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Electromagnetic signals are always composed of photons, although in the circuit domain those signals are carried as voltages and currents on wires, and the discreteness of the photon's energy is usually not evident. However, by coupling a superconducting quantum bit (qubit) to signals on a microwave transmission line, it is possible to construct an integrated circuit in which the presence or absence of even a single photon can have a dramatic effect. Such a system can be described by circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED)-the circuit equivalent of cavity QED, where photons interact with atoms or quantum dots. Previously, circuit QED devices were shown to reach the resonant strong coupling regime, where a single qubit could absorb and re-emit a single photon many times. Here we report a circuit QED experiment in the strong dispersive limit, a new regime where a single photon has a large effect on the qubit without ever being absorbed. The hallmark of this strong dispersive regime is that the qubit transition energy can be resolved into a separate spectral line for each photon number state of the microwave field. The strength of each line is a measure of the probability of finding the corresponding photon number in the cavity. This effect is used to distinguish between coherent and thermal fields, and could be used to create a photon statistics analyser. As no photons are absorbed by this process, it should be possible to generate non-classical states of light by measurement and perform qubit-photon conditional logic, the basis of a logic bus for a quantum computer.  相似文献   

Feedback loops are central to most classical control procedures. A controller compares the signal measured by a sensor (system output) with the target value or set-point. It then adjusts an actuator (system input) to stabilize the signal around the target value. Generalizing this scheme to stabilize a micro-system's quantum state relies on quantum feedback, which must overcome a fundamental difficulty: the sensor measurements cause a random back-action on the system. An optimal compromise uses weak measurements, providing partial information with minimal perturbation. The controller should include the effect of this perturbation in the computation of the actuator's operation, which brings the incrementally perturbed state closer to the target. Although some aspects of this scenario have been experimentally demonstrated for the control of quantum or classical micro-system variables, continuous feedback loop operations that permanently stabilize quantum systems around a target state have not yet been realized. Here we have implemented such a real-time stabilizing quantum feedback scheme following a method inspired by ref. 13. It prepares on demand photon number states (Fock states) of a microwave field in a superconducting cavity, and subsequently reverses the effects of decoherence-induced field quantum jumps. The sensor is a beam of atoms crossing the cavity, which repeatedly performs weak quantum non-demolition measurements of the photon number. The controller is implemented in a real-time computer commanding the actuator, which injects adjusted small classical fields into the cavity between measurements. The microwave field is a quantum oscillator usable as a quantum memory or as a quantum bus swapping information between atoms. Our experiment demonstrates that active control can generate non-classical states of this oscillator and combat their decoherence, and is a significant step towards the implementation of complex quantum information operations.  相似文献   

用Pengg-Barnett位相理论分析了光子数压缩态的位相特性.讨论了在弱压缩极限下的位相分布特征,其概率密度分布呈正弦分布,其位相平均值和方差与θ0的选取及压缩参量有关。  相似文献   

半导体激光器开启瞬态噪声的模拟计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用状态空间法通过对含噪声项的Langevin速率方程的求解,得到半导体激光器开启瞬态光子数噪声的方差及其自相关函数.结果显示,半导体激光器非稳态的光子数噪声主要表现为弛豫振荡的颤抖时间.  相似文献   

研究了超实数*R上的两种常用拓扑──Q-拓扑及S-拓扑的结构.证明了(*R,Q)是完全不连通的;*R中的Q-紧集只有有限集;*R中的每个银河都是(*R,S)的连通分支;*R中每一长度有限的区间(可以不是闭的)都是S-紧的;以及*R/≈既是(*R,Q)的上半连续分解,也是(*R,S)的上半连续分解等Q-拓扑及S-拓扑的一些基本性质.同时也纠正了前人关于Q-拓扑性质的一些错误结论.  相似文献   

The self-assembly of semiconductor quantum dots has opened up new opportunities in photonics. Quantum dots are usually described as 'artificial atoms', because electron and hole confinement gives rise to discrete energy levels. This picture can be justified from the shell structure observed as a quantum dot is filled either with excitons (bound electron-hole pairs) or with electrons. The discrete energy levels have been most spectacularly exploited in single photon sources that use a single quantum dot as emitter. At low temperatures, the artificial atom picture is strengthened by the long coherence times of excitons in quantum dots, motivating the application of quantum dots in quantum optics and quantum information processing. In this context, excitons in quantum dots have already been manipulated coherently. We show here that quantum dots can also possess electronic states that go far beyond the artificial atom model. These states are a coherent hybridization of localized quantum dot states and extended continuum states: they have no analogue in atomic physics. The states are generated by the emission of a photon from a quantum dot. We show how a new version of the Anderson model that describes interactions between localized and extended states can account for the observed hybridization.  相似文献   

先前的研究已经说明,根据至今在高频率范围内对光速的测量结果,既不能证明真空中光速没有色散,也不能够对光子有质量与否做出判断,因为光子质量引起光速的色散只会集中地发生在频率逼近于零的长波光子辐射的小频率范围之内.所以,为寻找光子质量引起的光速色散,本文关注于静电场的研究.按照波粒二象性,必须放弃"静电场的频率等于零"的观念;静电场应被视为长波光子的辐射场.由光子质量引起的光速色散就发生在静电场的小频率范围内,静电场的传播速度就是频率最低端的光速.计算表明,若光子有质量,则静电场中存在着可观数量的慢光子,它们的速度与极限速度c相比大约低3%到10%.为证明光子质量引起光速的色散,应该测量并分解静电场的传播速度.  相似文献   

