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Sagy A  Reches Z  Fineberg J 《Nature》2002,418(6895):310-313
A large impact by a comet or meteorite releases an enormous amount of energy, which evaporates, melts and fractures the surrounding rocks. Distinctive features of such impacts are 'shatter cones', deformed rocks characterized by hierarchical striated features. Although such features have been used for decades as unequivocal fingerprints of large-body impacts, the process by which shatter cones form has remained enigmatic. Here we show that the distinctive shatter-cone striations naturally result from nonlinear waves (front waves) that propagate along a fracture front. This explains the observed systematic increase of striation angles with the distance from the impact. Shatter-cone networks, typically spanning many scales, can be understood as hierarchical bifurcations of the fracture front, which is generated by the immense energy flux carried by the initial, impact-generated, shock waves. Our quantitative predictions based on this theory are supported by field measurements at the Kentland and Vredefort impact sites. These measurements indicate that shatter cones near to the impact site were formed by fractures propagating at nearly the Rayleigh wave speed of the host rocks, whereas the furthest shatter cones observed (about 40 km from the impact site) were formed by fronts moving more slowly. These results provide insight into impact dynamics as well as dissipative mechanisms in solids subjected to sudden, extremely intense fluxes of energy.  相似文献   

Stratospheric ozone attenuates harmful ultraviolet radiation and protects the Earth's biosphere. Ozone is also of fundamental importance for the chemistry of the lowermost part of the atmosphere, the troposphere. At ground level, ozone is an important by-product of anthropogenic pollution, damaging forests and crops, and negatively affecting human health. Ozone is critical to the chemical and thermal balance of the troposphere because, via the formation of hydroxyl radicals, it controls the capacity of tropospheric air to oxidize and remove other pollutants. Moreover, ozone is an important greenhouse gas, particularly in the upper troposphere. Although photochemistry in the lower troposphere is the major source of tropospheric ozone, the stratosphere-troposphere transport of ozone is important to the overall climatology, budget and long-term trends of tropospheric ozone. Stratospheric intrusion events, however, are still poorly understood. Here we introduce the use of modern windprofiler radars to assist in such transport investigations. By hourly monitoring the radar-derived tropopause height in combination with a series of frequent ozonesonde balloon launches, we find numerous intrusions of ozone from the stratosphere into the troposphere in southeastern Canada. On some occasions, ozone is dispersed at altitudes of two to four kilometres, but on other occasions it reaches the ground, where it can dominate the ozone density variability. We observe rapid changes in radar tropopause height immediately preceding these intrusion events. Such changes therefore serve as a valuable diagnostic for the occurrence of ozone intrusion events. Our studies emphasize the impact that stratospheric ozone can have on tropospheric ozone, and show that windprofiler data can be used to infer the possibility of ozone intrusions, as well as better represent tropopause motions in association with stratosphere-troposphere transport.  相似文献   

Parman SW  Kurz MD  Hart SR  Grove TL 《Nature》2005,437(7062):1140-1143
High 3He/4He ratios found in ocean island basalts are the main evidence for the existence of an undegassed mantle reservoir. However, models of helium isotope evolution depend critically on the chemical behaviour of helium during mantle melting. It is generally assumed that helium is strongly enriched in mantle melts relative to uranium and thorium, yet estimates of helium partitioning in mantle minerals have produced conflicting results. Here we present experimental measurements of helium solubility in olivine at atmospheric pressure. Natural and synthetic olivines were equilibrated with a 50% helium atmosphere and analysed by crushing in vacuo followed by melting, and yield a minimum olivine-melt partition coefficient of 0.0025 +/- 0.0005 (s.d.) and a maximum of 0.0060 +/- 0.0007 (s.d.). The results indicate that helium might be more compatible than uranium and thorium during mantle melting and that high 3He/4He ratios can be preserved in depleted residues of melting. A depleted source for high 3He/4He ocean island basalts would resolve the apparent discrepancy in the relative helium concentrations of ocean island and mid-ocean-ridge basalts.  相似文献   

