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The discovery and observation of colonies of starlings nesting in the eastern Great Basin desert indicates further expansion of the breeding range of this species in Utah. Data on nest site selection, nesting productivity, food habits, and relationships with other avian species are presented.  相似文献   

Predation of eggs or nestlings is generally believed to be the most influential factor limiting passerine reproductive success. Thus, there should be strong selective pressures for birds to place their nests in sites that are inaccessible to predators or that are less likely to be discovered by them. We found and monitored 231 nests of 4 species of arboreal, cup-nesting birds: Western Wood-Pewee ( Contopus sordidulus ), Warbling Vireo ( Vireo gilvus ), American Robin ( Turdus migratorius ), and Yellow-rumped Warbler ( Dendroica coronata ). We determined strength of nest tree species selection by comparing nest trees and tree species availability. Western Wood-Pewees and Warbling Vireos demonstrated strong preference for placing nests in quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ). Yellow-rumped Warblers showed a weak preference for aspen, and American Robins demonstrated no preference. We designed a series of experiments to determine whether yellow pine chipmunks ( Tamias amoenus ), an abundant nest predator, could climb aspen trees and, if so, what factors might prevent them from doing so. Yellow pine chipmunks were unable to climb aspen but showed no difficulty in climbing and maneuvering on lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta ) boles, which were identical in diameter to aspen boles. Refuge from chipmunks as potential nest predators is likely contributing to nest site selection for a few arboreal cup-nesting bird species where aspen trees are available.  相似文献   

We measured predation on 120 artificial Sage Grouse ( Centrarcus urophasianus ) nests in montane sagebrush grassland in northern Utah. We examined nests in areas that had been chained and seeded 25 years previously (treated areas) and in areas that were untreated. Predation rates of artificial nests were higher in areas of untreated sagebrush, even though these areas had greater sagebrush cover, taller shrubs, and greater horizontal plant cover. These results differ from those previously hypothesized for treated sagebrush habitat and may reflect a greater abundance of other potential prey species, especially lagomorphs, in untreated areas that attracted greater densities of predators. In addition, over 80% of nests were depredated by mammals, which hunt using olfaction and are less likely than avian predators to be affected by nest cover. We conclude that, after treated sagebrush has recovered to some degree, predation rates of Sage Grouse nests may be lower in treated sagebrush. Consequently, factors other than nest predation (e.g., winter food, thermal cover, insects, perennial forb abundance) may be more important reasons for preserving mature sagebrush stands for Sage Grouse.  相似文献   

We qualified nest site characteristics, breeding densities, and migratory chronology of Long-billed Curlews at the Great Salt Lake, Utah. The species is apparently declining in Utah, and little is known about their breeding in the eastern Great Basin Desert. This study was designed to provide wildlife biologist with the baseline data useful for their successful management. Curlews arrived in northern Utah in late March and generally departed by mid-August. Nest densities at Great Salt Lake ranged from 0.64 to 2.36 males/km 2 . The habitat at curlew nest sites consisted of significantly shorter vegetation than nearby random locations ( ˉx = 5.7 versus 9.0 cm, respectively; P < .01). Nests tended to be located in small patches of vegetation near barren ground. Maintenance of relatively short vegetation appears to be important in managing curlew habitat. In addition, only 2 of 10 nests we monitored in 1992 were successful, with most lost to mammalian predators. Further research is needed to determine impact of mammalian predators on curlew populations.  相似文献   

Ten individuals from each of four tree species were selected, and their associated understory and adjacent open-area communities were sampled for both environmental and vegetational parameters, including light intensity, pH, litter depth, soil depth, and percentages of exposed rock, litter cover, living cover, shrubs, forbs, grasses, and annuals. The four tree species were ponderosa pine, Rocky Mountain juniper, Gambel oak, and snowbrush ceanothus. The study site was in the lower Uinta Mountains about 10 miles east of Kamas, Utah. Correlations among the various biotic and abiotic parameters were examined. The interplay of these factors in differentiating the understory and open-area communities is discussed. &nbsp;  相似文献   

