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The Shoshone sculpin ( Cottus greenei ) is found only in springs of the Thousand Springs formation along the Snake River in Idaho. In 1983 a small population of Shoshone sculpin was introduced into an unnamed spring in the Thousand Springs formation in an attempt to increase the range of the species. Previously, the only sculpin in that spring was the mottled sculpin ( Cottus bairdi ). The Shoshone sculpin was able to establish itself and become the predominant fish within 8 years.  相似文献   

An insect survey was conducted on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory during the summers of 1981–1983. This site is on the Snake River Plains in southeastern Idaho. Presented here is an annotated checklist of the Coleoptera collected. Successful collecting methods, dates of adult occurrence, and relative abundance are given for each species. Relevant biological information is also presented for some species.  相似文献   

Leech species of the mid-Snake River of Idaho and Oregon are described, and the distribution of the extant leech Mooreobdella microstoma Moore in the Snake River paleodrainage is delineated. Samples were collected from aquatic surveys in the Snake River using suction dredging by the Idaho Power Company and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation between 1995 and 2006. Supplementing these surveys, opportunities were provided for leech identification in water-quality analyses in Arizona and Wyoming and in other surveys in California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Eight species of leeches were found in the Snake River surveys. Erpobdella parva Moore was the most widely distributed species, occurring both above and below Shoshone Falls. Mooreobdella microstoma was widely distributed below Shoshone Falls. Other leech species were rare, although Helobdella stagnalis Linnaeus was very common above and less common below Shoshone Falls, a natural barrier to the anadromous fish. Mooreobdella microstoma is an extant species that links the Snake River to the lower Colorado River by various paleodrainages. It probably colonized the Snake River by upstream movement, whereas Erpobdella parva likely colonized this river by downstream movement.  相似文献   

A total of 145 species of diatoms was collected from 13 sites in the Middle Fork of the Salmon River drainage, Idaho, USA. Achnanthes minutissima was the prevalent species with an importance index of 19.25. Cluster analysis revealed 2 main site groupings, sites above the entrance of Loon Creek and sites below. The entrance of Loon Creek (6th order) increases the Middle Fork of the Salmon River to a 7th order stream. Shannon-Weiner diversity values were generally high.     相似文献   

All of the known records of Plecoptera occurring in southeastern Idaho have been compiled in this list, which includes a number of new records obtained by the authors. The study region includes all of the streams in the Snake River and Great Basin drainages of the state found east of the Wood River and south of the Continental Divide and covers about one-third of the state's 216,413 km 2 area. A total of 71 species were found to occur in the area. These are listed by family and the specific habitats in which each is known to occur are noted.  相似文献   

One exotic poeciliid ( Xiphophorus helleri ) and two cichlids ( Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum and Tilapia mossambica ) are recorded as recently established in thermal springs and their outflows in southern Idaho. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus was collected and is considered as established in the Boise River system. Poecilia mexicana and juvenile hybrid tilapias are recorded from the Bruneau River at Bruneau Hot Springs, Idaho. A reproducing population of X. helleri was found in a spring within the boundaries of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Poecilia reticulata , previously reported from one spring each in Idaho and Wyoming, is recorded from a second spring outflow in Idaho.  相似文献   

