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Avian species with expansive ranges or those that occupy more than one vegetative association may vary in aspects of their life histories across their ranges. The distribution of Dusky Flycatchers encompasses a variety of vegetative associations, including riparian communities. However, much of the literature on this species details studies conducted in upland areas. Our objectives were to describe the breeding ecology and fecundity of Dusky Flycatchers nesting in montane meadows of the central Sierra Nevada, California. We monitored 36 territories and located 37 Dusky Flycatcher nests in 8 meadows. Average clutch size was 3.9 eggs. Egg laying, incubation, and nestling stages were 4, 15.4, and 16.4 days, respectively. Eighteen nests successfully fledged young, with an average of 3.3 fledglings per successful nest. Nest success was 43% and nest predation was the leading cause of nest failure. Estimated annual fecundity was 1.62 fledglings per pair; however, because all renesting attempts were not located, this should be viewed as the minimum annual fecundity. Dusky Flycatchers we monitored may have had higher fecundity than those nesting in upland areas because riparian areas often have higher arthropod abundances. While the importance of riparian conservation to riparian-obligate bird species is obvious, our study indicates that these areas also may be of value to Dusky Flycatchers that breed in riparian areas and upland areas.  相似文献   

Nest parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) can negatively affect host populations. Landscape-scale factors, such as proximity to residential areas, equestrian riding stables, and grazing allotments, can affect the risk of nest parasitism as well as the abundance of Brown-headed Cowbirds. Recent increases in residential and recreational development along with a reduction in grazing allotments in the northern Sierra Nevada provide an opportunity to reevaluate factors that influence frequency of nest parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds. Frequency of nest parasitism increased as the distance to the nearest residential center and distance to the nearest equestrian riding stable decreased. Similarly, Brown-headed Cowbird abundance was negatively correlated with distance to the nearest residential center and distance to the nearest equestrian stable. To reduce the risk of nest parasitism, efforts should be devoted to (1) reducing further residential development at the wildland–urban interface and (2) educating landowners about bird feeders, which frequently attract Brown-headed Cowbirds.  相似文献   

Despite their trophic importance and potential importance as bioindicators of stream condition, benthic algae have not been well studied in California. In particular there are few studies from small streams in the Sierra Nevada. The objective of this study was to determine the standing crop of chlorophyll- a and benthic algal species assemblages present in the small 1st- and 2nd-order streams of the Kings River Experimental Watersheds (KREW, watersheds of Bull, Providence, Duff, and Teakettle Creeks) and determine the associations of these measures with stream habitat. We collected samples of benthic algae from rock substrata in September 2002 (7 sites) and 2005 (the same 7 sites plus 5 additional sites). Habitat and water-quality data were collected concurrently. Chlorophyll- a values ranged from 0.2 to 3.2 mg ? m –2 . Chlorophyll- a in the Bull Creek watershed was generally lower than in the other watersheds. Benthic algal assemblages were dominated by diatoms and cyanobacteria. We collected 79 taxa of diatoms in 2002 and 126 taxa in 2005. Diatom taxa richness in individual samples ranged from 15 to 47. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis of arcsine square-root transformed proportional abundances of diatoms identified 3 groups of sites. Bull Creek sites were generally different from other sites (group 1), and the sites from Bull Creek were different in 2002 (group 2) and 2005 (group 3). Five taxa appeared to be particularly important in distinguishing groups: Achnanthidium minutissimum , Cocconeis placentula , Eunotia incise , Eunotia pectinalis var. minor , and Planothidium lanceolatum . Elevation, water temperature, pH, specific conductance, and canopy were habitat variables correlated with the differences in diatom assemblages among sites. Our results provide a valuable baseline for future studies of benthic algae in Sierra Nevada headwater streams and will be particularly important in understanding the effects of different forest restoration management strategies being tested in the KREW project.  相似文献   