Productivity and food habits of the Barn Owl ( Tyto alba ) utilizing nest boxes in Juab, Utah, and Salt Lake counties, Utah, During 1979-1984 were examined. Average clutch size was 5.8 eggs for the 6-yr period; mean number fledged was 3.9 young per successful nest. While severe weather during the 1981-82 winter did not result in significant decrease in productivity during the 1982 breeding season, it may have resulted in a significant overproduction of female young. Barn Owls in north central Utah fed almost exclusively on mammalian species, particularly Microtus spp. Difference in clutch size between areas and years may be a response to availability as well as abundance of prey.  相似文献   

Measures of niche breadth and overlap were used to compare nest site selection in a community of 10 raptor species and the Raven nesting in the eastern Great Basin Desert. Three variables were examined: nest site type, elevation, and exposure. Results suggest a division of component raptor species into relatively abundant core species that show wide niche breadths and uncommon fringe species with narrow niche breadths. Differences in use of each resource are most pronounced along elevation gradient in which three guilds are evident that correspond to raptor species groupings that nest at higher, middle, and lower elevations. Each guild is comprised of a mix of core and fringe species. Raptor species with highest overlap along one or more nest site variables examined are separated by differences in activity patterns.  相似文献   

The plant communities and individual plant species in and around a salt playa near Goshen, Utah County, Utah, were studied in relation to gradients for soluble salts, soil moisture, and pH. Forty-eight stands were sampled. Frequency data were taken for all plant species. Soil samples were collected from each site and analyzed to establish the environmental gradients. Results indicate that the vegetational types respond differentially to the three gradients and can be segregated on the basis of one or more of the gradients. The total soluble salts gradient was found to be the most influential of the three sampled. Correlation analysis indicates that 45 percent of the variation in plant diversity can be accounted for by the three gradients. Distributional patterns of individual plant species are strongly influenced by the three gradients. Niche width measurements exhibited no correlation with the measured gradients.  相似文献   

Common ravens are usually rather shy birds around their nests and avoid nesting too near human activity. We here report the use of overpasses along heavily traveled Interstate Highway 84 in Idaho and Utah for nest placement. Nests are within 6 m of passing vehicles.  相似文献   

Common ravens are usually rather shy birds around their nests and avoid nesting too near human activity. We here report the use of overpasses along heavily traveled Interstate Highway 84 in Idaho and Utah for nest placement. Nests are within 6 m of passing vehicles.  相似文献   

The effects of grazing on the cryptogamic and vascular plant communities at two sites near Camp Floyd State Park, Utah County, Utah, were studied. The grazed site was subject to heavy grazing up until seven years prior to the study. The ungrazed site within the park boundaries had been protected from grazing for 20 years prior to the study and had a well-developed algal-lichen-moss crust. We found that the algae of the grazed site had recovered in terms of degree of crusting. There were no significant differences in the algal communities of the two sites when prevalent species were used as blocks in the ANOVAR analysis. However, when major algal groups were used as blocks, the analysis was significant, with the more recently grazed site having lower algal frequency. This difference, together with a few compositional differences, indicates that, although the algal community seven years following grazing is very similar to the algal community free of grazing for 20 years, the seven-year site is still in the process of recovery and community development. The diatom collections had a higher density in the grazed site, though the difference was not significant. Recovery of the lichen and moss community was not complete. The lichen Collema tenax and the mosses Bryum pallescens and Tortula ruralis were all significantly more abundant in the ungrazed area. Total cover of the lichen and moss components of the soil crusts was significantly lower in the more recently grazed area. Vascular cover was also lower.  相似文献   