Records of Wood River sculpin ( Cottus leiopomus ) from 1893 to 2003 were examined and new data were gathered in 2004 and 2006 to estimate the species’ historical range and to search for evidence of changes in its occurrence. Detections of Wood River sculpin were reported in 49 subwatersheds, primarily in the Idaho Batholith ecoregion. The remainder of the Wood River basin was classified as either potential historic range or unknown. Mark-recapture sampling was conducted to estimate the efficiency of electrofishing as a method to detect this sculpin. Sampling efficiency was calculated for 1 upstream pass and 1, 2, and 3 bidirectional passes. A mean sampling efficiency of 45.9% (range 15.4%–63.0%) was achieved using 3 bidirectional passes, block nets, and 0.942 minutes of electrofishing per m2 of stream surface. Efficiency declined an average of 38% between electrofishing passes. The rates and reduced efficiencies observed between passes suggest that multiple passes and visits are needed to reliably estimate sculpin presence or absence. Se examinaros registros observacionales de los charrascos espinosos Wood River ( Cottus leiopomus ) de 1893 a 2003 y nuevos datos fueron reunidos en 2004 y 2006 para estimar su extensión histórica y buscar evidencia de cambios en su presencia. Se ha reportado la detección de charrascos espinosos Wood River en 49 subcuencas, principalmente en la ecorregión del Batolito de Idaho. El resto de la cuenca del Wood River fue clasificado, ya sea como posible distribución histórica o como desconocida. Se llevó a cabo un muestreo de marcaje y recaptura para estimar la eficiencia de la electropesca como método para detectar el charrasco espinoso. Se calculó la eficiencia del muestreo para un pase río arriba y 1, 2 y 3 pases bidireccionales. Se alcanzó una eficiencia promedio del muestreo de 45.9% (del 15.4 al 63.0%) usando 3 pases bidireccionales, redes de bloqueo y la aplicación de corriente eléctrica por 0.942 minutos por metro cuadrado de superficie del arroyo. La eficiencia disminuyó 38% en promedio entre pases de electropesca. Las tasas y la reducción de eficiencia observadas entre pases sugieren que múltiples pases y visitas son requeridos para estimar con precisión la presencia o ausencia del charrasco espinoso.  相似文献   

There has been a resurgence in applying bioassessment techniques for evaluating and monitoring the biological integrity of stream ecosystms. In all cases biological metrics have been refined to account for regional variation in aquatic habitats and fauna. This study evaluated environmental and macroinvertebrate properties for wadable streams in 3 major ecoregions of Idaho: Northern Basin and Range, Snake River Plain, and Northern Rocky Mountain. These 3 ecoregions constitute > 80% of the land area in Idaho. Reference streams were delineated from test streams in each ecoregion using standard habitat assessment protocols. (Plafkin et al. 1989). Multiple discriminant analysis effectively determined habitat (quantified measures) and macroinvertebrate differences between reference and test streams within ecoregions, although the results suggested that quantifiable habitat measures (e.g., water chemistry and nutrients) and biotic measures based on taxonomic groups (e.g., % Elmidae) improved the discriminatory power of evaluation procedures. Our results support the contention of a multi-metric approach for assessing differences among streams within an ecoregion. Lastly, individual metrics differed in their importance for evaluating stream condition among ecoregions, further emphasizing the importance of regionally stratifying metric selection or scoring procedures.  相似文献   

We studied spawning ecology of cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki ) in streams that originate as springs along the Salt River, a Snake River tributary in western Wyoming. We assessed (1) relative numbers of upstream-migrant and resident adults present during the spawning period in spring streams, (2) influence of habitat modification on use of spring streams for spawning, and (3) habitat features used for spawning in spring streams. Four spring streams were studied, 2 with substantial modification to enhance trout habitat and 2 with little or no modification. Modifications consisted primarily of constructing alternating pools and gravel-cobble riffles. Only a small portion of adult fish in spring streams during the spawning period had migrated upstream from the Salt River between March and the middle of June. Larger numbers of adult fish and more redds were observed in the 2 modified streams compared with the 2 streams with little or no modification. Most spawning occurred on constructed riffles with small gravel and over a narrow range of depths and velocities. Cutthroat trout, rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), and their hybrids were observed in 1 stream with habitat modifications, indicating that measures to halt invasion by rainbow trout, as well as habitat improvement, are needed to preserve this native trout within the Salt River valley.  相似文献   

Mature flathead chubs ( Hybopsis gracilis ) were present in mid - July and mid - August collections from the Musselshell River, Montana. The estimated numbers of mature eggs present in eight females were 360–753 per female. The smallest mature female and male collected were 113 and 123 mm in total length, respectively. The male to female sex ratio in collections was about 1:1. Only small differences were detected among the length – weight relationships of males and females and samples taken from various seasons and localities in Montana. Observations on size groups, fish associates, and habitat characteristics of flathead chubs are presented.      相似文献   

We investigated the temperature tolerance and growth of 2 federally protected freshwater gastropods from southern Idaho: Valvata utahensis and Pyrgulopsis idahoensis . Snails were collected in the Snake River and transported to the laboratory where they were kept under highly controlled conditions. In varying-temperature, short-duration experiments, the temperatures tolerated by both species were between 7°C and 34°C. In constant-temperature, longduration experiments, growth rates were between 0.004 mm ? d -1 and 0.016 mm ? d -1 , and we created growth curves for both species that were previously lacking. Our results are among the first to report temperature tolerances and growth rates of native Snake River snails, and we discuss implications for the biology and management of both species.  相似文献   