The decoy state protocol was proposed to overcome the primitive photon number splitting attack. When using a better strategy, the attacker can ensure that the ratio of the overall gain of the signal state pulse against the decoy state pulse changes very little, even to keep the overall gain of the signal state pulses equal to that obtained without attacker. In this paper we first give a model of the partial photon number splitting attack which contains the original one, and then find that the decoy state protocol still works effectively under the partial photon number splitting attack.  相似文献   

两纠缠原子与二项式光场相互作用过程中光场的量子特性   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3  
采用时间演化算符和数值计算方法, 研究了两全同二能级纠缠原子与二项式光场相互作用过程中光场的量子特性. 结果表明, 光场的二阶相干性质和压缩效应与两原子体系纠缠度和二项式光场参数相关联, 选择合适的系统参数, 光场涨落可以被完全压缩.  相似文献   

采用虚数场描述万有引力场,其场能密度是负实数,满足能量守恒定律.    相似文献   

心理状态数是反映人们日常生产活动中心理状态对他们的行为和结果影响的重要指标.董云河和宋述龙最早假定心理状态对结果影响的偏态分布为N(0,σ2,c).随后,宋立新给出一种新的偏态分布.该文指出了这种新偏态分布的局限性,并在此基础上提出一种更广泛的偏态分布,并得到了其矩估计和极大似然估计.通过统计模拟研究,比较已得到的2种估计与已有估计的偏差与均方误差,得出了极大似然估计具有较强的稳健性的结论.  相似文献   

Quantum states of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The discrete quantum properties of matter are manifest in a variety of phenomena. Any particle that is trapped in a sufficiently deep and wide potential well is settled in quantum bound states. For example, the existence of quantum states of electrons in an electromagnetic field is responsible for the structure of atoms, and quantum states of nucleons in a strong nuclear field give rise to the structure of atomic nuclei. In an analogous way, the gravitational field should lead to the formation of quantum states. But the gravitational force is extremely weak compared to the electromagnetic and nuclear force, so the observation of quantum states of matter in a gravitational field is extremely challenging. Because of their charge neutrality and long lifetime, neutrons are promising candidates with which to observe such an effect. Here we report experimental evidence for gravitational quantum bound states of neutrons. The particles are allowed to fall towards a horizontal mirror which, together with the Earth's gravitational field, provides the necessary confining potential well. Under such conditions, the falling neutrons do not move continuously along the vertical direction, but rather jump from one height to another, as predicted by quantum theory.  相似文献   

论述了在非相对论近似下自组织带电物质的量子理论.得到了关于自作用电子在外场中的Ehrenfest定理和量子力学Newton运动方程,利用它们研究了自作用电子的非定态状态.结果表明:在任意外场中自作用电子的质心作如此的运动,就象没有Coulomb自作用力一样.自作用电子在均匀外场中的波函数不随时间扩散而保待自己的大小和几何形状.  相似文献   

回顾光子静止质量上限的探测结果,得出重光子(Proca光)所遵守的电磁场方程.根据引力场中有质量粒子的短程线方程,以球对称质量外部引力场(Schwarzschild外场)为例,讨论处于其中的重光子的短程线方程,得出各方程对应的物理意义.  相似文献   

针对大庆油田采油四厂的污水矿化度高等问题,通过模拟污水中各种离子和矿化度来研究聚合物溶液黏度的影响因素,得出水的矿化度越高,聚合溶液的黏度越低;Ca2+、Mg2+和Na+含量越高聚合物溶液的黏度越低.破乳剂、防垢剂、防蜡剂对聚合物溶液黏度无影响,絮凝剂和杀菌剂使聚合物溶液黏度降低.对于采油四厂的高矿化度污水应用电渗析法研究矿化度降低的情况.研究表明,电渗析方法可以大幅度地降低水的矿化度,并且可以有效地去除所有离子.电渗析方法处理后的淡水所配制的聚合物溶液的黏度远高于处理前的污水所配制的聚合物溶液的黏度,故处理后的淡水可以用于配制聚合物溶液.  相似文献   

第Ⅰ种非对称两态叠加多模光场的N次方H奇数压缩   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了态|Ψ(ab)I〉q的等幂次N次方H压缩特性.结果发现当腔模总数q与压缩幂次数N这两者之积为奇数时,态|Ψ(ab)I〉q的第一或第二正交分量在一定条件下总可分别呈现出周期性变化的奇数模-奇次幂的N次方H压缩效应.  相似文献   

电偶极子的场及辐射   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕宽州  姜俊 《河南科学》2003,21(5):512-514
采用了镜像法等方法对电偶极子及其产生的静电场、电磁场及辐射等做了较系统和深入的分析、研究,使分析方便、简化,推出的结论有一定实际指导意义。  相似文献   

The PHC criterion and the realignment criterion for pure states in infinite-dimensional bipartite quantum systems are given. Furthermore, several equivalent conditions for pure states to be separable are generalized to infinite-dimensional systems.  相似文献   

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