A total of 28 Swainson's Hawk ( Buteo swainsoni ) and 30 Red-tailed Hawk ( B. jamaicensis ) nests were found in Cache Valley, Utah, during the summers of 1992 and 1993. All nests were in trees, but only Red-tailed Hawks nested in dead trees (30%). In the intensive study area, nesting densities were 0.10 nests/km 2 for Swainson's Hawk and 0.08 nests/km 2 for Red-tailed Hawk. Nearest-neighbor nest distances were significantly shorter among Swainson's Hawks (1.74 km) than among Red-tailed Hawks (2.83 km). Congeneric nearest-neighbor distances were significantly shorter than conspecific distances for Red-tailed Hawks (1.59 vs 2.83 km) but not for Swainson's Hawks (1.52 vs. 1.74). GIS analysis of habitat types was made for 2-km radii around nest sites. Cropland was the dominant land cover type at nest sites of both species and no significant difference was found between species. Swainson's Hawk nest sites contained significantly more pasture, whereas Red-tailed Hawk nest sites contained significantly more juniper, maple, and sagebrush. Only Red-tailed Hawk nests ( n = 8; 27%) were found on the periphery of the valley at the base of foothills of the Cache Mountains. This preference resulted in a significantly higher elevation for Red-tailed Hawk nest sites. Swainson's Hawk nests occurred only on the valley floor on level terrain. Distance to the nearest paved road and building was very similar for both species, implying that little difference exists in tolerance levels for human activities. Overall, multivariate niche overlap for habitat was high (0.89), indicating a lack of habitat partitioning between these 2 Buteos in Cache Valley.  相似文献   

Utah prairie dogs were transplanted onto the site of a former colony, located in Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. Shrubs on the site were significantly taller than those found on active colonies in similar habitat located on the Awapa Plateau. Therefore, the transplant site afforded a test of the hypothesis that shrub height is a major inhibitory factor affecting occupation of sites by prairie dogs. Four sites of 5 ha each were used. Vegetation treatments &mdash; rotobeating, railing, and 2,4 - D herbicide &mdash; were carried out on three of the sites and the fourth was used as a control. Shrub height and percent cover were significantly reduced on all three treatment sites. Posttreatment effects on the vegetation showed that the greatest percent moisture of the herbage was found on the railed site, followed by the herbicide, rotobeaten, and control sites. Measurements of the visual obstructions to prairie dogs showed that the rotobeaten site had the greatest visibility, followed by the railed, herbicide, and control sites. Prior to release of prairie dogs on the study area, 200 artificial burrows per treatment were dug, using a power auger. In early summer, 1979, 200 Utah prairie dogs were live - trapped near Loa, Utah. An equal number by sex and age class were released on each treatment. In 1979 a significantly higher number of animals reestablished on the rotobeaten site. In 1980 and 1981 the rotobeaten and railed sites had significantly higher prairie dog numbers than the other sites. Reproduction occurred on both the rotobeaten and railed sites in 1980 and 1981. Results indicated that, when transplanting animals onto sites of former colonies presently overgrown with shrubs, the chances of a successful transplant could be increased by first reducing shrub height and density.  相似文献   

Sixteen study sites were established in grazed and ungrazed stands of winterfat in Kane County, Utah. The area is located within the winter range of cattle and along U.S. Highway 89 between Kanab, Utah, and Page, Arizona. Road construction in 1957 dissected several winterfat communities, and following fencing part of the communities were released from grazing. Differences in species composition, vegetation, and soil characteristics between grazed and ungrazed sites were assessed. Major differences in site characteristics appeared due to the influence of winter grazing by cattle. Winterfat and Indian ricegrass showed increased cover on the nongrazed sites following release from grazing pressure. Winterfat also showed significant negative interspecific association patterns with all major species.  相似文献   

A study was made at 18 sites with elevations between 3512 and 3768 m in the Uinta Mountains, Utah. Sites were small in extent but typified vegetation patterns found in the Uintas. Standing crop, species composition (based on dry weight), and values for several physical parameters were determined at each site. Simple linear regressions performed between the various biotic and abiotic characters revealed significant relationships between the characteristics of rocks visible at the surface (the number, size, and variation in size) and vegetation cover. This relationship was probably due to the burial of rocks as a region became vegetated. Bray and Curtis ordinations performed on the data indicated that there were several factors which influenced the species composition but that no single factor dictated the vegetational pattern.  相似文献   

