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Important bee species inhabiting the study area are listed, including those observed and collected foraging on Astragalus monoensis , a California rare plant. The significance of each species as a potential pollinator is assessed, based on frequency of occurrence in collecting, observed and published host plant records, and morphology. Three pollinator categories are proposed: observed and/or collected on the plant, probable visitors, and possible visitors. New host plant records for these species are listed. Current sheep grazing practices in the A. monoensis habitat endanger pollinators in four ways: (1) destruction of potential nest sites, (2) destruction of existing nests and contents, (3) direct trampling of adult bees, and (4) removal of food resources. Exposure of the major bee species to each of these factors is assessed utilizing experimental data and published information.      相似文献   

Vegetation patterns in Navajo National Monument, Arizona, were studied over a five-year period from 1977 to 1981. Twelve distinct plant community types occur within the boundaries of the park. These communities are characterized and the dominant plant species of each are recorded. The relationships of parent material, soils, and moisture to plant communities are also discussed. It appears that discrete communities occupy soils of different characteristics, particularly with respect to amount of weathering of parent material.      相似文献   

Fifteen widely separated sites within the pinyon - juniper woodlands of the Great Basin were cleared of trees. Understory response was recorded for 2 to 4 years. The array of postharvest plant assemblages were classified into one of four phytosociological groups using discriminant analysis. Pre - and postharvest plant assemblages from the same site appeared in the same phytosociological group, which indicates postharvest response could be predicted from the preharvest plant assemblage. Initial postharvest response appears cyclic in nature, and cycles are controlled by both residual plants and the rapid immigration of shrub species. Perennial plant density generally declined following tree harvest, but the fewer remaining plants produced significantly more cover than in preharvest stands.      相似文献   

A cafeteria - style study was conducted during the winter for two years with tame mule deer to determine if there were preferential differences between accessions of forage kochia ( Kochia prostrata ). Deer consumed significantly more of P.I. numbers 314929, 330708, and 356826 than any of the other accessions. Other plant adaptive characteristics and nutritive qualities are also reported.      相似文献   

Many bristlecone pines in the White Mountains, California, are members of multistem clumps. We propose that these clumps have arisen by multiple germinations from seed caches of Clark’s Nutcracker, as occurs in several other pine species. The commonness of nutcrackers and their caching of singleleaf pinyon seeds in the study area provide supporting evidence. Other vertebrates appear unlikely to be responsible for the stem clumps. Seed burial may be required to establish regeneration on these adverse sites where bristlecone pine attains great longevity.     相似文献   

Recent bottom sediments of eight lakes and reservoirs in northeastern Utah were examined. One hundred and sixty-four diatom taxa were identified and their relative abundances determined. Seven stand associations were evident by cluster analysis of similarity indices. These association patterns mirrored trophic status of the waters. Shannon-Wiener species diversity values were also determined. The diversities fell in patterns that were similar to the stand associations determined by cluster analysis. The most prevalent diatom taxa encountered in this study were found mostly in eutrophic waters. These taxa included Stephanodiscus astraea, Stephanodiscus astraea var. minutula, Asterionella formosa, and Fragilaria crotonensis. A wide variety of other taxa dominated various mesotrophic and oligotrophic sites.      相似文献   

Regressions between vegetational cover, estimated with a two - tiered, gridded sampling frame, and biomass were used to obtain predicted biomass values from cover values. Comparisons of eight sites based on predicted biomass data and comparisons of the sites based on cover data indicate that predicted biomass data may better identify differences among sites. Also, some suggestions are made regarding the methods of using cover - biomass regressions to obtain predicted biomass values.      相似文献   

Eight general study sites in the blackbrush ( Coleogyne ramosissima ) zone of southwestern Utah were examined. Soils data were gathered and plant cover was estimated. Shrubs were found to he positively correlated with shallow, sandy soil. Nonwoody plants were found to be positively correlated with deeper, silty soils. Cryptogamic soil crusts were positively correlated with silt and nitrogen in the soil and therefore may play a role in elevating soil fertility. Shrubs and grasses were negatively correlated. Management implications are discussed.      相似文献   

Twenty - one areas in pinyon ( Pinus monophylla ) - juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma ) woodlands burned by wildfire from approximately 1 to 60 years prior to sampling and adjacent unburned mature woodland stands were studied in Nevada and California to determine successional patterns and individual species responses to burning and to changing plant communities through time. One year after burning, all late successional woodland species were present in postburn plant communities except tree species. Increases in both cover and occurrence of annual and perennial forbs resulted in their dominance on early successional sites. Shrubs and annual grasses dominated midsuccessional sites, subsequently giving way to tree, shrub, and perennial grass dominance in late succession. North and east slopes generally supported high cover and occurrence of shrubs, perennial grasses, and perennial forbs, and south and west slopes generally supported high cover and occurrence of annual forbs and annual grasses. The ability to group species according to preferential occurrence on various aspects and successional stages can be used to predict plant community composition in time and space in the pinyon - juniper woodlands.      相似文献   

