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R Aharoni  D Teitelbaum  R Arnon  J Puri 《Nature》1991,351(6322):147-150
Autoimmune diseases occur when T lymphocytes become activated on recognizing self antigen linked to the autologous class II molecule of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The resulting complex of antigen MHC T-cell receptor could be a target for treatment of autoimmune diseases. Studies in which each component is blocked separately might be limited by interference in non-relevant immune responses that either use the same set of T-cell-receptor V gene segments or are linked to the same MHC. We report here an attack by a specific antibody on the unique antigenic site formed by the binding of two components of the trimolecular complex, the autoantigen bound to the self MHC. We tested its effect in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, an acute neurological autoimmune disease which is widely regarded as a model for autoimmune disorders and which is mediated by CD4+ T cells recognizing myelin basic protein (BP), or its peptides, in association with self Ia. We made monoclonal antibodies which bound only the complex of BP and I-As. These antibodies blocked the proliferative response in vitro to the encephalitogenic determinant of BP and reduced the response to intact BP, without affecting the response to a nonrelevant antigen-purified protein derivative of tuberculin presented on syngeneic macrophages. They also inhibited experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in H-2s mice. Hence, antibodies directed specifically to the autoantigen-Ia complex, may offer a highly selective and effective treatment in autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

A A Vandenbark  G Hashim  H Offner 《Nature》1989,341(6242):541-544
T cells expressing the alpha beta T-cell receptor (TCR) for antigen can elicit anti-idiotypic antibodies specific for the TCR that regulate T-cell function. Defined sequences of the TCR, however, have not been used to elicit specific antibodies and the role of cellular immunity directed against TCR determinants has not been studied. We immunized Lewis rats with a synthetic peptide representing a hypervariable region of the TCR V beta 8 molecule. Subsequent induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a paralytic disease of the central nervous system mediated primarily by V beta 8+ T cells specific for myelin basic protein was prevented. T cells specific for the TCR V beta 8 peptide conferred passive protection against the disease to naive rats, apparently by shifting the predominant T-cell response away from the major encephalitogenic epitope of basic protein. This is the first report demonstrating the use of a synthetic TCR V-region peptide to induce specific regulatory immunity and has important implications for the regulation of human disease characterized by common TCR V-gene usage.  相似文献   

Semaphorins are axon guidance factors that assist growing axons in finding appropriate targets and forming synapses. Emerging evidence suggests that semaphorins are involved not only in embryonic development but also in immune responses. Semaphorin 7A (Sema7A; also known as CD108), which is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored semaphorin, promotes axon outgrowth through beta1-integrin receptors and contributes to the formation of the lateral olfactory tract. Although Sema7A has been shown to stimulate human monocytes, its function as a negative regulator of T-cell responses has also been reported. Thus, the precise function of Sema7A in the immune system remains unclear. Here we show that Sema7A, which is expressed on activated T cells, stimulates cytokine production in monocytes and macrophages through alpha1beta1 integrin (also known as very late antigen-1) as a component of the immunological synapse, and is critical for the effector phase of the inflammatory immune response. Sema7A-deficient (Sema7a-/-) mice are defective in cell-mediated immune responses such as contact hypersensitivity and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Although antigen-specific and cytokine-producing effector T cells can develop and migrate into antigen-challenged sites in Sema7a-/- mice, Sema7a-/- T cells fail to induce contact hypersensitivity even when directly injected into the antigen-challenged sites. Thus, the interaction between Sema7A and alpha1beta1 integrin is crucial at the site of inflammation. These findings not only identify a function of Sema7A as an effector molecule in T-cell-mediated inflammation, but also reveal a mechanism of integrin-mediated immune regulation.  相似文献   

W A Border  S Okuda  L R Languino  M B Sporn  E Ruoslahti 《Nature》1990,346(6282):371-374
Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix within the damaged glomeruli, impaired filtration and proteinuria. In its progressive form, the disease destroys kidney function leading to uraemia and death, unless dialysis therapy or kidney transplantation is available. The pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis is incompletely understood, but the eliciting factor is thought often to be an immunological injury to mesangial and/or other resident cells in the glomeruli. We have used an animal model of acute mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis to show that this disease is associated with increased production and activity of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1), an inducer of extracellular matrix production. Here we report that administration of anti-TGF-beta 1 at the time of induction of the glomerular disease suppresses the increased production of extracellular matrix and dramatically attenuates histological manifestations of the disease. These results provide direct evidence for a causal role of TGF-beta 1 in the pathogenesis of the experimental disease and suggest a new approach to the therapy of glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   

Some neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1 envelope proteins were highly effective to inhibit the infection of different strainsin vitro, and existed in the infected individuals with very low levels. We suggested multi-epitope-vaccine as a new strategy to increase levels of neutralizing antibodies and the abilities against HIV mutationin vivo. Two candidate multi-epitope-vaccines induced antibodies with predefined multi-epitope-specificity in rhesus macaque. These antibodies recognized corresponding neutralizing epitopes on epitope-peptides, gp41 peptides, V3 loop peptide, rsgp41 and rgp120. Besides, three candidate epitope-vaccines in combination (another kind of multi-epitopevaccines) showed similar potency to induce predefined multiple immune responses in rabbits. These results suggest that multi-epitope-vaccines may be a new strategy to induce multi-antiviral activities against HIV-1 infection and mutations.  相似文献   