We translocated 196 Sage Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus into Sawtooth Valley, Idaho, during March-April 1986-87 to augment a small resident population. Forty-four grouse equipped with radio transmitters were monitored through spring and summer. Nest sites ( n = 6) had greater ( P = .032) horizontal cover than did independent random plots ( n = 7). During summer, grouse used sites ( n = 50) with taller live and dead shrub heights, greater shrub canopy cover, and more ground litter ( P n = 50) 50-300 m from use sites. Distance to edge and mountain sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata vaseyana ) density best separated use sites from independent random plots in logistic regression analysis and correctly classified 64% of the use sites and 78% of the independent random plots. Sage Grouse used sties that had narrower frequency distributions for many variables than did independent plots ( P < .04), suggesting selection for uniform habitat.  相似文献   

Observing survival and how individuals allocate time can provide insight into a species' ability to tolerate environmental constraints. We studied the Willow Flycatcher ( Empidonax trallii ) in the Sierra Nevada to determine if there were behavioral differences between pairs that successfully produced offspring and those that did not. This information will advance understanding of why these birds are declining in the Sierra Nevada and contribute to recommendations that may help to conserve them. We studied birds in 13 meadows in 2000 and 2001 using continuous focal-animal observations. Of the 43 territories we observed, 11 were occupied by males who never paired with a female, leaving 32 pairs for analysis. Of the 32 pairs, 13 were successful at breeding on their 1st attempt, and 9 pairs failed at their initial try but were successful on their 2nd breeding attempt. Throughout the breeding season, Willow Flycatchers spent 77%-78% of the day loafing during territory establishment and nest building, and loafing reached a low of 49% of the time budget during the nestling stage. Unsuccessful pairs spent on average 34% more time perching than their successful counterparts, while successful pairs spent on average 48% more of their time on the nest than unsuccessful pairs. Willow Flycatchers doubled the time spent foraging during the nestling phase because they had to meet the daily intake requirements for their young and themselves. Our results suggest that birds that spent more time on the nest and less time vocalizing had a significantly higher probability of successfully producing young because they were able to protect nests from predators, nest parasites, and inclement weather.  相似文献   

Seventeen loci were examined for polymorphism in four populations of Neotoma cinerea and Peromyscus maniculatus on isolated mountain ranges in the Great Basin, one population of each in the Sierra Nevada, and one of each in the Rocky Mountains. All Peromyscus populations had higher levels of heterozygosity than syntopic Neotoma populations.  相似文献   

Basidiocarps of Pisolithus tinctorius , a gasteromycetous fungus adapted to harsh sites, were observed in association with Jeffrey and Sierra Lodgepole pine on acid mine spoils in northeastern California. Subterranean mycelial strands were traced from these basidiocarps to the root systems of the two pine species, which had ectomycorrhizae characteristics of those formed by this fungus in symbiotic relationships with conifer hosts.  相似文献   

An investigation to elucidate some facets of the biology and ecology of Paruroctonus boreus (Girard), in southeast Idaho, was conducted from 21 March to 13 October 1972. Three hundred and eighty - five observations were made on 202 scorpions captured in covered pitfalls and by ultraviolet light. The greatest activity occurred at 2130 hours. Surface activity was not observed when ambient temperature was below 10 C, and, as ambient temperature increased, an increase in surface activity was noted. Male scorpions frequently moved as much as 30 m between observations, while females seldom moved more than five m. Sex ratios varied considerably depending on time of year and method of sampling. Of 142 scoipions observed by blacklight, 92 were males, and 50 were females (1.84 males/female). Limited data suggest a mean litter size of 34 &plusmn; 11.  相似文献   