Presented is a current evaluation of the status and distribution of Utah's rare plant species, including those officially listed as endangered or threatened, those under review for listing, those recommended by the Utah Native Plant Society, and those which recently have been removed from consideration. Taxa are discussed alphabetically. Information on status, distribution, habitat, elevation, and specimens deposited at Brigham Young University are included in the discussion of each species. Maps showing the state distribution of each listed or candidate plant are also provided. New combinations include Dalea flavescens (Wats.) Welsh var. epica (Welsh) Welsh & Chatterley and Schoenerambe suffrutescens (Rollins) Welsh & Chatterley.     相似文献   

  Basic aspects of photosynthesis were investigated in white rubber rabbitbrush ( Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britt. ssp. albicaulis ), a common C 3 deciduous shrub native to arid regions of the western U.S. Under favorable field conditions, net photosynthesis (P n ) ranged from 36 to 73 mgCO 2 · dm – 2 · hr – 1 , which is relatively high for a woody species. The leaves from the actively growing flowering shoots exhibited higher P n than those on the vegetative shoots. P n also varied according to the age of the leaves and the location of the plants. P n did not light saturate even at quantum flux densities (QFD) equivalent to full sunlight. The light compensation point was relatively high (ca 100 μ mol · m – 2 · S – 1 ), perhaps due to the presence of a tomentose vestiture on the leaf surface. At high QFD's, the stomatal conductance was high (ca 520 mmol · m – 2 · s – 1 ) for a woody species. RUBP - carboxylase content of the leaves ranged from 20 to 22 mg per gram F.W., which is similar to that found in most C 3 crop species. These results suggest that rabbitbrush is able to maintain high rates of P n , at least under nonstressed conditions.        相似文献   

Artemisia tridentata/Symphoricarpos oreophilus and Symphoricarpos oreophilus/Artemisia tridentata  plant associations were studied in northeastern Nevada. A 60-stand reconnaissance followed by a detailed study of 37 stands differentiated five important habitat types using an association table approach. Data reduction with DECORANA and TWINSPAN also described five plant associations that were differentiated by species occurrence and geographical distribution. All stands were found at elevations between 2,200 and 3,100 m in areas where snow accumulates and is late to melt. Stands are found on 15 families of soils that are relatively deep, often skeletal, dark colored, and productive. The dominant perennial grasses included Agropyron spicatum, Agropyron trachycaulum, and Festuca idahoensis.  相似文献   

Ten plant communities containing bitter nightshade ( Solanum dulcamara ) were studied and the ecology and naturalizing relationships of bitter nightshade in central Utah area were investigated. Biotic and abiotic factors from each area were statistically analyzed. The data indicated that bitter nightshade was negatively correlated (P    相似文献   

Insect faunas and communities are characterized for herbaceous and tree canopy layers in meadow, aspen, and spruce/fir stages of a northern Utah sere. A greater percentage of species were in Thysanoptera in both aspen strata, and a greater percentage of individuals were in Lepidoptera in aspen canopy. Our sites were quite similar to a wide variety of other terrestrial sites in their distribution of species or individuals among orders or metamorphosis categories. Insects/m 2 peaked in the aspen stage, but declined in the herbaceous layer with succession. Insects/plant biomass in the herbaceous layer increased with succession. Insects/m 2 and insects/foliar biomass were higher in aspen canopies than in conifer canopies. Insect species/m 2 peaked in the aspen stage. This statistic was comparable in meadow and aspen understory, and lower in conifer understory. Insects/m 2 in the tree canopies were similar to the values in their respective understories. Insect species/plant biomass increased in the herbaceous layer with succession, but decreased in tree canopies with succession. Species evenness in both strata increased with succession. Adult body length was greatest for meadow species, least for conifer species. Adult body length per individual was greatest in aspen. Life cycle complexity was greatest in aspen. Insects on trees were more likely to have complex life cycles than those on herbs.      相似文献   

