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南海深海底部浊流地貌十分发育。陆坡区有大量的海底峡谷,部分峡谷的谷底、越岸区或出口部位分布有超临界流成因的大型沉积物波和周期阶坎底形。多数峡谷在陆坡脚的出口处并未形成像样的海底扇,而深海平原中却保有高丰度的浊流沉积。这可能暗示,南海峡谷浊流的能量较高,即使在经历陆坡脚的减速之后仍有足够的能量维持其沿平缓的深海平原作较长距离的搬运。浊流地貌的出现大多始于晚中新世,其成因与南海及周缘强烈的构造活动有关。  相似文献   

The winter counter-wind current (also named the South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC)) in the northern South China Sea (SCS) has been known well for decades, but its mass and momentum origination have not be quantitatively evaluated before. In this paper, the high resolution three-dimensional ocean circulation model is adopted to reproduce the circulation in the northern SCS. The diagnostic analyses are performed to investigate the momentum budget in the northern SCS continental shelf/slope and the momentum propulsion of the SCSWC. It is indicated that the across-shelf pressure gradient and the across-shelf transport are responsible for the formation of the SCSWC, while the along-shelf pressure gradient is balanced by the surface stress, bottom stress, and Coriolis force. The magnitude of the terms in the along-shelf momentum equation is smaller than that in the across-shelf one. The analysis on the momentum budget in the northem SCS will benefit the marine environmental prediction in the future.  相似文献   

Core 17954 is located in the modern summer upwelling area in western South China Sea, its sediments recorded the variations of upwelling generated by East Asia Summer Monsoon (EASM) during MIS 3. Based on the strict age model of AMS 14C dating, the paleo-Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Salinity (SSS) are reconstructed by pairing Mg/Ca-Paleothermometer and δ 18o of planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white s.s.). Results show that in Core 17954, the δ 18O record of G.ruber has sig- nificant mill...  相似文献   

The internal wave modal equations are solved with the consideration of background currents. Analytical and numerical solutions of some specific examples, including observations in the northern South China Sea (SCS), are obtained to investigate the effect of back- ground current on internal wave vertical structure. The effects of current shear and curvature on internal wave vertical structure are eval- uated separately. It is found that the phase speed and wave structure are modified by background currents, the current shear has little effect on wave structure, whilst the current curvature could have a strong impact on the wave structure. The extent of the effect by the current curvature on the wave structure depends on the magnitudes of current curvature, relative wave speed, and buoyancy frequency, sometimes the effect by the current curvature may even cause the wave to attenuate severely with depth. A new method to obtain the real eigenfunction with depth in the case that the waves become evanescent is also put forward. It is shown that the residual tidal current in the northern SCS is strong enough to cause the wave to attenuate severely at the uooer laver.  相似文献   

The internal wave modal equations are solved with the consideration of background currents. Analytical and numerical solutions of some specific examples, including observations in the northern South China Sea (SCS), are obtained to investigate the effect of background current on internal wave vertical structure. The effects of current shear and curvature on internal wave vertical structure are evaluated separately. It is found that the phase speed and wave structure are modified by background currents, the current shear has little effect on wave structure, whilst the current curvature could have strong impact on wave structure. The extent of the effect by the current curvature on the wave structure depends on the magnitudes of current curvature, relative wave speed, and buoyancy frequency, sometimes the effect by the current curvature may even cause the wave to attenuate severely with depth. A new method to obtain the real eigenfunction with depth in the case that the waves become evanescent is also put forward. It is shown that, the residual tidal current in the northern SCS is strong enough to cause the wave to attenuate severely at upper layer.  相似文献   

Observational study of the circulation in the southern South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CTD data from two oceanographic survey cruises, conducted by “Shiyan No. 3” R/V during two reversing monsoons, were employed to calculate and analyze the distributions of temperature, salinity and geopotential anomaly in the southern South China Sea (SSCS). Based on these distributions, the horizontal structures of the SSCS circulation are described systematically. Study results show that the SSCS circulation structure could be classified as a two-layer (the upper and the lower) pattern, and that the main circulation in the upper layer (0–400 m) is driven by the South China Sea monsoons and is opposite in direction to the reversal of the monsoons. The distributions of principal current systems and their features are presented. Two important local phenomena, local eddy and oceanic front, were observed.  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature over the past 450 ka was obtained by the unsaturation of molecular fossil-long chain alkenone with a resolution of about 1 ka from the western South China Sea. This is the longest temperature profile in the South China Sea at such high resolution. The U37^κ-SST results revealed similar glacial-interglacial cycles as the δ^18O profile of planktonic foraminifera, with SST variability of 23-25.5℃ for glacial and 25-28℃ for interglacial periods. The highest SST (28.4℃) was recorded at MIS5.5 and lowest SST (22.6℃) during MIS2. The SST record preceded the planktonic foraminiferal δ^18O on five glacial-interglacial transitions. Comparison of temperature records from the Southern and Northern Hemispheres indicated a more Southern Hemisphere-like pattern for the temperature variation in the SCS. Strong precession and semiprecession signals in the spectra of our SST record manifest the tropical phenomena.  相似文献   

