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Pluto and its satellite, Charon (discovered in 1978; ref. 1), appear to form a double planet, rather than a hierarchical planet/satellite couple. Charon is about half Pluto's size and about one-eighth its mass. The precise radii of Pluto and Charon have remained uncertain, leading to large uncertainties on their densities. Although stellar occultations by Charon are in principle a powerful way of measuring its size, they are rare, as the satellite subtends less than 0.3 microradians (0.06 arcsec) on the sky. One occultation (in 1980) yielded a lower limit of 600 km for the satellite's radius, which was later refined to 601.5 km (ref. 4). Here we report observations from a multi-station stellar occultation by Charon, which we use to derive a radius, R(C) = 603.6 +/- 1.4 km (1sigma), and a density of rho = 1.71 +/- 0.08 g cm(-3). This occultation also provides upper limits of 110 and 15 (3sigma) nanobar for an atmosphere around Charon, assuming respectively a pure nitrogen or pure methane atmosphere.  相似文献   

以半矮化水稻突变体B1-24及其野生型惠阳珍珠早(Hyz)幼苗为材料,探究其细胞学特征及其对激素的响应.在光下生长的B1-24幼苗比Hyz矮14.62%,第一真叶长度短11.18%,黄化苗植株的中胚轴长度增长41.89%,但Hyz的胚芽鞘长度比之长28.71%.细胞学观察发现,与野生型相比,突变体第一真叶叶片细胞长度和宽度都无显著差异.B1-24黄化苗的胚芽鞘细胞长度仅为Hyz的45.95%,而中胚轴细胞长度是其118.28%.B1-24对激素GA3(600 μg/ml)和IAA(7 μg/ml)的处理敏感,其细胞长度显著增长,植株表型更接近Hyz.而50 μg/mL PAC处理使其严重缩短.推测B1-24的半矮化突变可能与激素合成或响应有关  相似文献   

中心极限定理可以写成易理解、易记忆的推论,甚至可以综合成一种形式。借助一般正态分布与标准正态分布的转换公式和期望及方差的性质,使用起来得心应手,有望推广成为大众使用的工具。  相似文献   

中心极限定理可以写成易理解、易记忆的推论,甚至可以综合成一种形式.借助一般正态分布与标准正态分布的转换公式和期望及方差的性质,使用起来得心应手,有望推广成为大众使用的工具.  相似文献   

以半矮化水稻突变体B1-24及其野生型惠阳珍珠早(Hyz)幼苗为材料,探究其细胞学特征及其对激素的响应.在光下生长的B1-24幼苗比Hyz矮14.62%,第一真叶长度短11.18%,黄化苗植株的中胚轴长度增长41.89%.B1-24黄化苗的胚芽鞘细胞长度仅为Hyz的45.95%,而中胚轴细胞长度是其118.28%.B1-24分别经激素GA3(600μg/mL)和IAA(7μg/mL)处理,其细胞长度显著增长,50μg/mL PAC处理使其严重缩短.推测B1-24的半矮化突变可能与激素合成或响应有关.  相似文献   

论述了X射线脉冲星辐射模型和脉冲轮廓构造算法,提出了以Kullback-leibler距离函数作为评价标准,提高具有泊松分布规律的X射线脉冲星脉冲轮廓信噪比的平滑算法,推导了平滑参数和平滑累积脉冲轮廓的计算公式.搭建了X射线脉冲星导航地面模拟系统,实现了对模拟X射线脉冲星单光子到达时间的记录及X射线脉冲星脉冲轮廓的构造,得到了X射线脉冲到达时间TOA.在X射线脉冲星导航地面模拟系统上,对平滑算法进行了验证,结果表明该算法对于提高累积脉冲轮廓的信噪比效果显著,信噪比提高大于10dB.  相似文献   

王建英 《科学技术与工程》2012,12(33):8899-8903,8908
针对在大多数监控应用中摄像机架设一般都有一定的高度和倾斜角度这一特性,通过分析监控画面中人的特征,可以看到由于摄像机有倾斜角度,在人员密集情况下,人下半身会形成一定的遮挡。但是大部分都可以得到正面或背面的上半身轮廓,因此提出了利用人的上半身特征,是头肩形状来检测画面中的目标个体方法。该方法在确定每一帧画面的目标后,对所检测到的目标进行连续跟踪。确定目标的运动轨迹,得到了很好的跟踪效果。  相似文献   

There is a long-standing debate about whether spin-charge separation is the root cause of the peculiar normal-state properties and high superconducting transition temperatures of the high-Tc materials. In the proposed state of matter, the elementary excitations are not electron-like, as in conventional metals, but rather the electron 'fractionalizes' to give excitations that are chargeless spin-1/2 fermions (spinons) and charge +e bosons (chargons). Although spin-charge separation has been well established in one dimension, the theoretical situation for two dimensions is controversial and experimental evidence for it in the high-Tc materials is indirect. A model with sharp experimental tests for a particular type of separation in two dimensions has recently been proposed. Here we report the results of those experimental tests, placing a conservative upper limit of 190 K on the energy of the proposed topological defects known as visons. There is still debate about the extent to which this experiment can settle the issue of spin-charge separation in the high-Tc copper oxides, because some forms of the separation are able to avoid the need for visons. But at least one class of theories that all predict a vortex-memory effect now are unlikely models for the copper oxides.  相似文献   

胭脂豆天然食用色素的提取及其理化性质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以胭脂豆为原料提取安全无毒的天然食用色素,并对其理化性质进行了测试研究,研究表明:该色素在一定条件下具有较高的稳定性,在食品工业中有很好的开发应用前景.  相似文献   