Three diatom species recently collected from Great Basin localities represent new records of these taxa from this region of western North America. Cocconeis scutellum   Ehr. and Melosira dubia   Kuetz. were collected from a thermal spring in Tooele County, Utah. Nitzschia hustedtiana   Salah was collected from newly flooded marshes at the south end of the Great Salt Lake, Tooele Countv, Utah.  相似文献   

Redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri in the Columbia River Basin of western North America occupy desert and montane streams with variable habitat conditions. In general, desert streams are lower in gradient and elevation, contain less large substrate and more silt substrate, are less shaded by overhead vegetation, and have higher summer water temperature than montane streams. Consequently, we assessed whether the relationships between biotic and abiotic factors and the occurrence and abundance of redband trout in southwestern Idaho differed between desert and montane streams (<25 m mean width). Increased occurrence of redband trout in desert streams was most strongly related to increased stream shading and decreased amounts of silt substrate, followed by increased amounts of cobble/boulder substrate and absence of piscivorous fish (i.e., smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui and northern pikeminnow Ptychocheilus oregonensis ). In montane streams, increased occurrence of redband trout was most strongly related to decreased site elevation and increases in cobble/boulder substrate, followed by decreases in stream gradient and width. Furthermore, occurrence of redband trout decreased in desert streams at mean summer (June–August) water temperature (Temp smr ) >16 °C, whereas for montane streams, occurrence increased at Temp smr >9 °C. Redband trout density in desert streams was most strongly related to higher stream order (i.e., headwater streams), increased stream shading, and increased amounts of cobble/boulder substrate. In montane streams, redband trout density was not well explained by any stream conditions, but stream shading had the strongest positive relationship with density. Redband trout density was negatively related to Temp smr in desert streams, but the relationship was weak for montane streams. That environmental conditions related to the occurrence and abundance of redband trout differ between desert and montane streams is important for fisheries managers who manage these disparate populations occurring in such close proximity to each other.  相似文献   

Insects inhabiting Great Basin wildrye ( Elymus cinereus Scribn. & Merr.) were surveyed at two sites on the Snake River Plain in southern Idaho during 1982 and 1983. Forty-six species of phytophagous insects were observed. In addition, eight parasitoid species were reared from insect hosts in the plant culms and identified. Lifestage, abundance, plant part utilized, and study site were recorded for each insect species collected. Insect guilds at the two sites were compared based on species presence utilizing Sorensen's similarity index. Overall, 26 insect species were common to both sites, yielding a moderate similarity index of 0.62. The majority of the species that constitute the wildrye herbivore guilds were oligophagous (restricted to grasses). Many of these insects feed on grain crops as well as other native and introduced grasses. The relatively high diversity of phytophages on wildrye may be due to its tall, bunchgrass growth form, its abundance within its habitat, its broad geographic range, and the large number of related species of grasses in the region.  相似文献   

The Wood River sculpin Cottus leiopomus is endemic to the Wood River Basin in central Idaho and is a nongame species of concern because of its limited distribution. However, status and genetic population structure, 2 factors often central to the conservation and management of species of concern, have not been assessed for this species. We used backpack electrofishers to survey streams that were small enough (i.e., a priori to contain, possibly contain, or not contain the sculpin, respectively. Native redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri were present at 21 study sites, including 18 of the 20 sites that contained Wood River sculpin. Sixty-one study sites (60%) were dry or had too little water to contain any fish. We estimated that a minimum of 1.36 million Wood River sculpin (≥20 mm total length) currently reside in the basin. The presence of Wood River sculpin was positively associated with stream width:depth ratio and percent cobble/boulder substrate and negatively associated with stream gradient. Mitochondrial DNA haplotype differences were observed between and within the 3 major river subbasins supporting sculpin, with the most striking differences observed between populations in the Camas Creek subbasin and the other 2 subbasins, among which no haplotypes were shared, suggesting relatively long-term isolation. Our results suggest that the Wood River sculpin remains relatively widespread and abundant within its endemic range, despite obvious changes in historical stream connectivity caused by irrigation diversions and other chronic habitat alterations.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of Tiger Beetles are listed for Idaho, along with the counties of occurrence for each species. Three species are placed in a checklist of Idaho species for the first time: Cicindela depressula depressula Casey, Cicindela parowana wallisi Calder, and Cicindela decemnotata decemnotata Say.      相似文献   