During the summers of 2005 and 2006, northern flying squirrels ( Glaucomys sabrinus Shaw) were live-captured in the northern Black Hills of South Dakota from mixed deciduous/coniferous and coniferous habitats. Squirrel captures were significantly correlated with volume of downed wood and number of snags. Diets were examined from scat collections ( n = 40, deciduous/coniferous; n = 10, coniferous). Number of fungal spores in the scat was significantly correlated with number of snags. From each scat collection, the frequencies of plant, animal, fungal, and unidentified components were determined. Hypogeous fungi were a frequent component of the diet, being found in 98.3% and 78.8% of the scat observed in 2005 and 2006. In 2006, as the frequency of dietary fungi decreased, the frequency of plant material increased from &#60;1.0% to 8.0% and frequency of unidentified material increased from 2.0% to 74.0%. Animal content in the scat was negligible (&#60;1.0% to 1.0%). Rhizopogon was the most frequently occurring hypogeous fungus observed. Rhizopogon spores made up 97.9% of the spores counted in 2005 and 96.4% in 2006. Elaphomyces, Gautieria, Geopora, Hymenogaster, and Hysterangium were observed at much lower frequencies. Sporocarps were collected throughout the trapping periods. Fourteen were collected in 2005 and 12 in 2006. Of the 26 sporocarps collected, 11 were Rhizopogon, 4 Elaphomyces, 2 Gautieria, 1 Hymenogaster, 7 Hysterangium, and 1 Tuber. This study is the first to examine flying squirrel diets in the Black Hills and the first to report Elaphomyces, Gautieria, Hymenogaster, Hysterangium, Rhizopogon, and Tuber sporocarps from the South Dakota Black Hills.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2815-2840
The species Monoeca haemorrhoidalis, the largest species in the genus, occurs in the Atlantic rainforest of southeastern and southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate the nesting ecology of Mhaemorrhoidalis and its interactions with natural enemies. Nest aggregations were studied in an area at the transition between Dense and Mixed Temperate Rainforest, south Brazil. The period of nest construction and cell provisioning started in October and stopped in February. Plant species of the families Orchidaceae, Styracaceae and, mainly, Malpighiaceae, were the most important pollen and floral oil resources that were used in brood cell provisioning. During the nest construction activities, 27 insect species were observed at the nesting sites. The cleptoparasitic bee Protosiris gigas was one of the main causes of Mhaemorrhoidalis mortality. Some behavioural and biological data of P. gigas are also reported.  相似文献   

Numerous physical, chemical, and biological criteria evidently confirm that Lake Tahoe is oligotrophic. However, detailed examination of the ecology and trophic status status of algae (mostly diatoms) from Lake Tahoe taken from three independent, long-term sampling programs aided in interpretation of plankton and periphyton algal communities by spectral analysis (supported by computerized data synthesis) and "ultra-oligotraphic" lakes over the world from which future studies may reveal algal communities that may be described as more mesotrophic and/or eutrophic than oligotrophic. Lake Tahoe probably is not as oligotrophic as is generally believed, and the indicator algae in it are not as accurate as is generally believed.  相似文献   

The small, spherical, lithistid sponge, Hindia sphaeroidalis Duncan, 1879, is reported from the Devonian and Silurian of the Great Basin for the first time. Devonian specimens came from the Emsian Bartine Member of the McColley Formation from near Roberts Creek, Roberts Mountains, and from the Eifelian part of the Nevada Group near Bishops Creek, north of Wells, Nevada. The Silurian occurrence, questioned because of poor preservation, is from the Laketown Dolomite, on Tunnel Spring Mountain in western Millard County, Utah.  相似文献   

The Tahoe sucker spawns in Pyramid Lake from April to August at lake temperatures of 11.7 to 22.7 C. The spawning population is comprised of a large lake spawning group and a numerically smaller river running group. The river running group is smaller in length and was not considered during this study. The sex ratio of sampled suckers significantly favored the females. This is the result of the longer life of females and greater mortality of males during spawning. &nbsp; Pyramid Lake Tahoe suckers reach sexual maturity at two to three years of age; however, those in Lake Tahoe do not mature until four or five years of age. The size at sexual maturity is different in both populations, which suggests that size or rate of growth rather than age determines sexual maturity. &nbsp; The fecundity of Tahoe suckers is positively correlated with fork length, weight, and age. Additional analysis showed that a better correlation occurred between fish size (either length or net weight) and total ovary weight. We believe that fish size is primarily correlated with total reproductive tissue produced and secondarily with fecundity. A comparison of the Pyramid Lake population and the Lake Tahoe population demonstrated that size, not age, is the most important determinant of Tahoe sucker fecundity.  相似文献   