D Sun  Y Qin  J Chluba  J T Epplen  H Wekerle 《Nature》1988,332(6167):843-845
Down-regulatory phenomena have been described in several experimental models of tissue-specific, T-cell-mediated autoimmunity. For example, resistance to active induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) can be induced by pretreating animals with non-pathogenic inocula of autoantigen or effector cells. Moreover, animals that have recovered from one EAE episode are resistant to subsequent induction of EAE. In some models, resistance to EAE has been transferred with immune cells to naive recipients. These experiments, which were based on transfers of unseparated immune cell populations, are difficult to interpret. Immune suppression circuits are known to be complex and involve various distinct cellular subsets. To further complicate the issue, resistance to EAE can be transferred not only by suppressor cells, but also by encephalitogenic effector cells injected in 'subclinical' doses. We describe now the isolation of homogeneous T lymphocyte lines from the spleens of Lewis rats that had recovered from T-cell-mediated EAE (tEAE) caused by the MBP-specific T cell line S1. These spleen-derived T line cells express the CD8 phenotype and specifically respond to determinants on the inducing S1 line, but not to the autoantigen MBP. Furthermore, the anti-S1 cells selectively lyse the encephalitogenic S1 T line in vitro and efficiently neutralize their encephalitogenic capacity in vivo.  相似文献   

Integrins are heterodimeric cell-surface proteins that regulate cell growth, migration and survival. We have shown previously that the epithelial-restricted integrin alpha(v)beta6 has another critical function; that is, it binds and activates latent transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). Through a global analysis of pulmonary gene expression in the lungs of mice lacking this integrin (Itgb6 null mice) we have identified a marked induction of macrophage metalloelastase (Mmp12)--a metalloproteinase that preferentially degrades elastin and has been implicated in the chronic lung disease emphysema. Here we report that Itgb6-null mice develop age-related emphysema that is completely abrogated either by transgenic expression of versions of the beta6 integrin subunit that support TGF-beta activation, or by the loss of Mmp12. Furthermore, we show that the effects of Itgb6 deletion are overcome by simultaneous transgenic expression of active TGF-beta1. We have uncovered a pathway in which the loss of integrin-mediated activation of latent TGF-beta causes age-dependent pulmonary emphysema through alterations of macrophage Mmp12 expression. Furthermore, we show that a functional alteration in the TGF-beta activation pathway affects susceptibility to this disease.  相似文献   

The cytokine transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is an important negative regulator of adaptive immunity. TGF-beta is secreted by cells as an inactive precursor that must be activated to exert biological effects, but the mechanisms that regulate TGF-beta activation and function in the immune system are poorly understood. Here we show that conditional loss of the TGF-beta-activating integrin alpha(v)beta8 on leukocytes causes severe inflammatory bowel disease and age-related autoimmunity in mice. This autoimmune phenotype is largely due to lack of alpha(v)beta8 on dendritic cells, as mice lacking alpha(v)beta8 principally on dendritic cells develop identical immunological abnormalities as mice lacking alpha(v)beta8 on all leukocytes, whereas mice lacking alpha(v)beta8 on T cells alone are phenotypically normal. We further show that dendritic cells lacking alpha(v)beta8 fail to induce regulatory T cells (T(R) cells) in vitro, an effect that depends on TGF-beta activity. Furthermore, mice lacking alpha(v)beta8 on dendritic cells have reduced proportions of T(R) cells in colonic tissue. These results suggest that alpha(v)beta8-mediated TGF-beta activation by dendritic cells is essential for preventing immune dysfunction that results in inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmunity, effects that are due, at least in part, to the ability of alpha(v)beta8 on dendritic cells to induce and/or maintain tissue T(R) cells.  相似文献   

S J Taylor  H Z Chae  S G Rhee  J H Exton 《Nature》1991,350(6318):516-518
Many hormones, neurotransmitters and growth factors, on binding to G protein-coupled receptors or receptors possessing tyrosine kinase activity, increase intracellular levels of the second messengers inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and 1,2-diacylglycerol. This is due to activation of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase(s) C (PLC), the isozymes of which are classified into groups, alpha, beta, gamma and delta. The beta, gamma and delta groups themselves contain PLC isozymes which have both common and unique structural domains. Only the gamma 1 isozyme has been implicated in a signal transduction mechanism. This involves association with, and tyrosine phosphorylation by, the ligand-bound epidermal growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor receptors, probably by means of the PLC-gamma 1-specific src homology (SH2) domain. Because EGF receptor-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC-gamma 1 stimulates catalytic activity in vitro and G proteins have been implicated in the activation of PLC, we investigated which PLC isozymes are subject to G protein regulation. We have purified an activated G protein alpha subunit that stimulates partially purified phospholipase C and now report that this G protein specifically activates the beta 1 isozyme, but not the gamma 1 and delta 1 isozymes of phospholipase C. We also show that this protein is related to the Gq class of G protein alpha subunits.  相似文献   