渔业捕捞及商业航运活动的塑料排放是南海深海塑料污染的主要来源。南海深海微塑料污染始于20世纪80年代,具有明显陆源输入的特征,陆架近岸区域微塑料污染严重。陆坡深海峡谷是塑料/微塑料向深海盆地输运的主要通道,近底浊流在输运中发挥了重要作用。综述了南海海底塑料垃圾深潜研究的最新进展,首次提出了深海塑料垃圾生态系统的概念。  相似文献   

采用POM模式对2005年西北太平洋西边界流系源区进行了数值模拟.针对该海区海表热通量与POM模式匹配困难的问题,在模拟过程中,分别采用由同化AMSR卫星资料插值得到的日平均海表温度场以及由NCEP资料得到的海表净热通量与长、短波辐射通量两种方案来进行海表热强迫.通过与SODA资料的分析结果对比,POM模式模拟结果较好地显示出北赤道流,黑潮源区及棉兰老海流的基本特征,两处断面流速与实际探测资料较为吻合;高度场模拟结果与实况较为一致,但0.9m水位高度线范围呈缩小-放大-缩小-放大的季节性震荡与实况中维持稳定存在一定差异;海温模拟结果与月平均的SODA资料总体一致,但在春夏两季温度略高.  相似文献   

为了研究伴随南海夏季风爆发的热带环流的演变,利用40 a的NCEP逐日再分析资料,采用合成分析的方法对季风爆发前后的环流形势变化进行了讨论。合成结果中重点分析了随南海季风的爆发在对流层和平流层低层的流场都有显著变化的南亚、东南亚地区。结果表明,在对流层中印度洋赤道地区,在季风爆发前有东风扰动发展成为一对南北对称的低涡,随后北边的低涡演变成孟加拉湾低槽,低槽前的西南气流不断东扩,使西太副高东撤,南海季风爆发。低涡的演变和发展是影响南海季风爆发的重要因子之一。而高层的环流形势与低层不同,伴随季风爆发高层环流的演变则更多地体现出了全球尺度的特征。  相似文献   

南海东沙群岛南侧海域的潮余流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为分析南海东沙群岛南侧海域次表层潮余流特征,基于布放在该海区的锚碇潜标海流资料,利用T-TIDE调和函数和低通滤波等方法,实现潮流调和常数的提取和余流的分离。该海区次表层潮流分潮K1,Msm,O1,M2和Ssa为主要分潮,各分潮东分量振幅大于北分量振幅。研究表明:潮流东西向运动强于南北向;各分潮振幅随深度变化不一致,造成潮流类型在不同深度上有所变化;二月平均余流出现相对异常现象,流速相对较大,可达83.65cm/s。次表层月平均余流变化与南海季风的盛衰有较好的对应关系,季风对该海区影响可达次表层深度。结合相应的温盐数据和高度计资料发现,余流异常与经过该海区的反气旋涡有关,涡旋改变了该海区原有的水体结构。  相似文献   

南海表面海温异常对南海季风影响的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用P-σ混合坐标系区域气候模式模拟了4-7月南海季风的爆发、演变过程,并进行了3组敏感性数值试验,研究南海表面海温异常对南海季风的影响,得到以下结论:(1)南海4月份海温异常对南海季风的爆发日期影响不大,但对季风爆发后的强度有所影响,异常增温造成南海季风增强,异常降温则南海季风减弱。(2)南海季风爆发和强度的变化与南海本身的海温变化情况有密切的关系,尤其是5月份南海海温异常。5月份南海异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,季风增强,南海海温异常降低时,南海季风爆发的时间推迟,季风减弱。(3)南海海温持续异常可以影响南海及中国大陆的高低空环流变化,海温持续异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,显地加强南海季风,并有利于南海季风向北推进,但当海温在6月份进一步持续增温时,则有利于季风维持在较南地区,阻碍季风向北发展;当海温持续异常降低时,南海季风推迟爆发,且明显减弱。  相似文献   

The coupling and propagating features of mesoscale sea level variability between the western Pacific (WP) and the South China Sea (SCS) were studied based on time series analyses of satellite altimeter measured, along-track sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) along 21°N and the slope of the northern SCS. The analyses show that mesoscale sea level fluctuations in the WP have rather limited coherent effects on the SCS, and no statistically significant propagation of mesoscale variability through the Luzon Strait was observed except in the 45-day band. Evidence suggests that the 45-day fluctuation is very much likely a character of the Kuroshio originating from its low-latitude beginning. It is also sug- gested that the westward propagating Rossby waves will deform when they encounter the dynamical barrier of the Kuroshio. The Kuroshio will then acts on the SCS in its own way. The SCS is a relatively isolated system in the sense of coupling and propagating of oceanic mesoscale waves.  相似文献   