Observation of the ideal Josephson effect in superfluid 4He   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sukhatme K  Mukharsky Y  Chui T  Pearson D 《Nature》2001,411(6835):280-283
Superfluids and superconductors are the only states of condensed matter that can be described by a single wavefunction, with a coherent quantum phase Phi. The mass flow in a superfluid can be described by classical hydrodynamics for small flow velocity, but above a critical velocity, quantized vortices are created and the classical picture breaks down. This can be observed for a superfluid flowing through a microscopic aperture when the mass flow is measured as a function of the phase difference across the aperture; the curve resembles a hysteretic sawtooth where each jump corresponds to the creation of a vortex. When the aperture is made small enough, the system can enter the so-called 'ideal' Josephson regime, where the superfluid mass flow becomes a continuous function of the phase difference. This regime has been detected in superfluid 3He, but was hitherto believed to be unobservable, owing to fluctuations, in 4He. Here we report the observation of the ideal Josephson effect in 4He. We study the flow of 4He through an array of micro-apertures and observe a transition to the ideal Josephson regime as the temperature is increased towards the superfluid transition temperature, Tlambda.  相似文献   

East Asia is one of the few regions in the world where a large number of human fossils have been unearthed. The continuity of hominid fossils in East Asia, particularly in China has been presented as strong evidence supporting an independent origin of modern humans in this area. To search for such evidence of a possible independent origin of modern humans in China, a total of 9988 male individuals were sampled across China. Three Y-chromosome biallelic markers (M89, M130 and YAP), which were located at the non-recombinant region of Y-chromosome, were typed among the samples. Our result showed that all the individuals carry a mutation at one of the three loci. The three mutations (M89T, M130T, YAP+) coalesce to another mutation (M168T), which was originally derived from Africa about 31000 to 79000 years ago. In other words, all Y-chromosome samples from China, with no exception, were originally derived from a lineage of African origin. Hence, we conclude that even a very minor contribution ofin situ hominid origin in China cannot be supported by the Y-chromosome evidence.  相似文献   

Molecular evidence regarding the origin of echolocation and flight in bats   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Bats (order Chiroptera) are one of the few orders of mammals that echolocate and the only group with the capacity for powered flight. The order is subdivided into Microchiroptera and Megachiroptera, with an array of characteristics defining each group, including complex laryngeal echolocation systems in microbats and enhanced visual acuity in megabats. The respective monophylies of the two suborders have been tacitly assumed, although microbat monophyly is uncorroborated by molecular data. Here we present a phylogenetic analysis of bat relationships using DNA sequence data from four nuclear genes and three mitochondrial genes (total of 8,230 base pairs), indicating that microbat families in the superfamily Rhinolophoidea are more closely related to megabats than they are to other microbats. This implies that echolocation systems either evolved independently in rhinolophoids and other microbats or were lost in the evolution of megabats. Our data also reject flying lemur (order Dermoptera) as the bat sister group, indicating that presumed shared derived characters for flying lemurs and bats are convergent features that evolved in association with gliding and flight, respectively.  相似文献   

Massif-type anorthosites are large igneous complexes of Proterozoic age. They are almost monomineralic, representing vast accumulations of plagioclase with subordinate pyroxene or olivine and Fe-Ti oxides--the 930-Myr-old Rogaland anorthosite province in southwest Norway represents one of the youngest known expressions of such magmatism. The source of the magma and geodynamic setting of massif-type anorthosites remain long-standing controversies in Precambrian geology, with no consensus existing as to the nature of the parental magmas or whether these magmas primarily originate in the Earth's mantle or crust. At present, massif-type anorthosites are believed to have crystallized from either crustally contaminated mantle-derived melts that have fractionated olivine and pyroxenes at depth or primary aluminous gabbroic to jotunitic melts derived from the lower continental crust. Here we report rhenium and osmium isotopic data from the Rogaland anorthosite province that strongly support a lower crustal source for the parental magmas. There is no evidence of significantly older crust in southwest Scandinavia and models invoking crustal contamination of mantle-derived magmas fail to account for the isotopic data from the Rogaland province. Initial osmium and neodymium isotopic values testify to the melting of mafic source rocks in the lower crust with an age of 1,400-1,550 Myr.  相似文献   