Y Shimizu  G A Van Seventer  K J Horgan  S Shaw 《Nature》1990,345(6272):250-253
Regulated adhesion of T cells to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is likely to be essential in T cell migration. Constitutive binding of various other cell types to ECM components is mediated by members of the VLA (very late antigen) subfamily of integrins. We describe here the regulated binding of resting CD4+ human T cells to ECM through three VLA integrins: VLA-4 and VLA-5 binding to fibronectin (FN), and a novel pathway of VLA-6 binding to laminin (LN). Binding to ECM is regulated in two ways. First, unlike other VLA-mediated interactions, VLA binding activity of the T cells is rapidly and dramatically augmented with cell activation without change in level of expression of the VLA molecules. Second, binding is regulated with T-cell differentiation; memory T cells express three- to four-fold more VLA-4, VLA-5, and VLA-6 than do naive cells, and bind more efficiently through them to FN and LN.  相似文献   

Prevention of HIV-1 IIIB infection in chimpanzees by CD4 immunoadhesin   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The first step in infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the specific binding of gp120, the envelope glycoprotein of HIV, to its cellular receptor, CD4. To inhibit this interaction, soluble CD4 analogues that compete for gp120 binding and block HIV infection in vitro have been developed. To determine whether these analogues can protect an uninfected individual from challenge with HIV, we used the chimpanzee model system of cell-free HIV infection. Chimpanzees are readily infected with the IIIB strain of HIV-1, becoming viraemic within about 4-6 weeks of challenge, although they do not develop the profound CD4+ T-cell depletion and immunodeficiency characteristic of HIV infection in humans. CD4 immunoadhesin (CD4-IgG), a chimaeric molecule consisting of the N-terminal two immunoglobulin-like regions of CD4 joined to the Fc region of human IgG1, was selected as the CD4 analogue for testing because it has a longer half-life than CD4, contributed by the IgG Fc portion of the molecule. In humans, this difference results in a 25-fold increased concentration of CD4-IgG in the blood compared with recombinant CD4. Here we report that pretreatment with CD4-IgG can prevent the infection of chimpanzees with HIV-1. The need for a preventative agent is particularly acute in perinatal HIV transmission. As recombinant CD4-IgG, like the parent IgG molecule, efficiently crosses the primate placenta, it may be possible to set up an immune state in a fetus before HIV transfer occurs, thus preventing infection.  相似文献   

Transfer of specificity by murine alpha and beta T-cell receptor genes   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
T-cell receptor alpha- and beta-chain genes were isolated from a class I major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxic T-cell clone and transferred by protoplast fusion into another cytolytic T-cell clone of different specificity. Expression of the transfected alpha and beta genes endowed the recipient cell with the specificity of the donor cell.  相似文献   

Blockage of alpha beta T-cell development by TCR gamma delta transgenes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Miyamoto K  Miyake S  Yamamura T 《Nature》2001,413(6855):531-534
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a prototype autoimmune disease mediated by type 1 helper T (TH1) cells and under the control of regulatory cells. Here we report that a synthetic glycolipid ligand for CD1d-restricted natural killer T (NKT) cells expressing the semi-invariant T-cell receptor (Valpha14+) is preventive against EAE. The ligand is an analogue of alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GC), a prototype NKT cell ligand, with a truncated sphingosine chain. alpha-GC causes NKT cells to produce both interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-4 (refs 4, 5). However, this new ligand can induce a predominant production of IL-4 by the NKT cells. A single injection of this glycolipid, but not of alpha-GC, consistently induced TH2 bias of autoimmune T cells by causing NKT cells to produce IL-4, leading to suppression of EAE. The lack of polymorphism of CD1d and cross-reactive response of mouse and human NKT cells to the same ligand indicates that targeting NKT cells with this ligand may be an attractive means for intervening in human autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

H Nishimoto  H Kikutani  K Yamamura  T Kishimoto 《Nature》1987,328(6129):432-434
The NOD (non-obese diabetic) mouse spontaneously develops insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) characterized by autoimmune insulitis, involving lymphocytic infiltration around and into the islets followed by pancreatic beta (beta) cell destruction, similar to human IDDM. Genetic analysis in breeding studies between NOD and C57BL/6 mice has demonstrated that two recessive genes on independent chromosomes contribute to the development of insulitis. One of the two recessive diabetogenic genes was found to be linked to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). This is of interest, because the NOD strain has a unique class II MHC: it does not express I-E molecules as no messenger RNA for the alpha-chain of I-E is visible in Northern blot analysis; I-A molecules are not detected with any available monoclonal antibodies or by allo-reactive or autoreactive T-cell clones, although their expression is demonstrated with a conventional antiserum to Ia antigens. To examine whether the unusual expression of class II MHC molecules may be responsible for the development of autoimmune insulitis, we attempted to express I-E molecules in NOD mice selectively, without introducing other genes on chromosome 17 by using I-E-expressing C57BL/6 (B6(E alpha d)) transgenic mice. We report here that the expression of I-E molecules in NOD mice can prevent the development of autoimmune insulitis.  相似文献   

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