This study examined (1) the relative abundance of the pocket gopher ( Thomomys talpoides ) in four successive stages (1–10, 11–39, 40–79, and 80+ years following disturbance) of spruce-fir forest; (2) the relationship between number of gopher sign (mounds and earth plugs) with gopher density; and (3) a method of sampling pocket gopher populations using a 500 by 4 m strip transect. The number of gopher mounds was significantly correlated with the number of earth plugs. Data were pooled and a categorical log linear analysis used to test for significant differences in pocket gopher sign between the four successive stages. The 1–10 and the 80+ -year-old sites had significantly more gopher sign than the 11–39 and the 40–79 year-old sites. No significant differences were found between the 11–39 and the 40–79-year-old sites, or between the 1–10 and the 80+ -year-old sites. The difference in population densities may be due to understory vegetation differences between the successional stages. There was a significant correlation between amount of gopher sign and gophers caught in each of the study sites. This indicates that counts of pocket gopher sign may be used to estimate pocket gopher density. The strip transect is recommended as the most appropriate method when sampling heterogeneous habitats or when there is cause to suspect gopher populations may be aggregated within the area rather than spaced randomly or regularly.  相似文献   

The vegetation of three alpine cirque basins in the northern San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado was inventoried and analyzed for the degree of specificity shown by vascular plant communities for certain types of habitats identified as representative of the basins. A total of 197 vascular plant species representing 31 families was inventoried. Growth forms of all species were noted and a growth form spectrum for all of the communities was derived. The caespitose monocot and erect dicot growth forms are the most important growth forms among the community dominants. The most common growth form among all species is the rosette dicot.        相似文献   

Growth rates, gestation period, litter size, reproductive age, sex ratios, and development were studied on 198 litters of Reithrodontomys megalotis megalotis (Baird). Growth was characterized by several standard skull and body measurements and was partitioned into four phases of 1 – 3, 4 – 12, 13 – 22, and 23 – 70 days. Growth was best described by measurements of tail length, ear length, and dried eye - lens weight. Reproductive activity began as early as 38 days for females and 59 days for males. The gestation period was 22 days, and the mean litter size was 3.83 (range 1 – 7). Sex ratio was 53.49 percent males to 46.51 percent females. Reproductive efficiency was 53.53 percent. The development of R. m. megalotis was very similar to that of R. m. dychei. Early breeding, postpartum estrous, year - round breeding, high reproductive efficiency, and a short gestation period contribute to a high reproductive potential in R. m. megalotis.    相似文献   

The cui - ui, Chasmistes cujus Cope, a member of the sucker family and endemic to Pyramid Lake, Nevada, is listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cui - ui was once a major source of sustenance for native Americans, who have inhabited the Lahontan region for at least 11,000 years. The Northern Paiutes developed sophisticated fishing technology to harvest this resource. The original distribution of cui - ui was the ancient Lake Lahontan complex, but as a result of climatic changes it was restricted to the Pyramid – Winnemucca – Truckee system by the turn of the 20th century. Transbasin water diversions (1905 to present) have resulted in further restrictions of habitat. The species is now limited to Pyramid Lake and the lower Truckee River. Reproduction is from hatcheries as well as limited natural reproduction. Females produce more than 40,000 2 - mm eggs per year. The normal development is described from the unfertilized egg through 912 hours post - hatching, when the fry are actively feeding and approaching adult body form. The unusual feature of adult cui - ui morphology is the relatively large ventro - terminal mouth, with thin and obscurely papillose lips. Cui - ui grow slowly and may live 18 years or possibly much longer; females generally live longer and attain a greater size than males. The highest adult mortality probably occurs during spawning runs. At this time they are vulnerable to predation, stress, and sometimes environmental degradation. The highest larval mortality probably occurs from predation when they are planted or migrate into the lake. The trophic ecology of the species is poorly understood, but they are known to ingest algae and zooplankton. Spawning behavior is documented. At present, natural reproduction is probably still the limiting factor for the cui - ui population. Cui - ui composed less than one percent of the total fish in Pyramid Lake during 1975–1977. During 1982 the largest cui - ui spawning run (13,000) in recent years occurred. The activity of cui - ui in the lake closely resembles that of the Tahoe sucker being most active during the spawning season each spring. Cui - ui inhabit the inshore - benthic zone and the pelagic waters of Pyramid Lake (      相似文献   

Ants of 22 species were collected in can pit-traps from 16 different vegetative associations to determine distribution, seasonal and annual occurrence, and population as bases for monitoring environmental impact. Thirteen species were sufficiently abundant and distributed to qualify as indicator species. Myrmecocystus mexicanus was the most widespread ecologically. Pogonomyrmex occidentalis was the most abundant species, but second in ecological distribution. The greatest number of species was found in the juniper- Ephedra -grass association, and the fewest species in Ephredra-Coleogyne-Grayia.     相似文献   

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