2007年三河电厂#3、#4机组相继进入商业运行阶段,入网安评组专家通过功率公式P=U^2/R计算得出三河电厂机组非电量保护出口继电器动作功率均不满足5W不符合非电量保护的中间继电器以及对经长电缆跳闸回路相关的反措要求。本文将对非电量保护反事故措施如何理解、发生误动的原因进行分析,提出了多种应对措施,最终采取优选方案来...  相似文献   

Single-grain zircon U-Pb dating was carried out to constrain the emplacement timing of granitic plutons at Chaxinzi, Xiaoweishahe and Longtou in the Tonghua area, south of Jilin Province. The results show that these plutons formed in the Triassic with ages of 203—217 Ma. Geological and geochemical characteristics indicate that the plutons are composed of quartz diorite and granite. The former was derived from partial melting of mafic lower crust, whereas the latter originated from thickened crust with garnet as the residue in the source. It appears that protoliths of these two types of granitits are different although they have the same emplacement age. Considering that these plutons are petrologically different from the coeval granites in the Xingmeng (Xing‘an-Mongolian) to Jihei (Jilin-Heilongjiang) orogenic belt in the north, it is suggested that their formation was related to the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure collisional orogenesis since their ages are only 10—20 Ma younger than timing of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism, but comparable to that of the first rapid exhumation of the ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks and the emplacement of the post-collisional granites.  相似文献   

微生物来源的醛糖还原酶抑制剂F01-195A的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用自建的高通量醛糖还原酶抑制剂的筛选方法,从数千株放线菌和真菌中筛选得到阳性菌株F01-195.对阳性菌株的发酵产物进行有机溶剂提取、硅胶柱色谱和ODS HPLC纯化,得到活性化合物F01-195A,其对醛糖还原酶有较强的特异性抑制活性,IC50为57.2μmol/L.通过对F01-195A的紫外、质谱、核磁等理化数据的分析,鉴定了其化学结构与化合物Flavomannin相同,Flavomannin已被报道作为了抗疟疾药物的先导化学物.  相似文献   

A new species of Gobiconodon is found from the Yixian Formation of western Liaonlng, China. The new taxa,G zofiae sp. nov., has a confluent opening for branches Ⅱand Ⅲ of the trigeminal nerve on the anterior lamina of the petrosal. G zofiae sp. nov. is similar to Repenomamus in having an ossified Meckel‘s cartilage connecting the lower jaws and ear region. The new species, with enlarged I^1/I1, posteriorly located infraorbital foramen and four mental foramina,distinctly differs from the other species of Gobiconodon. The new material indicates that Gobiconodon has four, not five,upper molariforms. The presence of Gobiconodon in Jchol Biota makes it possible to correlate Jehol Biota with faunas in eastern Asia and North America, and suggests the age of the Yixian Formation to be Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

计入外磁场、体和界面单轴各向异性后,研究了铁磁和反铁磁层间耦合的A-B-A三链系统中的光学界面自旋波及其存在的充要条件.结果发现,在三链系统中,有两种不同类型的光学界面自旋波,它们在不同界面各向异性条件下,均可存在0~2个自旋波解  相似文献   

The distal extremity of a rhinocerotid humerus from the upper part of the Dingqing Formation at the Lunbori locality in Baingoin County, northern Tibet, is the first mammalian fossil found in Cenozoic deposits of the Lunpola Basin. The medial condyle of the distal trochlea of the humerus specimen from Lunbori gradually contracts from medially to laterally. The margin of the medial surface of the medial condyle is not prominent, the well-developed medial epicondyle strongly extends posteriorly, and is divided from the articular facet of the medial condyle by a groove; all of which are characteristic for the Rhinocerotidae. The medial condyle is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. The medial collateral ligament fossa is relatively shallow, and the medial collateral ligament tubercle is very weak. The medial part of the upper margin of the medial condyle smoothly connects to the bony surface above, but there is no clear boundary between them. All of these characteristics are identical with those of Plesiaceratherium. These comparisons imply that the Lunbori specimen is closest to Plesiaceratherium gracile in the Shanwang Fauna from Linqu, Shandong Province, in size and morphology. Thus, its age is suggested to be the late Early Miocene (Shanwangian Age), about 18?C16 Ma. Discovery of the rhinocerotid fossil suggests that the upper part of the Dingqing Formation deposited in the Neogene. While adjusting to paleo-temperatures of the Early Miocene, a paleo-ecosystem reconstruction indicates that the paleo-elevation was close to 3000 m in the Lunpola Basin during this time.  相似文献   

LDCT三传类比教学实验技术研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了极限扩散电流技术(LDCT)直管内液固传质系数的测定原理,依据三传类比进而获得传热系数,开发了LDCT三传类比教学实验技术,经流程设计与制造,研制出了三传类比教学实验装置,使得“三传类似率”这一《化工传递过程》中十分重要的原理通过实验得以验证。对学生消化理解课程中的重点与难点内容具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文从电解质溶液Hall效应的基本关系式出发,分析了电解质溶液Hall效应的测量问题。  相似文献   

随着网络的发展,越来越多的旅游者通过网络信息进行旅游相关决策,旅游网络口碑在旅游者决策中的作用日益明显。作为一种新兴网络营销方式,旅游网络口碑营销的应用价值也正逐渐被越来越多的旅游管理者所认识和重视。旅游地应展开针对性的网络口碑营销策略,以此推进旅游产品销售,提高旅游者的旅游体验,树立旅游地品牌形象,并最终实现旅游地的品牌管理。  相似文献   

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