Deciduous riparian ecosystems in the western United States provide habitat for a higher density of breeding birds than reported for any other avian habitat type and provide habitat for more breeding bird species than adjacent uplands. On the east slope of the Sierra Nevada, riparian ecosystems make up Molothrus ater )&mdash;an obligate brood parasite that forages on bare ground and feedlots but typically commutes to distinct shrubland or woodland habitats for breeding. We examined nest survival, brood parasitism, breeding phenology, and causes of nest failure for birds at North Lake and Rock Creek: 2 high-elevation (>2500 m) riparian breeding habitats adjacent to recreational development and within cowbird commuting distance to additional potential foraging sites. Nest survival tended to be higher for host species at Rock Creek than for those at North Lake, but parasitism rates were not significantly different between plots. Of 21 open-cup nesting species, 12 were parasitized. We found the highest rate of parasitism (92%) for Warbling Vireos ( Vireo gilvus ) at North Lake, and parasitism contributed to lower total nest survival there (14%). For nearly all species, parasitized nests were less successful and produced fewer young than nonparasitized nests. However, predation was the leading cause of complete nest failure across all species and contributed to the lowest total nest survival estimates for Western Wood-Pewees ( Contopus sordidulus, 11%) and Dusky Flycatchers ( Empidonax oberholseri, 15%) at North Lake and for Dark-eyed Juncos ( Junco hyemalis, 15%) at Rock Creek. Nest survival was relatively high for Western Wood-Pewees (41%) at Rock Creek and for Yellow Warblers ( Dendroica petechia, 47%) at North Lake. We noted whether the arrival of pack animals at pack-station corrals contributed to variation in cowbird numbers at corrals or in parasitism rates at the 2 sites. Cowbirds occupied corrals before and after pack-stock arrival, and most host clutches were completed prior to pack-stock arrival at nearby corrals, suggesting that the presence of pack animals did not directly affect cowbird host species.  相似文献   

Fourteen freshwater ostracod species collected from 24 springs in Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon between 1991 and 1994 were classified. Their ecology, based on major water parameters (i.e., temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity), and biogeographical distribution in North America were studied. Among these 14 species, 9 ( Ilyocypris bradyi , I. gibba , Darwinula stevensoni , Candona candida , Heterocypris incongruens , Herpetocypris reptans , H. chevreuxi , Prionocypris canadensis , P. longiforma ) are new records for Nevadas ostracod fauna, while 3 ( H. reptans , P. canadensis , and Cypria turneri ) are new species for Oregon. H. reptans , P. canadensis , and Heterocypris salina are also recorded as new for the ostracod literature of Idaho. Scottia pseudobrowniana , collected from Nevada, is a new ostracod species for the United States. The occurrence of 5 Holarctic species in the northern Great Basin area may suggest a possible historical relationship with the European ostracod fauna.  相似文献   


Nests and prey are described for three species of Australian Sphex: cognatus Smith, ephippium Smith, and bilobatus Kohl. All three prey upon Tettigoniidae. The first two make relatively deep, multicellular nests and make open, accessory burrows beside the true nest entrance; however, these accessory burrows are absent in some populations of cognatus. The nests of bilobatus are shallow and contain only one or two cells. Briefer notes are presented on two species of the related genus Prionyx: globosus (Smith) and saevus (Smith); these are predators on Acrididae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1611-1615
Nesting behaviour and prey of two species of Pseudoplisus, a gorytine wasp genus in the sphecid subfamily Nyssoninae, are described. P. natalensis is a solitary nester in southern Africa nesting often in the soil in flower-pots. P. ranosahae in Madagascar nests in the ground in large aggregations. Both species show a high degree of prey specificity. Nests are provisioned only with large adult froghoppers (Aphrophoridae), P. natalensis preying on Ptyelus grossus and P. ranosahae on Ptyelus goudoti.  相似文献   

Distributional records are given for 40 stonefly species on 15 isolated mountain ranges in Nevada and Utah.  相似文献   

Average linear movement by populations of Dipodomys ordii, Microtus montanus, Perognathus parvus, and Peromyscus maniculatus &nbsp; was investigated over a 15-month period by live trapping on a low-level, radioactive waste disposal area in Idaho. No significant differences in movement among habitats were observed seasonally, excepting M. montanus in spring. Average linear movements within habitats ranged from 20 to 70 m for all species, but some patterns varied seasonally and among age classes for individual species. Although predation on contaminated small mammals from the disposal area is a vector of radionuclide transport, local movements by these rodents do not appear to be of sufficient magnitude to contribute significantly to redistribution of radioactive particles.  相似文献   

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