Thirty - nine Utah streams were sampled for cutthroat trout. Of these, 31 contain cutthroat or cutthroat / rainbow hybrid populations. By using starch gel electrophoresis, these populations were segregated into three groups. One group consisted predominately of fish from the Sevier River (of the Bonneville Basin) and Colorado drainages. A second was primarily populations from the Bear River Drainage (Bonneville Basin) as well as some scattered populations along the Wasatch Front (Bonneville Basin). The third consisted of Wasatch Front populations and populations that have hybridized with rainbow trout. Since different subspecies of cutthroat trout are native to the Colorado and Bonneville drainages, one would expect the populations from within the Bonneville Basin to be more similar to one another and less similar to the Colorado River populations. That this did not occur raises questions concerning the evolutionary relationships of the subspecies and the populations. It is clear that at least a northern (Bear River) and southern (Sevier River) form of the Bonneville cutthroat exists. The Wasatch Front may represent an intermediate zone where these two forms intergrade.      相似文献   

Insectivorous fishes were sampled from March, 1983 to February 1984, in Flint Creek, Delaware Co., Oklahoma. There was insignificant habitat segregation between Etheostoma spectabile and E. punctulatum and seasonal habitat partitioning between Cottus carolinae and both darters. Mature E. spectabile ate primarily chironomids and mayflies, whereas juveniles fed primarily on microcrustaceans. Mature E. punctulatum consumed fewer Ephemerella and Leptophlebia than E. spectabile , feeding on Stenonema and other crustaceans. Juvenile E. punctulatum fed mainly on amphipods and mayflies, and juvenile E. spectabile ate primarily microcrustaceans. Cottus carolinae elected primarily mayflies in spring - summer and chironomids in January - February. Coefficients of dietary overlap were highest between larger E. spectabile and juvenile E. punctulatum and lowest between immature E. spectabile and mature E. punctulatum . Overlap between the two darters was significantly correlated with differences in mean prey size (p E. spectabile was also significantly correlated to differences in mean prey sizes. Etheostoma spectabile generally preferred smaller prey than E. punctulatum . All three species avoided Stenelmis . Cottus carolinae avoided microcrustaceans. The study showed that resource partitioning among these three insectivorous fishes is affected by complex interactions of habitat and prey electivity, and prey size selectivity.      相似文献   

A two-year study of the rare vascular plants of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory generated new data on the abundance, distribution, and habitat features of eight taxa presently under review at either the federal or state level, or recently proposed for such review. Astragalus ceramicus Sheld. var. apus Barneby is common on the INEL and adjacent areas and will be recommended for removal from further consideration at the federal level and placed on Idaho's Federal Watch List. Coryphanta missouriensis (Sweet) Britt. & Rose is common throughout east central Idaho, but will be recommended for retainment on the State Watch List. Gymnosteris nudicaulis (H. & A.) Greene and Oxytheca dendroidea Nutt. are also recommended for retention on the State Watch List. Four taxa not previously known to occur in Idaho or not known from the southeastern part of the state ( Astragalus gilviflorus Sheld., Astragalus kentrophyta Gray var. jessiae (Peck) Barneby, Gilia polycladon Torr., and Lesquerella kingii S. Wats. var. cobrensis Roll. & Shaw) were encountered and evaluated with reference to current or potential threats, and are recommended for placement on Idaho's State Watch List.      相似文献   

A burrowing owl ( Athene cunicularia ) population nesting on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) in southeastern Idaho utilized burrows excavated by badgers ( Taxidea taxus ) or natural cavities in lava flows as nesting sites. The size of the population was small (N = 13–14 pairs) in relation to the number of available nesting sites, suggesting that factors other than burrow availability limited this population. Rodents and Jerusalem crickets ( Stenopelmatus fuscus ) represented the primary prey utilized during the nesting season. This population demonstrated both a numerical (brood size) and functional (dietary) response to a decrease in the density of three species of rodents on the INEL during a drought in 1977.      相似文献   

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