A G Pearse  A F Carvalheira 《Nature》1967,214(5091):929-930

Stuart FM  Lass-Evans S  Fitton JG  Ellam RM 《Nature》2003,424(6944):57-59
The high 3He/4He ratio of volcanic rocks thought to be derived from mantle plumes is taken as evidence for the existence of a mantle reservoir that has remained largely undegassed since the Earth's accretion. The helium isotope composition of this reservoir places constraints on the origin of volatiles within the Earth and on the evolution and structure of the Earth's mantle. Here we show that olivine phenocrysts in picritic basalts presumably derived from the proto-Iceland plume at Baffin Island, Canada, have the highest magmatic 3He/4He ratios yet recorded. A strong correlation between 3He/4He and 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd and trace element ratios demonstrate that the 3He-rich end-member is present in basalts that are derived from large-volume melts of depleted upper-mantle rocks. This reservoir is consistent with the recharging of depleted upper-mantle rocks by small volumes of primordial volatile-rich lower-mantle material at a thermal boundary layer between convectively isolated reservoirs. The highest 3He/4He basalts from Hawaii and Iceland plot on the observed mixing trend. This indicates that a 3He-recharged depleted mantle (HRDM) reservoir may be the principal source of high 3He/4He in mantle plumes, and may explain why the helium concentration of the 'plume' component in ocean island basalts is lower than that predicted for a two-layer, steady-state model of mantle structure.  相似文献   

Day J  Beamish J 《Nature》2007,450(7171):853-856
Superfluidity--liquid flow without friction--is familiar in helium. The first evidence for 'supersolidity', its analogue in quantum solids, came from torsional oscillator measurements involving 4He. At temperatures below 200 mK, the torsional oscillator frequencies increased, suggesting that some of the solid decoupled from the oscillator. This behaviour has been replicated by several groups, but solid 4He does not respond to pressure differences, and persistent currents and other signatures of superflow have not been seen. Both experiments and theory indicate that defects are involved; these should also affect the solid's mechanical behaviour. Here we report a measurement of the shear modulus of solid 4He at low frequencies and strains. We observe large increases below 200 mK, with the same dependence on measurement amplitude, 3He impurity concentration and annealing as the decoupling seen in the torsional oscillator experiments. We explain this unusual elastic behaviour in terms of a dislocation network that is pinned by 3He at the lowest temperatures but becomes mobile above 100 mK. The frequency changes in the torsional oscillator experiments appear to be related to the motion of these dislocations, perhaps by disrupting a possible supersolid state.  相似文献   

Rivera MC  Lake JA 《Nature》2004,431(7005):152-155
Genomes hold within them the record of the evolution of life on Earth. But genome fusions and horizontal gene transfer seem to have obscured sufficiently the gene sequence record such that it is difficult to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree of life. Here we determine the general outline of the tree using complete genome data from representative prokaryotes and eukaryotes and a new genome analysis method that makes it possible to reconstruct ancient genome fusions and phylogenetic trees. Our analyses indicate that the eukaryotic genome resulted from a fusion of two diverse prokaryotic genomes, and therefore at the deepest levels linking prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the tree of life is actually a ring of life. One fusion partner branches from deep within an ancient photosynthetic clade, and the other is related to the archaeal prokaryotes. The eubacterial organism is either a proteobacterium, or a member of a larger photosynthetic clade that includes the Cyanobacteria and the Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

P Andrews  H Tobien 《Nature》1977,268(5622):699-701
Collections in early Middle Miocene deposits at Pasalar in Turkey have yielded a very rich fauna. Included in this are two hominoid species referred here to Sivapithecus darwini (Abel) 1902 and Ramapithecus wickeri (Leakey) 1962. These are both more primitive morphologically and earlier in time than other species of these genera, and they provide evdence that Sivapithecus and Ramapithecus are closely related and that their early diversification may have occurred not in Africa but in Eurasia.  相似文献   