Erigeron kachinensis is a rare endemic of the Colorado Plateau in southeastern Utah. This perennial composite grows in small, isolated populations at seeps and alcoves arising along canyon walls in Cedar Mesa Sandstone substrates. Characteristics of six Erigeron kachinensis sites in Natural Bridges National Monument, San Juan County, Utah, were studied to determine habitat requirements for this species. Sites were analyzed with respect to geology, soil chemistry, physical properties, and vegetational characteristics. The alcoves studied were very saline, often with soil surfaces covered with a white crust of salt. Living cover was enhanced by perennially moist soils, diminished amounts of solar radiation, soil salinity, and above-average amounts of available soil phosphorus. Kachina daisy vegetative growth appears to be favored by these same abiotic factors. The most commonly associated plant species on E. kachinensis sites were Aquilegia micrantha, Calamagrostis scopulorum, Zigadenus vaginatus, and Erigeron kachinensis . These species and the daisy accounted for more than 75% of the total living cover in the alcoves studied. A principal components analysis procedure was developed for evaluating site suitability for Erigeron kachinensis . This daisy has been successfully introduced to a site selected using that model.  相似文献   

A successful ground nesting by Swainson&rsquo;s Hawks, Buteo swainsoni, is reported for central Utah. Unusual aggressive nest defense behavior is described for this ground nesting pair.  相似文献   

Woodlands dominated by singleleaf pinyon ( Pinus monophylla Torr.and Frem.) and Utah ( Juniperus osteosperma [Torr.] Little) cover extensive areas in the Great Basin and Southwest. Both species are aggressive and can nearly eliminate the previous shrub-dominated community. Successional pathways from shrub-dominated communities before tree establishment to the tree-dominated communities that follow are known only for a few specific sites. How site growing conditions affect successional patterns needs further study. We compared the relationship of foliage biomass and percentage of cover between paired shrub-dominated and tree-dominated plots over several sites. Sites studied are from different elevation and topographic conditions on one mountain range. Foliage biomass in shrub-dominated plots had about a three-to-one variation over the range of site conditions sampled. Tree-dominated plots varied by about two-to-one. Cover in shrub-dominated plots had a four-to-one variation; cover in the tree-dominated plots varied by about two-to-one. Total foliage biomass in both tree- and shrub-dominated plots correlated best with the site index of height at 200 years of age. Variation in percentage of cover in both tree and shrub-dominated plots correlated best with elevation. Foliage biomass variation in shrub-dominated plots was proportional to the variation in the paired tree-dominated plots. A similar proportional relationship was present for percentage of cover between paired tree- and shrub-dominated plots. Foliage biomass was more sensitive to topographic differences than to cover. Variation in plant species sampled in the shrub-dominated plots correlated with total foliage biomass of the same plots. Species sampled also correlated with pinyon height at 200 years of age and total foliage biomass in the paired tree-dominated plots.  相似文献   

Arctomecon humilis Cov. is a narrow endemic, confined to gypsiferous substrates derived from the Shnabkaib Member of the Moenkopi Formation in southwestern Utah. The characteristics of seven A. humilis sites were studied to define habitat requirements of the species. Both physical and biotic aspects of the habitat were analyzed; geology, soil chemistry, and physical properties, as well as vascular and nonvascular plant communities, were studied. Chemical and physical properties of these soils vary considerably from those supporting adjacent desert-shrub communities. The dominant vascular species on A. humilis sites are shadscale and Mormon tea. It was found that A. humilis occurred in portions of the habitat where shrubs were relatively less dense. A soil-surface, cryptogamic community contributed 84% or more of the total living cover on sites that supported A. humilis . Species composition of the cryptogamic community was highly similar among sites. Likewise, composition of the cryptogamic cover was similar when random samples were compared with samples centered on A. humilis plants. The Purgatory Flat site, which does not support the poppy, seems inseparable from A. humilis sites, in respect to soil characteristics and composition of the associated plant cover. There is reason to believe an A. humilis population could be established at the Purgatory Flat site.  相似文献   

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