依据大洋钻探井及地震剖面资料,定量确定南海同扩张期和后扩张期深海盆沉积充填差异及沉积物来源变化。研究显示,南海深海盆自渐新世(32 Ma)开始形成,随着南海二次扩张海盆范围逐渐扩大,海盆内主要充填火山碎屑角砾岩及火山灰,碳酸盐岩、超微化石软泥,泥质粘土、粉砂质粘土、泥岩及粉细砂岩。深海盆充填主要沉积物为晚中新世(11.6Ma)以来的陆源碎屑沉积,丰富陆源碎屑的供给与南海闭合过程中同期区域构造事件(如青藏高原快速隆升、菲律宾板块俯冲)密切相关,也与晚中新世以来东亚季风增强以及源区强烈的风化剥蚀有关。  相似文献   

Based on the CTD and meteorological data obtained by R/VXiangyanghong No. 14 in the South China Sea (SCS) in the summer of 1998, both current velocity and volume transport are calculated by using a modified inverse model. Circulation in the SCS is analyzed by combining the calculated results with ADCP data. The following results are obtained, (i) The most important feature of the circulation in the northeastern SCS is that a branch of the Kuroshio intrudes into the SCS with a small volume transport. It flows anticyclonically through the Bashi Strait and towards the southwest off the Taiwan Island, and it does not intrude into the inner SCS. (ii) The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system with two cold eddies, (iii) The central and southwestern SCSs are mainly occupied by anticyclonic circulation systems, including three anticyclonic and one stronger cyclonic eddies. (iv) In the southeastern SCS, there is a large scope of cyclonic circulation extending in the SW-NE direction, (v) There is a “multi-eddy phenomenon” in the SCS, and a larger eddy contains several small eddies. (vi) There is western intensifying of the currents and eddies in the SCS.  相似文献   

近10年南海海表风场季节特征统计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王静  李靖  李荣波  刘寒 《科技资讯》2014,(3):197-200
基于Fortran程序和Grads(Grid Analysis and Display System)软件,利用QN(QuikSCAT/NCEP)混合风场,统计了近10年(1999年8月~2009年7月)期间南海海表风场特征,主要统计了风速风向的季节特征,期望研究结果可以为航海、防灾减灾等提供参考。结果表明:(1)春季,风速的大值区位于南海北部,约3.5~5.0 m/s,台湾海峡能达到5.5 m/s;除泰国湾和北部湾以外的大部分海域以东北风为主,北部湾以偏东风为主,泰国湾以偏南风为主。(2)夏季,受西南季风影响,大部分海域以西南风为主;风速的大值区位于中南半岛附近海域,该海域为传统的南海大风区,约5~7 m/s。(3)秋季,为季风过渡季节,风向稍显凌乱,南海中北部已转东北风,而南部部分海域的西南风尚未完全消退,泰国湾在该季节则以西北风为主;风速的相对大值区位于南海北部和台湾周边海域,约6~9 m/s,台湾海峡基本都在9 m/s左右。(4)冬季,受冷空气影响显著,整个南海均以强势的东北风为主;风速大值区呈东北-西南走向,大部分海域的风速在8 m/s以上,台湾海峡能达到11 m/s左右。  相似文献   

Upper pycnocline turbulence in the northern South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first regional mapping of the averaged turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate <εp> in the upper pycnocline of the northern South China Sea is presented and discussed.At φ=20°N and to the north of this latitude,<εp> appears to be more than two times larger than that to the south of 20°N.It is suggested that this asymmetry is associated with the predominant northwestward propagation and dissipation of the internal waves originated in the Luzon Strait area.An approximately linear relationship between <εp> and the available potential energy of the waves P IW,suggests a characteristic time of the P IW dissipation of about 6 h.  相似文献   

2011—2018年,国家自然科学基金委员会设立"南海深部过程演变"重大研究计划,同时推动实施了三次半的大洋钻探航次,使南海进入国际深海研究的前列,在深海盆洋陆相互作用、边缘海盆地的板缘张裂和气候演变的低纬驱动等3方面取得了突破性进展,挑战了源自西欧、北大西洋的传统观念。深海探索的进展,确立了中国在南海科学上的引导地位,下一轮的深入研究可望将南海建成世界海洋科学的天然实验室,进一步提升中国在海洋基础研究中的国际地位。  相似文献   

南海的构造演化与其周边的板块构造运动有密切关系,一直是地学研究的热点问题。现对中外学者关于南海成因模式的观点、模式进行综述分析,讨论涉及主动成因10种,被动类成因7种,涉及代表性观点20个,每一观点都能合理解释一些宏观地质现象,也都与另一些地质现象相悖,还需要进一步修正、发展或用新的资料来验证。这是南海研究日趋成熟的表现,未来将会逐渐各个学说融合发展。从史学的角度讨论了"南海观点"之演变,认为未来主要趋向是研究方法多元化、精细化、定量化,认为南海与周围地块之间主被动关系研究、东南亚盆地群响应序列之间对比、岩石圈结构学、区域岩石发展史、不同学说的动力学定量对比与评价是未来的主要研究关注点,并充分考虑外围被动因素,融合南海的发育历史,并将中生代南海的岩石圈禀赋及历史融于其中是南海成因模式研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

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