistan is inhabited by one of the most threatened populations of Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus) in Asia. The first camera-trapping survey of these so-called Baluchistan bears was conducted in Bahr-e Asman Mountain, southeastern Iran. Fourteen camera traps were installed in the entrances of caves from April to December, 2009. A total of 32 bear photographs were obtained from three caves. Data analysis of photographs showed the presence of at least seven different individuals: two lone bears, and two family groups, with one and two cubs. Despite being very marginal habitat, affected both by human use and drought, the area supports a reproducing population of bears. This study suggests that caves may be important in the life history of these bears, and should be protected for their conservation.  相似文献   

The previously unknown male of the biting midge, Culicoides reevesi Wirth, is described and illustrated; the female is also redescribed and this species is reassigned to the leoni group. Previously known from California, Arizona, and New Mexico, C. reevesi is recorded for the 1st time from Utah ( new record ). Females of this aggressive, hematophagous species were collected while biting humans during evening crepuscular periods in California. Females exhibited a strong attraction to CO 2 traps, and seasonal surveillance demonstrated that host-seeking occurred from late May until mid-October in both California and Utah. Small numbers of males were also collected in CO 2 traps; however, both sexes showed little attraction to ultraviolet and incandescent light traps.  相似文献   

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