Accretion of gas onto black holes is thought to power the relativistic jets of material ejected from active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the 'microquasars' located in our Galaxy. In microquasars, superluminal radio-emitting features appear and propagate along the jet shortly after sudden decreases in the X-ray fluxes. This establishes a direct observational link between the black hole and the jet: the X-ray dip is probably caused by the disappearance of a section of the inner accretion disk as it falls past the event horizon, while the remainder of the disk section is ejected into the jet, creating the appearance of a superluminal bright spot. No such connection has hitherto been established for AGN, because of insufficient multi-frequency data. Here we report the results of three years of monitoring the X-ray and radio emission of the galaxy 3C120. As has been observed for microquasars, we find that dips in the X-ray emission are followed by ejections of bright superluminal knots in the radio jet. The mean time between X-ray dips appears to scale roughly with the mass of the black hole, although there are at present only a few data points.  相似文献   

分析了^4He的相图和液体^4He的λ相变,讨论了在不同的温度和压强下相变的类型,指出了液体^4He被称为量子液体的基本原因,介绍了HeⅠ的基本特性,如粘滞系数、热导率,对声波的吸收系数,以及凝聚气体模型,阐述了HeⅡ的反常特性,其中最重要的是超流动性,另外,还介绍了与液体^4He相关的几种前沿应用,如超导电性,激光冷却原子和量子霍耳效应等。  相似文献   

The chief aim of the present work is to investigate the controversy origin of natural gas in the Ordos Basin by using the hydrocarbons of oil water. New evidence has been found: There is relatively high content of light hydrocarbons and low content of heavy components in the hydrocarbons fraction of oil water in the middle gas field of the Majiagou Formation, Ordovician reservoir. The hydrocarbons of oil water in Well Shan 12 and Well Shan 78 have relatively high abundance of tricyclic terpane. Tricyclic terpane/hopane of the two samples are 1.48 and 0.36, respectively. They also show that pregnane and hompregnane are in relatively high abundance with lower hopane/sterane ratio. Pr/Ph is less than 2.0. These characteristics reflected the source input of marine carbonate sedimentary environment. In contrast, the hydrocarbon of Well Shan 81 is lack of tricyclic terpane series and pregnane. It has a high hopane/sterane ratio and Pr/Ph is 3.27. These parameters are typical character of terrestrial organic matter. Furthermore, the hydrocarbons of oil water in Well Shan 37 and Well Shan 34 is between the two typical situations. They have little content of tricyclic terpanes. They may be derived from a mixing source of marine carbonate and terrestrial organic matter input. Similarly, the maturity parameters approve this suggestion. The samples of Well Shan 12 and Well Shan 78 which derived from marine carbonate have relatively high maturity and samples derived from terrestrial organic matter have lower maturity. The maturity of the hydrocarbons of mixing source is between these two situations. The suggestion coincides with the geological background and source rocks distribution.  相似文献   

应用发射光谱平台电极法检验刑事案件中微量煤屑物证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了应用发射光谱平台电极法检验刑事案件中的微量煤屑物证,这种方法在电极形状上加以改进,从而提高了发射光谱分析灵敏度,较好地通过煤屑中微量元素的异同和含量的多少进行煤屑的种屑认定。这种方法所需检材少,再现性好,可用于案件中微量煤屑的检验。  相似文献   

利用手征SU(3)夸克模型,采用共振群方法得到((≡))-N作用相互非定域位以及((≡))超子与10(≡)He壳心核的相互作用势,并利用其计算4(≡)He、8(≡)He、11(≡)B的基态结合能.计算结果表明利用手征SU(3)夸克模型能得到与实验相近的结果.同时本文也对(≡)超核结合能的性质做了初步研究,以进一步加深对重子-重子相互作用的了解.  相似文献   

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